Features of LED furniture lights, model overview

To decorate and add practicality to headsets, furniture LED lamps help to build into the surface of the furniture, highlighting the surrounding space. Most often, these types of light are used in kitchens, as well as in wardrobe systems, sliding wardrobes and for additional lighting of the living room. In order not to miscalculate with the choice of products, it is recommended to find out their main characteristics, parameters, as well as varieties and applications.

Advantages and disadvantages

For the original decoration of the interior and creating a comfortable environment, designers recommend the use of recessed LED lighting in furniture products. The most popular LED options today are due to the improved characteristics and quality of the bulbs. This type of lighting helps to realize all design ideas, even if the furniture is made independently.

Before you go to the lighting and furniture store, you need to measure the length and width of the surface into which the lamp will be built: for dimensional planes, it is reasonable to use several products to highlight the space.

The main benefit from the purchase of this type of lighting is associated with compliance with all safety requirements: it is important for furniture that the product does not heat the surface and does not create conditions for damage to objects. To better understand the principle of operation, it is worth highlighting a number of advantages that furniture LED lamps have:

  • environmental friendliness - in this type of lighting, even if it is used to illuminate cabinets, there are no different types of harmful effects on health and the environment. This can not be said about halogen lamps, fluorescent cartridges. During operation, the LEDs are not able to emit toxic substances, since there is no mercury in their composition;
  • energy saving - using LED lamps you can save up to 60% of electricity. It is this indicator that distinguishes these products from the general assortment, making them the most popular when used on furniture;
  • compactness and durability - thanks to the small size, it is possible to integrate an LED light bulb even on a small surface. For example, such a lamp will look great on a small narrow bar of a sliding wardrobe, providing additional illumination;
  • low dose of radiation - if we compare LEDs with fluorescent counterparts, the level of infrared radiation approaches zero. Therefore, do not be afraid that the lamp will heat the furniture or be dangerous to health;
  • durability - manufacturers make fixtures from durable materials. Often, the body of the product is made of metal, glass or ceramic. In addition to increased strength indicators, this move adds a variety of color choices.

Like most different types of lamps, LED lamps have a number of disadvantages, the main of which is high cost. If you ask a question and go shopping, you can find quite acceptable options at an affordable price. In addition, when connecting the fixtures, additional equipment will be required to reduce the voltage in the network, since products require a voltage of 12v.


Products for lighting furniture can be divided into several criteria: according to the type of fastening and the material of manufacture. The first classification is considered more common, thanks to it, LED products are divided into mortise and overhead options. To understand which lamp is most suitable for existing furniture, you should consider each of the types:

  • mortise LED fixtures for furniture. This type is considered the most popular, it involves installation in a pre-prepared hole on the furniture. Even a person who does not have experience in the field of furniture production and assembly can install a mortise lamp. The installation is as follows: a hole is made in the surface of a shelf or cabinet, as well as any other selected item. It should be identical to the dimensions of the fitting ring of the lamp. As soon as the hole is ready, the decorative part of the lamp is inserted into it, after which the filling with electrical wiring is mounted. Next, the electricity is connected and the product is checked. Lamps of this type allow you to create a single plane of furniture with ready-made lighting. The switch for work can be placed on the nearest panel of furniture for ease of use;
  • invoice type of fixtures for furniture. This type is easily mounted on the furniture surface using self-tapping screws or double-sided tape. For installation, it is not necessary to drill a hole and engage in lengthy checks and wire connections. In terms of external characteristics and efficiency, the product is not inferior to mortise counterparts, moreover, it is attached much easier. A big plus of overhead options is the possibility of turning them: at any time you can go up to the lamp and direct the rays of lighting in the right direction.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the LED strip, often used on narrow panels of furniture. Such an analogue to fixtures is often used for interior lighting of furniture elements: drawers, shelves, inaccessible places, where it will be difficult to integrate a standard product.Choosing the type of lamp, determine in advance the color of its glow. The most common is white light, and furniture owners also use warm light. For LED strips, there is a huge selection of shades: from yellow to red. Linear luminaires equipped with LEDs will become an output for lighting long hinged kitchen cabinets. They are placed on the bottom panel of the product to highlight the work surface during cooking.

MortiseOverheadLED Strip Light

Use cases

It is recommended to use LED-type luminaires on any planes of furniture sets where integration is possible. If you select the invoice option, you can use it anywhere. Often, overhead products are portable, which improves the mobility of devices and makes life easier for households.

Options for using devices can be divided into several groups:

  • illumination of kitchen furniture sets;
  • interior lighting of furniture;
  • lighting of furniture in the bathroom;
  • cabinet lighting;
  • decorative and practical use in the bedroom;
  • Illumination of wardrobe furniture.

Lamps of a built-in type can be installed in almost any area of ​​the kitchen working surface. It is appropriate to mount them under the wall cabinets, under the countertops, on the top rail of the wall cabinet. All that is needed is to accurately calculate the required number of fixtures and distribute them evenly on the working surface. Ease of use is to provide the necessary lighting when cooking.

To illuminate the interior of any furniture, spotlights are built into it. They work with a contact and non-contact connection method, and can also be switched on from movement. For example, if you needed to open a box to get an item, the backlight will turn on automatically, the rest of the time it will be inactive, which will help save energy.

The bathroom also often requires additional lighting: LED lights come to the rescue here. They are usually placed on the surface of the wall cabinet, not far from the mirror. Such illumination will provide convenience when brushing your teeth, washing and applying makeup. Business people can use the built-in lights to further provide convenience in the offices. With the help of point devices, you can highlight the cabinets where documents are located, as well as mount the devices in the countertop of the desk.

In the bedroom, lighting is more a decorative element, but sometimes it is found to be practical. Sofas and luxurious beds look beautiful, where floor lamps are located at the head of the bed, allowing you to read a book in bed. Also, the backlight is mounted in dressing tables and chairs.

Another, the most common option for lighting with LED devices is the lighting of sliding wardrobes and wardrobe systems. Comfort is provided by several bulbs located on the cabinet lid, which turn on when it is opened.

To make the lamp work, I use several connection methods: non-contact, battery-powered and with a switch. Each owner of the apartment independently chooses the necessary type, which will be convenient to use.

Parameters and specifications

Furniture LED lamp is a necessary device, if it was decided to equip the space of the room as comfortably as possible. In order to avoid difficulties when choosing, it is important to familiarize yourself with the existing parameters and characteristics of devices in advance.

Base TypeManufacturers today equip fixtures with several types of cap to choose from: GU 5.3 or GX53. You can also find on sale GU10, designed for pin mounting. When choosing a lamp, it is important to track the compatibility of the lamp purchased.
ManufacturerIn this area, manufacturers from Germany, Italy, and Hungary have proven themselves well. Lamps from China also have good quality, but it is difficult to find such models. Domestic products are rare.
Product MaterialIt is better to give preference to options made of metal or glass. Plastic products are considered to be short-lived, even if they are treated with chrome.
Lamp colorThe color is selected based on the shade of the furniture. For light furniture, matte and copper colors are suitable, for dark - bronze and nickel.
DimensionsThe diameter of furniture fixtures varies from 3 to 20 cm, this indicator is selected according to ease of use. The maximum height of the device is 7 cm.
Type of mountTypes of fastening have already been disassembled above: they are overhead and mortise.
Glow colorManufacturers offer several glow options: cold light, warm light, red, blue, green and yellow.

Having picked up options for lighting furniture, you no longer have to use a floor lamp or a table lamp to illuminate the work surface or find linen in the closet. Quality devices will last a long time, pleasing with practicality and functionality.


Watch the video: Touchless LED Light Switch Feature in DutchCrafters Furniture (October 2024).

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