Cranberry, lingonberry, viburnum fruit drinks - step by step recipes and benefits

Cranberry juice is a delicious drink that even a novice chef can cook. It easily overcomes thirst and brings the body many benefits.

Cranberries are the undisputed leader among berries in terms of the amount of nutrients. She found application in the field of cosmetology and medicine, but is more often used in cooking.

Classic cranberry juice

IngredientsServings: - + 20
  • water 1.5 l
  • sugar 350 g
  • cranberries 500 g
Calories and BJU per 100 gCalories: 60 kcalProtein: 0 gFat: 0 gCarbohydrates: 14 gSteps25 min Video//
  • Sort the cranberries, rinse, pour over boiling water and rinse again in the cooled boiled water.
  • Mash cranberries with a spoon, pour a glass of water, mix and pass the cranberry mass through a dense cheesecloth.
  • Put the spin in a container, fill it with a glass of water, mix and squeeze additionally. After another operation, spin the spin, and mix the juice with cool water and add sugar.

Cranberry juice in a slow cooker

  • Voditsa - 2 liters.
  • Cranberries - 2 cups.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  1. Sorted and processed cranberry berries in a colander and crush with a spoon. Perform the procedure on the bowl. The juice that will be given to the berries drains into the dishes.
  2. Pour sugar into the container of the multicooker, pour in cranberry juice and introduce the cake. Pour boiling water from the kettle all the ingredients. After stirring, leave the cranberry juice under the lid for 4 hours.
  3. Strain and taste.

How to make frozen cranberry juice

  • Frozen Cranberries - 500 g
  • Boiled water - 6 glasses.
  • Sugar - 300 g.
  1. At the initial stage of cooking, remove the cranberries from the freezer and keep the night in the refrigerator.
  2. Sprinkle with water, put on dense cheesecloth and crush with a wooden crush until juice appears.
  3. Press the resulting mass. Dilute the juice with warm boiled water and add sugar.
  4. After stirring, cranberry juice is ready. A couple of mint leaves will decorate the drink.

Cranberry and honey juice

  • Cranberries - 1 cup.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  1. Grind the washed and washed cranberries in a blender and squeeze the juice with gauze.
  2. Pour juice into a glass container, close and place in a place with a low temperature.
  3. Spin water, boil and cook for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain the liquid, combine with cranberry juice and add honey.
  4. Cranberries and honey fruit drinks are good both heated and cold.
Video recipe

Cranberry-based fruit drinks are easy to make. A wonderful drink will repel any store soda.

Useful properties of cranberry juice

Cranberries are a valuable red berry with a diameter of 1.5 cm. It grows in marshy areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Even ancient people with its help fought against ailments.

A wonderful berry contains a rich vitamin complex, which makes it the most important food product. Cranberry juice increases the tone of the body and helps in the fight against various infections, it is extremely useful for the treatment and prevention of diseases, improves immunity.

  • Contains a lot of antioxidants. They interfere with the attachment of dangerous bacteria and other microorganisms to the bladder membrane, which prevents the development of infections.
  • Contains Betaine. This biologically active compound can easily kill bacteria that destroy the gastric mucosa, which performs a protective function.
  • It has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberries help in neutralizing the bacteria that cause otitis media, tonsillitis and various diseases of the respiratory system.
  • The berry is rich in polyphenols that improve heart function and normalize cholesterol levels. As a result, the risk of developing stroke and atherosclerosis is reduced.
  • Cranberry juice is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The guipure acid contained in it enhances the effect of antibiotics on pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Contains flavonoids increase the strength and elasticity of capillaries, promote the absorption of vitamin "C". As a result, the likelihood of hypertension is reduced.
  • Stimulates the production of pancreatic and gastric juice. Cranberries are often used to prevent inflammatory processes in the digestive system, in the fight against diarrhea.
  • Prevents bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay. Diseases of the oral cavity are less disturbing, and toothache does not cause discomfort.
  • Cranberries have a lot of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the hormonal glands. Because cranberry juice is recommended to drink to people who have experienced a hormonal failure.

The beneficial properties of the drink are truly impressive. Since it contains an extensive vitamin complex, a lot of organic acids and pectins, it is recommended to drink it to people with poor appetite, headache or insomnia.

How to cook cowberry juice

Lingonberry is considered a medicinal berry, and a drink prepared on its basis is characterized by amazing healing properties and is rich in vitamins.

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of the drink. I will tell you how to make fruit juice from lingonberries at home, and you will make sure of the healing properties in practice. At the same time, it will help quench your thirst even on the hottest summer day.

Classic lingonberry fruit drink

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Lingonberry - 300 grams.
  • Sugar to taste.
  1. Fresh and frozen lingonberries are suitable for preparing the drink. Rinse the berries and squeeze the juice into a ceramic, glass or porcelain bowl. I do not recommend using metal dishes, since the acids contained in lingonberries interact with metals.
  2. Squeeze the juice through a sieve or using a juicer. Squeeze the cranberries into a container, pour boiled water and send to the stove. Once the mixture boils, remove, cool and strain.
  3. Mix the resulting composition with previously prepared juice, add a little sugar and mix. Then pour the fruit from lingonberries into a small jug and place in a cold place. Before use, I advise you to warm the nectar.
Video cooking

Lingonberry and peppermint fruit drink

  • Berries - 300 grams.
  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • Mint.
  1. After sorting, rinse and dry lingonberries. Then put it in a jar, add a little sugar to taste, a few leaves of fresh mint and pour boiling water.
  2. Securely clog glassware, wrap it in a warm blanket and set aside for the night. In the morning, strain the drink, and squeeze the lingonberry berries. However, the procedure with berries can be carried out before pouring boiling water. The taste of fruit drink does not change.

Lingonberry and beetroot fruit drink

  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Beets - 1 kg.
  • Water - 3 l.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  1. Pour juice from cranberries into a dark container and place in a dark place. Squeeze the fill with a liter of clean water, boil and strain.
  2. Pass the peeled beets through a coarse grater, boil in the water left after the lingonberry, and squeeze the juice.
  3. Combine the juices, add sugar and boil.

As you can see, lingonberry fruit juice is made in the conditions of home cooking elementary. The main thing is to have berries at hand. When drinking a drink, recharge your body with energy, improve your health and prevent the appearance of various ailments. It's hard to believe that such a simple lingonberry drink has so much benefit, but it is.

Useful properties of cowberry fruit drinks

By the number of useful elements, cowberry juice will compete with citrus, grape or apple juice. In folk medicine, the drink has been used since antiquity; it is simple and quick to prepare at home.

Continuing the topic of conversation, I will consider the useful properties of cranberry juice. This elixir of health, given by Mother Nature, must be present in every refrigerator.

  1. Normalizes blood pressure. Provides a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, which makes it relevant during colds. Improves appetite and eliminates digestive problems.
  2. Regular use improves the nervous system. Sleep is normalized, depression is defeated and resistance to stressful situations is acquired. Lingonberry fruit drinks can improve a person’s condition, prevent the appearance of joint diseases, clean kidneys.
  3. Doctors advise drinking fruit juice from lingonberries for many diseases, including: vitamin deficiency, anemia, poisoning, fungal infections, respiratory diseases.
  4. A worthy alternative to pharmacy cough medicine. Having a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory property, eliminates sore throat and prevents the development of acute respiratory viral infections.

Lingonberry fruit juice during pregnancy

Drinks from lingonberries are allowed to drink even for pregnant women who suffer from iron deficiency anemia. During this period, she appears often. It saturates the body with deficient substances, strengthens the immune system and improves mood.

Helps with mood swings during pregnancy, soothes nerves, prevents constipation and eliminates swelling.

It is recommended to consume cranberry juice more carefully, it can provoke a contraction of the uterus, which is fraught with premature birth or miscarriage. Doctors advise starting drinking after the first trimester.

If you are in a position, be sure to consult a doctor for advice before including a drink in the diet. The doctor will determine the feasibility of use and calculate the optimal rate.

Lingonberry fruit juice is a natural diuretic, but consumption in abnormal amounts leads to dehydration, the appearance of migraine and puts stress on the kidneys. You need to drink it no more than three weeks in a row.

Recipes for fruit juice from viburnum

Fruit juice from viburnum is considered an elixir of health, an inexhaustible source of nutrients, characterized by excellent taste and is a folk remedy.

Consider recipes for viburnum juice. Ready soft drink from viburnum is simultaneously characterized by refreshing acidity and pleasant sweetness, which makes the taste unique.

Traditional viburnum fruit drink

  • Kalina - 400 g
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Water - 1 l.
  1. Pour the berries of viburnum with water and remove the ponytails. Then put them in a small container and crush them with a wooden cracker. Pour the resulting slurry with water, add sugar and place on the stove.
  2. As soon as the bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, wait two minutes and remove the dishes from the stove. After cooling, strain through cheesecloth and pour bottle of viburnum from viburnum.

Fruit juice from viburnum with juice

  • Kalina - 400 g
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Water - 1 l.
  1. Divide the viburnum berries into three parts. Set aside one part, and rinse the remaining two, crush in a saucepan, cover with sugar and leave for several hours.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the deferred viburnum. I do not advise to throw out the cake. Send it to a container with candied viburnum, fill it with water, boil for two or three minutes, cool and strain.
  3. Add berry juice to the resulting drink, mix and try for sugar. Sweeten if necessary. Store in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.

Some housewives add honey to the fruit juice from viburnum, but halve the amount of sugar. Pour the hot drink into the pan, wait until it cools down and add two tablespoons of honey. After dissolving, bottle.

Traditional recipes for fruit juice from viburnum do not include the use of additives. If you wish, I advise you to add a quarter of a small spoonful of grated ginger. Do this before boiling the oilcake. Cloves or cinnamon are also suitable. The main thing is not to overdo it, as these seasonings can drown out the berry.

Fruit juice from viburnum: benefits and harms

Residents of Russia fell in love with viburnum for a long time, and until now this feeling has not exhausted. In ancient times, the viburnum tree was considered a symbol of the girl's purity, fidelity and love.

Today, various medicines are made on the basis of viburnum, since the berry is extremely useful. And juice is more pleasant than pharmacy drugs.


  • The source of minerals and vitamins, without which the human body cannot exist normally. The composition of fruit juice from viburnum includes ascorbic acid in larger quantities than in oranges and tangerines.
  • It is recommended for use in chemical poisoning, as it contains natural sugar and pectin. It has antimicrobial, choleretic and antiallergic effects.
  • Refreshes and improves appetite. It should be included in the diet of people who suffer from liver ailments or stomach ulcers. Also accelerates blood formation.


It is not regrettable, however, in addition to useful qualities, fruit drinks from viburnum have contraindications.

  1. It can not be consumed with increased acidity of gastric juice. It lowers blood pressure and is contraindicated in hypertensive patients.
  2. Women are not recommended to abuse the drink during pregnancy, as it reduces the uterus, which negatively affects the bearing of the baby. The abnormal use of viburnum leads to the appearance of an excess of red bodies in the blood.
  3. People suffering from kidney disease, arthritis or gout will only get harm from the drink. Regular use will increase the likelihood of blood clots.

Now you can make viburnum, lingonberry or cranberry juice at home at any time and please your family. There is no doubt in the benefits, but some people still do not hurt to be careful and consume fruit drinks in reasonable quantities. I hope you enjoy the recipes, and drinks will provide the body with health, energy and vitality.

Watch the video: What is Better? Cranberries or Lingonberries (October 2024).

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