How to choose the right wallpaper

It would seem, the choice of wallpaper, well, what could be easier? Estimate the color, "by eye" calculate the area and you're done. That is exactly what most ordinary people think when choosing material. But it’s not so simple. Let's figure it out together, how to choose the right wallpaper?

What do you need to know?

The condition of the walls. Thin, glossy and other wallpapers with the right striped pattern are not the best choice for uneven walls. Such material will only emphasize defects. In this case, embossed wallpapers will be the best solution. If the flaws of the walls are not too noticeable - you can use colored spotted wallpaper, the picture visually hides bumps.

The shape of the room. For rooms of irregular shape with niches, recesses, alcoves and a radiator, large and catchy patterns are best avoided. Fine-grained material would be more appropriate.

Wear resistance. If there are children in the room, either this is a high traffic area or there is any other “threat” to the walls, then it is best to use wallpapers that can be cleaned and washed. The most suitable option would be paper wallpaper on a dense basis - vinyl. If sunlight constantly falls on the walls, then it is worth choosing non-fading wallpapers with increased light resistance. For more details for other types of wallpaper, sticking, preparation and other nuances, read here.

How to choose wallpaper by color? It's no secret that bright colors invigorate and energize, and calm pastel colors, on the contrary, soothe. But it is worth remembering that the bright colors on the walls and the large pattern of wallpaper are poorly combined, quickly bored, and sometimes annoying. If the windows in the room are facing south, choose wallpapers of cold shades or dark with saturated color (burgundy, green). If to the north - warm colors will be an excellent solution (coffee, peach, apricot or orange). Red-yellow wallpapers visually bring together the walls, and blue-blue expand.

For newbies. Decorating with self-adhesive wallpaper is easier, faster and more convenient. For beginners, it is better to work with the same type of wallpaper or in a small drawing. Material with a larger motif is harder to fit. Try to avoid very expensive and too cheap wallpapers. The first ones are easy to spoil due to inexperience, putting, for example, glue on the front side. The second ones are easily torn and stretched.

How to choose the right wallpaper considering the features of the room

  1. to increase the height of the room - use a wallpaper with a longitudinal pattern;
  2. if you want to make the room visually wider - suitable wallpaper with transverse wide stripes;
  3. if the room is high - try to choose a material with a large pattern;
  4. if it’s wide, choose a bright color wallpaper with a large pattern;
  5. if you often make repairs, then single-layer printed wallpapers will be the best choice, they are easy to remove;
  6. monotonous and too contrasting wallpapers are better not to buy;
  7. if decor, paintings, a photo or a carpet is planned on the wall, then smooth wallpaper with a small pattern should be under them;
  8. the edges of the paintings should always be protected by the packaging;
  9. always buy wallpaper from one batch;
  10. Be sure to check the quality of the material. Different thicknesses are unacceptable;
  11. Avoid opaque packages, they do not see the picture.
Pay attention to the manufacturer's stamp, it should indicate:
  1. information about the manufacturer;
  2. serial number;
  3. part of the figure (report). It should be the same both in height and at the joints;
  4. material quality (washable wallpapers are indicated - 100%);
  5. drawing direction.
  6. the instructions also indicate if the wallpaper requires special processing.

Choosing a wallpaper is a serious matter. Try to choose the material, taking into account all the nuances described above. Now you know how to choose the right wallpaper. Wallpapering the walls is a rather old way of decor.

Watch the video: Tips For Choosing The Right Wallpaper (October 2024).

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