Recommendations for the use of Epina for orchids: all the nuances of working with the tool

I would like our indoor flowers, including a sissy orchid, to please us with their abundant and long flowering, as well as a healthy appearance.

But often this can not be achieved without the use of additional drugs, the action of which is aimed at improving growth, helping in stressful situations, as well as in cases where nature simply can not cope with its responsibilities, which are to provide optimal conditions for plant life. To help growers come miracle remedy "Epin."

What is this remedy?

Epin is a kind of natural plant stimulant, created artificially. His work is aimed at activating the protective functions of colors by increasing immunity.

Note! The drug, called "Epin", has been discontinued from the beginning of the 2000s due to numerous fakes. Now produce a tool called "Epin-extra." Therefore, when we say "Epin", we mean "Epin-extra."

The tool is very common not only within our state, it is widely known in other countries, for example, in China.


The main substance present in the preparation is epibrassinolide. In fact, it is a fully synthetic substance, but it is absolutely safe for orchids. Do not count on a miracle, that is, on the fact that this drug will be able to restore a withered flower to life. However Epinu is able to help the plant cope with many diseases, and also activate processes, as if to “wake up” an orchid.

Release form

Issue this tool in ampoules of 0.25 milliliters. Usually in one package four ampoules, that is, one milliliter.

What is it used for?

Epin helps the plant in the following:

  • stimulation of rejuvenation of any flower;
  • increases the rate of formation and bloom of buds;
  • promotes rapid rooting of processes;
  • reduces the level of nitrate elements, as well as other various harmful substances;
  • stimulates the growth and development of the orchid root system;
  • contributes to the development of immunity to diseases, pests and stressful situations.
Important! "Epin" is the same as a human supplement. It supports the forces, but cannot replace the main food, in our case it is watering and fertilizer.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have already named all the advantages of the drug above. But there are some disadvantages that need to be paid attention so as not to harm the plant.

The main substance - Epibrassinolide - decomposes under the influence of sunlight. Because of this, "Epin" not only does not help, but also harms the orchid. therefore treatment with the drug is highly recommended only in the dark.

Another negative point can be called the fact that "Epin" loses its useful properties in an alkaline environment. Therefore, the drug can be diluted only in purified, and preferably boiled water. If this is not possible, it is advised to add any acid in water, 1-2 drops per liter of water.


Do not forget that it is a chemical preparation, so it must be stored in places inaccessible to children and animals. It is better if you choose a box for this, which can be locked, and should be located as high as possible. The place should be dark, sunlight is not allowed on the drug. The maximum shelf life of Epin is three years from the date of production.

Since the dose of the agent used is very small, then after opening the ampoule, move its contents to the medical syringe. Discard the ampoule immediately after this manipulation and make sure that children and animals do not reach it. The syringe with the drug is emptied as necessary, while it is stored in a cool place (preferably in the refrigerator) and in a plastic bag.

What is the difference from other top dressings?

Other drugs stimulate plant growth, not counting whether the flower has the strength to do this. It may happen that after feeding with other means, the orchid will begin to grow better, and will soon die. This will happen because all the forces will be spent on growth. Epin is the opposite. It stimulates the production of nutrients, which in the future will give active flower growth. That is, first the orchid will accumulate strength inside and only after a while the effect of "Epin" will become noticeable externally.

But there is no doubt that this same effect will definitely be. The action of this tool has been tested over the years and numerous experiments.

Safety regulations

When using Epin, be sure to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not connect the product with food;
  2. wear personal protective equipment (at least gloves, but it is better to wear a mask);
  3. after orchid treatment, wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap and water under running water;
  4. carry out the procedure for rinsing the oral cavity;
  5. do not make fire near the storage of the drug;
  6. do not treat the plant during the day (you need to do this in the evening or early in the morning).

Where and for how much can I get?

Despite the fact that "Epin" is a very powerful and really effective tool, it costs a lot. The drug is sorted by packages, in which several ampoules or a whole bottle can. You can find a package with one milliliter of the product, with two, with fifty and a whole liter of Epina.

For the smallest packaging you will need to pay only thirteen rubles. For the second largest - already 15 rubles, for 50 milliliters it will be necessary to part with the amount of 350 rubles, and prices for liter bottles range from 5000.

On a note. You can buy this drug in any stores specializing in the sale of seeds or prepared potted flowers.

How to apply?

Dosage selection and how to breed

Already experienced flower growers choose a concentration slightly less than that indicated on the package. Usually there is one ampoule per five liters of water. At the same time, do not forget that only boiled water is suitable for us. If this is not possible, add a few crystals of citric acid to the water. This will reduce the alkalinity of heavy water.

Using the finished solution

When the product is diluted, dip flowerpots with orchids in it. Depending on the stage of flower growth, the pot holding time in the solution varies. It can be ten minutes, and as much as two hours.

If you forget to get an orchid in time and overexpose the recommended time, do not be alarmed, “Epin” will not bring much harm. Just then rinse the soil under running water and refrain from applying fertilizers for some time.

Is it possible to spray the orchid with them? You can not only immerse the flowerpot with a flower, but also simply soak the roots in the solution. This is usually done during plant transplantation. Also, it will not be amiss to moisten a cotton swab in the solution and wipe all the leaves with it.

How often to carry out the procedure?

Very frequent use is not recommended. You you can use "Epin" during the active growth of orchids, and also annually a month before the beginning of the dormancy period (it begins around November). These points are required.

If you wish, you can stimulate the plant during transplantation, as well as in the event that you find any pests or signs of disease on the flower (Epin does not destroy the parasites, but it significantly increases the strength of the orchid to control pests).


By and large, the only improper use can only be an overdose. But she will not cause much harm to the orchid. Just limit any other fertilizer to about a month.

When is use contraindicated?

The manufacturer did not indicate specific specific contraindications to use.

Note! The only limitation may be the fact that the orchid is not planted on a substrate, but purely in one bark, which in itself is alkaline and can direct Epina’s work in a negative direction.

Alternative to Zircon

First, let us define zircon. It is also a biological growth promoter for home crops, including indoor plants. This is a kind of phytohormone. But with a strong overdose of this agent, the plant may simply die due to the fact that an excess of zircon will prevent other nutrients from entering the plant. Therefore, scientists have long thought about creating an alternative to this drug. And the generally accepted substitute for zircon was considered "Epin", the effect of which became a little softer compared to the senior comrade.

"Epin" loses to zircon in only one way: the concentration of the active substance in the first is less, therefore, the result will be less noticeable and longer. But I repeat: this is only if we compare the two data of the drug. Therefore, some gardeners still have not switched to the use of a more gentle Epin. In more detail about the Zircon drug we told in this article.

In conclusion, we recall that all living things, just like humans, need outside support. Therefore, if you want to see your orchid healthy and blooming, periodically use biological stimulants. And we recommend that you use exclusively proven drugs in their quality.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to process the Epin orchid so that it blooms:

Watch the video: Orchid Track 1 Paris Live @ Le Glaz'Art 04112013 (October 2024).

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