What you can bring from India - a selection of the best gifts

India is a country shrouded in mystery and unique charm. Indian religion, life and culture are fundamentally different from European ones. That is why India annually attracts thousands of tourists with its exoticism, of course, in memory of such a trip I want to bring souvenirs and gifts that best convey the character and national characteristics of the country. What to bring from India - read in our review.

Gifts from India

Gifts and souvenirs from India should be taken care of in advance, a list should be made of what to buy in stores and what is best to choose in the market. In addition, the country introduced a ban on the export of certain goods. So, we go shopping in Goa. We will tell you what goods deserve attention, how much souvenirs are worth. It should be noted that prices in stores, in markets in India are conducive to shopping.

Good to know! It is better to take dollars on a trip, it is more profitable to change them at local exchange points (be sure to check the availability of a license).


India is currently on the list of the world's largest drug manufacturers. Indian drugs are well known in Europe, but they can be purchased much cheaper at local pharmacies. The difference in cost is usually two times. It is not surprising that many travelers seek to bring medicines and cosmetics from India.

Advice! Most often, tourists buy medicines for cough, runny nose, vitamins, pain medications.

Medicines must be bought at pharmacies. All drugs are commercially available, with the exception of prescription drugs.

No less popular are the medicines of ancient Indian medicine - Ayurveda. Indians inherited many recipes from their ancestors, who believed that the strength of roots and herbs could cure many diseases. And today, local residents use Ayurvedic medicines to normalize the functioning of the heart, brain, cleanse blood vessels, restore potency and treat infertility.

Important! Hindus assure the safety of all Ayurvedic medicines, it is better to consult a specialist before taking.

What medicines to bring from India
  • Chavanprash is a powerful immunostimulant. Hindus believe that the drug cures any disease. Visually, the medicine tastes like jam. The tool stabilizes the heart, is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, blood vessels, for the treatment of kidneys, liver.

Important! The most popular producer of Chawanprash is Dabur, the price is 150-200 rupees per jar.

  • The medicine Kailash Jivan

The ointment has a strong wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects, treats joints, toothache, burns. With a headache, the product is rubbed into the whiskey. And the medicine also helps with insomnia, coughing, and pain in the stomach.

  • Him

In pharmacies, the medicine is presented in two dosage forms - powder, capsules. With its help, an effective and safe cleansing of the body is carried out, normalize metabolic processes, improve the appearance of the skin, get rid of inflammation.

Advice! Planning to use the medicine in cosmetology, choose a powder. For oral administration, it is better to buy capsules.

Explore the range of ointments, balms in pharmacies. Their cost does not exceed 30 rupees, in terms of efficiency it is quite difficult to find analogues. It is worth buying a tiger balm (helps with discomfort in the joints), Cold Balm - a cure for the common cold, Pain Balm - effectively eliminates any kind of pain.


A must-have gift from India, of course, is natural cosmetics. Product prices are quite affordable. Pay attention to the packaging, where the price is indicated on the back - this indicates the authenticity of the product.

What to bring from India from cosmetics:

  1. The first thing a tourist who came to India draws attention to is a huge selection of handmade soap. It can be bought almost everywhere, but experienced travelers recommend immediately going to the market, where you can bargain, reduce the price. Keep in mind that cosmetic products in India are very fragrant, if they are poorly packaged, a bag or suitcase will smell of aromatic substances.
  2. Toothpaste. Famous brands - Dabur, Himalaya. You can also choose Ayurvedic paste with the addition of charcoal, it whitens, strengthens tooth enamel. As a souvenir, you can bring toothpaste with red pepper.
  3. Cosmetics with the addition of neem. All well-known Indian cosmetics manufacturers offer a line of products with neem, the cost is 3, or even 4 times lower than domestic stores.
  4. Oils. Many positive reviews online about oil trichup. Tourists recommend Parachute brand coconut oil, the cost of 100 ml of the product for cooking is 30 INR, 500 ml for cosmetology is from 10 INR to 30 INR. It is safer to transport a gift in a container made of plastic.

From India, as a rule, they are taken as a gift, as well as for their own use, means for looking after their appearance. What cosmetics to bring from India - the best manufacturers:

  • Himalaya is a world-famous brand, but in India, goods are cheaper, better.
  • Biotique is an inexpensive brand in the catalog of which cosmetics from herbs, fruit acids. Tourists note decent quality products and affordable prices.
  • Swati - Swati brand cosmetics are more expensive, for example, hair products will cost an average of 500 rupees, the range also includes essential oils.
  • Khadi - the brand is owned by Swati, specializing in the production of luxury cosmetics.

A jar of Indian face cream costs 50-150 INR.


What can be brought from India as a gift for a woman who cares for her hair - of course, henna. A great tool that can restore curls to shine, beauty, healthy appearance. And with the help of henna, painting is applied - mehendi. In India, henna is presented in different shades - from red to deep brown.

A package of henna for hair will cost 50 INR, and a tube for painting - 10 INR.

Good to know! In India, a good selection of henna-based paints is an alternative for those who are afraid to use pure henna for painting.

Clothing, Textiles

National Indian clothing is practical, comfortable and has bright colors. You can choose comfortable "Ali Baba" trousers, dresses, tunics, sundresses, sarees. Traditionally, things are richly decorated with beads, sequins, embroidery, but there are also models that are more restrained and familiar to European tourists.

Hamp clothing is considered to be the most inexpensive - a material that is made from hemp, it wrinkles, and shrinks after washing. For sewing expensive clothes using Nepalese wool.

Prices for clothes in India:

  • pants and dresses made of cotton - 100 INR;
  • cashmere items - 500 INR;
  • a hat from a hamp - from 200 INR to 500 INR;
  • cashmere shawls - from 3500 INR.

Textile products in India are strong, durable and beautiful, so tourists are very pleased to buy tablecloths, tapestries, bedspreads as a gift.

Textiles are bought in the form of finished products, as well as per meter. A large assortment of fabrics in Varanasi, Kashmir, however, in large Indian resorts, the choice is also worthy. If you are interested in cotton and cotton products (bathrobes, towels), choose Rajasthan products, they are considered the highest quality.

Good to know! Cashmere is one of India's calling cards, but it is often faked. If the seller offers too low a price, most likely, they want to deceive you.


Gold jewelry has a characteristic, rich yellow color. The cost of the kit is on average about 7000 INR or $ 100. Buying expensive jewelry is best in stores where certified products are presented.

Silver jewelry is much cheaper, while local craftsmen make exquisite jewelry - bracelets, earrings, rings, pendants. The cost of the product is an average of 500 INR.

Interesting fact! The best masters are recognized as immigrants from Nepal, they have the highest quality products and relatively low prices.

Many experts do not recommend buying gold and silver jewelry in India, since many of them do not indicate a sample. But the choice of jewelry will please fans of massive, vibrant jewelry. It is better to buy them in the markets, there is a huge selection of products from simple, in a minimalist style, to colorful ones with colored stones.

Rum "OldMonk"

There is something to bring as a gift from India to fans of alcoholic beverages. Indian rum "OldMonk" is made from sugarcane, this drink is popular in many countries around the world. Produced in Goa, the cost of a bottle of 0.7 liters is 180 rupees.

Advice! Lowest prices for rum in Goa.


What can be brought from India as a gift to a gourmet and an amateur to create culinary masterpieces? Of course, the spices, their aroma are filled with Indian streets, besides this, it is impossible to imagine national dishes without spices.

It is recommended to choose spices on the market, there is a huge selection of unique spices. Some of them are well known, and there are exclusive ones that can be found exclusively in India. Popular spices are cloves, saffron, zira, fennel, red pepper, almonds, cinnamon and cardamom. The cost of a package of spices is 20 rupees.

Try masala tea - this is Indian black tea with the addition of a whole spicy bouquet. If you like its taste, you can buy a ready-made mixture of masala.

Advice! Remember that you can transport gifts from India - spices in your luggage, transportation is not possible in hand luggage.

If you don’t know which type of tea to choose, visit a teahouse where you can try different varieties and choose the best one. You can also visit tea plantations, the prices here are slightly higher than in stores, but the quality is excellent. No less quality tea is sold in local markets, but not tourist ones, but oriented to Indians. There is an optimal price / quality ratio. The cost of 1 kg of black tea from $ 8.

Fruits and nuts are brought from India. They are bought at grocery markets. Regardless of what time of the year you flew to the resort, you will definitely find fruit on the shelves. For transportation, purchase a plastic basket in which to put the latest purchases, sign, hand over.

Advice! Before buying, check with the seller - which fruits will carry the flight, do not spoil.


Carpets in India are a real work of art, they are woven from silk, cashmere, cotton. According to one legend, all the carpets that were woven for palace chambers were pre-lined on city streets so that people, elephants, and cows trampled on them. So the carpet became soft and durable.

The range of carpets in India is huge - Islamic small rugs, rugs, tapestries. The best weaving works are presented in Jaipur.

Interesting fact! In India, craftsmen give a guarantee of two hundred years on carpets.

  1. Crockery, ceramics. It is noteworthy that such products from blue clay do not crack over time.
  2. Leather Products. In India, it is customary to color the skin in bright, rich shades. Bags, wallets, belts, outerwear are of impeccable quality. As for leather shoes, there is a choice, the quality is good, but the Europeans usually don’t like the design. The only model that attracts the attention of tourists as a souvenir is the mujari.

  3. The embroidered pictures. Choosing a souvenir for a lover of original things? Pay attention to the pictures embroidered with silk. Such a picture will adorn the house for many years.
  4. Incense It's about sticks, they are very fond of locals. They are sold almost everywhere, are inexpensive. In the kit you can buy a special wooden stand. Essential oils belong to the category of incense - with high quality, their price is not as high as in domestic souvenir shops.
Traditional souvenirs

As a rule, these are all kinds of figurines, for example, the god of Prosperity of Genes, matryoshka elephants. Figures are made of different materials (the cost depends on this), according to tradition they are decorated with traditional Indian ornaments. The cost varies from 500 to 5,000 rupees.

Original Indian souvenir - singing bowls and masks. If you trust astrology, contact the master Jyotish, who in 10 days will draw up a Vedic horoscope for you. The cost of a souvenir is about 3,000 rupees.

What can not be exported

There is a ban on the export of local currency, exotic plants, large shells, animal skins, bird feathers, cold steel. Rum can be exported in an amount of not more than two liters.

Important! Jewelry can be exported provided that they are certified.

Travel Tips

  1. Feel free to bargain in the markets, if at the same time you will smile, your chances of getting a discount are rapidly increasing.
  2. Remember that you can bring medicines from India only if they are sold over the counter. You need to buy drugs at the pharmacy.
  3. Do not rush to buy souvenirs in the first store and from the first seller. Take a closer look at the assortment; you will surely find a better financial offer.
  4. If in doubt about the choice of spices, buy ready-made mixes - this is a universal souvenir from India.
  5. Before buying clothes, check the quality of the seams.

We have collected for you information about what to bring from India, reviews from tourists helped to compile a selection. India is an exotic and vibrant country. Think in advance what to bring from India, otherwise a huge selection of gifts will cause confusion.

Interesting souvenirs from India:

Watch the video: Indian Supermarkets in Germany. Things you should bring from India while coming to Germany (October 2024).

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