Several ways to propagate a money tree

Crassula, known to many as the "money tree" or crassula, is an unpretentious plant that successfully survives in most cases. Breeding a fat woman can be done in one of several simple ways. Even a novice grower can cope with the transplant and reproduction of this plant. In this article, we will learn how and how to breed a fat girl, about three methods of plant propagation and about rooting of a redgrass.

How and with what to breed a fat girl?

There are 3 possible ways to breed a fat girl, each of which has its pros and cons:

  • stem cuttings;
  • leaf cuttings;
  • propagation by seeds.

Stem cuttings

This method will require the selection of a developed process in the plant, its separation and rooting. When choosing the part of the plant that will take root, it is better to stay on a developed shoot (its ideal size is 10-12 cm). The stalk is cut off with a secateurs or sharp scissors, in one motion.

You can use a special garden knife. The place of the cut is not processed, and the stem itself is better left for 24 hours. Subsequent rooting of the cuttings can be made in water or soil mixture.

Leaf Cutting

This method of growing a new plant differs from stem cuttings by a longer growth process and difficulty of rooting. To reproduce the follicle leaves, you need to choose an even and beautiful leaf located at the bottom of the plant, carefully cut it off and leave it to dry for 2-3 days. The place where the sheet is to be stored must be dry and warm.

Reference! You can understand that you can start rooting by the appearance of the leaf: it becomes a little lethargic. The leaf is also rooted in water or in the soil (the latter can be replaced by chopped sphagnum moss).

Propagation of a flower by seeds

Seed propagation is popular among breeders who want to develop new varieties, but rarely used at home: this process is long and requires a lot of attention from the grower. You can buy Crassula seeds in almost any store that sells seeds of various plants.

Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to properly grow a fatty seed seed:

  1. Mix the soil mixture from sheet soil and sand in a 2: 1 ratio in a bowl or other wide container.
  2. Seeds should be distributed evenly over the surface and sprinkled with sand.
  3. The earth is slightly moistened: you can use a spray bottle for this purpose.
  4. It is necessary to provide the seeds with greenhouse conditions with high humidity: for this, the bowl is covered on top with glass or other transparent material that does not allow air to pass through.
  5. Ventilate the dishes every day. Despite the need for moisture, seeds need oxygen. It is also required to monitor the soil moisture, and when it dries, provide moisture.

The first shoots should appear within 2-3 weeks after sowing. After emergence, they are dived into the soil mixture. Its composition should include turf and leaf soil and sand, in a ratio of 1: 2: 1. The soil must be moistened, and then seedlings dive into it. The plate is placed so that it does not fall on the sun's rays, but received a sufficient amount of light.

When the seedlings reach 5-7 cm in height, you can start transplanting them into pots with light soil. The optimum temperature of the room for engraftment is 15-18 ° C.

This temperature can be maintained on the balcony in the spring - therefore, this time is considered optimal for the reproduction of the fat.

Rooting Crassula

When propagating a money tree by stem or leaf cuttings, it is necessary to provide the shoot with conditions under which it takes root. At home, it is easy to root a fat woman in water or soil.

The stalk

In order for the stem to take root in water, the following is required:

  1. pick up a container of water that is suitable for the size of the handle;
  2. add a drug to the water that promotes the rapid development of roots;
  3. cut off the lower leaves of the handle so that all the leaves are above the water;
  4. ensure a stable position of the stalk: it should not sink;
  5. place the stalk in a bright place, but protect from direct sunlight.

If it was decided to root the cuttings in water, it is necessary to pick up a pot on the bottom of which pour sand, and on top of half the pot - the ground. Make a recess, put the handle there and fill the remaining space with soil so that its top layer is 2 cm below the edge.

The pot also needs to be put in a lit place, water carefully - along the edge so as not to flood the plant.


A leaf that has dried over 2-3 days should be put in water, deepening with a slice down. The capacity should be small, but when the first roots appear, you need to change it. After another month, it is permissible to transplant the leaf with roots into a pot.

To root in the soil, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of peat and sand, moisten it well and immerse a leaf in it a third of its size. It is advisable to cover the leaf with a glass on top, but periodically ventilate the future plant.

Important! Keep an eye on the ground: it should not remain dry. You can moisten it with a spray gun.

For a leaf that takes root in the ground, it is possible to provide support (for example, from a stick). The choice of a more convenient method is individual for each grower. However, it is believed that the simplest method is stem cuttings: it makes it possible to grow the plant faster. In addition, when choosing this method there will be less chances for the death of the cuttings than when rooting the leaf.

Useful video

To consolidate the knowledge gained, watch the video:

Watch the video: Propagating Money Tree in Water - Part 1 (October 2024).

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