Production of drywall furniture, recommendations from specialists

You can install a kitchen or built-in wardrobe with your own hands. Drywall furniture harmoniously fits into any interior. Drywall is a very pliable and inexpensive material that can be given any shape and realize any design ideas. GKL is universally available, it can be purchased at any hardware store, like the rest of the components.

Necessary tools

To work with GCR, you do not need to purchase any specific professional tool, you will need:

  • Hammer or hammer drill;
  • Building corner;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Building level;
  • Plumb line;
  • Roulette;
  • Sandpaper.
  • Construction knife;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Spatula, rollers, brushes;
  • Capacity for mixing the solution.

If you don’t have the right tool, you can borrow it from your friends or rent it.

What materials are better to use

A set of materials for creating furniture from drywall standard:

  • Drywall - depending on the purpose of the furniture, sheets from 9 to 18 cm thick are used. The material is also selected based on the location of the furniture. If it is a kitchen or a bath, then moisture-resistant material is used - green plates;
  • Guide profiles 27x28;
  • Galvanized rack profile 60x28;
  • Serpyanka;
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • Special connectors - "crabs";
  • Putty, for gypsum plasterboard it is better to purchase a gypsum mixture;
  • Priming;
  • Finishing material: wallpaper, tile, decorative plaster and so on.

Manufacturing technology

It’s easy to make drywall furniture with your own hands, it is enough to strictly follow the installation instructions. The execution algorithm is as follows:

  • Make a diagram of the future interior item, draw a drawing;
  • Make markings on the surface;
  • Cut the material to the desired size;
  • Assemble the frame for the structure;
  • Sheathe the crate with drywall;
  • Finish.

If you follow this action plan, then the furniture from the gypsum boards will be the pride of the owner of the apartment.

Schemes and drawings

Before starting the production of drywall furniture, you need to determine the location of the structure. This will help determine the exact dimensions of the furniture and make accurate material calculations. First of all, you need to create a schematic drawing of a future interior item. We must try to make the design harmonious so that it fits into the interior of the room.

Once the sketch is ready, you can start marking the surface. This is done as follows:

  • Mark the installation locations of the guide elements. To do this, make marks on the floor and ceiling, using a plumb line, check their parallelism relative to each other;
  • According to the marks, we set the chopping cord, pull it and sharply release it. It turns out a straight line on which the profile will be installed;
  • Then you need to mark the installation location of the rack profile, depending on the load on the structure, the step of the profile element will be 40-60 cm;
  • If this is required by the design, we mark the places of installation of the suspensions that will hold the wall profile;
  • We check all lines by level and plumb;
  • If you plan to install the shelves, immediately mark on the wall where they will be and what thickness they should be made.

At this stage, the surface marking can be considered completed and you can proceed to the next step - cutting the material. Before you start cutting parts from drywall, you need to correctly mark the stove so that there is as little waste as possible. To do this, use a tape measure and a pencil to make marks on the material. Then take the rule and draw drywall, based on the desired parameters.

We make a marking of the rack profileInstall the chopping cordWe make a marking of guidesWe mark the places of suspensions

Cutting parts

To work on the construction of furniture quickly, you need to prepare all the details of the structure of drywall:

  • With metal scissors, cut the guide profile of the desired length. If the elements are of different sizes, they should be signed with a marker;
  • Cut rack elements with scissors;
  • Prepare jumpers. To do this, take the wall profile, cut it into segments that will be 5 cm more than the estimated distance between the posts. This is necessary for the formation of ears that will be attached to the profile;
  • Cut drywall onto boards of the right size. This can be done with a simple construction knife. Draw on the plate a straight line in level. Attach a rule or a long ruler to it and cut through the cardboard layer. Then gently bend the sheet strictly in a straight line and cut the second layer of cardboard;
  • All parts to be cut out must be signed with a pencil or marker, so that during the installation process it is clear which part to screw on.

Once all the details are ready and signed, you can proceed with the installation.

We prepare rack elementsWe cut drywall sheetsGuides need to be cut


One of the most important stages of installation is the assembly of the frame from profiles. Not only the appearance of drywall furniture depends on this, but also its reliability. Instructions for doing the work are as follows:

  • Install the guide elements on the floor and ceiling. To do this, put a profile on the marking line and use a puncher to make holes for the dowel-nail, in increments of 25-30 cm, depending on the required rigidity of the structure;
  • As soon as the contour of the structure is ready, you can begin to install the wall profile. To do this, insert the racks into the guide element and fix them together with special "seeds" screws. Enough for two fasteners on one edge of the profile;
  • If it is planned to install shelves, then it is worth mounting the crossbars in the places where they will be located;
  • Install jumpers throughout the design, they will make the gypsum board furniture more stable and give it rigidity. Jumpers are fixed on small screws from two sides.

There is another way to assemble GKL furniture, which is used by professionals. First, individual parts are assembled, which are then screwed onto guide profiles installed around the perimeter.

At this stage, you need to mount the wiring, if you plan to install the backlight. All communications are hidden under the panels, and for mounting fixtures, holes of the desired diameter are drilled. If you plan to install an LED strip, you need to consider where the heat-sink profile will go. The electrical wire must be placed in the corrugation, for safety.

Set the guidesWe mount a wall profileMake shelvesMount jumpers

The turn of drywall has come:

  • First of all, whole plates of material are mounted on the frame - the assembly starts from the corner. Drywall attach to the lathing and fasten with black screws. The fastener pitch along the edge will be 15 cm, along the slab itself 25 cm;
  • Then the second element is mounted in a checkerboard pattern. The joints between the material should not exceed 2 mm;
  • Lastly, the smallest GCR elements are mounted.

The work on the manufacture of drywall furniture needs to be done carefully, constantly checking the installation of parts by level. When constructing complex, curvilinear structures, it is necessary to install GKL plates, immediately after their cutting, so as not to be mistaken.

We install whole sheetsWe fasten the panels in a checkerboard pattern


Once the design is ready and sheathed, you can begin to finish, which is performed in the following way:

  • Stitch seams between sheets of material at an angle of 450. To do this, take a clerical knife and cut through the edge of the material;
  • Apply deep penetration with a brush;
  • Mix the putty solution;
  • With a small spatula, hammer the solution into the seams, with a large spatula, level the surface;
  • Until the putty is dry, stick the sickle and apply a second layer of mortar, so as to hide the reinforcement at the junction and leave to dry;
  • At the corners you need to install perforated elements on the putty. To do this, coat the corners with a solution, press the perforated profile, check the level and coat on all sides, trying to make the surface as flat as possible;
  • Apply soil to the entire structure in two layers, each subsequent one must dry;
  • Apply a basic layer of putty, for this, take a wide spatula, on which a little putty composition will be applied and, starting from the corner, stretch the composition along the wall. The process should continue until the process is completed;
  • As soon as the first layer of putty dries, you can apply the finishing composition and let it dry well;
  • After that, the entire structure should be sanded to perfect smoothness and primed.

The final step will be the finishing, depending on the material, which is supposed to finish furniture from drywall with your own hands. A great variety of interior design options, for example, you can:

  • Paste wallpaper;
  • Apply decorative plaster;
  • Paint with water-based paint to match the overall interior;
  • Decorate with decorative stone;
  • Apply PVC or MDF panels.

Despite the fact that drywall is an inexpensive material, it is possible to build various interior items from it that will amaze with their beauty and originality. In the photo you can see the interior design, in which there is GKL furniture.

Ground surfaceCreate a putty solutionPutty seams close up.We fix the serpyankaPutty puttySanding the coating


Watch the video: IDESIGN; Guy Buchalter Interior design & Arch (October 2024).

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