Overview of modern furniture, the latest designs, design ideas

The most important attribute for creating a cozy interior in the apartment is modern furniture. Multifunctionality, simplicity, aesthetic appeal and compactness are the main directions of development in the furniture industry. Most apartments have a small living area, in order to compensate for this shortcoming, manufacturers come up with new ways to make furniture more compact, but leave functionality. Consider how designers achieve this, and what features are used in modern solutions.


Modern home furniture has a number of differences from models of the past or the year before last:

  • Appearance;
  • Design;
  • Material;
  • Functionality;
  • The number of movable elements;
  • Production technology;
  • Build quality.

If you look at the development of furniture, you can see the desire for minimalism. Current products have compact dimensions, light weight, simple construction and at the same time fully perform their functions. Using the example of chairs, you can clearly see the tendency to increase comfort and simplify the design.

There is an interesting version of changing priorities in the development of furniture. Formerly landowners, slaveholders, kings. they themselves didn’t work and basically invested in furniture and home improvement to brag to the rest. Therefore, priority was given more to beauty, size and appearance than functionality and mobility. When the rights of people were balanced, the need for excessive splendor fell away and ergonomics and practicality came to the fore.


There are 5 ways to classify furniture products. This is done according to the following criteria:

  1. Appointment;
  2. Functionality;
  3. Material;
  4. Design;
  5. Exploitation.

Consider the structural varieties separately and find the advantages and disadvantages of each of the available solutions.

Built-in furniture

Recent design trends imply the economical use of free space. Distinctive features of the built-in design:

  • Suitable for installation in niches;
  • There is no back / side surfaces, instead of walls;
  • A lot of free space inside;
  • Economical use of space;
  • Tight fit to the wall;
  • Effective use of the vertical plane;
  • Reliability.

It has become fashionable to install wardrobes. Between the two walls are sliding doors, as in compartment cars, and the interior space is used to store things. Doors are covered with a mirror film, which visually expands the room. A convenient solution for small rooms or rooms with high ceilings.

Built-in furniture is often placed along the entire wall in order to fill the free space as much as possible and use it to store things. The wall itself is part of the furniture. A few photos for example.

Often transformer and pull-out elements are built into modern furniture. When raising the mobile element, a full-fledged table and a workplace are obtained, lowering it you can get a bed. Convenient and ergonomic.


  • Space saving;
  • Ergonomic design
  • Collapsible design;
  • Sectional separation of space;
  • Product strength;
  • Efficient use of vertical space.


  • The need to design the structure individually for the apartment;
  • Difficulty moving.

Modular options

The most common modular products. A complete set consists of many different modules: cabinets, shelves, drawers. This solution is popular because of the ease of movement. If necessary, modular furniture can be easily rearranged or moved to another room. Therefore, such options are often used in offices.


  • Freely fits into the interior of different rooms;
  • You can buy kits separately;
  • Easy to move.

The disadvantages include the risk of errors when docking modules.

Transformer enclosures

High-tech furniture means increased functionality and ergonomic use of space. A person mainly uses a bed only for sleeping, but the rest of the time it just takes up free space. Therefore, the designers came up with an interesting solution - to use both surfaces of the product. On the one hand there is one furniture (table, wardrobe, sofa), and on the reverse side there is a mattress or other soft surface.


  • Convenient to save space;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Custom look.


  • Disassemble before use;
  • A lot of moving elements (high risk of breakage);
  • The complexity of self-repair of the structure;
  • Over time, it is necessary to repair the fasteners.

Upholstered furniture

This category includes beds, sofas, armchairs, chairs, pouffes and other soft products. There is great potential for imagination. Custom shapes, colors, upholstery, patterns. In this assortment, each buyer will be able to find a product to his liking.

In Russia, soft beds appeared by the 17th century. Prior to this, people of different classes spent the night on stoves, shelves under the ceiling or on benches.

Upholstered furniture can be divided into:

  • Sofas (sofas, cape, couch, ottoman);
  • Beds;
  • Puffs;
  • Armchairs.

Sofas and armchairs often have a folding design. If necessary, the lower part extends and the living room sofa turns into a full double bed. A convenient solution, especially if someone stays overnight.

They differ among themselves mainly due to the design. Recently, poufs are gaining popularity - comfortable and beautiful analogues of chairs. They bring comfort to the apartment and dilute the same type of interior with bright colors.

In upholstered furniture, close attention should be paid to the choice of upholstery and filling materials. They determine the appearance and life of the product. For home and office space it is better to choose dense fabrics such as tapestry or courtesan, they are easily cleaned and are not subject to physical damage.

Latest materials

Production is being improved, modern materials for furniture are appearing, fabrics and fillers are improving. Therefore, product quality is gradually increasing, and the price is decreasing. Modern high-quality furniture has the following innovations:

  • Aluminum profiles;
  • "Cooking" of wooden parts;
  • Particleboard / MDF for replacing natural wood;
  • Tambourite;
  • Seamless connections of traffic police and plastic;
  • Frameless basics;
  • New types of packing and covering surfaces;
  • Advanced sleeping systems.

Aluminum profiles connect parts in places with high load. Such solutions lighten the weight of the structure and are used in moving elements to give them additional rigidity. Kitchen and youth furniture is often made in hight-tech style, here aluminum is an important element for emphasizing functionality, simplicity and conciseness.

Wood consists of up to 90% of the furniture frame. Natural woodlands themselves do not last long and are susceptible to decay. To avoid this, use various methods of additional processing. One of the modern examples is urea cooking (urea), thanks to this method, low-grade arrays become stronger and less susceptible to external factors.

In the modern style, it is customary to use high-quality fabrics that do not require close care and are easily cleaned of dirt. These are:

  • Leather;
  • Leatherette;
  • Tapestry (does not absorb dirt, is resistant to abrasion);
  • Curtisan (moisture resistant, resistant to mechanical damage, does not absorb dirt);
  • Flock (resembles velvet fabric, but has a low cost).

It is generally accepted that upholstery will age and become unattractive over time. This rule does not apply to the skin, over time, skin products become stronger and more attractive. At the same time, two identical sofas with age will become completely different from each other.

Functions and equipment

Modern style in the 21st century is combined with the versatility of furniture. The cabinets are made as spacious as possible, but at the same time, the designers retain the free space of the apartment and the aesthetics of the interior.

The tasks before the furniture are as follows:

  • Division of a room into conventional zones;
  • Creation of an interior;
  • Functionality (creating conditions for work, sleep, snack);
  • Providing a comfortable environment;
  • Underlining the status (if we are talking about the director’s office).

Therefore, to make the room pleasant for living and working, high-quality and functional furniture must be present in it. Consider the options for equipping a modern room and what must be present in it:

  • Sofa or bed for sleeping;
  • Desktop;
  • A place for the TV;
  • Wardrobe for clothes and other things.

In general, these three elements are basic and most people do not need the rest. Therefore, the multifunctional furniture complex is gaining more and more popularity. This is a set of furniture that contains everything you need in minimal volumes. But at the same time the whole structure fits on 15 square meters.

This small complex combines a wardrobe, a bed, shelves, a table and a workplace. There are even more interesting solutions. In the photo below, the space consists of small blocks, and if desired, the situation can be rearranged at the request of the owner.



Watch the video: Wall Units - Modern Furniture. Latest Design Ideas 20182019 (October 2024).

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