Blue color and its combinations

Blue color is not the most demanded in relation to the interior, as many are repelled by its coldness. But once in the blue interior, we feel pacified, calm, he disposes us to think. By the way, it is proved that this color normalizes the heartbeat and pressure. It also reduces appetite, so it’s great for people who want to lose weight.

A small note. Since the blue color belongs to the cold palette, it acts refreshingly and is somewhat cool. This suggests that this color is perfect for rooms with windows to the east. But for those rooms whose windows face north, the blue is not very suitable, it will make them too cold, as well as small dark rooms.

But, in principle, the blue color and its shades are well suited to any room, the main thing is to choose the right tone and choose a combination with other colors.

Blue chill can turn any room into a cozy and fresh

Add white to blue

In terms of combination with blue, designers are most often advised to take white. Here two tasks are solved at once. The first is a visual increase in space due to white. And the second - blue brings freshness to the room. So what follows from this? This combination of white and blue is ideal for small rooms that need freshness. And for very small rooms, this union will be just saving. Moreover, white is recommended for walls and ceilings, and blue for furniture and windows, but there may be other options. It is also important in this color scheme not to draw attention to the color of the floor, let it be neutral.

The blue and white combination is very often used to create marine interiors. The union of these two colors makes us associate with sea foam, the boundless expanse of blue water and the eternal sky above our heads. This design is suitable not only for lovers of sea landscapes, but also just for romantic people who love to reflect in a calm and quiet environment.

However, do not forget that this combination is still very cold and if such an atmosphere is welcome, then you can safely choose the rich shades of blue.

When choosing rich shades of blue, you should remember about its cold properties.

  • Blue and white kitchen with deep blue

    Helps reduce appetite

  • But do not take a lot of blue for the kitchen -

    There is a risk of “freezing” and “starving” all the time

  • The dark blue dining room is not for everyone

    She is strict, cold and businesslike.

  • It’s easy to recover in such a bathroom after a hard day at work

    And wake up quickly in the morning

  • Few people know that a dark blue and white bedroom ...

    This is a great place to relax, sleep will be light and calm.


And if you want the interior to be not too cold, but only refreshing, then it is better to prefer soft shades of blue, close to blue and turquoise. And white, by the way, you can choose from a sweet palette: cream, the color of coffee with milk and so on.

  • Not only the combination with white will help reduce the intensity of blue,

    But also the choice of soft shades

  • Light and airy atmosphere

    A corner of refreshing relaxation

  • If a large window is added to such an interior, then the dream will not only be light,

    But also warm from the sun


Tree on a blue background

For blue interiors, wood is perfect for both material and color. They complement each other perfectly, creating a certain sophistication. After all, both of them personify nature: a tree is a tree, and blue is a sea, sky, wildflowers. So, blue can be represented in any shade, but it is better to select a tree for it in saturated tones: cherry, dark nut, mahogany, dark oak, chestnut, teak.

Related colors: blue and green

On the color palette, blue and green are located side by side, such colors are called similar, they are opaque, and, therefore, calm. This combination has gained popularity not so long ago, before it was feared and simply forbidden to use both in the interior and in clothes. But in our time there is no place for prejudice, and in fact it is clear that this union of colors is simply magnificent, it brings depth, harmony and liveliness.

Blue-green interior - harmonious and vibrant

Children love these colors very much, besides this design is perfect for a room for both boys and girls, and even if both live in the same room.

Interiors in a blue-green design have a very positive effect on a person: they do not tire, do not irritate, on the contrary, cool, reconcile and soothe. The thing is in association with nature, since green represents the earth (more precisely, grass), and blue is the sky. Due to this, such interiors become fresh, cool and light.

We already said at the beginning that the blue interior of the kitchen promotes moderate appetite, and so the blue-green setting has the same qualities, but in addition to reducing appetite, they also suppress the desire to consume sweets.

In the bedroom, such a duet has a beneficial effect on sleep; it is easy to relax and quickly fall asleep in its surroundings. Regarding shades, one can say that the basic rules apply: saturated colors - a cooler atmosphere, soft - a calm atmosphere.

Brown accents in a blue interior

The neutrality of brown relaxes the intensity of blue, softens its cold. But such a tandem will be appropriate only in a spacious room, and a small room in this design will become too gloomy. Based on this, shades of these colors are also selected. That is, in a large room you can safely take saturated tones of blue and brown. But in a room with more modest dimensions, it is better to take muted shades of both colors, then you can avoid the feeling of gloom.

Reconciliation of irreconcilable colors: blue and red

This is the union of two very strong colors. The properties of blue are the opposite of those of red. Red is an incentive to action, increased heat sensitivity, reduction of space, but blue, on the contrary, is the color of calm, reflection, reduction of heat sensitivity and expansion of space. Why then use these colors together if they are in clear antagonism? Everything is very simple. Creating such a duet, their qualities and properties are combined. For example, the costumes of Hollywood superheroes are made in such a combination (with more blue). What is this talking about? That the hero is reasonable, calm, kind, but at the same time brave and courageous. About the same thing can be said about the interiors in blue and red design.

Incidentally, in order to make blue and red colors get along better, they add white, which passes like a catalyst and balances their forces.

You can neutralize the eternal struggle of blue and red with white.

Another subtlety. Do not take these colors in the same amount, then their struggle will become too obvious. It is better if one of them is dominant, and the second is complementary. To whom what role to give depends on the temperature preference for the room. If the task is to make the room warmer, then the main one should be red. For a cool atmosphere, give solo to blue.

Blue with orange and yellow

Blue and orange are a rather bright and bold combination, very catchy and for some even immodest. These colors are complementary shades, which leads to extreme expressiveness and balance. Most often, such a combination can be seen in the clothes of strong-willed youth, denying authority, preferring freedom of choice and craving for adventure. But in the interior, this tandem also found its application: rooms with a sports slope, bathrooms, home cinemas, children's rooms, where orange and blue stimulate the imagination and development of children.

This combination also creates beautiful Mediterranean, beach and tropical interiors. To do this, take mainly warm shades of blue and natural tones of orange (sand). And to create a purely marine style, blue can be in a classic form, but it is better to take blue-green, aquamarine and pale blue.

The combination of blue and yellow is called not just bright, but piercing. These flowers have nothing in common, they represent one of the few strong contrasts. This is appropriate for impressionism, which combines the most conflicting feelings and sensations. The blue-yellow union is very noticeable, but not annoying, thanks to the calmness of the blue. Therefore, it is better to use more blue and less yellow for interior decoration, as designers advise 1 3. Also, professionals note that with the help of this combination you can make the room expressive and unusual. And for the child’s room, these colors are excellent, the children really like this duet because of its brightness, it’s not for nothing that Snow White’s dress is blue and yellow. As for the other rooms, only creative personalities, thrill-seekers and adherents of tolerance dare to make them blue-yellow.

Blue and pastel palette (beige)

The whole pastel palette, and in particular, beige and sand make blue more warm and softer. For a small living room that you want to make cozy and bright at the same time, this is the most successful option.

This combination takes the best from both colors: from blue freshness, from beige coziness

This combination is suitable for almost any room (except for the nursery), giving lightness, simplicity and at the same time grace.

This interior will never be boring, it will have a friendly mood and calm.

With the help of this union, any modern style can be made in the classic version, which is manifested in the color selection.

If we take more saturated shades of blue, and in the dominant version, then the room will acquire notes of rigor and solidity, not devoid of a powerful influence.

Saturated blue shades will help emphasize the solidity and respectability of this duo.

Blue and black

This is a very rare combination, for many it seems too gloomy. Black seems to enhance the cold intensity of blue, and therefore for small rooms it is undesirable to use such a union. But in spacious rooms you can take a chance.

When working with this combination, designers advise the main ones to take blue, and only emphasize forms with black. This will give the interior sophistication and elegance.

So that the black color does not make the blue interior very gloomy, its role should be emphasizing and complementing

So, blue interiors, what about them? Yes, they are cold, but calm and sobering, giving peace and ease. And to enhance the desired feeling you just need to choose the appropriate shade and color - the “neighbor”.

Watch the video: Colors We Love: Color Combinations - Sherwin-Williams (October 2024).

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