Practical tips for cleaning upholstered furniture at home

People do not change home furnishings too often to new ones. This applies to all segments of the population. For a long period of operation, furniture can get dirty regardless of the material of which it is made. The question of how to clean upholstered furniture at home remains relevant at all times.

Cleaning methods

There are many options for cleaning upholstered furniture that meet the needs of any owner and are suitable for everyone. Upholstered furniture should always look neat and tidy, then it will retain its original appearance for a long time. All known methods of how to remove stains from upholstered furniture are classified into 2 categories:

  1. With special chemicals;
  2. Not using chemicals to clean upholstered furniture.

Steam Cleaner

Regular disposal of dust helps prevent the appearance of dust mites in the apartment. The easiest method is to use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. Modern models are equipped with the possibility of wet cleaning, which greatly facilitates the whole process. A steam cleaner and a steam generator for removing dirt from furniture also showed themselves on the positive side.

Rules for cleaning upholstered furniture with a steam cleaner:

  • Before starting to process the item, it is recommended to vacuum it to remove visible crumbs and settled dust from the corners of the upholstery;
  • Choose suitable nozzles - flat or round brushes, cone-shaped nozzles for hard-to-reach spots;
  • It will also require well-absorbing rags to remove excess moisture - microfiber is great;
  • In the presence of greasy stains or heavy impurities, washing shampoos can be used;
  • Pure water is poured into the reservoir of the device. For light furniture, you should take filtered water;
  • Stains are wiped with a cloth after steam. You can walk this way several times;
  • It is important to carefully monitor the steam supply, so as not to wet the fabric and not to burn yourself. Typically, the device comes with a special nozzle for wet cleaning upholstered furniture.

A steam cleaner is also a disinfection of fabric upholstery, as pathogenic microorganisms in the material die under the influence of high temperature.

Vacuum cleaner coatingChoose nozzlesFill the waterWipe off the remaining water

Specialized equipment

Professional furniture cleaning equipment includes high-capacity suction cleaners and rotary tumble dryers. They help to comprehensively clean armchairs, poufs and sofas. Such technical equipment is needed to maintain cleanliness, in the office, at home, in hotels. This reduces time costs by improving the quality of cleaning. The most popular models for cleaning furniture are:

  1. Extractors are a type of washing vacuum cleaner with a set of functions for cleaning upholstered furniture at home. Under pressure, the extractor produces a cleaning substrate, rinses the surface and collects the spent liquid. Such a vacuum cleaner is characterized by high power and allows you to quickly and thoroughly remove stains and dirt from furniture upholstery;
  2. Professional tumble dryers - used to complete the cleaning process. These devices gently dry the fabric, without strong heating, preventing shrinkage and deformation. Drying removes moisture after cleaning and makes the upholstery dry in a short time, almost immediately after washing.
ExtractorTumble dryer

Folk remedies

When cleaning upholstered furniture with any upholstery, you should follow the general recommendations so as not to damage or spoil the fabric. Here are some popular recipes:

  1. One vacuum cleaner without additional funds to properly clean the upholstery will not work. For a good result in stain removal, you can apply a compress: dilute 35 g of small table salt in 1 liter of water, wait until the salt has completely dissolved, fold ordinary gauze in several layers, soak it with a solution and wrap the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner before cleaning. The described technology will help eliminate stains, it removes stubborn dust and dirt, quickly refreshes furniture, maintaining its shade;
  2. It is acceptable, but not recommended, to handle furniture with velor or velvet upholstery with a vacuum cleaner. A stiff brush will quickly ruin the pile, and the furniture will look shabby and old;
  3. Dust can be removed not only through a simple wet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. There is another old proven method: mix 45 g of table salt, 25 ml of 9% vinegar, pour 1 liter of warm water into the mixture, all the granules should be completely dissolved, the solution should be completely cooled. After cooking, you need to take an old sheet, soak in the resulting solution, squeeze well and cover the furniture. Then the upholstery is knocked out until the fabric becomes dirty, it is washed, and the action is repeated again. Manipulations should be carried out until the dirt no longer remains on the sheet;
  4. On natural and artificial skin, stains can be cleaned with 10% medical alcohol. The gauze is wetted in it and applied to the stain, left for 10 minutes. After that, the upholstery should be thoroughly wiped with a clean rag so that there are no traces of the product on it;
  5. Upholstery from nubuck, suede from stains is cleaned in the same way as leather, only immediately after applying the solution the surface is treated with a rubber brush.

Household products

In stores where furniture is sold, you can buy specialized care products for upholstered furniture from a specific fabric. One bottle is usually enough for a long time, but this product is not cheap. The compositions are in the form of soluble tablets, gels, powders, aerosols and sprays. You can choose what is more convenient in a particular situation. Before you start cleaning using special tools, you need to make sure that the fluid is suitable for the upholstery material and will not spoil it.

Manufacturers of chemical household cleaning upholstery products offer a huge choice than cleaning upholstered furniture at home from dirt, fresh and old stains. In accordance with the type of fabric, an effective tool is selected that will cope even with the most complex contaminants. Here are some of the most popular and effective remedies:

  1. Vanish Oxi Action is a modern stain remover designed to easily remove greasy stains from upholstery and even stains from fruits or berries that are difficult to remove. This powder is very simple to use, but it is not recommended for furniture with leather or silk upholstery;
  2. Dr. Beckmann - quickly and effectively cope with very old spots that have been eaten into the fabric. Complex pollution will no longer be a problem. This fluid is so effective thanks to its well-thought-out formula based on active oxygen. It will not only eliminate stains, but also update the color of the product without changing the structure of the fabric. You can even use the product for delicate materials;
  3. AMWAY is a proven upholstery cleaner for furniture upholstery. It is used to clean furniture from dirt at home for almost any fabric. The only exception is velvet;
  4. Unimaх Ultra - is characterized as an effective, safe and reliable tool for any furniture upholstery. It can easily help remove greasy stains, stains from coffee, iodine, ink and green.
Vanish oxi actionUnimax UltraDr. BeckmannAmway

Before using a new product even suitable for tissue, it should first be tested in an area invisible to the eyes. The process of removing stains from upholstered furniture using household cleaning products is simple. The main thing is to choose the right brand in accordance with the material, and immediately before use carefully read the instructions. Any even minimal deviation from the recommendations can change the result in a negative direction.

Before applying the product, you need to read the instructions on how to clean, to take into account all the nuances and the process went right. It is forbidden to mix two liquids of different brands, they can be used only with a break of 3-4 hours.

There are nuances that you need to pay attention to when cleaning upholstered furniture at home:

  1. With removable furniture covers, they can be washed with a suitable powder in a washing machine. But machine wash can damage some fabrics or deform covers. But basically the delicate mode successfully copes with removable covers, without worsening their condition;
  2. What cannot be machine washed can be cleaned with special solutions. Before use, it is important to verify the compatibility of the purchased product and the upholstery material;
  3. During application, do not add too much money, because it complicates the drying of upholstered furniture indoors. Also, with abundant application, there is a risk of staining;
  4. After drying the product on a sofa or chair, as a rule, its remains are collected with a vacuum cleaner. Manufacturers of modern tools claim that cleaning furniture in this way will not cause difficulties and fears.

Material specific features

Different upholstery materials require a different attitude:

  1. Velor, flock, chenille are often found materials for upholstery of upholstered furniture. Before starting to clean them, you need to wipe the surface with a dry cloth, and then rinse with a soap solution. Wash the fabric against the pile, and then remove the soapy solution with a dry cloth. It is forbidden to use a vacuum cleaner - it is able to damage the pile;
  2. Natural or artificial leather - it is wiped with a slightly damp cloth and immediately thoroughly dried. When complex stains appear on such a surface, vodka or an alcohol solution is used to wash them. It is important to remember about polishing. A modern tool for leather furniture that has worked well is furniture wax;
  3. Natural suede or nubuck - only dry cleaning is suitable for these materials, in extreme cases, with severe contamination, soap foam is allowed. After cleaning, the pile volume is restored with a special rubber brush;
  4. Tapestry and jacquard - only dry cleaning of upholstered furniture is suitable for them, the use of foam is acceptable. If the pollution is strong, and the sofa cover is removable, then it can be washed. The advantage of this upholstery is that it does not collect dust;
  5. Silk is one of the most moody upholstery fabrics. The steam cleaner will leave streaks on the silk surface. Silk can be cleaned with a soft-bristle brush, previously wrapped in a cotton cloth soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. With complex spots, it is better to use the services of specialists.
Natural suedeFlockGenuine LeatherJacquard

Features depending on the type of pollution

As you know, it is much easier to remove fresh dirt than to fight with stubborn stains. Timely cleaning will minimize damage to upholstery fabrics. Here are some tips on how to clean upholstered furniture at home with complex dirt:

  • Red wine - easy to eliminate with table salt. Granules are drawn in by the liquid, do not allow it to soak into the upholstery;
  • Candle wax - easy to remove with a napkin and iron;
  • Chewing gum adhered to the tissue - is removed with ice, previously wrapped in a plastic bag. It is placed on a sticky chewing gum, after freezing, the dirt is carefully removed with a spatula or spoon.

Vinegar soda is the easiest way to get rid of the smell of cat urine on upholstered furniture. The components of the mixture break down urine, eliminating the smell forever.

WineChewing gumWax

Purification with vinegar, soda takes a lot of time and is implemented in several stages:

  1. If the stain with a smell is fresh, then first you need to pat it with toilet paper or a paper towel, moving from the edges to the center. It is forbidden to rub such a stain with water, otherwise the surface of contamination will greatly increase;
  2. Moisten an old or fresh stain with a solution of 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. The treated area is covered with paper until it is completely dry;
  3. After final drying, the upholstery is covered with dry soda;
  4. In the atomizer, 3% hydrogen peroxide is mixed with cold water in an equal amount, and sprayed onto soda. The components are mixed already on the upholstery. So leave for 2-3 hours. The oxygen obtained from the reaction breaks down the stains;
  5. The remaining soda should be cleaned with a damp clean sponge;
  6. At the end, the upholstery is cleaned with a dry cloth that absorbs moisture. Now it remains to let the fabric dry.
Apply vinegarPour sodaWipe the remaining soda

This is the most effective way to remove the smell of urine. Removing fresh stains with soda and vinegar requires only one treatment. If the cat’s mark or old spot gets on the upholstery, it is recommended to clean it several times. But after a single application, the smell greatly weakens. After completing the procedure for the purpose of disinfection, you can walk on the surface with a steam cleaner. So, using ordinary improvised means, you can quickly and effectively remove unpleasant odor and pollution.

Any housewife with a modern variety of methods can quickly wash, refresh and improve the appearance of their furniture. But in the absence of any recommendations from the furniture manufacturer and in doubt, professional cleaning of upholstered furniture is needed, the services of which are provided by cleaning companies.


Watch the video: M&S Home: How To Clean Fabric Sofas (October 2024).

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