How to create your own site for free from scratch - step by step instructions + 7 important steps to create a site on your own

Information technology is becoming more and more every year advanced and perfect. So now it’s hard to surprise someone with your own site, web page or opportunity to earn income in the Internet. But how to create your site from scratch to make it interesting, highly visitedand quickly found in the search field Yandex Yandex and Google.

Not everyone can answer this question. However, this process is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. It’s enough to know a few rules and your site will always be in the top of search engine results.

First of all, you need to determine purpose of creating a site - personal use or sale of goods and services for profit.

In the first version it’s quite possible to take advantage of free applications that overwhelm the Internet. Thanks to them, you can independently create a web resource based on templates, spending only a couple of minutes on it.

For the second option will have to make a little effort and money. Only by studying several specialized programs, you can begin to register, fill and promote the site.

Having mastered the stages of creating a web page from scratch, you will become the owner of a unique resource that includes useful information that can bring considerable income. For this, we wrote a detailed article on

From this article you will learn:

  • How to create a site yourself for free - step by step instructions;
  • How to choose a CMS;
  • How to create a site yourself from scratch - designers, types of CMS;

The article describes tips and tricks for creating sites. Also, step-by-step instructions on how to create a site yourself, how to choose cms, what to pay attention to, etc., are painted.

1. Where to start creating a site - 7 important steps

Once you have a desire to establish a web resource, you need to know where to start creating it, how much money it will take and what tools you need to use.

It is also important to figure out how to choose the right topic (niche) that is useful to users and fill the page with unique texts in accordance with it. Only after resolving these issues can we count on a stable and solid income.

Before creating a site, it is recommended to go through the main steps (steps).

The main stages (steps) of creating a site include the following:

Step 1. Find the right idea.

Any business, including the foundation of a web resource, is based on the ideas. Than better and more original she will turn out to be more profitable and more successful will be a business. Therefore, it is so important not to make a mistake with the choice and create a successful concept that is not similar or at least an order of magnitude better than the rest.

We recommend reading the article - “Ideas for business with minimal investment”

The idea, first of all, should be pleasant to you and at the same time to be interesting to people. Such a tandem is the basis for building any successful project, including a web resource.

Step 2. Selection of subject and site name

You must immediately determine the main web page content. To do this, it is better to choose the directions in which you understand, otherwise the proposed information is unlikely to interest anyone.

After that you need to choose the right name for the site and make sure that it is not repeated anywhere.

When choosing a domain, you should strive to make it primarily memorable, that is, each person can easily remember and type it in the search bar.

If a profitable project is planned, then it is desirable that his name appear in one of the main domain zones, such as .ru, .com, .net or .org. This will help to greatly improve the search engine.

Also, when creating a site from scratch for free, you need to take care of the normal hosting. This implies stability of work, user-friendly interface, support service in Russian, cost of services, etc.

If it is improperly selected, the site may not be located at all (indexed) by search engines.

Step 3. Installing the "engine" for the site

Today, most web resources are already created on the finished "engines", which allows you to install it not from scratch, and there will be much less technical errors in this case.

Installing CMS ("engine") for the site. The main CMS are: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.

Step 4. Choosing the right template

On the Internet for each specific "engine" there are ready-made templates for creating a site. But they can be developed independently, which will be beneficial to distinguish them from others and better perceived by search engines.

At the same time, there should be nothing superfluous in the design. The abundance of graphics is usually pleasant to read, but significantly slows down loading the site itself. Therefore, the weight of the main pages should not exceed 50-60 kb. (fifty to sixty kilobytes).

Images should be combined with the theme, but not of paramount importance, as the text with the inclusion of keywords plays the main role in the search for the site. The use of excessively bright colors in the design of a web resource should also be abandoned, except fatigue visitor and voltage they don’t bring anything.

Step 5. Content Filling and Keyword Compilation

Since the Internet is used primarily for the exchange of information, the content of the site will always play a decisive role. It is it that determines the number of visits and only then a beautiful design or an original domain.

Because from the very beginning The project should be filled with quality materials. For greater efficiency, content should be updated once a week.

To do this, you can write texts yourself or hire professional copywriters or rewriters who will create them for a certain monetary reward.

After the content was invented, it's time compose keywords. They are a kind of helpers, thanks to which you can find the right site in seconds.

To do this, highlight the main idea and, in accordance with it, make up words that will reflect the essence of the information.

It is also important when including keywords in the text, do not forget about quantity their use, because moderators can block the page and mark it as spam.

Step 7. Website Promotion

Another important point after the creation of the site is the choice of how to promote the site - on your own or use the services of experts. At the same time, investing a lot of money on PR is not a guarantee of success, since at any moment the search engine will turn out to be something that does not taste and it can change the search algorithms. Therefore, in this matter, the main thing is to find a balance between the idea and the amount of proposed investments.

If after all the tips I read, the process of creating and implementing the site still seems to be something complicated and impracticable, do not be afraid to take the help of professionals. Design thinking, content and promotion web pages they will take over.

2. Types and types of sites - 6 types

All Internet resources differ from each other in themes, purpose and some other characteristics.

Therefore, if you decide to create your own website from scratch, you must clearly understand the differences between the types of sites and decide on the type of resource necessary for your needs.

The classification of web resources is as follows:

  • purpose of creation (commercial or non-commercial);
  • in terms of accessibility for users (open, half-closed, closed);
  • by the way of design and functionality (dynamic, static, flash sites);
  • by the number of audiences (thematic, Internet portals, home pages, etc.);
  • by location (local, public).

When deciding the question "How to create a website?" Should also highlight the main types of Internet resources and their categories.

View number 1. Information Sites

Information sites are divided into:

  • on one or more topics;
  • news;
  • blogs (personal and corporate).

View number 2. Narrow-group sites

Sites of narrow group focus are divided into:

  • corporate (image, information);
  • business card pages;
  • Portfolio sites

View number 3. Commercial resources

Commercial resources are divided into:

  • showcase page;
  • promotional sites;
  • online stores;
  • electronic payment system portal;
  • exchange points;
  • and etc.

View number 4. Social programs

Social programs are divided into:

  • Forums
  • social networks (narrow and general).

View number 5. All sorts of web services

All kinds of web services are divided into:

  1. directories
  2. mail resources;
  3. search services;
  4. ads;
  5. hosting sites;
  6. file archives;
  7. Wiki resources.
  8. other

View number 6. Sites created to promote other resources

Sites created to promote other resources are divided into:

  • doorways;
  • directories
  • satellites.

Consider each of these species in more detail.

The first group is information sites, represents the most popular resources on the network, the purpose of which is to convey various information to the user.

If everything is dedicated to one topic on a web page, then such sites are called single-topicif a large number of questions are covered, then - multi-thematic. Moreover, the latter are in great demand, both among large organizations and ordinary webmasters.

Another variety of information sites are news resources. Their task is to convey to the user various news that may affect one specific topic, or talk about different areas of life.

Such a direction as blogs is becoming increasingly popular on the World Wide Web. They, according to the principle of news sites, are intended to convey information, but with one significant difference - the author expresses his own opinion on what is happening.

Corporate Blogs can be created by companies or organizations as an additional means for promoting a particular brand. Therefore, as a rule, they are used in conjunction with commercial and corporate sites. Personal blogs are created by individual users and are used to convey the opinion of the author on a specific topic. Thus, with their help, you can stand out among competitors and share important information for you.

Purpose of creating corporate resources organizations or companies is the consolidation of relations between branches and structural divisions, as well as the formation of a solid image for existing and future customers.

Image site It is considered a variety of it and is used for advertising. It contains the history of the enterprise, current information about its activities, contact details, a catalog of products or services.

Such a resource, as a rule, is distinguished by its original design, combining various elements for decoration.

Corporate Information Site designed to systematize communication between sites and branches, document management, personnel management, etc. Ordinary users do not have access to it, as it is intended exclusively for employees of a particular organization.

When creating a site, do not lose sight of the meaning business pages. It often consists of several pages and has uniquebut uncomplicated design. Such a resource is indispensable for companies that want to post data about themselves and their services.

Its main sections may be:

  • Information about the company;
  • name of products or services;
  • cost of goods (services);
  • contacts for communication.

At the same time, this site can be used both by organizations and individuals.

Portfolio Page provides description and picture the work or service performed so that the client looks at the final result and also wants to use them. These sites are mainly created for photo shops, web studios, hairdressers etc.

Commercial resources are the most common and necessary to organize the sale of goods and services World Wide Web users. The category of these sites includes a showcase page created for advertising finished products. With it, you can get information about the product, but not get it. However, sometimes it mentions the place where this product is sold.

Promo Sites used during promotion action or the campaign. They indicate information about discounts, their terms, conditions of receipt and so on. An example of such sites may be information about the holding of any exhibition.

Online stores They are an interactive website that advertises goods or services and at the same time accepts orders for their purchase. It offers several options for calculations and methods of obtaining.

At the same time, the employees of this site are obliged to arrange timely delivery of products and accept payment from the buyer for the goods sold, by connecting, for example, mobile or Internet acquiring.

Portals of the electronic payment system have a similar purpose with the online store, but use a virtual payment system for settlements - Webmoney, Yandex money and others, thanks to which money is credited to the account instantly. The resources of the exchange points are no different from the real ones and allows you to sell or buy currency funds.

To social projects include specialized or general network topics, community sites, forums etc. A forum means a web resource that provides communication on topics of interest.

It often has the ability to manage your account, for example register, set the necessary parameters, add photos and the like. However, the administrator may veto advertisements or obscene messages.

About social networks each of us probably heard, moreover, many have already created their own pages. Such resources are created so that users can find each other and communicate with each other in real time.

They are also very popular. various web servicesthat provide many opportunities for users. In directories, for example, you can find links to other sites and their concise descriptions.

With help mail services You can receive and send mail. Thanks to search engines, you can find the necessary site by writing a corresponding request. Ads allow the user to post information of an advertising nature.

Hostings Designed for short-term file or image storage

File archives contain a wide variety of virtual information, including articles or software. Since they are significant in size, they are often assigned separate computers, called servers.

In addition, using file archives, you can upload information to a specific section of the archive or download the information you need.

Extremely useful sites are - Wiki. Here visitors have the opportunity to change the content and structure of the page using the services that are located on the resource itself.

The most famous example of this type is Wikipedia. However, all changes are controlled by moderators to prevent ads or other rubbish.

The purpose of this site is as follows:

  • provide an information field for applying knowledge;
  • create a space for convenient work on documents and lists;
  • cross-referencing

Having dealt with these types, it will be easier to determine the choice of the resource you need.

We determine the type and type of site that you plan to create.

3. What is important to pay attention to when creating a site

Before deciding to create a website from scratch, you need to consider several important points that can be attributed to:

  • The target audience;
  • Geographical location of visitors;
  • The purpose of the site;
  • Base for creating a site.

The target audience

It is very important to decide who the web resource will be created for. This will allow to fully realize their tasks and ambitions.

For example, if you distribute information about baby food, your target audience will be young mothers, aged from 18 to 35 years old.

If you write about exclusive auto parts, then visitors to your site will accordingly menowning a car.

In order to find out the target audience of your site, you need to conduct a marketing study that will show whether the purpose of the web page matches the chosen development strategy.

Location targeting

Another important criterion when creating a site is determining for which geographical latitudes the resource is designed.

For example, if the information on the page is posted only in Russian, then only the Russian-speaking population can read it. Same goes for countries, cities, district - information should relate to data specifically related to these territorial structures.

Site Purpose

Identification of tasks for the functioning of the site is a necessary condition that will allow you to choose the appropriate resource for its creation. For each of their types, there are different platforms, involving many specific nuances.

So, for an online store you need to take into account such moments as product presentation, product placement in the catalog, communication with the customer and so on.

Therefore, not deciding with the key purpose of the web property, you will not be able to realize your ideas or the result will not suit you fully.

Site Platform (CMS)

By focusing on a specific target audience, the type of site and its purpose, the main thing - choose an effective platform on which the search engine results will depend, as well as an understanding of the information presented.

If based on the recommendations of specialists, then Russian-language sites it is better to create on the .ru domain, but written in English - com.

To select a suitable platform, you can also go to profile sites that provide quality service on a paid or free basis.

In any case, this issue should be given special attention and then success will not be long in coming.

Modern trends in search algorithms determine the content of sites that is understandable to each visitor. This is the key to its promotion and popularity.

Therefore, when creating web resources, the main space should be given to useful information, not colorfulbut meaningless banners or slideshows.

So, the first thing that should catch your eye is:

  • company logo (will significantly increase recognition);
  • contact details (will help to contact you quickly);
  • structure with transitions to the pages of a group of goods, services, prices, delivery, etc.
  • information about ongoing promotions and sales;
  • Information about popular product groups.

Also on the main page should be allocated space for:

  • texts with useful information;
  • a detailed description of the company and the services (works) provided;
  • product reviews;
  • cost of goods or services.

Thus, the trust of the user must be earned from the very beginning. Reasonable prices, a detailed description, the availability of reviews - this is what turns a potential customer into a real one.

Therefore, when creating sites, it is important to understand that this is a kind of showcase that provides the necessary information about a particular product or service.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a site. What is better to choose a CMS or constructor, read further in the article

4. How to choose a CMS platform, site designer

When choosing a CMS platform, you need to rely on the goal of creating the site. Each platform (CMS) is suitable for a specific purpose.

All CMS engines are divided into 2 types: paidand free.

Free CMS Platforms

Among the most popular and free CMS today are the following:

  • Wordpress;
  • Joomla;
  • Instantcms;
  • Drupal;
  • Opencart;
  • phpBB.

By far the most popular website engine is WordPress. WordPress has many add-ons, plugins, extensions, etc. In addition, there are many webmasters who can help you in solving a particular problem associated with the site.

Below you can see the table where it is indicated how to choose a site engine for a certain type of site.

Paid CMS Platforms

Paid CMS platforms include the following:

  • 1C-Bitrix;
  • UMI.CMS;
  • osCommerce.

Each of these platforms is described in detail on the Internet.

You can also create your website from scratch and absolutely free thanks to the designers. With the help of these site builders you do not need to study layout, design, programming and code editing, etc.

Site builders

Many users and webmasters do not understand the differences between CMS platforms and designers.

Site constructor - This is a remote service that has many ready-made convenient and intuitive templates, as well as an interface for developing and editing your own web-project.

Here is a list of popular design services:

  • - Wicks - A famous foreign designer who, on a professional level, helps to create websites of almost any type: from a business card site to a large Internet project.
  • uKit - allows you to create sites with further effective seo-promotion. The service has a clear interface and detailed analytics.
  • - A lot of ready-made templates, a lot of parameter settings, plus the lack of annoying advertising. It is possible to upload your own template.
  • Flexbe - The Flexby service was created to create Landing Pages and high-quality business card sites. Thanks to this service, you do not need a programmer. Great functionality of the service allows you to quickly create sites of the desired type and type. Creating a business card website for free through this service is as easy as shelling pears. Read also the article - “What is a landing page and how to create it for free”
  • LPgenerator - A professional service for creating and optimizing landing page landing pages. Ideal for business (from small to largest).
  • - Titanium of this industry, which has held the lead for 10 years. A powerful designer with a variety of carefully crafted blocks, with a rich selection of design tools. A competent and efficient technical support service helps to resolve all emerging issues. Important advantage - the ability to connect your domain for free, and generally low prices for additional services.
  • Nethouse - designer of business cards and shops, the target audience are entrepreneurs. Prices are affordable, you can get a domain for buying a paid version, but you can use it for free. The templates are quite simple, but functional, especially for stores.
  • Redham - The designer does not have a free version, but it's worth it due to the convenience of project management. There are ready-made templates, but you can use your own. A site of the middle price category, the functionality is more suitable for a business card site and a store.
  • UMI - a designer, the main feature of which is the ability to synchronize with 1C. It is possible to transfer the site to another hosting, but the service will be very expensive, in general, the free version has very limited functionality. Prices are average.
  • Setup - An affordable and easy-to-manage constructor for a relatively small fee. It has many additional features that do not require a separate board, for example, the development of a unique design, SEO-optimization, etc.
  • A5 - Russian designer to create commercial sites, mainly business cards, since prices for other types, such as a store, are too high.

5. How to create a website for free yourself from scratch - 7 steps 📖

These steps will be an excellent guide to creating a site, as they will help you better understand the sequence in which you need to act. At the same time, it doesn’t matter how you intend to work - independently or with the help of a team of professionals.

Stage 1. Goals and objectives of the site

So, you have decided to create a site and, of course, want to directly or indirectly receive from it profit or other benefits. This is the goal and task for which the cause was started.

The main objectives of the site:

  • The formation of the public a favorable image of a person, company or any other organization.
  • Implementation of the sale of goods or services.
  • Announcement of upcoming events.
  • Posting news.
  • Assisting the user in making a decision (for example, comparing prices or product features).
  • Online services (Mailing list, Internet bank, calculator, etc.).

Stage 2. Type and engine of the site

Select the site engine depending on the functionality using the following table:

Site viewSite engine (free)Site engine (paid)Website builder (page)
1.Business Card SiteWordPress, Joomla1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMSWix, uKit, Jimdo
2.Corporate websiteWordPress, Joomla, Drupal1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMSWix, uKit, Jimdo
3.Online storeOpenCart, Joomla1C-Bitrix, osCommerceWix, uKit, Jimdo
4.News siteWordPress, Joomla, Drupal1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMSWix, uKit, Jimdo
5.Content (informational) SEO siteWordpress--
6.Web portalJoomla, Drupal1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS-
7.One-page website (Landing Page, Landing Page)Simple (HTML encoded)
Adobe muse
UMI.CMSFlexbe, LPgenerator
8.The blogWordpress--
10.Internet serviceat your look--

Having decided on the tasks that your site faces, proceed to choosing an engine.

Let's consider in more detail the platforms that are best suited to certain types of sites.

1) Website - business card

This is one of the most simple and budgetary sites. It usually contains no more than 3-5 pages and has some of the most basic sections. These sites are mainly used by small companies or specialists with private practice.

Free platforms (CMS) to it will be Joomla or Wordpress.

2) Corporate website

Compared with a business card site, a corporate site is distinguished by a large amount of information and the number of sections.

To create it, it is necessary to have sufficient funds, which means that companies that have long been on the market can afford it.

In addition, a corporate website often has online chat to communicate with customers or service, with which you can select the product, for example its color or size.

You can use the following platforms to create a site: Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress.

3) Online store

Based on the name, it is clear that this is the type of site through which sales can be made. To purchase a product, a user just needs to have money in a bank account or use electronic money services.

Some online stores have a form in which the customer enters data, and then a manager contacts them and discusses the application that has been left and the conditions for further transactions.

The engine for the site is carried out by services Joomla, Opencart.

4) News site

This site is an electronic media. It can exist on different scales - from littleilluminating city resource events, to the national level.

Because the news is very popular format of the content, then, as a rule, the site should be updated regularly.

Also, news sites differ in topic, they can cover politics, medicine, business, the economy and much more, or write about everything, trying to reach the maximum audience.

The platform used for the news site is Wordpress.

5) Information (content) SEO site

Just like a news site, a content SEO site gives people information, but its main difference is that the information does not have a news style, but practical.

A site of this kind is easy to distinguish from the rest, since the headings of articles posted on it will certainly be interrogative.

For instance:

  • How to make a cake?
  • Where to make money?
  • How to sharpen a knife?
  • How to create a website, etc.

This formulation of materials allows you to promote sites in the ranking of search engines, and therefore the traffic of the SEO site is much more stablethan news.

The thing is that if a news site stops publishing fresh news every day, its attendance will decrease significantly, and if an SEO site has quality materials then they will always be relevant to users.

Since the traffic to such sites is high, they usually earn on advertising, which brings their owners a decent enough passive income. In one of our issues, we already wrote what passive income is, what types and sources exist.

If you want to create an SEO website, we recommend using Wordpress.

6) Web portal

Everyone is familiar with such sites, because now every city has its own Internet portal. It stands out because it contains a lot of interactive of services, sections and articles.

From it, people usually learn the latest events taking place in the city, the place and time of any events, weather or announcements.

The purpose of the site is to create a common information space for a specific region or selected topics.

The engine for the web portal is Drupal or Joomla.

Stage 3. Preparation of materials for filling the site

Having finished the second stage and having taken the appropriate decision, you should start preparing the material for the future site. The content of the future site may include: Photo, video, texts, as well as filesintended for download.

As it turned out in practice, most specialists involved in the development of sites face one global issue: customers have a trite lack of resources to fill the site.Absent company style, logo, product photo and company description. Therefore, they recommend taking care of this problem in advance.

Stage 4. Design and prototype development

Prototype - This is a graphic layout that conveys the structure of the future site.

To create a prototype, you should contact a specialist who, first on a leaflet, manually breaks the elements of the site into blocks, and then forms a more advanced version of the prototype in Adobe Photoshop. Now your site is completely ready for the layout stage.

Stage 5. Layout

The layout created at the last stage is what the layout designer will work on. If there is such a need, he can make some changes and additionally involve a programmer to create new functionality.

After the layout and verification of all functions, the final stage follows. If you know how to work with HTML, then you can do it yourself.

Programs for the creation and layout of sites

We present a list of the most understandable and popular programs for the development and creation of sites:

  • Notepade ++;
  • PhpDesigner;
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe Muse
  • Balsamiq Mockups.

You can find more detailed information about each program in the public domain on the Internet.

Stage 6. Domain and hosting

Domain purchasein other words, is the acquisition of a registration domain name. Almost all registrar companies have hosting services and help their users with registration.

You will need to register directly passport databecause the site will be legally assigned to you.

An important point: if registration is carried out on a legal entity, then the data of the legal entity should be indicated.

You can buy a domain name (domain) from a domain name registrar company.

Major domain registrars - this is:


You can register a domain with a hosting company when purchasing hosting services. This can be done directly from the personal account of the hosting company (hoster). For example, definitely has such services.

Register a domain name directly with a hoster

In the same place (in your personal account) you can create a website for free with the domain ru for free. As a rule, all of the above companies, including hosters, provide such services. These include - selection and installation of CMS, etc. If you have additional questions, the support service is always trying to help its customers.

Once you have chosen a domain and hosting plan, it is time to launch the site.

Stage 7. Launch

After starting and setting up the site, you can start publishing your materials on the site.

An example of adding an article to WordPress CMS. Write the title of the article, description, prepare the text of the material, insert pictures, videos and other information, then click the "Publish" button and the article is ready.

Congratulations! Now you have reached the finish line. From that moment on, your site is open to all comers, and you can finally fulfill all your goals.

Now you know how to create your website for free from scratch. Advertising and seo site optimization will help you attract the right target audience.

SEO optimization and website design - important parameters when creating a website

6. SEO website optimization - step by step instructions

So, how to get into all the subtleties of SEO optimization and web design projects.

Step by step we will analyze all further points.

1. The idea. SEO. Design!

Have you decided to create a website? Then take the time to think through everything to the smallest detail, right down to the last point.

Pay attention to every detail, fill the site with meta tags, keywords, take the time to make a decent design for your web page.

Make sure the relevance of your chosen topic.

Create your UNIQUE site style.

2. Splash page

Thinking of using "Splash"? To interest the network user, many use a similar technique as the "Introduction" page. It does not carry specific information in itself, but only contains a button to go to the main page, but if you approach this page wisely, it will interest more than one hundred users. True, be prepared for such a technology in order. "slows down"some site features.

3. Image or text?

Are you lazy to write site content yourself, while dreaming of a high page visit? NOT YOUR OPTION. That site traffic was at its best, and in search engines such as Google, Yandex and other major search engines, your page was displayed one of the first, do not be lazy to enter all the information manually.

Many web designers use just the text image for sites, but this makes the page less popular. Especially for the text part, basic plugins and other resources will help you. CSS and HTML.

But you should not forget about the graphic image, because most search engines have long had an option to search by image. For example, Yandex.Pictures or Google.Pictures

4. Name of pages and site files

We mentioned graphic elements, now we turn our attention to the file name of our web page.

for example, you’ve decided to create a site about cats, therefore you sign the photo that shows the handsome Scot (breed of short-haired cats) as "scottishfold1961.jpg", thereby reducing page traffic, as limit information only breed, instead of writing in general"about_cats.jpg" or "about_jpg".

Thanks to generic image names, you attract more users, thereby increasing the popularity of the site.

5. Using Alt Tags

Remember, when adding graphics to a web page, it’s possible to put a simple tag "Alt".

Do not miss the extra chance to attract people to the site if the image suddenly refuses to open, as this tag will not allow you to escape the user's attention if there are technical problems with the site or system errors occur.

6. Clean webpage code

One of the important points is this is pure codewith the help of which there are a lot of advantages for optimizing the site. Create the correct and predominantly clean code for the page, so you make the task of the search engine as easy as possible, and it will be much easier and faster to recognize the information. While the site is in the plans and stages of development, the code should already be partially invented and gradually implemented.

There are a great many ways to encode a web page, which can be found in more detail in other sources.

7. Keywords = site popularity!

Invented content? Already written articles? The time has come for KEY WORDS for site articles!

Select the main topic that will be of interest to the network user, and select the necessary words that perfectly match the information in the article.

Make sure all content is written correctly and clearly, without too much "water". When you include keywords in the article, do not forget about the norm of their use, because for the endless use of" stamps "the web page will blocked and marked as spam.

The process and the help of professionals

Remember, if the process of creating and implementing a site still seems difficult and difficult for you, do not be afraid to ask professionals in this field for advice.

Think through the details of the design, content, layout of the web page. Experiment and to the best of your ability, yield to some of the rules that say "This is not allowed!"

Use tags, keywords, don't be afraid to innovate and ask for tips. Develop your skills in creating web pages and delight users with perfect sites.

7. Website promotion

Finally, the process of creating the site is completed, but, of course, this is not enough for successful work, since there are catastrophically few visitors on the site.

There is a new problem - How to make this site visited?

The very first answer that should come to mind is to make search engines see the site.

Since if the site is not in the index of search engines, this means that a huge number of users simply never know about it.

But this problem is still easily fixable, and this is what will be discussed later in the article.

How does a search engine (Yandex, Google, etc.) work?

The search engine’s working scheme is quite simple: a robot (aka a spider) methodically crawls sites and enters all the pages he visited into a database, which is also sometimes called "index". It saves everything Content of sites visited by the robot.

When a person enters a query into a search engine, the system distributes the sites exactly by the index that the spider collected.

This is a very important point, because if a robot has not visited your site, there will be no visitors to it, because it turns out that the search engine is simply not aware that your site exists.

How does a search engine track new sites?

A search engine robot crawls sites continuously. Indeed, the relevance of the search engine directly depends on how quickly new sites will be indexed. More complete information will be more useful to users who asked, and this is exactly what forms the opinion of people about the search engine.

In addition, already indexed sites are constantly adding new information, which means that they also need to be indexed again.

With old sites it’s much simpler that once visited them, the robot simply returns from time to time and adds to the database what has appeared since the previous visit. He also reindexes old pages, because sometimes the information changes on them.

With new sites everything is completely different, because the robot does not know their address. How does he find them, you ask?

The answer is simple: the spider learns about new sites via links.

References - This is a very important, fundamental part of the Internet. They are comparable to our roads.

City roads - This is the internal links of the site, long distance - These are links between sites. With links, as well as with roads, sometimes you can go to a specific destination, and sometimes call somewhere along the way. Sometimes the robot goes to a specific address, and sometimes it goes where it’s lucky, it actually goes to all the oncoming links and puts them in the database.

For your new site to be included in the search engine, you must have a link to it on one of the already indexed resources. Then, during the next round, the robot will find the link and find the site.

Consider that the created site does not exist if there are no links to it on the Internet. In the vastness of the World Wide Web, there are two main types of links: paidand free. It is not difficult to guess that those who paid for, exchanged for something, or promised something become paid. Choice "to pay" "don't pay"always up to you.

You can buy links on various exchanges and services. For example on the stock exchange miralinks, gogetlinks and etc.

In addition to links, there is another way, it is also called passive, in it the information falls into the database thanks to a variety of advertising services or through browser extensions.

Passive add to index

Main a plus The passive method is that it requires a minimum of effort. Minus - there is no certainty. It is not known exactly when the Update will work (update). A site can get into the database instantly, or maybe in a week or even a month. If you do not need site indexing urgently, then this method will be quite enough.

To add your site for indexing (“tell the robot about a new page”) in Yandex and Google, you need to add these pages through AddURL services.

In PS Yandex - this is a link//

In PS Google - this is a link//

Also, “repost” (“banish”) the new page (article) of the site on the main and popular social networks. For example, Vkontakte, Google +, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The main social network for indexing pages is Twitter. Therefore, we recommend that you start (buy) and promote your Twitter account, where after posting on social networks, your page will be indexed in the near future.

Website creation - this is long and painstaking work that will take a fairly large amount of time. But, be sure, if you approach the matter wisely, sorting out every detail, success in creating and promoting the site will certainly come.

Get ready for the fact that, having read one article in the Internet resource, you will not create a powerful and multifunctional site, but over time you will learn all the nuances of creating and promoting sites. Now there are few webmasters who will lay out the basics, secrets of promoting web projects on the network. After all, webmasters spend a lot of time and effort to find out about them.

How to quickly index a website?

For posting links always ask for a fee. But there is always an EXIT. In order for a searchable “robot” from the network to notice the web page we need, it is necessary to place it on the sites that are often visited by this very robot.

A fairly wide variety of popular sites on which the same search engine spiders reside, and where they will not require a board. Just find a suitable "trust" web page.

Do you want the search engine to visit your site often, then one of the few things you need is to update the content often (information, graphics, video files and other content on the site).

Try to be the primary source of information that is submitted on the site (do not copy other people's texts, and write your own, slightly changing the style and speech of the narration.

Interested users of your site and "search engines" with something new and "fresh."

The method of attracting a search moderator robot to your page, of course, is effective, but it takes a fairly large amount of time.

As stated above, the site must be located "in move"and updated with fresh information quite often and regularly, but it takes time for the computer machine to understand and accept the fact that you are ready for it.

Well, if you are still not ready to wait, then here we move on to paid services.

There are two ways to solve the problem:

The first: here you will need the help of freelance exchanges, where professionals in their field will update the contents of the site, blog, etc. It should be warned only that such services do not always "cost a pretty penny."

Second: Find people who can link to your site on their web pages and accounts. In other words - paid advertising. There are more than enough users willing to cooperate with this kind of network. When choosing, take into account how “trust” the web resource the user has.

If you decide to buy links on other sites, do not forget about all the popular social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Google, etc.).

It is not required for each website or social network to invent and write something new, it will be enough to have one image or video with the text you have already invented (altered), which will be posted on all web pages.

8. Frequently asked questions on the creation, development and promotion of sites

Question number 1. How to find reliable and experienced artists for your site?

To find experienced authors of articles - copywriters, designers, programmers and other artists, you need to study their portfolio, read existing reviews from other customers, read their blogs, if any.

It’s good if the contractor you have chosen for your website (project) is officially registered as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. This gives certain guarantees. We already wrote an article about registration - “How to open an LLC yourself - step-by-step instruction”

By the way, if there is a need for you to open an IP, we recommend that you read the article - “Registration of IP - a step-by-step instruction”. There you will find a list of necessary documents and actions, tips and tricks for opening.

Question number 2. How to learn how to create sites for free?

There are many free educational videos and courses on the Internet that provide very specific knowledge and answers to frequently asked questions.

Getting started is best with HTML and CSS. Then you can move on to programming languages ​​(PHP, C +, etc.). The skills and knowledge in computer graphics will be useful.

Question number 4. What income can be achieved when creating sites?

The amount of earnings on the development and creation of sites has no limit - earnings may be and $ 1,000 and $ 10,000 per month.

It all depends on reputations, experience and availability of orders. Knowing how websites are created, you can earn in the following ways: by advertising from your web resources, by selling them (for example, through the exchange), by ordering: developing and promoting new projects.

When creating large and successful services / portals, you can earn a lot of money (income is not limited), especially since at the beginning of the development stage of an interesting and original project you can raise money through crowdfunding. In more detail about crowdfunding, what it is, what platforms exist in Russia, and so on, we wrote in a previous article.

Question number 5. How much does it cost to create a website - what is the price?

It all depends on your goal of creating the site. It can be either a business card site (about 5-10 thousand rubles), or a large online store (from 30 thousand rubles).

On average, you will need about 10-30 thousand rubles to create and initially promote your website.

9. Conclusion + video

In fact, the network has all the information on creating and promoting websites. Watch and read on specialized forums, sites where it is written how to create a site yourself. Difficult, at first glance, the creation of the site, over time, will be incredibly fast and exciting, and in the future, it is possible that for many it will become a source of income.

Video clip (multi-lesson) - “How to create a wordpress website from scratch”

Video - “How to create a website from scratch. Install WordPress »

Watch the video: How to Make a Website in 11 Steps (October 2024).

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