How to do keratin hair straightening with your own hands

A hundred years ago, only wealthy ladies could have beautiful and healthy hair. After all, caring for them not only requires a lot of time and effort, but also a lot of money. Today, nothing has changed dramatically. Many women cannot afford long hair, because they are exposed to negative factors, and maintaining lively beauty is very difficult and expensive.

The main component of hair is keratin, which provides mechanical strength: it is about 90%. Due to the adverse effects of the environment, diseases, lack of vitamins in the body, as well as other reasons, the main structural element is reduced. This leads to brittleness, loss, loss of gloss and volume.

To get the correct structure of thin and split ends, you need to restore the maximum amount of keratin. This is done using keratin straightening, which can be done even at home.

What is keratin straightening and its types

Keratin straightening is a caring process during which the hair is saturated with useful trace elements. Curls are enveloped with protein, then during heat treatment it crystallizes, creating an invisible framework, which makes the strands straight.

Keratin hair straightening first appeared in Brazil in the early 2000s. Over the years, it has improved. Now the procedure is carried out by different methods. Depending on the technology and the substances used, it is divided into two main types:

  • Brazilian straightening. It is carried out using the main component - formaldehyde. A special solution is prepared on the basis of this substance, which is applied to the hair and is heat-treated with an iron. This procedure is performed within 2.5-3 hours. It has a therapeutic effect rather, straightening is already a secondary result. The duration of the Brazilian method is not more than 4 months, but this is subject to proper care.
  • Japanese straightening. It differs from the previous, first of all, the main component of the solution - ciastimine. The presence of a huge amount of protein affects the hair not only from the outside, but also penetrates deep inside. The procedure lasts about six hours, and the effect of straight hair lasts almost a year. Throughout the time, you can make a correction in which only the length at the roots is smoothed out. The procedure is cheaper than Brazilian.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding on a procedure, you must be fully armed with information, and know all the pros and cons of the method. The main advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • Hair becomes more silky, docile and smooth.
  • It is much easier to comb, practically not tangled under the influence of external factors - wind, frost, hats.
  • Curls become thicker and heavier, due to which they are not so electrified.
  • Split ends are eliminated.
  • If staining is carried out before keratinization, the color remains much longer.
  • It is used as an alternative to chemical straightening.
  • The effect persists for a long period of 4 to 10 months.

Despite a number of advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • Frequent allergic manifestations on the scalp and body.
  • To wash your hair, you need to use expensive "sulfate-free" shampoos.
  • Rapid contamination of the hair roots, which leads to the need for frequent shampooing (sometimes 2 times a day).
  • After straightening, it is forbidden to wash your hair for 3 days.
  • With frequent visits to baths, saunas, pools, the duration of the result is reduced several times.
  • Negative health effects due to fumes from chemicals used.
  • High price if you carry out the procedure in specialized salons.

Indications and contraindications

Keratin straightening is mainly necessary for people with curly, naughty, thin hair. It contributes to easy styling, adds volume and shine.

There are some contraindications. For example, it can not be used for people prone to allergic reactions, as well as suffering from bronchial asthma. It is contraindicated to do keratin alignment for women who have hair loss. After the procedure, the curls become heavy, and since the hair follicles are weakened, the loss of hair is inevitable.

It is forbidden to use the technique in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, damage to the scalp, pregnant and lactating women.

Preparation and process of keratin straightening

Keratin straightening is a new and complex method, but its main advantage is a long-lasting result. As a rule, it is done only in salons. Since this is an expensive pleasure, many women adapt to carry out the procedure at home. To do this, you need the following components:

  • Professional deep cleansing shampoo - can be purchased at any store.
  • Serum (keratin) - there are many companies that produce ready-made mixtures. Most often they are called - "Set for keratin straightening."
  • Iron for leveling. For maximum results, it should maintain a temperature of 230 degrees.
  • Brush for application (you can take a regular brush for painting) and a straight comb.

It is necessary to remember about safety measures: stock up on a pair of gloves and two masks. Gloves are needed for those who will carry out the process, and protective masks for both. During drying, the keratin agent evaporates, and its vapor can cause allergies or even intoxication. The procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area!

Step-by-step plan

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with a professional shampoo. Such a tool is used, since it does not contain silicone.
  2. We blow-dry the hair in the direction from the bottom up. Due to this, they will better absorb keratin.
  3. We apply the product with a brush on the strands, departing from the scalp by 1-1.5 cm. After that, distribute keratin evenly along the entire length with a comb.
  4. We wait about an hour for the applied mixture to dry out a little.
  5. We divide the hair from the nape to the crown of the head into 5-6 parts. We start to take thin strands from below and quickly smooth them with an iron many times - more than ten. This is the longest and most responsible process. Parting, bangs do as it should be. Then it’s hard to change something.
  6. After the procedure, you can not wash, braid, pin hair with a hairpin or elastic for three days. After time, rinse keratin with the same sulfate-free shampoo.
Video recommendations

Purchased Kits and Tools

There are many different sets to align your hair with keratin. All of them are mainly distinguished by the manufacturer, price and concentration.

The most popular is the Israeli drug Kokochoko. Its main advantage is the price - about 5-6 thousand rubles per 1 liter. It is divided into two types: standard and pure version. The first option is universal, with almonds and other additives, and the second is for light shades of hair. It does not yellowness, but is less effective than the regular version. The Kokochoko set is often used in salons, but it is also perfect for home use.

Often used in keratinization American remedy "Kerarganik." Compared with the first option, it costs more - about 10 thousand for the same amount. There are 3 types in the lineup: weak (without formaldehyde), medium and strong. It has one drawback - it does not give a saturated shine, but it holds for a long time and straightening is carried out at a more sparing temperature regime - 210 degrees.

Less well-known, but effective is a set of US production - "Brazilian block out." This means of class - "luxury", the price is from 15 to 18 thousand rubles per 1 liter. The manufacturer offers two compositions: weak and strong. Its peculiarity is that it is applied to wet hair. And the price is justified by economical consumption - one and a half times less per procedure than other drugs.

How do keratin straightening in beauty salons

Many people are afraid to do keratin alignment at home, so they turn to beauty salons. There is an opinion that in specialized places they use expensive drugs, perform the process in accordance with the instructions, therefore the price is high. But it often happens that the master has just as much professionalism as you do. And instead of the claimed exclusive drug, the most common.

Advantages of the salon procedure:

  • All necessary attributes for straightening are available.
  • There are sushuars, with their help, dry hair with keratin coated at a controlled temperature.
  • High temperature iron for smoothing hair with ceramic inserts.
  • The procedure in the cabin is faster than at home.

The main minus of specialized places is the price, which depends on the type and length of hair.

Brazilian prices:

  • Short - 1,500 - 3,000 rubles .;
  • Medium - 3,500 - 5,000 rubles .;
  • Long - 5,000 - 10,000 rubles.

Japanese method prices:

  • Short - 3,000 - 4,500 rubles .;
  • Medium - 5,000 - 7,500 rubles .;
  • Long - 8 500 - 15 000 rubles.

Which is better - Botox hair or keratin?

It is possible to argue for a long time about whether Botox or keratin is better. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, which are presented in the table.

Hair improvementIt has healing properties. Penetrates deep into the hair and nourishes them from the inside.The hair looks healthy due to the film covering it.
Curl straighteningCompletely does not straighten. Only lines outside.Thanks to the keratin layer, the hair becomes heavy. Under weight they straighten.
Hair shineGives rich color and shine to hair.Only some products do not give saturation and brightness to hair.
Hair coloring before and afterIt is forbidden.It can be painted before and after the procedure.
Duration of the procedure30 to 60 minutes.3 - 6 hours
Effect duration1 to 4 months.4 to 10 months
The price of the procedure1,500 - 5,000 thousand rubles.1,500 - 13,000 thousand rubles.

Opinions and reviews of cosmetologists

Beauticians are categorically against keratin straightening at home. The main reason they call the lack of skills and special knowledge to carry out the procedure. In some ways they are right. Using the home method, you should know that the effect will last much less.

There is one more point why experts are against self-straightening curls. In professional salons, before the procedure, they should make a test of the drug for allergies. It’s more difficult to do at home.

Video tips

Useful Tips

The effect of any chemical preparations on the hair has not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. Therefore, you need to know how to properly care for hair after straightening. I will give some recommendations for care, adhering to which you can prolong the effect and protect the curls from negative consequences.

  • The first three days you can not wash your hair, use varnishes, gels and foams for styling, as well as braid, apply hairpins, hoops and elastic bands. Comb carefully and vertically.
  • The next 2-3 weeks, it is forbidden to dye your hair, use a hairdryer and ironing.
  • Wash your hair only with sulfate-free shampoos and similar balms.
  • It is not recommended to frequent the pool, sauna and bath. High humidity will shorten the duration of the procedure.
  • Regularly and thoroughly care for your hair. Use natural masks, compresses and other methods.

Keratin straightening allows you to not only make hair more attractive, but also intensively restores its structure, creating an enveloping film and protecting it from negative external influences. The main advantage of this method is the duration of the effect from four and, in some cases, up to 10 months.

Watch the video: My Friend Told Me a Secret To Straighten Hair Permanently At Home Better Than Keratin Or Rebonding (October 2024).

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