How to repair kitchen furniture, expert advice

Kitchen furniture is constantly exposed to various negative influences. This leads to a fairly short life. Therefore, it is often required to repair kitchen furniture at home, this process completely depends on what kind of damage. Restoration, reinstallation of doors or other simple actions can be done by yourself. To do this, it is enough to understand the features and stages of this work in order to save a significant amount of money for the salary of specialists.

Possible damage to the kitchen furniture

Initially, you should determine the breakdown itself and the cause of its appearance.It is necessary to identify the cause of the breakdown in order to prevent its recurrence in the future.

Furniture repair is required for various reasons:

  • natural aging of various materials, and the replacement of old structures with new high-quality products is considered a solution to the problem;
  • low quality of materials from which the furniture is made;
  • incorrect assembly of the structure;
  • the presence of adverse operating conditions leading to the rapid failure of various products.

The main breakdowns for various reasons include:

  • the appearance of chips, scuffs or scratches;
  • change the color of the facades of the headset;
  • weakening of various compounds, both mechanical and adhesive;
  • direct destruction of various walls, doors, shelves or other elements.

For the repair of each breakdown, specific methods and techniques are used. In most cases, they are simple and straightforward, and if you are doing it yourself for the first time, it is recommended to watch the training video in advance to provide for different nuances and features of this process.

Repair instructions

Do-it-yourself repair of kitchen furniture begins with determining the cause of the problem. After this, the corresponding work is carried out aimed at its elimination and correction of the breakdown. The work depends entirely on which part of the headset you need to act with.


Typically, problems with facades are associated with the loss of their original attractiveness, so they can be not only completely replaced, but simply restored, which will improve their appearance.

If a complete replacement of the facades is required, then sequential actions are performed for this:

  • the old doors are initially dismantled, after which measurements are taken from them in order to know exactly what parameters the new structures should have;
  • the drawers are dismantled, and if they are planned to be used further, this process is implemented carefully so as not to spoil them;
  • new facades are acquired along with suitable fittings, and it is important to make sure that they fit well with the style of the room, are moisture resistant and reliable;
  • Accessories are carefully mounted on new doors, and it is recommended to use special tools for tapping to get a high-quality result;
  • doors are hinged;
  • other accessories are installed if necessary.

Thus, replacing facades is considered a simple process if you carefully understand it and use high-quality and suitable tools for these purposes.

Often, facades simply lose their attractive appearance. In this case, you can not change all the furniture or some of its parts, since the facades are restored in different ways. This ensures that they are updated, they become attractive and interesting, but it does not require spending a significant amount of money.

Different methods can be used to update any door or all facades:

  • staining - furniture painted in different shades, significantly changes its appearance. To do this, you can completely update the entire room, as well as hide various scratches or other minor defects on the surface. This process is considered very simple, therefore, repair of kitchen furniture can be done by yourself. It is allowed to use different brushes for this, but the use of an airbrush is considered optimal. With its help, an even and high-quality coating is obtained. These homework does not require complete release of the room, however, you should prepare the surface where the process will be performed, as well as ensure high-quality ventilation of the room. Furniture repair itself, consisting in painting the facades, is divided into stages. Initially, the doors are removed, the hinges are unscrewed, they are cleaned of dirt and degreased, and then cleaned. Only then is paint applied in several layers. After it has completely dried, the facades are fixed to the headset;
  • pasting with a film - repair of a kitchen and its updating can be carried out using a film. It is suitable in a situation where the integrity of the doors and facades is not broken, but they have already lost their attractiveness during operation. It is important to choose a high-quality and attractive film that matches the style of the room. It is recommended to choose products made of durable materials so that they last a long time and are resistant to various influences in the kitchen;
  • rattan finish - the doors can be easily and beautifully decorated with rattan. It provides a cozy and warm atmosphere. This solution is suitable for rooms made in country or retro style.

It is allowed to use staining only if the furniture is in good condition, that is, the wooden surfaces are not broken or rotted, and there are no other significant deformations on them.

Rattan finishDyeingFilm pasting


Repair of the kitchen is most often associated with the need to replace door fasteners or with their complete replacement. This is due to the fact that these elements are constantly affected by many negative factors.

The door replacement procedure is divided into stages:

  • old doors are removed;
  • Screws are secured to secure the hinges to drawers;
  • fasteners are marked on new facades, and for this it is recommended to focus on dismantled structures;
  • holes for locks are drilled;
  • loops are inserted into these holes;
  • new doors are hung, and the upper hinge is initially fixed, and after it the lower hinge.

Thus, replacing doors is a simple and quick process, allowing you to get a renovated room in which all the elements are reliable, attractive and well fixed.

We remove the old doorsCreate markupInsert the loopWe hung doors

Dinner table

Repair of the kitchen often consists in the need to make certain work with the dining table. In most apartments, the kitchen is used not only for cooking, but also as a dining area, so a table with chairs or a kitchen corner is installed in it.

The table is constantly exposed to various negative influences, as hot dishes are placed on it, food gets in or different drinks are poured. Therefore, it quickly fails, shrinks, begins to rot, or loses its appeal. Buying a new interior item entails significant cash outlay, so replacing the countertop is considered the best solution. This process is easily performed on its own:

  • the countertop is unscrewed from the base;
  • it is used as a sample in the process of purchasing a new item;
  • special holes for fasteners are made in the new countertop, for which purpose it is necessary to focus on the old design;
  • a new countertop is being installed.

If a person has qualitatively repaired the table, then he will be able to serve for many more years. If the surface of the table has simply worn out, so numerous scratches or other defects have appeared on it, then the repair can be quite simple, since it is enough just to sand the surface of the wooden table.

Dismantle the countertopWe get a new countertopCreate mountsMount

Terms of Use

Repair of the kitchen is usually required after the owners of the premises did not provide optimal care to various interior items. To the need for replacement or repair of furniture arose as rarely as possible, you need to properly treat it in the process of its intended use. To do this, the rules are taken into account:

  • on furniture, the entire load is necessarily distributed evenly;
  • No significant efforts should be made when opening or closing lockers;
  • no need to press significantly on the fittings;
  • it is desirable that the sun does not constantly fall on different elements of furniture;
  • when water gets on different surfaces of interior items, it is necessary to ensure its prompt removal;
  • to clean the coatings it is not allowed to use any complex household products that contain abrasives or other aggressive substances;
  • all contaminants are removed as quickly as possible;
  • when working in the kitchen, the hood will surely turn on, ensuring the creation of optimal humidity and temperature in the room, as well as purifying the air from various impurities;
  • moisture and dirt can only be removed with soft and clean sponges.

Thus, kitchen repairs are most often required as a result of improper use of interior items.

Most repairs are simple and affordable to do it yourself. You can improve the appearance of facades and doors by various methods, and they can also be easily replaced, which will lead to the absence of the need to completely change the entire set. In order for repair to occur as rarely as possible, it is recommended to properly care for all the furniture in the room.


Watch the video: Cabinets 101 : How to Repair and Sand a Kitchen Cabinet (October 2024).

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