Stretch ceilings for the bedroom: varieties of design, color, texture

About stretch ceilings, discussions are often held between professional designers. Some of them believe that this is “yesterday” and allows only for non-standard rooms - a dressing room or a bathroom. Others consider stretch ceilings to be quite a relevant solution for the interior, and construction technologies should not be subjected to categories of taste and aesthetic meanings here. After all, the main thing is to choose the right ceiling option, texture and color for a specific interior design.

Anyway, if your goal is to get a perfectly flat surface, without cracks and stains, a stretch ceiling is ideal for this. Even with careful plastering of drywall, bumps and blemishes will always be visible, especially with lateral illumination.

In addition, stretch ceilings have several advantages:

  • easy to care for;
  • do not fade;
  • durable (average service life - 30 years);
  • have high strength (withstand 100 liters of water and can save the interior from flooding);
  • A variety of design allows you to choose the best option for a particular style.

And this is a pretty decent list of arguments to safely say: stretch ceilings are a worthy choice for any room, including the bedroom.

Stretch ceiling texture options

Glossy. Such a ceiling, reflecting light, allows you to visually expand the boundaries of space. This is the perfect solution for small rooms with low ceilings. A variety of palettes will help to realize many interesting design ideas for a bedroom.

Semi glossy.This texture has a peculiar pearlescent or metallic sheen. Semi-glossy ceiling reflects light to a much lesser extent than glossy. When illuminated, a characteristic graininess appears. Such ceilings look harmoniously in interiors decorated in a high-tech style, where there are a lot of chrome and metal elements.

Matt A somewhat rough surface resembles a classic - an even whitewashed (painted) ceiling. Without a reflective effect, dull ceilings muffle light and bright colors, suppress unnecessary glare, creating a feeling of softness and home comfort. Able to accurately convey the color scheme of the interior. Noble, sophisticated, restrained tones are perfect for the bedroom. By the way, the matte ceiling is the most affordable in economic terms.

Satin A peculiar combination of glossy and dull ceiling. Visually - this is a painted perfect even surface, while it looks more interesting than just matte. Like glossy, it perfectly reflects light, but without sharp reflections and glare.

A noticeable difference between the satin ceiling is that in different lighting conditions it looks completely different: in daylight it is almost identical to a natural fabric ceiling, and in case of artificial lighting it takes on the character of gloss.

The choice of color of suspended ceilings in the bedroom

White has long lost its former uncompromising nature of the main color. Today, experiments are in fashion. But even for white supporters, designers are advised to slightly revive it with colored elements. Consider the actual color variations:

  • beige - can be diluted with bright accents, and monochrome “beige” is suitable for the classic bedroom interior;

  • a glossy ceiling in green shades contributes to calm and pacification. Under the influence of light shimmers, playing a little shades. Looks great both in a monophonic version, and in combination with white, yellow, delicate cream tones;

  • glossy blue is suitable for bedrooms with light wallpapers. For maximum harmony, add a few accents with the same shade of blue. It can be lamps, bedspreads, pillows, furniture upholstery;

  • deep yellow looks good as the main coating of a multi-tiered structure, and its impressive energy can be diluted with sand or white inserts;

  • Dark colors look beautiful on glossy canvases. Such a ceiling will mysteriously shimmer, effectively reflecting the color. Yes, and matte surfaces are no less sophisticated.

Tip: color experiments with black and other dark shades are best left to the professional - a delicate sense of balance is important here.

Stretch ceilings and proper lighting

The peculiarity of the stretch ceiling is that after installation it will be almost impossible to attach anything to it. Therefore, lighting must be taken care of in advance:

  • visually adjust the height of the ceiling (make it higher) will help a narrow strip of illumination installed around the perimeter. The longitudinal arrangement of the fixtures will make the short room seem longer;

  • translucent glossy canvases allow you to create interesting light structures using fluorescent lamps or LED strips inside, which are then “sewn up” by the ceiling;

  • PVC ceilings are extremely sensitive to heat from lighting fixtures. Therefore, in this case, energy-saving or LED lamps will be preferable. The maximum permissible level for halogen lamps is 35 W, for incandescent lamps - 60 W;
  • a win-win option for the bedroom - the system of "starry sky" - an unusual nightlight that fills the room with a romantic atmosphere;

  • for dark ceilings, it is better to use side lighting;

  • light sources close to the picture on the ceiling will literally “clog” it.

Design options for suspended ceilings for the bedroom

There are three main types of suspended ceiling construction:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • multi-level.

It is no secret that during the installation of absolutely any ceiling you have to sacrifice precious centimeters of the height of the room. A single-level ceiling takes about 5-7 cm, a three-level - twice as much. Therefore, at the initial stage of planning, it is important to consider this point.

Stretch single-level ceilings in a room of any size look modern and stylish. For low ceilings and small spaces, this is often the best solution. Single-level models are suitable for most stylistic areas of design, and in terms of the budget component compares favorably with other options.

In a large room, two-level ceilings will help to place emphasis on functional areas, for example, a sleeping, reading or study area. In this case, the canvases at different levels can differ in color and texture.

Layered designs (with three or more planes) are appropriate in very spacious bedrooms.

Bedroom Design with Stretch Ceilings

Stretch ceilings can be used in many design styles, the main thing is to choose the right type of canvas. So, here are the main combinations of different types of ceilings in a certain style:

classic. Satin or matte white canvases, as well as ivory, ecru, the colors of milk, cream, cold tones look great against the background of the classic design of the bedroom. Both single-level and multi-level ceilings will be appropriate, but monochrome options should be chosen;

minimalism. Glossy or matte white canvases are the perfect solution for a sleek style. Ceilings contrasting to the walls are allowed, but only if the size of the bedroom allows;

loft. Photo print ceilings on concrete surfaces, masonry or old boards. In this case, only single-level options are allowed;

modern. It uses matte ceilings of distinctive colors, harmonizing in scale with other interior items. Preference is given to simple geometric shapes at different levels.

uhtnika. With satin ceilings, ethnic design looks more expressive. Several levels and the presence of decor are allowed.

modern. Matte or glossy canvases with color variety and photo prints.


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