Begonia plant annual and perennial: the rules of planting and care

In the 17th century, the French monk Plushier discovered and described a strange flower, which was later called begonia.

Today, this plant has earned popularity not only because of its unpretentiousness, but also because of the huge variety of species and varieties.

At the moment, there are more than two thousand species of this plant. We learn more in our article on annual and perennial begonias.


Begonia is a perennial or annual herb. It grows in a variety of ways: in the form of creeping grasses, tall bushes, shrubs. So that experienced gardeners, and especially beginners, are not confused, all types of begonias are divided into three conditional groups, each of which has its own distinctive features.


They differ in large terry flowers, abundantly blooming on the bush. Also this group of begonias has the longest flowering period. Tuberous plants can be grown in tubs or flower beds, as well as at home. Bulbs of this group overwinter to an old pot or in the refrigerator, and after waking up they quickly resume vegetation.


They can be either annual or perennial. The former are often used for street and frame growing. At zero temperature, the surface of the bush dies, but it can resume its growth if the earth is not frozen and the roots are preserved.

Decorative foliage

Bright, carved leaves distinguish this group from the rest. The most popular varieties with dull, "fluffy" leaves. They also breed such begonias - by rooting or dividing the leaf.

But, despite the separation, all begonias have several common features: the mandatory presence of same-sex flowers, a fleshy stem, asymmetric leaves, a powerful, thick rhizome.

Both gardeners and amateurs sometimes confuse annual and perennial plants. To avoid confusion, you need to consider the types of begonia in more detail.

Annual or not?

Annuals include ornamental and tuberous plants. After they fade, the tubers are thrown out. All types of begonias do not tolerate cold, because perennial plants for the winter period are dug up and transferred to the house. Tubers are sent for the winter in a cool place. In evergreen species, the dormant period is weakly expressed.

ATTENTION! In fact, there are no annual begonias, they are often often grown for flowering, like annuals.

Perennial garden begonia is a tuberous plant and, compared to other species, is quite finicky. She, like all other groups, does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it is recommended to plant it in shady places.

Tubers are not frost-resistant, therefore, garden begonia should be planted in the month of June. It differs from home only in the fact that for the summer period these flowers are planted in flower beds or put out in flowerpots on the street.

The most popular are the following types:

  • Everlasting.
  • Ampelic.
  • Tuberous.
  • Graceful.


A small plant up to twenty centimeters in height, has thick stems and small flowers of red, pink and orange. It blooms all summer, regardless of weather conditions.

The most famous varieties:

  1. Baby Wing (has green or bronze leaves).
  2. Ambassador (leaves have an unusual red border).
  3. Cocktail (leaves of brick color).

Watch a video about growing evergreen begonias:


This species blooms from early spring to late autumn.

The descending stems up to 35 cm long have bright, green leaves and a huge number of male and female flowers with a diameter of up to eight centimeters.

Each of them blooms for ten days. Plants of this species love diffused light and moderate air temperature. (18-20 degrees).


It has a tuberous rhizome and rich flowering. Flowers can be red, pink or white, their various shades and two-tone options are also possible.


They reach a height of up to 20 cm and have glossy flowers of soft pink or white. This plant is also called Viennese begonia. It requires the timely removal of wilted flowers and leaves.

Despite the fact that the species is called annual, the life of the plant can be extended to several years. The optimal months for planting such a begonia are from late January to March. Such periods are due to the long growing season, and the best seedlings are given by pelletized seeds (found in a shell of nutrients).

It is also possible to revive old tubers. During wintering, they are placed in a cool place, and with the onset of heat they are planted, deepening into the soil by half, and watered once every three days. With the advent of shoots, the tubers are covered with earth and put in a place with good lighting.

IMPORTANT! If the perennial begonia lived only a year and did not sprout in the spring, then storage conditions were violated (low temperature, for example).

Perennials can also stop growing due to tuber wear. In order for the plant to develop and grow well, its tubers must be divided - this stimulates it to actively grow.

General care rules

Begonia grows very quickly and does not require any special care. But, nevertheless, you need to consider some basic rules.

  1. The plant loves warmth, because the temperature even during the wintering period should not fall below 15 degrees (we wrote here about how to care for begonia in the winter).
  2. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, but loves light. On the street you need to plant in the shade, and at home choose a bright place (for more details on how to grow begonia at home, see here). In the summer, if begonia is on the windowsill, you need to shade the flower (even a simple newspaper will do) for the hottest day period.
  3. Abundant watering is required (except for the winter period) once every three days.
  4. In no case should you fill the plant, otherwise brown spots may appear on the leaves. Soil moisture should be checked to prevent decay. An hour after watering, drain excess water from the pan.
  5. The composition of the soil should include sheet land, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Ready mix for begonias diluted with sand is suitable.
  6. It is necessary to transplant once a year in the spring, after which it is cut off to form a crown in order to avoid losing the decorative appearance of the plant (we wrote about begonias transplantation here, and from this article you will learn about pruning plants).
  7. The best fertilizer for begonia will be liquid mineral fertilizers. This is done twice a month.
  8. Do not spray the leaves of home begonia, otherwise a fungus may appear on the leaves.
  9. For the winter period, the tubers are dug up and stored in a box with sand at a temperature of 10-13 degrees.
  10. The plant loves moisture, because the pot can be put in a tray with expanded clay or moss.
  11. Garden begonia must be tied up, otherwise the stem may not sustain and break due to abundant flowering (we wrote about growing garden begonia in our material).
  12. You can not pour cold water on this plant can throw off the leaves.
  13. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the flower. Twisted leaves indicate a too high air temperature, and brown and brittle ones indicate a lack or excessive humidity (we explained in detail in a separate article why the leaves curl in a plant).

Observing all the recommendations for the care of begonia, it will grow healthy and delight you with its beautiful flowers and unusual leaves. It must be remembered that even the most unpretentious and disease-resistant plants need basic care and attention - do not leave begonia unattended.

This plants is an excellent natural filter for smokers - their smell helps to clear the bronchi. So this flower is not only beautiful, but also useful.

Watch the video: Gorgeous Shade Arrangement in Window Boxes . Garden Answer (October 2024).

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