Ergonomic arrangement of the kitchen work area

The kitchen is one of the most popular places in the house. The work area in this room should be equipped with particular care, as it is of paramount importance. To design the workplace in accordance with the needs and wishes of the one who will use it, you need to carefully select the materials and colors to create the interior. In addition, it should be noted that the work area should ergonomically combine all its functional elements.

Apron over work area

One of the important elements that perform both decorative and functional load is the so-called apron. It can become a highlight of the interior and be bright and expressive thanks to the selected material. The main qualities that an apron should have are:

  1. simplicity in leaving;
  2. resistance to aggressive manifestations of the external environment and cleaning agents;
  3. attractive view.

Among modern materials, the following are especially popular for the manufacture of kitchen aprons:

  1. tile;
  2. glass;
  3. natural or artificial stone;
  4. metal;
  5. plastic;
  6. wood.

All these materials have both positive qualities and disadvantages. An apron made of tile will withstand the influence of temperature extremes, it will not spoil greasy spots or food particles. The material is easy to clean and retains its original appearance for many years. An important factor for the use of tiles in the kitchen is its fire resistance. The use of tiles for decorative purposes is justified, since a variety of sizes and colors will allow you to choose a model for any interior designed by the designer. Mosaic made of ceramic tiles can become the center of attention in the kitchen and be an original element of decor for the working area.

At the same time, the tile is characterized by complex installation and dismantling. Dirt can get into the formed joints between the elements, which will not be easy to remove from there. In addition, such an apron can be expensive.

Glass tile for creating an apron also has several advantages. A variety of textures and types allows you to create the necessary surroundings. Such a tile can be smooth, glossy, embossed, transparent, plain or with a pattern. This material can withstand temperature loads and can last for many years without losing its appearance. Such tiles are only afraid of mechanical damage.

Seams between glass parts can also become clogged with food debris and dust. The use of monolithic tempered glass will help solve this problem. Any image can be placed under the glass. Or they could make a skin of it by applying the image directly to the surface of a glass apron. The disadvantage of such a product may be its high cost.

A stone for an apron will allow you to choose both an expensive option from natural material, and a budget one from artificial. At the same time, the surface will be durable and easy to clean. The noble appearance of the kitchen with a stone apron will give high aesthetic characteristics of the material itself.

For a high-tech kitchen, a metal apron is suitable. It can be made of stainless steel sheet. The material will give the room some coldness, which must be taken into account when using metal in different design styles. The strength and fire resistance of such a decor element will always be at a high level. At the same time, it is quite difficult to care for him, since all the dirt on such a surface is very noticeable.

The simplest and cheapest material for an apron over the kitchen working area is MDF. It is very simple to manufacture and achieve the perfect combination with the rest of the furniture in the kitchen. Among the disadvantages of such a material are fire hazard, tendency to deformation and fragility.

Another inexpensive material is plastic. It can be used both in the form of wall panels, and to create an apron from a monolithic piece. The disadvantages of the material will be instability to mechanical damage, fire hazard and the possible release of harmful elements into the room air.

Wood can give the kitchen a sophisticated, expensive look. Such material is environmentally friendly and natural looking. Moreover, the material does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes. This limits the use of wood for making kitchen aprons.

Aprons, like all other decor elements, can fit into the interior in different ways. They are able to harmoniously weave into the design in the same color scheme as the main furniture or become a bright contrasting spot in the room.

Worktop features for the work area

Basically, instead of a table in a modern kitchen work area, countertops are used. Most often, this is a single surface that combines several floor cabinets. Such a system is devoid of joints spoiling the appearance of kitchen furniture.

The countertop should be made of materials that provide it with the necessary moisture resistance, easy cleaning and resistance to mechanical damage. Also, the material should harmoniously fit such a surface into the overall interior. Among the suitable materials can be noted natural wood, laminated particleboard, artificial or natural stone, ceramic tiles and much more. The main thing is a harmonious combination of the element with the style and color scheme of the kitchen.

Storage systems for kitchen utensils

In the functional component of the working area in the kitchen, storage systems play a huge role. Even the smallest room will allow you to store a large number of necessary items. To do this, it is enough just to correctly select and distribute various elements of such systems in the room.

Among the universal representatives of such furniture can be identified:

  1. drawers;
  2. open shelves for dishes and other kitchen utensils;
  3. hinged cabinets;
  4. modern railing;
  5. systems with rotary mechanisms;
  6. cargo - a narrow and high drawer for bottles and products in cans;

If you use this range of equipment correctly, you can make the kitchen comfortable without cluttering the room with unpleasant details.

An important element is the backlight

Sometimes the lighting in the kitchen can be crucial. Spending a lot of time there, you can get tired of excessively bright and cold fluorescent light or dim lighting of weak lamps. The lighting of the work area must be carefully thought out.

A huge number of modern lighting devices greatly simplifies the task. Many mounting methods allow you to direct the rays of light in the desired area. In addition, the light of such a lamp can have exactly the shade that is pleasant to the eye of a person working in the kitchen. And if necessary, the color and direction of the radiation can be changed.

Among the luminaires suitable for the kitchen work area are:

  1. LED strip
  2. halogen lamps;
  3. energy-saving lighting;
  4. portable directional lights and more.

Creating a working area in the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account all factors, starting with the size of the room and ending with the habits of the inhabitants of the apartment. If you follow all the recommendations, then the work of cooking will be much more pleasant and effective.

Watch the video: The Importance of an Efficient Kitchen Work Triangle (October 2024).

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