How to make a do-it-yourself florarium? Simple workshops and original ideas

Every year more and more attention is paid to the decorative design of a house. Such items help to emphasize the chosen style, to emphasize the laconic design or to give the room a special atmosphere. It should be noted that florariums are increasingly being used as decor. They look amazingly beautiful and allow you to create a piece of desert or jungle, even in a simple apartment. Of course, their cost is very high, but if desired, you can make an equally attractive option with your own hands.

What is a florarium?

First of all, we note that the florarium is an aquarium-type container in which small plants are grown instead of breeding fish. Often such designs have an unusual shape to provide a suitable microclimate. This decor looks incredibly beautiful, so it will easily decorate any room.

In general, three groups of florarium are distinguished. We suggest that you consider each of them in more detail so that there are no difficulties in the selection process.

Of course, the most popular are the designs of the aquarium type. This means that the base is a regular aquarium with a lid and a backlight. It is believed that this is the most convenient and suitable option for creating an independent ecosystem. In addition, working with him is much easier even for a beginner.

In the process of creating the second group of florariums, various glass vases or even glasses are used. There is a wide variety of such products, so choose the most suitable option for the interior. But keep in mind that working with them will be somewhat more difficult.

The last group of florariums is bottle. Such products always look very impressive and modern. But unfortunately, such an option is the most difficult to manufacture. This is due to the fact that through a narrow neck it is quite difficult to plant plants and care for them. Therefore, consider this point before buying.

For those who are planning to make a florarium for the first time, we recommend choosing not too expensive and voluminous designs. The fact is that even in the simplest glassware, you can create a real masterpiece. After all, much depends on the selected plants. By the way, this nuance should be given special attention. Of course, plants can be very different, but it is very important that they require the same conditions and care. Only taking into account these nuances will it be possible to create a truly beautiful, original florarium with your own hands.

DIY Florarium: step-by-step instructions

As mentioned above, to make a similar decor at home, you can use a variety of glass vessels. Therefore, you can search for a suitable option at home. In this case, the basis will be a simple small aquarium.

Also for work you will need:

  • drainage;
  • moss;
  • priming;
  • additional decor;
  • decor for the surface (pebbles or bugles);
  • gloves
  • tweezers;
  • spray gun with water;
  • watering can.

To begin with, wash my small aquarium well and dry it. At the bottom, pour a little drainage. It can be sand, broken brick, decorative sand or something else. Spray it lightly with water.

Pour a little soil on top. If desired, special additives and fertilizers can be added to it as a kind of top dressing. We also place the moss and proceed to the preparation of the plants. That is, we remove the yellow leaves and clean them a little.

Gently with the help of tweezers we plant the prepared plants in the aquarium. Pour them with plain water using a watering can or syringe.

We fill the surface with pebbles or glass beads, and also place additional decor. In the process, it is important to focus on the initial idea and then the florarium will look very beautiful.

For the second workshop we will use a glass structure of a more complex shape. But it is precisely due to her that the composition looks even more beautiful.

Also prepare:

  • the soil;
  • drainage;
  • decorative figures and pebbles;
  • water;
  • plants.

Wash the glass container and leave it to dry. We lay out the drainage to the bottom and distribute it evenly, as in the photo. If desired, decorative stones can be added at this stage.

Pour the soil into a small container and water it with plain water. This is necessary in order to prepare it a little.

We shift the prepared earth into a glass container. This should be done as carefully as possible so as not to stain the walls of the aquarium.

We plant plants, forming a beautiful composition.

Add interesting decor in the form of pebbles or figures. If desired, even multi-colored sand can be used. Do-it-yourself beautiful florarium is ready!

How to make a do-it-yourself hanging florarium

Suspended florariums are considered one of the most difficult. Nevertheless, we propose to try to do this option with your own hands.

For this we need:

  • glass container;
  • charcoal;
  • plants;
  • priming;
  • drainage;
  • additional decor;
  • scissors;
  • scapula;
  • tweezers;
  • sprayer.

If necessary, wash the container and wipe it well. At the bottom we pour drainage in the form of coarse sand, expanded clay, pebbles or other material.

Pour charcoal or activated carbon over the first layer. This is to prevent mold.

The next layer is slightly moist soil. At this point, you can even add some colored sand. Due to this, the composition will look quite unusual.

We take out the plants from the pots and clean the roots. Using tweezers, we plant them in the florarium.

Spray all the plants with plain water and place the composition in a suitable place.

Florarium: examples of original compositions

In fact, there are many ideas for decorating the florarium. Each of them looks original in its own way, therefore, we have prepared for you a photo selection of the most beautiful options.

Stunningly beautiful, original plant decor will be appropriate in every home. And if you have a desire to do it yourself, then be sure to try it. Be sure that the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Watch the video: Easy DIY Glass Terrariums (October 2024).

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