Description, photos, features of flowering and growing beautiful women in parks and gardens - Pomponella roses

No garden can do without the queen of flowers - roses. One of the beautiful representatives of its class, the abundantly blooming Pomponella will surely appeal to the fastidious lover of roses. She looks very elegant, the bush grows beautiful and magnificent.

From this article you can find out the history of this rose and its differences from other species. You can also read the instructions for breeding Pomponella, learn about the proper care of it, and also look at the photos of this rose.

Detailed description and photo

Pomponella is unpretentious, resistant to diseases. How she looks can be seen in the photo. Flowers grow in brushes of 5-7 pieces, and on one branch there can be up to 17. Roses are bright pink, spherical in shape, resemble pompons, 5 cm in diameter, each flower with 80 petals, tightly pressed against each other.

The bush blooms for a long time - all three months of summer, flowering seems continuous. The height of the bush is usually 80 cm, but can grow up to 1.5 m, a width of about 60 cm. The bush is erect, and the foliage is shiny, dark green in color. The aroma is light, sweet.

Rose is very resistant to disease. The defeat of the diseases common to other roses is extremely rare. The flower is highly resistant to fungal diseases and black spotting, and it is medium resistant to powdery mildew. Many lovers of roses and experienced flower growers call it a rose without any problems.

Due to hot weather, leaves may burn out and an infectious burn. Torrential rains are not a hindrance for Pomponella, they feel great, but intense heat can accelerate flowering, because of which the buds will open too quickly and become a dirty pink color. Due to the abundant flowering, the branches of the bush can lean towards the ground, and therefore they should be tied to supports.

The bush looks best in the fall, when the heat subsides and Pompanella appears in all its splendor. The plant is frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures up to minus 20 C. Despite this, it is worth covering the roots with coniferous spruce branches and loosening the upper part of the soil.

Below you can see a photo of a Pompanella rose:

History of occurrence

Rose Pomponella bred by German breeders, belongs to the class of Floribunda, which means - abundantly blooming. The variety was bred in 2005 by W. Kordes & Sons breeders. It turned out a beautiful flower with excellent resistance to disease, abundant flowering and picky. Crohn develops extensive, long flowering, pion-shaped buds.

The awards that Pomponella received:

  • The ADR mark was assigned in 2006.
  • Gold Award Lyon 2006 and Geneva 2005.
  • Silver was won at The Hague 2010, Baden Baden in 2009, Kortrijk 2007.
  • Bronze obtained in The Hague 2008 and in Paris 2008.

What is the difference from other plant species?

The main difference of Pomponella is disease resistance and incredibly plentiful flowering throughout the summer period, moreover, roses do not grow alone, but with whole inflorescences. Flowers do not crumble, even with heavy rain and retain their shape. Despite the unpretentiousness, some planting conditions must be observed, and every flower loves self-care.

Pruning and top dressing are required, as for another plant. The better the care, the more magnificent flowering awaits for next year.


Only in the first year, the rose does not bloom as abundantly as always, but then every year it will delight with lush flowering.

  1. When and how? Flowering begins in late spring and ends in early autumn. All this period, you need to carefully remove the faded inflorescences, so that the rose gives even more beautiful and fragrant pompons.
  2. Care before and after flowering - features. Care for Pomponella is pruning, which is carried out in spring and autumn. Pruning of shoots is carried out, wilted inflorescences are cut off, fertilizing and standard preventive spraying from diseases and pests are performed.
  3. What to do if it does not bloom? If Pomponella does not bloom, first you need to pay attention to:

    • The year of planting, if this is her first year, then the flower takes root, looks closely, the main flowering will begin from the second year.
    • The place where the rose is planted should be protected from drafts and be in partial shade.
    • The soil must be neutral or slightly acidic.
    • The presence of groundwater will adversely affect the health of the bush.
    • Incorrect pruning of the bush (too strong or insufficient).

Simple rules of care will help to grow a real beauty in the garden.

Use in landscape design

In landscape design, Pomponella has a special place on the curbs. The abundance of roses at the track looks unusual and spectacular. A grown rose in the form of a single tree (can be obtained by special pruning) will look just as noble and elegant.

Step-by-step care instructions

For abundant flowering and good growth, the rose needs to choose not only the right place, but also provide the conditions for its growth.

  • Choosing a landing place. For Pomponella, a shaded area that is closed from strong winds and drafts is best. Too sunny a place can cause burns of leaves, wilting buds and as a result a disease, and in a continuous shadow there will not be such a good flowering.
  • Landing time. For planting roses, it is best to choose autumn September or spring April. If the seedling was bought in another period, it is better to protect the roots from drying out by wrapping it with a wet cloth and leaving it in a cool place, the stems should remain open.
  • What should be the soil? The soil should be depleted, you can make a little fresh soil, removing part of the old. Pomponella does not like excessive moisture, and therefore she will not like the close proximity of groundwater. Soil pH should be neutral or slightly acidic.
  • Landing (methods). Rosa Pomponella propagated by seedlings. When choosing, you should pay attention to the development of the root system. The better and healthier the root of the plant, the more it will grow faster and healthier. The root should be woody, the leaves are fresh, and the stem is springy. It is better not to buy a plant if its appearance does not seem healthy; seedlings whose age is not more than three years are also recommended for purchase.

    In the shops you can find packed roses produced in Holland or Poland (most often), they appear on the shelves at the end of winter and say that they didn’t sell in their country in the fall and were transported here. Such plants will require additional care, as they weakened during the winter.

  • Temperature. The rose can withstand temperatures from -20 to +40 C. In any case, it is better to cover the plant in winter, and in the summer, ensure that it is in the shade for at least half a day.
  • Watering. Pomponella is very fond of water, but not its surplus. The site should be without groundwater, and watering is carried out directly on the roots, without touching the stems and leaves. The rose is watered abundantly; by autumn, watering is reduced.
  • Top dressing. The first year of planting, Pomponella is not fertilized; after a year, it is fed with liquid organic fertilizer. Further, mineral fertilizers and organic matter are introduced up to 7 times alternating annually.
  • Weeding. Weeding should not be ignored, the plant will be grateful for the removal of weeds in the tree trunk. At the same time, the cultivation of the ground part of the earth is also carried out.
  • Pruning. Trim necessarily fattening shoots and faded buds. In the fall, everything that has faded is removed and diseased branches are removed. In the spring, after waking up, branches should be shortened by 5-7 buds. This pruning is called moderate and promotes abundant flowering.
  • Transfer. Transplanting to another place is best done in the fall, when the air temperature drops to + 10С0 and the sap flow stops.
  • Preparing for the winter. To prepare the rose for winter, loosen the topsoil, providing air access to the roots and cover with spruce branches, and burlap on top. Warming is carried out after trimming and removing faded parts of the plant.

How to propagate?

In order to preserve the varietal signs of the rose, they can only be propagated vegetatively, and therefore, cuttings can be used on your personal plot. For harvesting the cuttings, a grown and stronger shrub is needed. After the first wave of flowering, you can prepare cuttings:

  1. Cuttings are cut 10 cm long, the thickness should be up to 0.7 cm. The upper cut is made straight, 5 mm from the kidney, the lower oblique is 450.
  2. All branches, leaves and spikes are removed.
  3. Hold the cuttings in a growth accelerator, for better rooting.
  4. It sits in a hole 10 cm deep. The distance between the cuttings is maintained at least 15 cm.
  5. Everything is covered with a film, which is located at a small distance from the ground, so that it does not lie on the seedlings.

Periodically, the film is removed, the earth is loosened, watering is carried out and weeds are removed. In this form, seedlings are held for 2 seasons and only after that they are planted in a permanent place.

Diseases and Pests

Pomponella is one of the few plant varieties that is extremely resistant to diseases and pests. The most common disease is sunburn. However, do not neglect preventive spraying and regular pruning of damaged and faded parts. Performing the necessary simple manipulations, Pomponella will never be sick, and in order to avoid burning out of the bushes, it is enough to choose the right place for her.

Beautiful in the garden and the queen among the flowers, Pomponella will not leave anyone indifferent. An abundance of inflorescences and ease of care will fall in love with any gardener. Bright flowers with a delicate attractive and delicate aroma will add to the garden splendor and beauty.

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