How to decorate the walls, ceiling and floor in an apartment

Today there is a wide selection of the most different options for finishing the premises, each of which has unique qualities, advantages and disadvantages. When choosing materials, many nuances in the room are taken into account: humidity, temperature, maneuverability, dimensions, purpose, functional areas, etc. And the cost plays an important role in such a matter. Let's see what are the options for room decor, the pros and cons, and also see the photos in the interior.

Wall Decoration Options

Wallpaper on the wall is a classic. This is not strange, because one more such diverse and easy-to-use material is hard to find. What you should know about wallpapers? Well, firstly, the material has many subspecies: from simple paper with a low density to washable, liquid or even 3D. Secondly, the wallpaper is selected taking into account the room. Everything matters here: temperature, humidity, sunlight, room shape, wear resistance and much more, up to the presence of children.

The tile is best suited for bathroom and kitchen, as it is resistant to moisture, temperature extremes and high strength. It has a wide variety of species: ceramic, polyvinyl chloride, glass, etc. A different texture can decorate any room. But, like any other material, it has its drawbacks. Firstly, the difficulty in laying, because a beginner is unlikely to lay the tiles evenly and the first time. Secondly, a relatively high cost.

Painting walls has many nuances. Before the material emphasizes all the bumps and defects of the walls, it is therefore very important to properly carry out the preparatory work. To align the walls using:

  • putty - for small defects;
  • plaster - for medium roughnesses:
  • drywall - for large irregularities;
  • Before painting, the surface must be primed or glued with special wallpaper.

The advantage of the material is a wide variety of types and colors, which gives ample opportunities in the decor of the room.

Drywall has some interesting abilities:

  1. completely aligns the wall;
  2. hides wiring, pipes and insulation;
  3. allows you to create a flexible interior. Various kinds of arches and passages can decorate any room;

The downside is: "echo" and hollow walls and low strength.

Decorative plaster is a fairly new way of decorating walls. Material differs in appearance, texture and properties. A characteristic feature is the ability to apply various patterns, drawings and other artistic designs.

PVC panels are most often used in offices, shops and other public institutions. This is due to the low cost, practicality, ease of maintenance and installation. In an apartment, panels are more common in the kitchen and in the bathroom, because they are not afraid of moisture and wash well. Moreover, in case of damage, the necessary part is very easy to replace.

Floor Finishing Options

Tiles, both on the wall and on the floor, are more often used in the bathroom and in the kitchen. But at the same time, do not forget about the poor heat transfer of the material. That is why it is recommended to connect a warm floor system in advance.

Parquet is considered one of the most expensive floor finishes. This is due to the fact that only rare varieties of hardwood are used to make the material. Parquet looks very nice in the apartment, has a natural artistic look and perfectly complements any interior. Of the minuses, it can be noted the difficulty in care, styling, sensitivity to temperature extremes and moisture. Parquet in the literal sense of the word “lives”: it narrows in winter, expands in summer, and there are even cases when the material changes color after several years of use.

Laminate is a very practical solution for the home. Ease of care, durability, wear resistance, fire safety, a wide variety of textures and colors are the inherent advantages of the material. Laminate flooring looks very attractive in an apartment and at the same time has an acceptable cost.

Bulk floor not so long ago began to be used when finishing the floor. For a short period of time managed to gain wide popularity. It perfectly smooths the surface and at the same time has a very attractive external pitchfork. Moreover, the distinctive quality of the material is the ability to apply a 3D banner.

Linoleum is perfect for both offices and apartments. This is due to the high strength, wear resistance and reliability of the material. Some types of linoleum are afraid of moisture and low temperatures. The material is able to imitate any other finishing option, whether it is tile, stone or even parquet. At the same time, laying it on the floor is not difficult.

Carpeting is often confused with carpet, but this is not the same thing. A distinctive feature is the flooring throughout the area. After all, the material is produced in rolls of unlimited length. This is very convenient, because for any room you can choose the required size. Kovarolin varies by type of pile, and by the method of manufacture.

Ceiling Interior Options

The stretch ceiling has a very attractive appearance and is able to decorate any room. In addition, the installation of such a ceiling will not take much time, does not leave a lot of debris after work, and does not require preparatory procedures for leveling. Moreover, the material is able to protect the apartment from neighbors from above, which, as often happens, forgot to close the tap. Of the minuses, it can be noted: installation is quick, but requires special equipment. Such a ceiling is absolutely not fireproof and cannot withstand shock and other mechanical damage. The price of the material is reasonably reasonable.

Drywall is considered to be the most “flexible” way to decorate a room. An experienced craftsman can perform the ceiling in the most unusual and interesting way: flexible transitions, multi-level design solutions, original lighting combinations and much more. Moreover, such a ceiling hides wiring, bumps and does not require preparatory work. It can be made of moisture-proof or fire-resistant drywall, therefore it can be used in any room.

Cassette ceiling has recently appeared on the market system of materials. It is made of special aluminum or galvanized steel and such a ceiling is not afraid of moisture, high temperatures. At the same time, it is very reliable, fireproof, hygienic, repels dust and does not collect moisture, so it can often be found in hospitals and other medical institutions. The only minus the high cost of the material.

The rack ceiling is not much different from the cassette: it is also made of aluminum and galvanized steel, has high strength, fire resistance and other qualities of the cassette ceiling. The only difference is the appearance and, of course, the design and installation device.

Expanded polystyrene tiles have not been widely used recently due to the wide variety of other finishing materials. A ceiling of such a material is considered commonplace. And the appearance, frankly, does not cause delight. Of course, the material is attractive and well decorates the interior of the room, but nothing more. Tiles can be of two types: ordinary (economical version) and glossy (more expensive version with a laminated coating). Most often used for budget repairs.

Watch the video: Interior Design How To Decorate A Rental Apartment (October 2024).

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