Options and application of vinyl film on furniture

Different interior items are of high quality, therefore, even with numerous negative influences, they serve for a long time. However, their appearance may not be very attractive due to these factors. Completely replacing designs is considered impractical, since they have a high cost, then vinyl film for furniture comes to the rescue, which will help change the look of the design. This solution does not require significant investment of time and money, and at the same time, updated furniture is obtained.


Vinyl film has many specific features. The film is produced in numerous colors and textures, so it is allowed to choose a material for any unique interior. Some species mimic expensive and specific materials, such as natural stone or wood.

Most often, this material is used to update the kitchen set, since various chips, scratches or stains constantly appear on it.

It is allowed to choose self-adhesive films:

  • glossy or matte;
  • with a mirror surface;
  • with unique and interesting holographic effects.

All of the above varieties can be combined with each other, which ensures the creation of a truly unique and unique surface on any furniture. The cost of the material depends entirely on its decorative parameters and the manufacturer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Self-adhesive vinyl film has numerous positive parameters:

  • the resulting coating is not afraid of moisture, which is especially true for a kitchen set, therefore it is for him that the material is used most often;
  • does not fade with constant exposure to sunlight;
  • the procedure for gluing different surfaces is a simple and understandable work, implemented by each owner of residential real estate with his own hands;
  • temperature changes do not have any effect on the coating;
  • an attractive and dramatic update of the appearance of the premises is provided, and it does not have to spend a lot of money;
  • the cost of the material is considered affordable for any buyer;
  • vinyl films for furniture are universal, therefore they can be used in the kitchen or in other premises of residential real estate;
  • it is easy to clean the coating, and for this it is allowed to use different cleaners that do not contain abrasives.

The disadvantages of this solution for updating furniture include the fact that breaking the integrity of the coating is quite simple with the help of simple mechanical influences. This is especially true for the kitchen, which uses numerous cooking tools that are sharp.The above positive parameters are inherent only to high-quality material, therefore, when choosing a film, it is recommended to purchase a not too cheap option.


Vinyl films for furniture are available in many forms. They are made in the form of rolls, and their width can be different. The cost depends on the quality of the material, on its appearance and manufacturer.

Quality products are created in three layers, and each has its own characteristics:

  • an adhesive layer, due to which the coating is glued to any previously prepared furniture surface;
  • the front layer, which is the main element of the material, therefore it is characterized by high strength and reliability, as well as the drawing and texture are applied to it;
  • protective, ensuring the reliability of the created coating.

Self-adhesive film is easy to use. For its use, it is enough to remove special paper from the wrong side before directly gluing any surface.

The surface of the film may be different:

  • glossy - is chosen most often for rooms characterized by a lack of lighting, both natural and artificial. Due to this film, the formation of bright and interesting interiors is guaranteed;
  • matte - is considered an ideal solution for bright rooms. It is selected for furniture design made in a calm design. An ideal option is considered for the kitchen, where it is necessary to emphasize the presence of a working area;
  • mirror films or products with holographic patterns. Often chosen when decorating different furniture in the bathroom. They are equipped with a variety of images and textures, so numerous unique and unusual ideas are embodied.

With a competent choice of self-adhesive films, it is even possible to visually increase the limited space, which is important for small rooms. It is advisable to choose high-quality material, as well as its gluing should be carried out exclusively on reliable surfaces, so they should not have any decayed areas or other damage.

Terms of use

Self-adhesive film can be coated with different types of furniture. The procedure for updating the appearance of interior items in this way is considered easy, so many owners of residential real estate prefer to implement all the actions on their own. For this, successive steps are performed:

  • foundation preparation - initially various fasteners are removed from different surfaces of furniture. These products are checked, since it is not allowed that they have various significant chips, cracks, rotted areas or other significant damage and problems. If they are found, then repair work is initially carried out, for which putty is used. The resulting coating is sanded after solidification. Before applying the film directly, the bases should be treated with acetone or various solvents;
  • gluing with the dry method - if the dry method of work is selected, then optimal measurements are initially made that determine how much film must be purchased to complete the process. The canvas is cut into elements of the right size. Gradual peeling of the protective layer from the wrong side of the web begins, after which the film gently and carefully adheres to the prepared surface. To smooth the resulting coating using a roller or ordinary rags;
  • wet gluing - if you plan to cover the film with really significant surface sizes, then the wet gluing method is considered the best choice. To do this, the protective layer is completely removed, after which the material with the front surface is laid on a flat surface. After that, a pre-prepared soap solution is applied to the adhesive layer, and it is advisable to use a spray bottle for this to ensure a uniform and high-quality coating. Due to this solution, after gluing the film, it is possible to displace it for a rather long time, so it is easily adjustable. It begins to harden in about 10 hours, so a lot of time is given to fix all the flaws and problems on the coating.

When pasting furniture with vinyl film, it is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles or various creases, since if they are not eliminated promptly, in the future they will significantly spoil the appearance of the entire coating.Thus, vinyl film is considered an excellent solution for different types of interior items for their optimal update. It is available in many forms and has different colors and textures. It is easy to use, therefore, with a small expenditure of money and effort, the appearance of any room is improved. The resulting coating is resistant to various negative factors and lasts a long time. It is universal, therefore it can be used in different rooms.


Watch the video: Vinyl wrap your Wood. Tips and Tricks (October 2024).

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