Features staples for furniture staplers, the nuances of use

In the furniture industry, a furniture stapler is used to fasten upholstery and other soft materials. He fastens the fabric to the frame with high speed and reliability, even at home. To do this, use staples for a furniture stapler, which are usually included.

Materials for the manufacture

Staples for a furniture stapler are made of metals of various types. This allows you to choose the material with the most suitable properties. There are several main types of metal:

  • aluminum is the cheapest material with low rigidity. On a solid frame and with a large load on the junction, fasteners made of this metal are not used, as they bend and break. But aluminum is corrosion resistant, which is one of its advantages;
  • copper - a soft but corrosion resistant expensive metal;
  • steel - produce two types of fasteners: hardened and without calcination. The first is higher in strength, but more expensive. Both species are susceptible to corrosion;
  • stainless steel simple or coated with zinc - such elements have high strength, is considered the most popular type of staples.

The choice of metal for staples is carried out taking into account the place of their application and purpose. It is also worth paying attention to the budget allocated for repairs and the cost of materials.


Types and sizes

For each furniture stapler, different types of staples are suitable. There are a large number of them and they all vary in size. Most often, staples are required, suitable for furniture stapler types 53 and 140. They have the following parameters:

  • 53 - back width 11.3 mm, thickness 0.7 mm, leg height (depth of entry into the material) from 4 to 14 mm;
  • 140 - width 10.6 mm, thickness 1.25 mm (almost 2 times larger than the previous one), height 6-14 mm.

Staples for a furniture stapler can have the same dimensions with different names. This is due to the characteristics of their manufacturer. Each type of fastener has its own parameters. They mean the following:

  • the width characterizes the strength of the material (for use on thin fabric, they are wide, and when working with plywood, this size does not matter);
  • thickness (staple length) is needed to assess the ability to hide the mount, but not every stapler can work with a short bracket, and this also reduces the strength of the mount);
  • height (leg length) characterizes the thickness of the web on which the mount is made, taking into account the depth of entry into it.

Know the parameters of the brackets for furniture and their importance is necessary for the competent choice of fasteners. Among the furniture clips (so called staples in a different way), there are differences in shape. It determines the type of fastener:

  • U (legs pointing down) - is especially popular in Canada and the USA for Christmas, it is used for installation of home decorations. The depth of entry of the bracket into the material is adjustable on the stapler, which avoids damage to the wiring. The most common form is made of aluminum with sharp ends;
  • P - considered universal, made of various materials, used everywhere except for wiring;
  • T - a rare and expensive form, resembles nails, has a small fastener force, so you should not use it in critical places. Able to hold plywood, thin wood (lining), particleboard.

The choice of staples depends on the shape, parameters and model of the stapler, as well as the type of work performed. This must be considered before going to the hardware store.

U shapedU shapedT shaped

The nuances of choice

A staple for a furniture stapler may have sharpened legs. They are easier to enter into the base, and the device displays power below normal. This saves energy and increases the life of the automatic stapler. If a hand-held device is used, less effort is required to secure. This allows you to work longer and less tired.

Before going to the hardware store, you need to think about what brackets are best for use in a furniture stapler in the situation that has developed during the repair process. If the room is often maintained high humidity (bath, sauna, bathroom, balcony), then the choice should fall on metals that are resistant to corrosion. These include copper, aluminum and stainless steel. This will avoid rusty streaks on the materials, as well as prevent the destruction of the structure.

If it is known that the load on the fasteners is designed to be small, it is advisable to install them from aluminum. This choice is especially successful for vapor barrier and wiring. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of hardness of the base material, because aluminum is quite soft and may not enter it.

For fastening lining or other solid and massive materials, it is better to choose paper clips from stainless steel. They will be able to maintain the weight of the structure, not subject to destruction from the action of water. If in such a situation to put fasteners made of aluminum, the tree absorbs water and bends the retaining elements. The structure will become fragile and may collapse.

Staples are packed in boxes of various filling. They come in 500, 1t, 2t, 3t, 5t pieces per pack. Between themselves, the brackets are fastened with adhesive composition into blocks of several pieces. This is necessary for the convenience of filling the stapler. Not always the length of the block corresponds to that of the device, but the staples can easily be separated from each other, allowing you to adjust the size.

When choosing staples, you need to consider not only the approximate amount required for repair, but also the percentage of possible defects. If the master working with the stapler is inexperienced, and the brackets are fragile or soft, it is worth taking at least 50% of the expected number in the reserve.

The price of paper clips is in the range of 30 rubles. up to 212 rub. one type (53), but for different companies. Low-cost fasteners are manufactured by Saturn, and the most expensive fasteners are Bosh. The cost depends on the material used. The higher it is, the stronger the metal. This means a lower percentage of marriage and ease of use. Therefore, sometimes it is better to choose a more expensive, but high-quality fasteners, and spend less time and effort on work.

Stainless steel staples have a high cost, but at the same time successfully combine corrosion resistance and strength. This material is especially relevant in rooms where reliable fastening is required, but high humidity is maintained (bathrooms, baths, saunas). These paper clips are made only by large companies that are ready to be responsible for the quality of their products and their considerable price.

Copper fasteners are more durable than aluminum, they are also not fragile and resistant to water. Often they are used in decorative designs because of color and properties. But copper brackets have a high price, so their use is not so common, unlike aluminum.

When choosing fasteners made of steel, the production technology is taken into account. Hardened products are more durable, but their cost is higher. They are chosen for hard surfaces, which softer metals can bend. They easily enter the main canvas, but with a transverse load, the fasteners do not withstand and break in half.

When choosing paper clips, not only the type of room in which the work will take place, but also the materials used, are taken into account. If it is necessary to fix the rear surface of the cabinet from hardboard or plywood, use simple fasteners made of steel. It is better to choose galvanized to avoid corrosion, but ordinary ones will do. In a chipboard, staples are easily fixed, but they do not hold well. Therefore, furniture assembled in this way is best not to move or subject to heavy loads. Since the thickness of the chipboard is considerable, we need staples high, with a long leg length.

To work with upholstered furniture or upholstery of chairs, you need to choose paper clips with a large width and sharp legs. Of the materials, stainless steel and copper are well suited. Staples with a large width neatly enter the fabric, without violating its integrity, and pointed legs can easily be inserted into any material, including wood.

Instructions for use

To understand why the furniture stapler bends staples, you need to check whether they are inserted correctly, and also compare the base material and paper clips. The necessary characteristics of the fasteners are written on the instrument label. It needs to be carefully studied and select exactly those brackets that are indicated.

If the necessary clips are taken, but the furniture stapler does not clog the staples, there may be several reasons:

  • tool malfunction;
  • mismatch of the selected metal hardness of the base;
  • blunt ends of the bracket in the presence of an obstacle to its entry into the material;
  • incorrectly stapled stapler;
  • unregulated tool.

Before working, you need to make sure that this type of paper clip is suitable in shape and size to the stapler. If these parameters do not match, the tool will not work. An exact description of the required consumables is indicated on the box to the stapler or on the sticker located on the tool body.

How to insert staples into each specific stapler is indicated in his instructions. Usually they are located with sharp edges down on a special holder with a spring. It is filled to the stop so that the stapler lasts for a long time. The exact number of staples is indicated in the instructions. She is in a box with a stapler.

If the tool is mechanical, then it needs to adjust the screw regulator (if any). The greater the depth of the bracket, the stronger the handle should be twisted. Size from 10 mm is taken into account.

The adjustment is checked on an inconspicuous place or unnecessary material, identical in properties to the base. Adjustment is carried out gradually, from the minimum position to the maximum. Adjustment is carried out until the bracket will not enter the base with one hit. When the tool is set up, it can work directly on the part.

In order not to make a mistake in the distance from one bracket to another, it is marked with a pencil. Some staplers have a latch that allows you to set the desired segment between the staples without a hint. It is better to insert staples not parallel to the sheet edge, but with a slope of 45 °

In order to ensure that the edges of the product look neat and do not have to redo the work, the material is held during clogging. After each row, it is necessary to check the presence of the required number of staples. When upholstering upholstered furniture, the interval between fasteners should not be too small to prevent damage to the fabric. It is best to introduce paper clips into the crease of the material, which will extend the life of the product.

Safety when working with a stapler requires you to put the tool on the fuse at the end of the work or session. This will prevent injury and damage to the instrument. Subject to these simple rules, working with a stapler will not cause inconvenience, but will allow you to quickly and easily perform the necessary repairs.

Installation of brackets


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