Chandeliers in the living room

In any house, the living room is a special room, which every owner seeks to make the most sophisticated elegant and, of course, convenient for families after a hard day's work, and for holidays with friends and relatives. Given the importance of the purpose of the living room when decorating, along with such basic elements as wall decoration, furniture and decor, special attention should be paid to lighting the room. It is about what should be the chandelier in the living room and will be discussed further.

First of all, it should be said that well-selected lighting fixtures can transform even the most ordinary-looking room beyond recognition, at the same time, an unsuccessful chandelier on the ceiling can prettyly spoil the overall picture and even look ridiculous against the background of the surrounding interior elements.

Interior style and chandelier

Perhaps everyone will agree that in most cases, when choosing a chandelier for a room, we use the simple rule "to look good."

Of course, to some extent, this approach has some truth, but one should not miss the moment that lighting devices, whether it be a chandelier, sconce or floor lamp, should perfectly suit the style of the interior. And it is this important nuance that will become the key to the harmonious design of the room.

Therefore, you should immediately determine the style, and then go to the store for a purchase. And here you should know the main distinguishing characteristics of each of the styles in order to choose the very chandelier that will look most harmoniously in your living room.

  • Crystal pendants on a metal frame with one or more light bulbs ideally complement the classic design of the living room. While in rural style, they will not seem to be inappropriate, but even superfluous and funny.
  • If the living room has a fireplace, then a wrought iron chandelier with imitation of candles will be a great addition to it. And here we suck it is not necessary to choose chandeliers with some intricate patterns and curls, for a harmonious combination of a fireplace and a chandelier, you just need to choose the right color for the chandelier.
  • For the Gothic style, the chandelier with imitation of candlesticks is the best fit. Such lamps perfectly emphasize the mystical atmosphere. It will also be possible to use chandeliers with crystal pendants, however, in this case, you should correctly arrange the ceiling so that the chandelier becomes an original contrast on it.

  • Chandeliers in the form of geometric shapes will be the perfect complement to the interior in the modern or high-tech style. Moreover, a variety of materials can be used in the design of such a chandelier, from metal to glass and plastic.
  • Fusion style chandeliers with an original design, for example, with a huge number of small butterflies or even in the form of a pendant made of the petals of some delicate flower, will perfectly fit in the living room, decorated in an eclectic style.
  • Country style or as it is also called rural style implies the presence of a chandelier made using natural materials or their imitation. It can be deer horns, in which light bulbs or burning shrubs on the ceiling seem to be entangled. In such an interior, chandeliers with lampshades would also be very appropriate.

  • If for your living room you have chosen the Provence style with its original pieces of furniture with chic textile upholstery and delicate floral patterns, then in this case you should pay attention to the chandeliers with colored glass elements that will perfectly support the color scheme.

Chandelier Size

When choosing a chandelier, it is important not only to design the chandelier, but also its size. After all, the original small lighting fixture on the ceiling will simply be lost in a spacious room, and the huge solemn chandelier in the miniature living room will simply clutter it up and look ridiculous. This leads to a completely logical conclusion: for a small room you should choose a small chandelier, and for a spacious living room - a large one.

What diameter should be in the chandelier, which is ideal for your living room can be calculated using simple mathematical calculations. For this, the sum of the length and width of the room should be multiplied by 10 and the resulting value will be the optimal value for the diameter. For example, we have a room 4 by 5, it turns out that the chandelier should be approximately 90 cm in diameter.

It should also be noted that when choosing a chandelier for a living room, you must take into account the height of the chandelier itself. So, for example, in an ordinary apartment with a standard ceiling of two and a half meters, it is best to choose "ceiling" models or suspended models with a small number of tiers of suspensions. If the ceilings reach 3 meters, then there is much more space for a fantasy flight.

Another important point is the number of bulbs. Given that the living room is the most solemn room of the house, then the chandelier in it should be with the maximum possible number of bulbs for the selected diameter.

Speaking about the lighting of the living room as a whole, in this room it is best to arrange several light sources. This will make it possible, if necessary, to create a relaxed and solemn atmosphere.

Watch the video: Modern Chandeliers for Living Room (October 2024).

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