Rules for choosing fire cabinets, model overview

To date, fire fighting equipment has a huge number of varieties. However, fire cabinets remain the most important security features, and alarms appear to be the most common fire warning method.

Purpose and features

According to fire safety standards, such cabinets closed with gate valves must be placed in any buildings, regardless of their purpose and design features. In addition to public buildings, stainless steel fire cabinets are often mounted in residential premises, but they are subject to numerous requirements.

This hinged variety of cabinets is designed for convenient storage of funds necessary for quick fire fighting. Cranes and hydrants are conveniently placed here. According to GOST standards, they are mandatory for placement at industrial enterprises, in places of car storage, as well as many other buildings. Stainless steel is used as the main material for the construction.

The production variety of fire cabinets, in addition to the basic means of fighting fire, includes special alarms, equipment, pumps. The number of pumps and valves depends on the configuration. The fire alarm cabinet is among the non-standard options, but it is used relatively often. Such options, as a rule, include an electric pump and other types of special equipment.

There is also a fire pump control cabinet, in which special varieties of fire fighting equipment are located, which are responsible for managing the equipment. Just like the fire damper control cabinet, this variant is used, for the most part, in large enterprises.


There are several categories of fire cabinets, which can vary in a number of ways. For starters, this is the functional content of a hinged enclosed facility. The capabilities that such stainless cabinets are able to provide for firefighters engaged in the fight against fire directly depend on it.

Another important parameter that differentiates between stainless steel fire cabinets is the installation method. The effectiveness of the fight against fire depends on it, as well as its ease of use, because the time required to access the fire equipment changes significantly from the method and location.

By way of placement

A closed metal cabinet can be placed at once in several ways, the choice of which depends on the variety. The mounted type is one of the most common. The hinged variety is mounted on the walls with the help of special fasteners, which ensures quick access to the contents of the cabinet in case of emergency.

The integrated structure is located in a wall niche. At the same time, the installation height always takes into account the height of the cabinet so that it can be used without difficulty in case of fire.

Attached models are often placed near the walls of the room, in niches. Their main difference from built-in and mounted analogues is the ability to install with a focus on the floor, which significantly expands the scope of their application.

RecessedWallThe attached

By type of fire extinguisher

A fire extinguisher, the presence of which is provided by some cabinets, can use various substances to extinguish a fire. Manual fire extinguishers, which are often called portable, have a weight of up to 20 kg and, like other fire fighting equipment, are located in cabinets. If the device by weight exceeds this indicator, it belongs to the category of mobile. Large street hoses, being part of some kits, are often used in the process of extinguishing a fire.

The color of the metal product does not have to be red. In the photo you can often see a white stainless steel cabinet designed for two or one fire extinguisher, which fits much better into the interior of the building. In this case, according to the requirements, the marking PS is applied on a white background in red letters. Other parameters of the cabinet’s appearance are not regulated, which allows using white or any other color that is different from the accepted standards.

Depending on the substance used, fire extinguishers are divided into:

  • air foam;
  • water;
  • powder;
  • combined;
  • gas.

Each of the varieties has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the appropriateness of placement and the effectiveness of using a particular type is determined by the possible nature of the fire and other conditions.

By the number of fire equipment

Since a metal firefighter cabinet is used to store fire fighting means, its functional content should be disassembled in more detail. On the type of fire-fighting tools placed in the fire cabinet, its effectiveness in various conditions depends in many respects.

This special metal piece of furniture in white or red can be used for:

  • storage of one or two fire hydrants, hydrants, fire hoses, additional components for the crane;
  • placing a fire extinguisher;
  • joint placement of the first two funds.

In addition, a closed white cabinet for two or more products can be classified as multifunctional, which requires special filling. At the same time, such a closed stainless steel cabinet has special markings: in the first two cases, it will be ШП-К and ШП-О, and if there is a fire extinguisher and a crane, at the same time, a cabinet for a fire hydrant from stainless steel will be marked ШП-К-О. If it belongs to the multifunctional category, it will be marked as SHPMI.

The cabinet with the designation ШП-К, according to the standards, contains a shut-off valve, a pressure sleeve, a barrel for supplying water, as well as connecting heads. In some cases, this closed product is equipped with a cassette designed to simplify the storage and use of the sleeve. A fire product may include one or two cranes, as well as other means.

ШП-О is designed to store 1 or 2 fire extinguishers and is divided into several subgroups, depending on the type and quantity of similar equipment. ШП-К-О combines both the extinguishing sleeve with all the necessary attributes, and a fire extinguisher, which makes it the most versatile variety. It is the most effective analogue of a street extinguishing agent, such as a classic hydrant.

ShPMI seems to be a non-standard variant of a fireproof stainless steel cabinet - its internal filling is similar to a closed cabinet ШП-К-О, however it contains many additional elements, among which:

  • personal protective equipment against fire and smoke;
  • devices for descent from a height;
  • medical kit;
  • tools for saving people.

This type of fire cabinet seems to be the most advanced, but is used, most often, in large enterprises and public institutions with a large crowd of people and a high need for fire hydrants.

By the type of door

The design of the door can vary significantly, depending on the modification of the product, which has a significant impact on the convenience of the cabinet in operation and its effectiveness. The most common option is a stainless steel door, similar to the cabinet body, with a transparent plastic insert for better control. This option is incredibly convenient for periodically checking the condition and availability of fire extinguishing equipment at the facility.

Blind doors are less common, as they are less convenient. The inability to view the contents is partially compensated by the information posted or printed on the components contained in it. Locking devices, as a rule, are simple and reliable, and sealing devices do not prevent the cabinet from opening quickly.

Monitoring the status of cabinets should be carried out not only by supervisory authorities, but also by employees of the enterprise. Supervision of hoses and other equipment must be carried out at the end of each working day. This will guarantee that the fire service does not impose penalties on the company.

With a blank doorWith transparent door

Materials of manufacture

According to current requirements, any non-combustible variety, including stainless steel, can be used as a material for a fire cabinet. Nevertheless, in practice, manufacturers produce metal products from special sheet material. Its thickness is 1-1.5 mm, which is quite enough for the safe storage of fire fighting equipment.

The following materials can be used to make the fire cabinet:

  • non-combustible metal - such a design must be necessarily covered with powder paint on top;
  • wood - a refractory composition is used to process the box;
  • plastic - just like wood, such a box must be treated with a special compound.

The color of the product, as mentioned earlier, can be white or red, depending on the wishes of the buyer. In general, according to the requirements of GOST R 51844-2009, which regulate the rules by which PS can be produced, it is advisable to note that there is only one requirement for materials - incombustibility. This potentially allows manufacturers to create cabinets from any material with similar properties. However, it seems practically impossible to find a fire cabinet made of non-steel or alloy.

Another important aspect is the anti-corrosion coating, which allows the product to maintain its appearance and performance properties for a long time. Such a coating should withstand prolonged exposure to low and high temperatures, without changing its properties.

The design of the cabinet involves the separate storage of all extinguishing media, which is implemented through specially designed compartments. Steel and aluminum alloys are most often used as the material for manufacture, and gate valves are used as the locking mechanism. The latter option is especially popular, since the weight of the cabinet, depending on the installation method, cannot exceed 35 (mounted) - 60 kg (attached), which imposes serious restrictions on the list of materials available for use.


Selection rules

In order to guarantee the high efficiency of the fire cabinet in case of fire, you will need to be responsible for the choice of product. When planning to purchase a metal cabinet, you must first take into account the conditions in which you plan to place it, as well as its size.

The choice of installation type should be based on the characteristics of the room and the location of potential sources of ignition. The length of the fire hose should be sufficient for quick access to such a fire from the fire cabinet. Products equipped with a sleeve with a non-standard length, far from always comply with current standards. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the product, as well as its dimensions, which should not impede quick access to the contents of the cabinet.

An equally important nuance is how much each product door can open. This indicator should not be less than 160 degrees, otherwise when removing fire extinguishing means, difficulties may arise. Locks, mechanisms with a latch, seals should be simple and allow opening a closed stainless steel cabinet in a short time.

Despite the fact that the dimensions that a metal cabinet has, namely height and width, are not standardized, there are obvious restrictions regarding the depth of the product. Its dimensions should not exceed 30 cm. This is the optimal value in terms of storage efficiency and ease of extraction of extinguishing agents. The length of the product should be selected individually, depending on specific needs.

It is recommended to purchase hinged products with transparent inserts in the doors, as this will significantly simplify the monitoring of the status of components. The complete set of the fire cabinet must meet the needs and characteristics of the room. If it is characterized by increased fire hazard, one should not give preference to simple options, involving a limited number of extinguishing agents. Such savings are fraught with low efficiency in the event of a serious fire, which significantly increases the risks associated with property losses and loss of life.



Watch the video: Flammable Storage Cabinets (October 2024).

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