Why do azaleas dry and fall leaves and how to save the plant?

Azalea occupies its niche in the garden classification. This is a plant of a separate variety related to rhododendrons. It has many varieties, but there are certain parameters that are typical for all plants: height from 30 centimeters to three meters, colors of different shades: red, blue, white, pink. Azalea looks attractive both in the summer cottage and on the windowsill.

Its varieties are divided into deciduous and evergreen. The last variety is classified as "Japanese", they bloom in May days, reveal in full beauty. Deciduous bloom in June, and the leaves are dumped in the fall. Many are embarrassed that azalea can lose foliage, inexperienced gardeners worry that the plant is sick.

We will deal with cases when indoor azalea drops leaves for natural reasons, and when they turn brown and dry out due to illness, we show a photo and tell you what to do for treatment and care at home.

What is a drought?

Drought can be noticeable even before the onset of the active phase, when yellow leaves appear on the plant, which are rapidly falling.

  • To begin with, it may be alarming that dry grayish spots appear on the plant. They may be barely noticeable.
  • This means that direct rays of the sun fall on the plant, and the azalea hates the heat. Also with this symptom, we can talk about the appearance of pests, but this is a topic for a separate article.
  • Sometimes the azalea leaves remain green, but fall off - this means that the room is not humid enough.
  • If brown and brown spots appear on the leaves - this is a sure sign that the plant may die due to inappropriate conditions of detention.
  • The brown ends on the leaves indicate that the roots of the plant feel some discomfort. Perhaps the water for irrigation is very hard or the plant is overdried.
  • Another reason for the "browning" of the tips of the leaves is too dry air. If yellow-green leaves appeared on the plant on one of the days, then the plant most likely has chlorosis due to a lack of iron or these are consequences from drafts and temperature changes.
  • Constant falling of leaves indicates incorrect "feeding" of azaleas, as well as problems in the soil - perhaps the earth will need to be replaced and the plant transplanted into another pot.

What could be the consequences?

If you do not treat the plant, then after the formation of dry leaves, this tendency will shift to the branches of the plant. They will also begin to dry, and then the drought will reach the roots of azalea. Damaged roots bring inevitable death to the plant, here you already have to return the azalea to life in very difficult ways, with not always successful results. Anyway, you need to identify the problem of drought and work on it comprehensively.


In the photo you can see what the azalea looks like, in which the leaves dry.

Why does a plant discard foliage and what to do?

Leaves turn yellow or brown

Leaves can dry in various ways, you need to pay attention to this.

If on the leaves you notice discolored spots that make individual sections almost transparent, then a rhododendral bug has got into the plant. It can lay brown testicles directly in azalea tissues, so it must be destroyed immediately. To destroy the bug, the Diazion tool is suitable.

Why do brown spots appear on the leaves, which gradually increase and turn black? This indicates a fungal disease - septoria. Excessive humidity, heat and sunlight leads to it.

In order to get rid of the disease, you need to purchase a special antifungal solution, and then put the azalea in the shade and make sure that it is not watered too much.

The bush begins to fall

The reasons for falling leaves can be associated not only with natural causes in the form of a lack of moisture or an excess of heat. Sometimes this state of azalea is caused by damage to the plant by the mealybug. You can save it, but it will require constant treatment with a certain drug. In this case, you can only help with the help of an insecticide.

Sometimes a plant attacks aphids, it can easily be found on azalea leaves. You can destroy it with a simple means: take soapy water and water the plant three to four times a week.

The most basic reason for drying and falling leaves is the lack of moisture. In order for it to get into over-dried ground, the pot needs to be lowered for several minutes in a basin with cold water.

If the azalea leaves turn a little yellow after this, this means that the earth is oversaturated with calcium, which means that you need to acidify the water when watering, and keep the temperature no higher than 15 degrees.

Do not forget that a prerequisite for the growth of azaleas is acidified soil. It can be made from sand, peat and coniferous soil, you can limit yourself to the substrate, which is sold in the store.

Defeat affected buds and flowers

If the leaves turn yellow and fall, and such a process has reached the buds and flowers of azalea, this indicates fusarium. A special sign is that the leaves turn pale, then curl, become brown and fall off. And the flowers dry, and then quickly fall.

Fusarium in azalea develops only in a humid environment and at high temperature. Then it progresses and affects young roots. To overcome the disease, it is necessary to spray azalea with a solution consisting of an antibiotic, fungicide and copper sulfate.

The recipe for the solution is as follows:

  1. Crush three aspirin tablets.
  2. Mix with a fungicide ampoule.
  3. Add vitriol.
Then water it for two weeks daily, after which you will need to water the azalea with a solution of potassium permanganate for another two weeks.

Dry spots only at the tips

If the leaves simply turn brown at the edges, and then fall off, then you can try spraying them with Epin. However, in some species of azaleas this process can be called natural - they periodically drop leaves.

But if the plant does not dry completely (what to do if the flower withered, read here), and dry spots appear on the edges of the leaves, then it is worth considering that the water for irrigation is chosen too hard. It is also necessary to check the humidity. When it is too stuffy, you need to make sure that the plant has access to fresh air, and the room has the required level of humidity.

Read more about resuscitation of a dying plant at home here.

Watch a video on why azalea leaves dry and crumble:

Prevention of recurrence of the disease

Azalea is prone to get sick again. This plant is extremely capricious and whimsical.

Therefore, getting rid of parasites, it is better to transplant azalea or prepare for the next season by purchasing new soil.

Often the plant may not fully recover - then in a couple of months dry leaves and brown veins will appear on it again. Get rid of parasites will help regular processing with special means.

Another effective preventive measure is to water the azalea with a solution of potassium permanganate for two weeks once every two months. This prevention will help to beat the plant from Fusarium and other unpleasant diseases.

How to care at home?

In order to detect a problem in a timely manner, the plant should be inspected periodically, as well as removed damaged and dried parts. Improper care of azalea leads to illness and death of the plant.

Azalea should be periodically transplanted into new soil, watered with melt water, and in summer in the heat it is covered with ice.

Watch a video on how to properly care for azalea at home:


Azalea will bloom beautifully, but at the first inconvenience it will begin to drop foliage from itself. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you must carefully monitor three conditions:

  • air humidity;
  • moisture in the soil;
  • lack of direct sunlight.

Then the plant, if it does not belong to the subspecies of deciduous azalea, will have beautiful green leaves, periodically bloom and delight the owners with its beauty.

Watch the video: Azaleas Losing Leaves (January 2025).

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