Fusion style: modern and practical

If it so happens that you find yourself in a space that is bored and monotonous, called "stalin", "Khrushchev", where there is nothing to linger on your eyes, rest, do not despair, the fusion style will help transform and decorate your life.

What is fusion, its features

There are many styles in architecture and interior design that allow you to optimally realize the ideas of a shocking person that emphasize his unique character, sophisticated and extraordinary taste. One of these styles is fusion style. The word "fusion" (merger, Eng.), Very accurately reflects the essence of this style. It does not have certain elements, it can combine different cultures, diametrically opposed styles, forms, concepts, but this does not violate the harmony of the surrounding space. The idea of ​​the style itself is to move from chaos to the universe.

The history of the fusion style

The history of fusion style is uncertain. No one knows exactly how and where it originated, despite the fact that the existence of the fusion style is quite short. Some believe that fusion arose in the Philippines in the 80s, while others consider it to be the homeland of the United States, where in the 90s American designers began to combine the incongruous, to combine the inconsistent in the interior of the apartments, and then in architecture. But this is not the point. The main thing is that the scope of its application is growing and expanding.

Fusion style came to the taste of people who do not recognize the stereotypes of the world around them, who like to experiment everywhere and in everything, but at the same time, without denying the harmony of the world. The most common area for the implementation of exclusive solutions in the style of fusion is an apartment, or some kind of its own room, less often - personal plots. Popular objects for fusion style are a sleeping room, a living room, less often, a kitchen room.

What elements of fusion style do you need to know about and what experts advise

  1. To make your apartment look exactly in the style of fusion, and not in the form of an incomprehensible space, so that, on occasion, show off to your comrades and colleagues with your unique apartment, and at the same time, with your imagination, you should know the following:
  2. Before you get started, think carefully about what you want to get as a result;
  3. Harmony should be in everything, the presence of harmony is unconditional for the fusion style;
  4. Fusion style determines the unlimited flight of your imagination, but ... nevertheless, better than a fusion specialist, no one can help you realize it. Attracting a specialist will eliminate the risk of violating the harmony of space;
  5. Contrasting in appearance, property, color are used materials, things, plants;
  6. Mandatory compliance with harmonious colors. The presence of white color is mandatory, it may prevail over other colors. The color scheme should not cause a feeling of concern, anxiety. Must comply with the purpose of the premises;
  7. Making your entire apartment in fusion style can be an expensive pleasure, but using a room for this purpose can be quite affordable for you;
  8. Despite the rich imagination and your outrageousness, it would be nice to see how other fusion style proponents did it

1. Sleeping room

Requires a special approach to its design in fusion style. The use of contrasting colors, while the obligatory presence of white creates a calming environment, which should be characteristic of a bedroom.

A great addition to the color scheme is a fireplace, it doesn’t matter for firewood or an electric one, but still its presence always creates peace in the surrounding space.

In the bedroom, white is present only in bedding. Walls, floors should also have contrasting colors, but their color scheme should not be aggressive. The presence in the bedroom of some avant-garde thing, especially a picture, or a doormat in the form of the skin of some beast, will be a good addition to the above elements.

2. Living room

The best room to demonstrate to your friends and acquaintances the uniqueness of their apartment and the subtleties of their perception of the world. Different levels of surfaces are characteristic. Protruding planes can be on the floor, walls, ceiling. This not only gives the room a special, unique look, but also helps to hide some of the shortcomings of your room, inherited from previous owners or other old styles.

The design of walls that are directly opposite in appearance and properties, drywall and ashlar, wallpaper, panels and tiles is popular.

If the conditions allow, then it is possible to have representatives of the flora of different countries and continents of the planet in it, and even at the exit from it. Exotic plants, combined with the local flora, give a special touch to the surrounding space.

3. Workroom

It uses the same elements of fusion style: the contrast of colors, the obligatory presence of white, the design of walls of different in appearance, properties of materials, except stone. But there still should be a more ascetic setting. Nothing should distract from work. Only necessary. Antiquities are not excluded. Due to the limited space (a small room is usually used for an office), different leveling of surfaces will be superfluous.

Very often fusion-style apartments combine the present, the past and the future. The past is presented in the form of all kinds of antiques or antiquated things: furniture, lamps, dishes, figurines, paintings, etc. At the same time, it is important that things belong to different peoples and cultures. Thus, as if there is a connection between the times.

The future is usually present in the form of extravagant products, such as lamps.

Unusually executed paintings, designs, figures are also elements of the future.

The natural interest in the culture of different peoples of the planet is reflected in the fusion style. Unity with other peoples and cultures is expressed in the presence of things, products, works of art of these peoples or performed by contemporaries in the manner of these peoples.

Having decided to use the fusion style in your apartment, you will undoubtedly get your unusual and comfortable corner where you can relax from the daily routine in perfect harmony with the outside world.

Watch the video: Modern Slideshow Animation in Fusion. BlackMagic Fusion 9 Tutorial (October 2024).

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