Doors in the bathroom - your selection criteria

Most likely, you, the reader, are a meticulous person and are not used to doing everything with a condo, that is, without hesitation. There are no trifles for you - everything is significant. The correct position in life. So the question of what should be the doors in the bathroom, you came up correctly. At first glance, it seems simple. In fact, there are subtleties here, without knowing which, you will not be able to choose and install the door for the bathroom correctly. But by reading this article, you will do it. So, select the door.

Door cover - all over the head

First of all, it must be taken into account that the bathroom has a feature - high humidity. Therefore, the door must be resistant to moisture. Otherwise, such a door will give you a lot of trouble with its deformation, appearance and quick rot. Naturally, this is not included in your plans.

What can make it moisture resistant and wear resistant? Of course, the material from which it is made. Well, to be precise, the main role in this issue is played not so much what the door is made of, but how it is covered. Our ancestors knew this and have long used it. But since there were no special materials in those days, the simplest way to protect the doors from moisture was used - painting the doors. This option is in demand today. It is good because it can be used for any door, even the most complex design. The door material is also not an obstacle to this. Enamel or varnish is used for coating. You can do both together. There is only one minus in this option - a bad painter. But this is fixable.

But progress does not stand still. Today there is a whole door industry that takes into account all your wishes. During the manufacture of doors, new types of coatings are used, which have their pros and cons.

Consider the most common bathroom door covers:

  • Laminate and Laminate (CPL). They are lacquered paper. The only difference between them is that laminate is a better material than laminate. More resistant to wear. A door covered with a laminate, after a year of operation, will have an unsightly appearance, although at a price it is more attractive, since it is the cheapest of the entire price list. But, a cheap fish, but a bitter yushka, as they used to say in the old days. The advantage of doors with this coating is that their color shades are always the same. This is very convenient when replacing an ugly door.
  • PVC and Eco-veneer. They are the most common types of coverage. They are plastic films. Ideal for protection against moisture, resistant to wear. PVC has the highest wear resistance among other coatings, but due to the presence of chloride in its composition, low environmental friendliness, although it meets sanitary standards. The eco-veneer appeared relatively recently and, thanks to its remarkable properties, quickly gained popularity. In comparison with PVC, it has a higher environmental friendliness (does not contain chloride) and attractiveness. It is a polypropylene film with imitation of wood, not only structure, but also texture. Despite the similarity in the name, do not confuse it with veneer.
  • Veneer. The most environmentally friendly and most expensive coating. It is made of several thin layers of wood, and of different species. Thanks to this coating, the door has the appearance of its prototype, made entirely of solid wood. This has several advantages: cheaper, higher moisture resistance and heat resistance, lighter (hollow inside). However, in comparison with the above coatings, it is inferior to them in the parameters critical for the bathroom. Due to its high naturalness, this is the most expensive coating. Accordingly, the doors themselves covered with it. And one more detail - this type of door should not be in the area of ​​direct water. If this condition cannot be met, they should be treated with high-quality varnish.

The design of the door in the bathroom is a matter of your taste

The next thing you should know when choosing a door is its design. Although, in principle, this is more a matter of your aesthetic taste. But knowledge of the design will allow you to choose the right door to your taste and purpose.

Let's get acquainted with some of them, the most common:

  • Shield doors. They are a frame closed on both sides with MDF sheets. The inner void is filled with honeycomb (cardboard or MDF). The advantage of this design is its low cost, but not at the expense of quality. Doors are resistant to deformation.
  • Panel doors. They have not lost their popularity, despite the fact that their history spans several centuries. They consist of a frame, middle peasants (wooden blocks for screed scaffold) and panels inserted between the middle peasants. Doors are quite heavy and expensive than panel doors, but more resistant to changes in humidity and temperature.
  • Door locks. They are two vertical bars connected by transverse tsar-bars. They are interesting as a design element, due to the possibility of using various types of tsars and their combinations. A common option is the drawer elements with glass inserts.
  • Molding doors. They consist of large glass framed by molded racks. Glass is a triplex and can have many texture options. The doors are heavy, have poor sound insulation. Thanks to their design, they fit well into any interior, which makes them very popular.

Due to poor sound insulation, installation of molded doors in the bathroom is undesirable. However, if you really want to install them, you can limit the area of ​​the glass.

An interesting view have French molded doors.

Fans of exotic interior styles will like Asian molded doors.

  • Glass doors. Many people are wary of such doors, not trusting their reliability. But in vain, because for such doors a special, tempered glass is used. You are not going to open them with a hammer. As well as molded, glass doors fit well into the interior, give the bathroom elegance and sophistication, especially highlighting the shower area.

Ways to open doors. Functionality First

Important in the interior of the bathroom is the way to open the door. If you do not pay attention to this, you can create a lot of inconvenience in the room, miss the opportunity to make it spacious and comfortable. We will talk about this further.

Most often, swing doors are installed in the bathroom. The name of the door itself speaks of a way to open it. Doors of this type make it possible to isolate the exterior of the apartment well from humidity and functional noise, and the room itself from dangerous drafts. This is an important plus of these doors. In the old days they said about this: "Fear of a draft that will not extinguish a candle, but life will extinguish." Therefore, swing doors are the oldest and most reliable.

In view of the modern man’s desire for free space, sliding doors entered the arena of room design, or in other words sliding doors. Thanks to this type of door, you can significantly increase the living space of a room. They are very convenient, they are pleasant to use. But there are some buts. Firstly, they do not provide isolation of the room. Secondly, after some time the mechanism of their movement begins to rattle no worse than the doors of a carriage compartment. Maybe this is a trifle, but still unpleasant. And thirdly, compartment doors look more like a screen, albeit an original one. To all of the above, you can add a certain complexity to their installation, especially internal.

Sometimes such an interesting option for opening doors as a casement is used, or in another way a “book”. It is, of course, original, but more suitable for any other room than for a bathroom. The disadvantages are the same as in the previous version.


As you can see, the choice of a door to the bathroom is not simple and requires certain knowledge. We hope that this article has helped to become your own person in the world of doors. From now on, you will look at them with a more meaningful look and you won’t be fooled by all kinds of advertising tricks, the purpose of which is to give the buyer a thing he doesn’t need. Good luck choosing a bathroom door!

Watch the video: OFFICE TOILET REVEAL TOUR l SMALL TOILET DESIGN l Ask Iosis Hindi Interior Design India (October 2024).

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