Overview of school furniture, important features and selection rules

Children are the future of any state and society, they will change their usual way of life and make discoveries. They have in their arsenal the knowledge gained by their predecessors. In order to put all this knowledge into the heads of children, competent teachers and mentors will be required. Schools teach young geniuses, but it will be difficult for any person to perceive material if the situation in the classroom is not distinguished by cosiness and convenience. Comfortable and functional furniture for the school allows the children to sit comfortably in the classroom and thoughtfully complete tasks. Special furniture sets are located not only in classrooms, but also in libraries, assembly halls and other premises of the educational institution.

Features and requirements

Children who are accustomed to develop in the first years of their lives by playing on the street or in kindergarten, very poorly tolerate an unusual load for their organisms. High school students must spend most of their time in the walls of their home school, it can be very difficult for young organisms to withstand it, so the main task of manufacturers of school furniture sets is to ensure the convenience of children and reduce stress on the spine. For the arrangement of training sites, ordinary furniture is not suitable, the environment must meet a number of requirements that ensure the safety and comfort of students:

  • Tables and chairs to be studied should correspond to the growth of the child. To check this parameter, a rail is used, on which risks are applied with an interval of 15 cm, and between these marks are painted groups of furniture corresponding to the student's height. Since children grow very fast, in many educational institutions the administration buys regulated desks and chairs;
  • Another feature according to which furniture for classrooms is chosen is its strength. Even well-educated and disciplined children often indulge, swing on chairs during boring lessons, sit at desks. Not every furniture will withstand such an attitude, therefore, the criterion of strength is especially sensitive;
  • Children love to run, push each other, play outdoor games, during this pastime they often fall and can hit. To reduce the number of injuries, you should choose furniture for a class with rounded corners.

In addition to these features, there are several mandatory hygienic requirements for school furniture:

  • It should be made of environmentally friendly materials;
  • It is not allowed to paint anything in the class with toxic paint or varnish. For painting student furniture use compounds that do not have a pungent odor made from natural ingredients;
  • GOSTs for school furniture strictly regulate its fire safety, it is possible to achieve good resistance to burning due to the impregnation of all materials with special substances. Exactly the same way they treat the walls, floor and ceiling in an educational institution;
  • Sharp metal parts, twisting screws or splinters on a wooden surface are not allowed.

Compliance of all furniture in the school with the listed requirements allows children to feel comfortable. In this case, the discomfort when sitting at the desk will not distract students from classes.


School is not only school desks and chairs located in front of the blackboard, it is a much more complex system, where at the same time there are many types of furniture designed for a variety of purposes. Depending on the location in a particular office, various types of furniture are chosen.

Furniture for elementary school should interest children. At a young age, they form habits that remain for life. In order for the kids to get used to maintaining order in their workplace, it is necessary to make this process fascinating. For these purposes, desks can be equipped with special holders for pens, erasers, pencils. Often children's workplaces are equipped with several shelves for notebooks, textbooks and stationery.

For chemistry room, where experiments with reagents are carried out, it is necessary to ensure primarily safety:

  • School desks are equipped with washbasins for washing flasks or hands. They must necessarily be equipped with an uninterrupted supply of water. Such desks are much wider, they can accommodate textbooks, guidelines for laboratory work, reagents and flasks. The table top of such desks is strictly horizontal and equipped with sides that prevent the fall of glass flasks and textbooks from the desk;
  • In the chemistry cabinet there should be a cabinet for experiments conducted with the release of hazardous gases or an unpleasant odor. This installation with three glass walls and one glazed is not completely, it is through it that the reagents are placed in the cabinet and work with them. The cabinet is equipped with forced ventilation, which displays the products of experiments on the street;
  • A large teacher's desk allows you to clearly demonstrate the experiments and tell the children about them;
  • Cabinets with reagents, alcohol burners and flasks should be located in the laboratory room, where only the teacher and laboratory assistant have access. As a last resort, lockable cabinets and school furniture can be used to store flasks.

Furniture for the physics cabinet is similar in design to furniture for chemical experiments. It is also equipped with washbasins and has a horizontal countertop. This design allows you to conduct experiments without fear of equipment fall. The tables in the physics cabinet are rigidly attached to the floor and do not imply constant movement around the cabinet so as not to accidentally damage the equipment for experiments. In addition to washbasins, desks are equipped with sockets for connecting electrical appliances.

Furniture is almost not needed for the construction of a sports hall; it will be enough to place several benches and equipment for playing sports inside. Lockers for things should be locked in the locker room of the gym. Convenient benches and watches are placed in the dressing areas to control the time before the lesson.

Furniture for the school assembly hall should be comfortable in the first place, because unlike 45 minutes in a lesson, in the assembly hall sometimes you need to sit for several hours. Usually, rows of chairs with armrests and folding seats are placed here. Since students of different classes gather in this room one by one, the administration does not have the opportunity to accurately select the size of the chairs. Therefore, the medium-sized furniture is approximately suitable for children of any height in the event hall. In front of the stage, you can place the console of the sound engineer, it must be equipped with several outlets for connecting equipment. It is not recommended to pull extension cords from the other end of the assembly hall, because wires can easily be caught on wires.

Children come to receive textbooks in the library, here they can borrow books for study or fiction. Furniture for the school library should include shelves that house fiction and educational literature. There are reading tables and chairs in the reading room. You can place several desks of different sizes. There can be as many as the sizes provided by the rulers of school furniture. Book shelving should allow you to choose a book to read, because children who come to the library do not always clearly know what they want to read.

Some schools host local history museums, where children bring exhibits on their own. Cabinets with glass doors are perfect for a museum, they allow you to view exhibits, signatures to them, and at the same time protect objects behind glass from constant touching with your hands. Here you can hang photos explaining the purpose of old household items.

A school wardrobe will need a modest amount of items, it is limited to hangers with numbers, a table and an armchair for those on duty. Outside the wardrobe there are places for dressing, they include a large mirror and shelves for bags.

Additional elements and functions

In addition to the main furniture, other indispensable elements in school life are located in the classes:

  • Blackboard - chalk has not been used in modern schools for a long time. Near the blackboard, instead of rags and colored crayons, there is now a special shelf with felt-tip pens of different colors and a special sponge to remove inscriptions;
  • Under it is placed a pedestal for posters, where there are visual aids and colorful materials for study;
  • The teacher's desk must be equipped with a place for temporary storage of checked notebooks.

Marking at the school is a compulsory measure, making it easy to determine the place where the tables, chairs, desks and cabinets are permanently located. Tables and chairs are labeled according to student height. All new furniture is assigned inventory numbers and the cabinet number where it was purchased is additionally put. In this case, small kits for children will not fall by mistake to high school students.

Criterias of choice

Classrooms are furnished in accordance with the age of the students, their height and purpose of the room. Choose elements of the school environment should be based on several parameters that ensure the correct landing of the child:

  • The feet are firmly on the floor, the knees do not rise too high and the legs do not dangle above the floor;
  • The knees should not rest against the countertop;
  • There should be free space between the edge of the chair and the back of the student’s knees;
  • The back of the chair should support the lower back and shoulder blades of the student;
  • The table is selected so that the countertop and elbows of the child in a relaxed state are at the same height. School desk heights are measured with shoulders straight.

On the Internet you can find a large number of images of school furniture, demonstrating the correct fit of the student. In addition to ergonomic qualities, school furniture should be environmentally friendly, fireproof and beautiful. All products must have quality certificates that allow the use of furniture in schools.



Watch the video: Interventions for classroom disruption (October 2024).

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