Effective methods of fighting mice in the house and in the apartment

Mice are dangerous for people in the form of serious diseases (rabies, plague, toxoplasmosis, allergies), as well as property damage. Therefore, sanitary services periodically hunt rodents or with the help of special tools create an unacceptable breeding environment for them.

Safety Precautions

Activities related to getting rid of mice are divided into fighter and preventive. Some citizens try to get rid of them on their own at home, using chemicals, mousetraps, folk methods. When working with toxic agents, care must be taken.

  • When preparing a poison bait, you must use a respirator.
  • Protect hands with rubber gloves and eyes with glasses. Try to keep the product away from exposed skin.
  • Observe the dosage indicated in the annotation to the drug.
  • Collect dead rodents with forceps or a shovel and burn.
  • If signs of poisoning appear, consult a doctor immediately.
  • At the end of the work, all objects in contact with pesticides are thoroughly and repeatedly washed.
  • Do not store chemicals near food.

Signs of the appearance of mice

It is not difficult to determine the appearance of uninvited and harmful guests in a house or apartment.

Signs of presence in a private house:

  • An unexpected appearance of an individual right in front of the eyes.
  • Here and there chains of small formations of dark color appear - mouse droppings; most of them appear in places of storage of cereals and other edible supplies.
  • With the increase in the number of rodents in the house, a specific smell appears, which is associated with the concentration of mouse excrement.
  • Then the owners find damaged wires, bags, newspapers, books, leftover food on the table.
  • To make sure mice are available, you can sprinkle a small amount of flour on the floor with a thin layer, in the morning it will be covered with traces of rodents.
  • In the corners, baseboards, wooden floors, small holes appear, signaling the penetration of mice into the house.
  • At night, characteristic fussing, squeaking is heard.

Signs of rodents in the apartment:

  • In the silence of the night, rustling suddenly begins, a rattle;
  • Under the wooden floors, voids are often formed, where parasites like to crawl and if you knock on floorboards, you will hear fuss. Mouse excrement appears;
  • They begin to nibble packages with cereals, food, wiring, wires.

When the first signs appear, immediately eliminate rodents. While there are still few, making it easier and cheaper.

Folk remedies against mice in the house and in the apartment

People over many centuries of neighborhood with rodents have been able to develop methods of dealing with them, determining which plants, smells scare them away. These funds do not require large expenditures and are effective in the initial stage. True, some of them are not entirely humane. What can be adopted?


Mice do not like the smell of mint. The essential oils secreted by the aromatic plant scare them away. You can put fresh twigs or leaves of a plant around the house or apartment. The pharmacy sells mint tincture. Balls are rolled from cotton wool, impregnated with a product and laid out. Change them about once a week.


The smell of wormwood is pungent, astringent, with bitterness, and mice do not approve of it either. Fresh or flower-dried plants are hung or laid out indoors to create a persistent aroma. You can fumigate the room. They also prepare a decoction and spray them in the places of the alleged penetration of rodents. The pharmacy has a tincture of a bitter plant, which is also used to scare away mice.


The smell of elderberry adversely affects the animals attacking the house. The dried plant must be crushed, packaged in linen bags or simply tied in rags and spread on the floor, closer to the holes made by mice. Twigs are laid around the perimeter, which also discourages them from visiting the house.


The aroma of coriander negatively affects the nervous system of gray pests. This seasoning is sold in a store. It is scattered in cabinets where cereals and other products are stored.


The best way to deal with mice are mousetraps. Their use is advisable when there are few pests. A piece of lard or bread soaked in sunflower oil is suitable for the bait. They like mice and smoked sausage, although many claim that they only eat a high-quality product without the addition of chemistry. Change the bait periodically and rearrange the trap in different places.

Homemade lures and traps

  • Cork from a bottle of champagne will help in the destruction of animals. It is crushed, fried in oil and laid out on the floor. When the mouse eats the bait, the cork in its stomach swells and interferes with normal intestinal patency, the individual dies.
  • Mix gypsum with sugar and flour. Just take equally. Next to put water in a container accessible to animals. After eating, the mouse will want to drink, and the gypsum, saturated with water, will freeze in the stomach, forming a hard lump. From this comes the death of a rodent.
  • Help in the fight against pests of bait with boric acid. A thick mixture is prepared from a pharmacy, raw eggs, flour and sugar. Then form balls and put in the places of movement of the mice. For them, it's poison.
  • It has been observed that pests really dislike loud noises. If loud music is often played in the house, voles will never come here. You can periodically knock loudly, several times a day. Mice will be less likely to visit the house, and then completely disappear.
  • Another good option is to get a mouse cat.
  • Sticky traps are also used, from which the rodent cannot get out.
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Specialized chemistry against rodents

The modern market offers a range of pest control chemicals. All of them are toxic, therefore, choosing a tool, it is necessary to take into account its features, select depending on the place of application - housing, basement, warehouse, garage. Some of them are so toxic that they are not suitable for living quarters.

  • "Rat death." It contains an anticoagulant that changes the structure of the blood of the mouse, as a result of which it tends to break out and after 3 or 4 days death occurs. Food poisoning does not occur, so other mice do not panic, and quickly become the next victims. It can be used up to two years. Efficiency is maintained during this period. After using the poison, the mice become slow, and the cat will easily catch and eat such an individual. But this can not be allowed, as you can harm the pet.
  • "Golif". Fast and powerful tool. It is in service with the sanitary services. Pests begin to die in a couple of days, relatives do not see the death of poisoned individuals and continue to visit the treated room. Mice, experiencing oxygen starvation, flee from home to the street and die outdoors, due to which there is no stench from corpses.
  • "Rat". A powder that has both pros and cons. Death occurs within a day. Unlike the above funds, this species is non-toxic to pets. The powder is added to seeds, cottage cheese, bread, cereals. The disadvantage is the development in mice of resistance to the action of the drug, so after a few months, you should change the tool.
  • Mortorat. Poison containing brodifacum, which promotes the mummification of the body of a gray pest after its death, as a result, the absence of a cadaveric smell. The tool is available in the form of briquettes. They are laid out at a distance of 5 meters. Rats and mice die in 5 days.
  • Zoocoumarin The powder, which is mixed with the bait and tossed into the habitat of mice. Rats disappear completely, and the number of mice decreases by 70 percent. The maximum death of animals is observed 7-10 days after the start of the use of the powder.
  • "Nutcracker". Jelly-like poison produced in the form of balls. They can be decomposed in the habitats of individuals. It is allowed to use poison in any premises, both residential and warehouse.
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Ultrasonic Repellers

  • "Typhoon" OG.01. Effectively suppresses the desire of mice to visit the cultivated area. It is used at temperature conditions from -15 to +45. Sound pressure up to 100 dB covers an area of ​​400 square meters. m. The device can operate in continuous mode and in pulsed mode. The result is achieved as soon as possible. The downside is that some species of animals are insensitive to the effects of the device.
  • "Chiton 2 PRO". A powerful device that suppresses the activity of any rodent in the area of ​​500 square meters. m. Radiated waves are harmless to people and pets, except for pigs, hamsters, decorative rats. Works from a network. Radiation goes in all directions. It copes well in large rooms - storages, warehouses, hangars. Of the shortcomings - poor-quality assembly.
  • Tornado 400 suitable for home. In it there is a periodic change in the frequency of ultrasound, which prevents the "guests" from getting used to one tone, and having failed to adapt to an uncomfortable environment, they leave. It has no negative effect on people, as well as on domestic animals. Pluses - it works silently, the assembly is good, it affects a large area of ​​up to 400 square meters. m., has small dimensions and weight. Cons - a small frequency range from 2 to 10 kHz.
  • "Hail". A popular device that can get rid of rodents forever. It works both on mains and on batteries, covering an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. m. Does not cause addiction. Pests experience internal discomfort, lose their orientation in space, pain, lose their desire to drink, eat, and multiply. Man does not experience anything like this.
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Do pets help against mice?

There are less and less true mouse mice. Cats are kept more for the soul, their owners groom and cherish, drowning the instinct of the hunter. Therefore, the fight against rodents with the help of a pet is irrelevant. If someone is lucky and their pet has signs of a predator, he will be able to scare away the mice, but only in the case of a small amount.

How to get rid of mice in the house and apartment forever

In order to forever discourage mice from visiting the house, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the problem.

  • Rodents are tearing into the house to people in search of food, so you need to remove products from the field of visibility and reach, make sure that after eating there are no crumbs, leftovers. Wash floors thoroughly with a chlorine solution.
  • In the apartment, close all cracks, holes, minks with construction foam. Unfold the poison bait. If there are children in the house and animals, make it inaccessible to them.
  • Use mousetraps.
  • Get a cat. Even if he does not show interest in rodents, his smell will scare them away.
  • Use ultrasonic rodent repellents. They are harmless to humans, odorless, no noise, do not require preparation, leave no residue and effectively expel harmful tail.

Is it worth it to call SES and private firms, if all else fails

When it is not possible to cope with rodents on their own, a professional disinfestation service will come to the rescue. Specialists from SES or other similar organizations will quickly determine the location of rodents, identify the causes of their appearance and relieve them.

The work is carried out in two stages:

  1. Carrying out activities for the destruction of indoor.
  2. Destruction of parasites settled outside the home.

In the arsenal of services are powerful, high-speed, effective chemical, biological agents, various devices. After stripping, they carry out preventive measures against the repeated invasion of mice, and if necessary, processing will be carried out again.

Useful Tips

When mice appear in the house, immediately do the following:

  • Put all food in the refrigerator without leaving crumbs on the table.
  • Close windows and doors tightly at night.
  • Close up all the cracks in the floor.
  • Protect ventilation grilles with a fine metal mesh.
  • Clean up your pet food at night.

These simple activities will help prevent rodents from appearing in the house.

Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Mice (October 2024).

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