What is the stonecrop purple, how does it look and what are the features of caring for this plant?

The three-leafed case is a summer-flowering variety. Differs in magnificent plentiful blossoming until the very autumn. Like all representatives of the Tolstyankovs, the unpretentious and non-capricious variety withstands any conditions.

This plant will be an adornment of any yard and a gardener's pride. Landscape designers often use it for their floral arrangements. Moreover, caring for it does not take much time and labor. Based on the advice presented in the article, even inexperienced flower growers can grow it, and it will delight the eye for a long time.



The three-leaf accuser (Hylotelephium triphyllum, Crassulaceae) for a long time was part of a large subgroup of stonecrop (sedum). Sedum purpureum, Anacampseros triphylla is the Latin name for this variety. Names are considered synonymous.

At the end of the 20th century, a separate genus was identified - the Gravel (Hylotelephium). In the modern classification, there are about 30 types of granary. Among them is a three-leaved cadet. The plant received this name thanks to the leaves - triad, located on the stem.

It is called purple, purple because of the characteristic bright pink color of inflorescences.

Reference! In everyday life, this variety is called Hare cabbage, Witch clapper. In some countries, the variety is called Raven Bacon due to the wax coating of the leaves.

Botanical characteristics, homeland and prevalence

Three-leafed case file - refers to the genus Sedum of a large family of Tolstyankovs. Perennial herbaceous plant belongs to succulents. Leaves and stems store water and nutrients.

Natural habitat - Eastern Europe, Asia. The species is widespread in Siberia, in the Far East. It prefers rocky soils, forest glades, edges, grows near the roads, in meadows, on sown fields. It can grow on sandy and loamy substrates.

The variety belongs to the category of tall, bush-like graves. Flowering is long, lasts about 30 - 40 days. It begins to bloom in June - mid-July, depending on the region. The fruits ripen in late summer. Fruits - boxes erect, pink with a reddish tint, slightly bent outward.

Seeds are small, have good germination. The shelf life of the seeds is up to 2 to 3 years. The root is powerful, dense, tuberous, pineal. It grows horizontally, does not grow very deep.

It looks like a photo of a plant

The three-leaved bloom grows in a compact tall bush, up to 40-60 cm. The stem is dense, subsequently lignified. The shoots are straight, branching only at the top, near the inflorescences. The stems grow from one point, at the base are bent by an arc, rounded.

The leaves are dense, large, fleshy, rounded. The tops of the leaves are notched. The sheet plate is coated on the surface. The leaves grow alternately, the lower ones are narrowed at the base, wedge-shaped, the upper ones are sessile, pressed against the stem.

The flowers themselves are small, star-shaped, bright pink.. There are lilac and rich raspberry colors. The petals are pointed, elliptical, oblong, bent, up to 0.5 cm long. The inflorescences are dense, corymbose, connect many flowers.

And so this sedum looks in the photo:

Similar plants

  • Accuser prominent "Diamond" looks like a three-leaf stencil with rounded straight stems. The leaves are covered with a bluish bloom, the flowers are bright pink.
  • Ordinary accountant also applies to tall bushes. Green leaves with a bluish tint.
  • Clerk Television "Herbstrfroyde", like a three-leaf stump, grows a tall, neat, compact bush. The stems are often single, light green.
  • Scourge of Evers has lignified tall stems. The leaves are rounded, bluish.
  • Accuser red-dot as well as purple sedum, grows tall shrubs. The form of dense inflorescences is corymbose.

Is it easy to grow and how long does it live?

A tall three-leaf stencil can be planted anywhere, it coexists on any soil. It can grow on infertile rocky areas of the garden, smoothing out all the irregularities of the site.

Important! The bush grows compactly, does not grow much in width, the variety is planted denser than creeping varieties.

It should be watered more often than other low-growing varieties. It suffers drought, but the lower leaves begin to turn yellow in intense heat. For the winter requires trimming. The aerial part in a temperate climate dies. Winter-hardy species, can winter without shelter.

In spring, the bushes should be cleaned of old leaves, fallen litter of other trees. Easily propagated, rooting painlessly. With regular updating of the bush every 5 to 6 years, it can live on a flowerbed for a long time. Often used for multi-tiered, group plantings, in flower arrangements, mixborders.

Also landed along the curbs. It is adjacent to other perennial flowers - autumn asters, santolin.

The plant easily adapts to urban conditions, does not respond to gas pollution and car exhaust.

Healing properties

The three-leafed account is considered a medicinal herb. In folk medicine, leaves, flowers and stems are used. Herbalists use leaves as a laxative and emetic. Decoctions of herbalists treat epilepsy. Sap plants remove corns, abscesses. Scientists have proven that the variety has properties that counteract malaria attacks.

Reference! In medicine in the 30s of the 20th century. based on the raw materials of the plant, the substance "sedamine" was used, which is used in pharmacology. The root is part of ointments and tinctures against scrofula.

The presented video details the healing properties of this plant:


Variety loves bright sunshine, can grow in places with slight shading. On balconies and loggias good air ventilation and a good set are necessary.

In the sun, leaves can change color, acquiring reddish, pink shades. From a lack of light, it loses decorativeness, stretches, flowering is problematic. In winter, at home, a cool content of 10 - 12 ° C is required.

It tolerates dry air, does not require additional spraying and humidification. Watering is moderate, as the substrate dries. In winter, watering is reduced to 1 time per month.

Regular top dressing is not required for the plant. When planting, it is enough to fertilize the substrate with nitrogen or humus. The soil should be light, well permeable. Unacceptable stagnation of moisture. Drainage is required. Regular loosening of the soil, weeding of weeds is necessary.


  • The seeds. It requires greenhouse conditions, additional care. Seeds do not fall into the soil. Shoots are small, appear 2 weeks after sowing. Need a picking of seedlings. The process is long. Seedlings only bloom the following year.
  • Leaves and cuttings. Fast and reliable way. The variety is characterized by rapid rooting of the processes. The procedure is carried out in the spring. Planting material is obtained after trimming. Pre cuttings and leaves are dried. You can root immediately in the open ground, planting cuttings in adult bushes. Stem cuttings root well in moist sand for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • By dividing the bush. The adult bush is divided into 2 - 3 parts, keeping in each young shoots and parts of the root. The most optimal way, does not require much effort. Separated parts should have 2 - 3 kidney - nodes. The plant quickly takes root. The procedure is carried out in the spring or at the end of the season, after flowering.


Young bushes need replanting every 2 - 3 years, adult plants - 1 time in 4 - 5 years. The optimal landing time is April - early May. Capacities for landing should be wide and shallow. Ceramic pots are recommended to prevent roots from overheating. In open ground, holes are dug at a distance of 15 - 20 cm. The substrate is fertilized.

Soil composition: sand, peat, leaf, garden, turf land in equal proportions.

Young seedlings should be shaded during the rooting period so as not to cause leaf burns.

Regular soil moisture required during rooting. Further care, as for adult bushes. For winter, it is recommended to mulch the top layer of the substrate with small gravel.

Three-leafed accountant is a hardy and very decorative variety. With proper planting and moderate watering, the plant develops well, does not get sick, is not prone to damage by pests and insects.

Watch the video: Sedum Varieties for Gardens and Containers (October 2024).

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