How to buy an apartment (mortgage, maternity capital, installment plan, cash) - step-by-step instructions for buying an apartment without a realtor + a mandatory list of documents for verification

Hello dear readers of the magazine Rich Pro! Today we’ll talk about how to buy an apartment: in mortgage, on maternity capital, by installments or in cash, as well as tell you how to check the apartment for legal cleanliness yourself and what documents are needed when buying an apartment from the seller.

For each person, one of the main indicators of success is the availability of their own living space. At the same time, not only the footage of the apartment or house is important, but also the arrangement of the place of residence. In addition, the apartment can play the role of a place where a person can spend most of the time, while it can become a way of saving money.

Apartment purchase It has always been considered a profitable business, because devaluation and inflation in most cases only increase its value over time. And these phenomena have been characteristic of the country for a long time.

Based on all this, we can conclude that the purchase of an apartment should be treated as much as possible responsibly. This procedure is not only costly, but also complicated, so problems are best avoided. The proposed theoretical material with useful tips for home buyers will help you with this.

In the article we will consider in detail the following important points:

  • Preparatory stage. It is on it that all the nuances of further procedures are determined, egwho will be directly involved in the search for real estate.
  • Factors affecting the formation of the value of ready-for-sale housing. Also, tips will be presented that allow you to independently determine the relevance and conditionality of a particular price so that you can not overpay for the apartment, which for some reason costs more than what experts recommend.
  • In what situations is a realtor a necessary measure, and where can you rely on yourself completely and completely? How to choose an intermediary if you are independently engaged in the search for real estate time or no desire?
  • The most popular methods for becoming an owner of an apartment. In this case, they will consider both the answers to the question: "where and from whom to buy," and "what to do if there is no money." The second point involves an analysis of possible sources that will help cover the cost of buying a living space.
  • Features of acquiring an apartment using a mortgage. Not only the main advantages and disadvantages of this method will be considered, but also the main tips for those who decide to use it. Among other things, the main recommendations for choosing a bank will be analyzed.
  • The possibility of acquiring an apartment using maternity capital.
  • The main nuances associated with the purchase of housing in a newly built house. Here, special attention will be paid to the main risks that may arise during the purchase of an apartment at an attractive price in a new building.
  • The most relevant factors affecting the success of the purchase of housing in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Among other things, will be additionally considered the most popular questions people who plan to buy an apartment, and will also be given comprehensive answers to them. All this is necessary so that any person can not get confused at the most crucial moment and have the opportunity to invest their finances in the most suitable living space.We told in detail about where to invest money in order to make it work and make a profit in one of the previous publications.

It’s worth noting that special attention will be paid to several sources of financing at once, as well as to a rather topical issue: "Which apartment is better: bought from a developer, contractor or owner?"At the same time, each option has advantages. Housing in the new house will be obviously in good condition, and also, most likely, it will be able to boast of a modern layout. But the apartment is" on hand ", that is, the one in which people already lived, maybe differ in good repair and a minimal set of furniture.

About how to correctly and profitably buy an apartment (with 100% payment for cash, on a mortgage, by installments, on maternity capital), what documents are needed to buy an apartment and how to check an apartment before buying - read in this issue

1. Buying an apartment - how to prepare for it correctly and safely

As mentioned earlier, purchase of own housing - a matter requiring a balanced approach and sufficient determination. It is understandable: overnight you will have to say goodbye to a huge amount of money, which some would not have been able to earn in a lifetime. That is why, it is necessary to treat both all necessary procedures with responsibility and the preparatory phase, the successful completion of which guarantees half the success.

It is best to immediately familiarize yourself with all the information presented, so that in the end not to lose neither time nor money in the case when the purchased apartment was not as good as it could be initially.

The thing is that sellers of housing (both ordinary people and realtors) very often do not tell the whole truth about a particular real estate, which means that you have to be fully equipped to prepare yourself for any outcome of events.

1.1. Priorities when buying an apartment

So, at the initial (preparatory stage), you need to perform the following tasks:

Task 1. Identify the person who will directly engage in the search for a suitable apartment.

She can become both the future owner, and a trustee. A very common practice is to attract realtor. Moreover, in both cases, you have to think through everything. Although the involvement of a third person with sufficient qualifications can significantly simplify the search process and forget about various difficulties and possible problems. An experienced person with competence will approach the choice of an apartment.

Realtor with experience Firstlyhas a sufficient base of offers from various sellers and, Secondlyknows what to look for when buying an apartment. Despite all this, he will definitely take commission for your workso that total costs may increase markedly.

Task 2. It is necessary to immediately determine the budget that is planned to be allocated for the purchase of an apartment, immediately including possible additional costs in it.

Realtor commission is most often referred to hidden auxiliary expenses. For the sale of real estate professionals working more than one year, take from 2% to 6%. In turn, those who want to buy a living space will have to pay a minimum of help for choosing the most suitable option. 0,5%and the maximum is 3%.

As a result, you need to immediately evaluate the possible savings if you deal with the issue of choosing an apartment independently (without a realtor), and compare it with the expected risks.

In addition, do not forget that after the purchase you may need additional investmentsrelated to re-issuance of documents, repairs and the purchase of furniture.

Task 3. It is necessary to form in advance a list of requirements that will be put forward for each apartment under consideration.

At the same time, you can familiarize yourself or with a realtor with a large number of offers, and then, minimizing the risks, select the most interesting options. It is best to pre-determine the main nuances that are most important, so that in the future no things could lead you astray.

for exampleif for a person an important enough point is location of the apartment (he does not tolerate noise), and he is offered a luxurious apartment with a new renovation and a good layout, but near large shopping centers that work until late, it is better to consider another option in this case. The thing is that in such a place there will always be a buzz from which it is impossible to get rid of. That is why it is necessary in advance determine the minimum list of requirements that a new housing must meet without fail.

Task 4. It is worth conducting a risk assessment.

Independent choice of housing for future residence or investment has a number of nuances. Of course, you will be able to save money, but you will have to meet each seller in person, and people can be different.

At the same time, it is difficult to take into account various factors on your own to assess how well the apartment is really suitable. Can, egencounter that seller is silent about noisy neighbors, about repairs that were made in haste or something else that a professional would immediately notice. That is why, if there was a desire to independently look for an apartment for purchase, without using the services of a realtor, it is better to assess in advance the possible degree of risk.

Having completed all the above steps, you can proceed to the following important points.

1.2. What to choose: primary or secondary housing market - pluses (+) and minuses (-) of both options

It should be noted that the real estate market consists of two parts: from housing primary and secondary. That is why every potential buyer of an apartment should understand this classification and clearly know what he needs.

Consider these two varieties in more detail.

Primary housing - one that has only recently been built and commissioned. Thus, everyone refers to it. apartments in new buildingsthat have never been privately owned by an individual.

That is why the following statement is an important nuance: primary housing - This is not just living space in a new house that was recently built. This is, first of all, real estate, which so far belongs to the developer. Previously, it has not yet been sold to anyone, which means that the first buyer will become its first owner among individuals.

In this case, we can count on the fact that the previous tenants did not spoil anything, and also the room is in its original form.

The desire to be the first owner in this case can be as pure practical (other people have not done anything in this room yet), and ideological (I just want to be the first owner of the apartment to be sure that nothing bad has happened in it before).

Resellers - one that is already owned by the seller. At the same time, he is an individual (an ordinary person who sells his apartment). It should be noted that the age of the house can vary in a colossal range. It may be like enough new (one person bought an apartment in a new building, and then decided to resell it), and 100year old. In this case, it will be necessary to carefully study not only the housing itself, but also the condition of the building.

If the house is too old, then serious problems may arise due to the fact that the materials have already served their time. At the same time, part of the old houses can be included in the demolition program, and residents, selling their apartments to gullible people, decide to just make money and get rid of unnecessary problems.

Also, one should not discard the option that a person is engaged in what he buys in the new building, equips them and then sells them. In this case, it will be possible at the time of purchase to become the owner of a new living space and immediately with a good repair.

Pros and cons of primary housing

Now let's try to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages primary housing, because in most cases the situation with the secondary is exactly the opposite.

So, to explicit the benefits Apartments owned by the developer include:

  1. Low prices when compared with secondary housing. Most often, it is much more profitable to buy an apartment in a house that is just under construction. Moreover, in most cases, an agreement is concluded on the principle of equity participation. This allows significant savings. In addition, in most new buildings there is no redecoration, so the developer reduces the price of real estate.
  2. "Cleanliness" of the apartment in the legal sense. In this case, the absence of any problems with the documents is implied. It happens that former owners after the sale of property may fraudulently try to get it back. At the same time, leaving money with the help of fraudulent technologies. Another aspect - no one has ever been registered in primary housing, which means that there should not be a problem with this either. For the "secondary" are not uncommon legal proceedings of registered persons with the owner about the non-coordination of the sale of real estate. Among other things, an apartment that has not yet been handed over to anyone simply does not have a background, which means that there should be no problems.
  3. The novelty and application of modern materials and technologies. It must be emphasized that an apartment in a new building will not require its owners to conduct complex overhauls. In addition, the modernization of various communication systems will not be needed.

Primary housing and limitations:

  1. The location of the house. It is no secret that new buildings are most often located either on the outskirts of the city, or where there is a lot of free space. In such situations, problems may arise in the future due to remoteness from the traffic intersection and underdeveloped infrastructure.
  2. The complicated process of registering the rights of the owner. When buying primary housing, it should be borne in mind that quite a lot of time can be spent on the issuance of documents certifying the fact of ownership of real estate. At a time when property rights are in limbo, register will not succeed.
  3. Lack of facing. One of the main problems of apartments in a new building is the need do decoration yourself, that is, cosmetic repairs will fall on the shoulders of the new owners.
  4. Increased risk of losing money in collaboration with real estate developers who have doubtful reputation. There are a lot of stories (and I probably heard about them at least once) that unscrupulous companies draw up all the necessary documents, begin construction, receive money from future residents, and eventually disappear immediately after passing payments. Fraudsters simply leave the construction site, leaving the miserable owners with papers, but without an apartment and money.

Advantages and disadvantages of secondary housing

As for secondary housing, much becomes clear from the points already listed above. It may be more expensive, but it is immediately ready for living. As a result, problems can only occur in legal plan. That is why there is one simple rule: before buying you need to ask the seller for a certificate stating that everyone has been discharged from the apartment. It is quite simple to take it, so a decent property owner who wants to sell it will not refuse to hear such a request. About how to quickly sell an apartment, we have already described in one of the previous articles.

In addition, you must surely make sure that the apartment does not have any debts for paying utility bills, so that in the future there will be no problems with the management company (UK) or the partnership of real estate owners (TSN).

It is also worth checking if this apartment is rented out according to documents. If someone has already rented it and paid for a certain period of residence, then he has every right to stay in the apartment for the specified period. So you can’t sell it.

In any case, you need to take an interest in these nuances in order not to lose your money, and also not to make problems for yourself. That is why it is better not to get involved with people who ask for a small price for their apartment, but they cannot name any comprehensible reasons for such generosity.

What you need to check before buying an apartment: DO NOT trust - ALL check!

2. How to check an apartment for cleanliness when buying on its own and what you need to know (what to look for) before buying it

As mentioned earlier, it is quite difficult to choose the right property. After all, a profitable offer may hide some kind of deception: from insignificant (wallpaper behind the cabinet peeled off) until serious (it’s always cold in winter due to old batteries that need to be changed urgently).

If a decision has been made on independent purchase of housing, then you need to carefully study the various documents, as well as try to check the apartment using the methods that will be described later.

As a result of the procedures presented below, it will be possible to assess the risks of the purchase and sale operation itself, as well as minimize possible costs. They may be associated with the repair and cleaning up of documents.

Also, simple rules will help to avoid the worst outcome of events - judicial trial with former tenants or owners.

So, how to check the apartment when buying? Does the procedure differ when analyzing primary and secondary housing? Is it possible to do everything yourself? Is there something that cannot be done without a realtor, or from start to finish you can only rely on yourself to deal with the relevant documents. Let's try to answer all these rather serious questions.

2.1. How to check the cleanliness of an apartment when buying in the secondary housing market 🔎

This process is given special attention when a decision is made to buy property “on hand”, that is, from a private person.

The first step is to analyze how many owners the apartment had (if it turns out that there are several, then there may be problems on the part of others), who was registered in it, and what was their status (pensioners, people with disabilities, minors, etc.) .

Among other things, Special attention paid to whether the property is seized, whether it is listed in the will of one of the owners.

It is also worth checking out previous operations with the apartment. It is best to avoid the property that was owned in a short time. big the number of persons. Either something is wrong with her, or some kind of dishonest (dubious) scheme is applied. It is better to save yourself, your finances and time and pass by a suspicious seller.

At this test stage, you need to get all the necessary permits for sale, if any.

In what situations will you have to take care of the consent of a third party for the sale of housing? Let's look at a few examples:

  1. The owner of the apartment is married. In this case, you must receive consent second spouse for the sale of real estate, which in marriage can be considered jointly acquired. In the absence of the necessary paper, the transaction may either not take place, or in case of coincidence, it will be successful, but problems may arise in the future.
  2. If the owner has not yet reached the age of majority, that is, according to the law, his age does not allow him to independently manage his real estate, apply for permission from parents (guardians). Only after their official permission (documented) can you start preparing other documents.
  3. In case of sale of a share of property (the son decided to sell part of his mother’s apartment, and his daughter and his half do not want to do this), then you will have to go to the second owner (if there are several, then each) to get the so-called "waiver document"who will argue that other parties are not interested in buying this stake. This is done so that each owner of real estate, which is divided between several persons, can use his priority right to purchase in case of sale of other parts of real estate.

Based on the foregoing, we can make one conclusion: before buying an apartment from a person (in the secondary market) in detail to get acquainted with the composition of his family, with the presence of other owners, registered non-working persons.

What documents do you need to check when buying an apartment?

To analyze all the data, it is necessary to request the following securities from a potential seller in advance:

  1. A document showing how and when a person became the owner of the apartment being sold. This includes sales contract, gift, barter etc. If the person received this property as an inheritance, then he must provide the buyer with a certificate indicating his right to inheritance.
  2. If the apartment was purchased through participation in a housing cooperative, then a certificate is required that indicates the full payment of the share.
  3. A document directly confirming the ownership rights of a particular seller.

In order not to fall for the tricks of fraudsters, the required papers are divided into 2 groups.

The first group includes: explication, cadastral passport with floor plan (according to these documents the most important indicators of the apartment are checked: area and layout).

Such situations are known when unscrupulous sellers “wind up” square meters of real estate in an ad. Only after a detailed inspection of the premises and its plan, customers were able to establish the truth.

Experienced realtors who, like no one else understand these things, are advised to pay attention to changing the layout (if it once was) of the living space. It is good when an experienced person (realtor) deals with such issues, but then you need to be prepared to pay for his services.

To the second group of securitiesrequired for verification include extract from a special house book. With its help, you can familiarize yourself with the list of registered people so that you do not need to evict them in the future.

There are cases when the head of the family independently decided to sell his apartments. He has the right to it, but he needs to get permission (consent) from his wife. She may not agree with this decision and refuse to sell the apartment.

In addition, for all of the above securities will not be difficult find out the surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the apartment. Since before the start of negotiations and before the transaction itself, its participants must present their identification documents to each other, we can once again check if this is a fraudster. If everything is in order (the data on all documents coincide with the passport), then you can move on.

What else is important to pay attention to when buying an apartment in the secondary market

After discussing all the nuances with the seller and before going directly to the notary, you need to make sure that both persons have a passport. If one of the participants in the transaction needs to be given a replacement passport for some reason soon, this issue must be resolved in advance. This is done without fail for two reasons:

  1. Employees of the registration service can simply refuse to the parties in the process of selling the property.
  2. The process of purchase and sale may be delayed, which means that the transaction will have to be postponed, or maybe more than once. It may well turn out that on the day when the notary appoints an appointment with documents, there will be no passport in his hands.

Based on the above, it should be emphasized the importance of collecting all the necessary documents for checking the apartment. It will not be difficult for the seller to get most of them, and the buyer will be able to assess the possible risks and make the right decision.

If you provide the notary with all the necessary papers, then the transaction will be registered in a short time. The specialist will be able to check the legal history (cleanliness) of the apartment, which is the subject of the contract of sale, and make a qualified conclusion.

2.2. How to check the apartment in a new building before buying for legal cleanliness 🏢

In the modern world, a popular practice is the acquisition of apartments in houses that are under construction (or"Stage of the pit"). In this case, in order for everything to be lawful, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement with the developer, which testifies to the buyer's share. In fact, he invests his money directly in the construction process, and at the end of it becomes the owner of the apartment in a new house.

Despite such transparency, there are clear risks, which can only be avoided in the primary housing market by carefully checking all the documents of the developer.

Where to start checking an apartment in a new building?

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the developed and adopted in 2004 Federal Law No. 214, which refers to the process of shared construction of various real estate objects (including apartment buildings).

The legal force he scored in April 2005th and was called to regulate the relationship between the developer and the buyer-investor. In addition, he allowed to reduce the risks of people who thus decided to become owners of apartments.

Himself Federal Law No. 214 regulates only those relations that are directly related to the receipt by the developer of finances from equity participants. They similarly invest directly in the construction process of any property.

Federal Law No. 214 - Its Features

Consider the features of the actions of this normative legal act on a multi-apartment building under construction. It should be noted that the law applies only to those construction projects that have received permission to start work after April 1, 2005.

The normative act affirms the need to conclude special agreements, which have already been mentioned. Only if there is a formal agreement on equity participation does the buyer-investor have the right to protect its property under construction by the state.

Here lies the first pitfall, which can be avoided by checking an apartment in a new building and a preliminary risk assessment. If the developer refuses to conclude an appropriate contract or offers to sign any other agreement, then from him better to stay away, because the construction may not be completed at all.

According to the same Federal Law, each shareholder is entitled to check the following documents with the developer:

  • constituent securities (all details in them must coincide with those placed on the construction financing agreement);
  • certificates of state registration and registration of a company that is directly involved in the process of building a house for tax accounting;
  • financial and economic reporting provided in the form approved at the legislative level;
  • all available financial papers for the last 3 years (balance sheets, accounts with a scheduled distribution of profits and losses);
  • the result of the audit for the last year during which the construction company performed its business activities.

4 important steps to check an apartment in a new building

To minimize risks, you need to analyze all these documents, as well as perform the following steps to check the apartment in the new building:

  1. Read the history of the developer. To do this, you need to analyze its experience, the number of successfully completed projects, as well as how many more objects are under construction.
  2. It is better to immediately analyze at what stage the process of building an apartment building is. It is not worth financing construction if it is still at the excavation stage, because in this case the risks will be as high as possible.
  3. Do not forget and about checking the documents of the person who directly enters into an equity agreement with a potential owner of an apartment in a house under construction. If the second party to the agreement is not a representative of the developer himself, but an authorized organization, then you need to additionally check its documents. It will not be superfluous to require an agency, commission or guarantee agreement. The submitted papers must indicate details of the developer and its official representativeas well as the fact that an authorized person has the right to participate in the conclusion of equity agreements.
  4. Check documents that are mandatory for the developer and are required by law. All construction papers must be provided without delay. At the same time, they should contain current dates and real details of the construction company.

Among other things, before concluding a contract with the developer, you need to check whether he has completed all requirements of Federal Law No. 214, namely, does he have all the necessary permits and registration papers on the land on which the apartment building is being built.

To check the apartment in a new building, you should definitely look into project declaration. It should always store the most relevant information, both about the construction company itself and about the construction project being built.

Details on how to purchase an apartment in a new building are described in our separate article.

Thus, both in the case of buying an apartment “on hand” and when searching for real estate in the primary market, special attention should be paid to checking all the documents provided.

In an independent search for housing owned by a private person (in the secondary market), you need to check for utility debts, as well as the absence of registered persons. In addition, you will have to get permissions from spouses, representatives of minor owners, as well as the refusal of co-owners from a priority purchase.

If it was decided to purchase real estate in a new building under the shared construction agreement, special attention is paid to the securities of the developer. Be sure to check it out. experience, as well as Availability of all permissions. In this case, an agreement must be concluded either with the construction company itself or with a person authorized by it. The fact that the developer transfers the rights to conclude share agreements to the third party should be indicated in the relevant papers discussed earlier.

The most popular housing options

3. TOP 7 ways to buy an apartment

Before anyone who plans to become the owner of a new apartment, there are several issues that need to be addressed. Some of them have already been considered earlier in the preparatory phase. Further, more pressing questions begin to arise: where to get money to buy an apartment or what is the best way to conduct a deal? Is it better to pay everything at once, having spent all the savings or even borrowing from my friends, to get a loan or a mortgage, giving back a part every month and overpaying the amount equal to the bank percentage?

Consider most popular ways to purchase your own apartmentby completing their classification by how the payment will be made, and what will be the source of funding.

Method 1. Direct cash purchase

In this case, the most banal and easiest way to purchase your own home is implied. A person needs to accumulate a certain amount of money (you can, of course, ask for the missing part from friends or relatives) and pay all at once in cash (through a realtor or directly communicating with the seller). By the way, we already wrote about how to save money correctly in one of our publications.

Despite its simplicity, this method is also the most nervous. The most risky moment is the process money transfer, and the amount is clearly rather big. As a result, they will need to be delivered to the place of the transaction (for example, to a notary's office), and also transferred in full to the owner of the apartment.

In this case utterly carefully familiarize yourself with the living space, as well as check all the documents for the apartment. She must be in good condition and at the same time remain. "legally clean".

Particular attention will need to be paid money transfer method. Firstly, you need to specify the time and place. It’s best to take a taxi to him so that nothing happens on the way. Secondly, you need to make sure that the signing of the contract of sale will be carried out immediately after the seller receives the money. That is why it is best to carry out all financial transactions with a notary public.

Of course, in spite of these nuances, the simplicity and clarity of cash payments when buying a secondary home determines the popularity of this approach. Up to 90% Settlements in the apartment market, which were owned by individuals, are carried out using paper money.

The most important thing to remember is that property rights go to the one who decides to purchase housing. It usually comes through 10 days after the submission of documents, that is, at the time of registration of the transaction between individuals.

Based on this, the question arises: and when is it best to transfer the money? And here 2 options are possible:

  1. Pay the full amount before the paperwork process, by requesting a receipt. It is necessary to reflect the fact that the seller received the money, which will be taken into account in the transaction process for the sale of his apartment.
  2. Make a transfer of money after the process of registering property rights.

Of course, the second approach is not as reliable as the first. It is unacceptable for an honest seller who can fall for scammers and lose their apartment without getting a penny.

Also, it does not fit a person who really needs this particular living space. A seller who has not yet received money may at any time refuse the transaction, egfinding another buyer who offers immediately give more.

There are several approaches to minimize risks:

  • execution of a certified receipt (this was mentioned earlier);
  • the choice of a crowded place for transferring funds (it is best that there are cameras);
  • search for special witnesses who, if something happens, can prove that the transaction was successfully completed;
  • rent a bank cell in which you can put the whole amount and give the key to it after obtaining property rights;
  • using a special notary service, which can take the entire amount for a small percentage and transfer it to the seller after completion of all documents.

In this way, buying an apartment for cash - the method is quite clear and simple, although at the same time it is characterized by possible risks. They can be reduced if you follow the tips that were given above.

Method 2. Buying an apartment in a mortgage

This method is gradually gaining popularity and is often used by those people who decide to purchase primary housing, that is, one that is still owned by the developer.

The second way to acquire real estate is to buy an apartment in a mortgage

A mortgage is ideal for those who want to own real estate, but do not have all the necessary amount to buy a new apartment. True condition for participation in a mortgage is high and stable salary.

Thus, if a person does not have sufficient funds, he turns for a mortgage. It was created specifically for those who live here and now, that is, for people who want to equip their apartment this year, and not a dozen years later.

It is worth noting that the size of the mortgage rate in different regions of Russia is different. It varies between 10.5% and 14%. Moreover, the bank often requires a person to make a certain starting amount (down payment), which varies within 10-40 percent.

The interest rate depends, first of all, on the bank itself. It will be she who will influence the general overpayment and indirectly change the monthly payment, in which the indicated "premiums" are already deliberately invested.

Based on this, a mortgage is beneficial for those who want to buy an apartment, but do not have all the means. On the other hand, the monthly payment is significantly increased, which certainly does not bring pleasure. About how to choose the most profitable mortgage loan, we wrote in the previous article.

To understand the magnitude of mortgage programs, it is enough to analyze the number of loans of this type registered with the Federal Registration Service (Rosreestr) for the first half of 2015. As a result, for this period it was issued about 533,000 mortgages. And this means that about the same number of families decided to buy an apartment without having the full amount in their hands.

I want to emphasize that the design of a mortgage must be taken seriously. Before making a decision on buying an apartment on credit, which will have to be paid regularly during 15-30 years (and the amounts will be rather big), you need to think carefully first. And the opinions of people on this subject vary.

A small part of society declares with confidence what mortgage is "money slavery"which is unacceptable in the 21st century. According to such people, one must either look for ways to pay for the apartment immediately, without resorting to the help of banks, or look for other ways to improve housing conditions.

Such a negative opinion has real foundation. Of course, each of us always overestimates our strengths a little. Almost everyone thinks that it is possible to repay a loan ahead of schedule if you save some time by denying yourself the usual amenities: walking, eating poorly and saving on clothes. However, in practice this is practically unrealistic, because many give up in just a couple of months.

In the total saving mode, when you have to work day and night, very soon an aversion to the outside world is developed, fatigue accumulates. A person simply becomes depressed, swears with relatives, may even lose his job, with the help of which he once hoped to repay a loan. Details on how to get out of depression and not fall into it again are described in our separate article.

That is why in any situation it is enough to follow only one rule of mortgage - choose a real paymentthat will not fundamentally affect everyday life. The payment of interest should be a background task, not a daily and urgent problem. It is best to immediately abandon the thought of a mortgage if the income is not very large. Indeed, in such a situation, you will have to give almost everything and deprive yourself of everyday joys.

Across 30 years, when the loan is paid, a serious period of life will pass. And then the question will arise: but was it worth it?

To avoid troubles, it is better to limit the planned payment size to 30% maximum 40% of total family income. By the way, it can be calculated right in the bank. In this case, it is worth considering only those sources of profit that will be available in 10-15-20-30 years.

In the case when, after deducting the payment of the mortgage from the family profit, there remains an amount that covers both utility bills and the usual way of life with minimal restrictions, you can safely decide on a mortgage.

A large percentage, of course, you can pull, but it will be much harder to do, especially in psychological plan. Even with numbers, it’s hard to give precise advice. But they will help to approximately evaluate the possibilities.

Method 3. Acquisition of housing by installments

For many people, this is the way to buy an apartment that is saving. When there is no full amount on hand, but in the near future it may appear, it is best to pay attention to by installments. This approach is an intermediate option that is worth between mortgage (i.e. full long-term loan) and one-time payment new housing.

The essence of this option is as follows: a person decides to purchase an apartment and pays the down payment, which is most often equal 50%, however, may be different depending on the situation. Further monthly for a relatively short period (from 3 months to 2years) he equal parts, which are agreed in advance and can go at different rates, gives the rest of the money.

As a result, you do not need to wait 30 years to become a full owner of your apartment. In spite of this, installment plan - option is not for everyone. The fact is that she, Firstly, implies a significant down payment, and, Secondly, is suitable only for those who have either a high permanent income, or in the near future they plan a large financial income from, egselling an old apartment.

Most often, those who initially planned to buy housing in a building under construction, turn to installments, but when the construction was almost over, prices rose sharply. There is a large part of the amount on hand, but the missing money will be in the next month.

At the same time, some construction companies independently offer their customers short-term installments, implying a lack of interest and splitting the remainder into 3-6 months. Some firms may ask for the fact that a person will not give the entire amount at once, an additional overpayment of about 11%.

Method 4. Buying an apartment with maternity capital

For many families, this type of state assistance is a real salvation from the housing problem. With the help of maternity capital, a family with more2children, can afford to buy new housing for lack of other sources of funding for such an expensive purchase. In more detail about maternity capital for improving housing conditions, we described in one of our articles.

This attractive chance can be taken by all young families, that is, people who are officially married no more 3years if one of the spouses is not yet older 30 years. The most interesting thing is that in the case of the birth of children, the restriction associated with the duration of the marriage is automatically removed.

A pleasant moment is the fact that the amount of maternal capital is constantly increasing due to indexation. AT 2015 year, for example, he had already grown to 453 000 rub. It is worth noting that a certificate for financial assistance can be obtained both immediately after childbirth and after a certain time.

The main nuance of using maternity capital to purchase an apartment is as follows: money comes to young parents exactly 2 months later from the moment when the transaction of sale was officially concluded. At the same time, the difference between the amount of maternity capital and the cost of housing is paid by parents on their own in cash.

Among other things, before concluding a deal, you will need to visit the local branch of the Pension Fund. Money received from the state can go on the first mortgage installment (depending on the region, the whole amount may be enough to buy a small apartment), and even to repay an existing housing loan.

Method 5. Buying an apartment from the builder (in a rented or under construction house)

As mentioned earlier, acquiring an apartment directly from a construction company that is still conducting its work can be quite risky. Despite this, if you follow a number of recommendations, you can become the owner of a completely new property on favorable terms.

To minimize the risks when buying an apartment from the builder, you need to take into account a number of simple rules and perform a number of mandatory actions:

  • analyze prices for similar offers from several construction companies (a very low cost should definitely alert, because a self-respecting company will not sell housing at ridiculous rates);
  • get all the information about the developer, including information about his experience and previous successful projects;
  • carefully check the entire package of company documents: from founding papers to contracts for a plot of land used for construction, as well as bank accreditation of new buildings;
  • consider all sections of an equity agreement (most often this can be done at home in a calm environment, having read everything carefully, but it is better to contact an experienced lawyer who will save time and will be responsible for this task with all responsibility);
  • evaluate the construction stage (It is worth noting that even if the construction is almost 80% completed, it can still be, ultimately, frozen).

In addition, it is worth paying special attention to special approvals and acts that are issued to construction companies before starting their work. At the same time, it’s worth viewing not only building permits, but also, eg, permission to connect the future residential apartment building to communications (water, heating, light).

Additionally, you can try to assess the possible return on investment if you plan to resell the apartment in the future and make money on it. It is enough to sign an agreement on shared participation, after the construction is completed, register all rights to yourself and make repairs. Then you can sell the apartment, but you will have to pay a tax, the amount of which will be 13%.

This will only have to be done if the person has received less than the right to real estate 5 years ago (until 2016, this period was shorter and amounted to 36 months).

Method 6. Acquisition of living space from a contractor (in a new building)

In most cases, the construction company does not have a budget that could cover all expenses incurred in the process of building a house. That is why the developer turns to to the contractor, that is, to a legal entity (a large company or even an individual entrepreneur), which will either carry out part of the work or supply construction materials. In the absence of the necessary finances to pay for the goods or services provided by the contractor, the developer gives him part of the apartments in the house.

The easiest way to understand this interaction is through an example. Let's say the company Stroydom engaged in the construction of a residential complex. The contractor in this case was IP Chernyakhov, which provided a developer of bricks in the amount of 10 million rubles.

As a result, the company "Stroydom" will transfer to the entrepreneur as payment 3 finished apartments that have been rated at 2,5 million.

Further, the contractor has 2 ways to make a profit in cash:

Firstly, you can sell them at market value, namely at 3.5 million, but in this case you have to wait a long time.

Secondly, you can reduce the cost, for example, to 3 million and make a profit faster, still remaining with a good net income.

In such a situation, an ordinary person can save up to 20 percent from the market value of an apartment in a new building.Moreover, it will already be in his ownership, which means that the risk is much less than that which arises from direct interaction with the developer.

Among other things, there is a certain specificity associated with the fact that contractors most often intend to sell all apartments for highly short term, while receiving cash.

This option involves the conclusion of a special contract that describes "assignment of property claims". The bottom line is that at the time of construction, when physically there may still not be an apartment, the developer himself formally owns it. Then, at the end of the work, the property becomes the property of the contractor, who is already obliged to transfer it to the buyer in accordance with the agreement.

Download the contract of assignment of the right to claim the apartment (sample) (.docx, 16 Kb)

Moreover, all rights to real estate, as in the case of a transaction directly with the developer, are transferred to the person only after finishing construction work. Despite this, if you choose a reliable company that, under real agreements, provided the construction company with goods or services during the process of building a house, and also conclude with it the correct contract for the transfer of rights to demand housing (if correct, then real estate), then not bad to save.

Method 7. Buying a home from the owner

This option is the most popular. On the market secondary housing. People call this approach "without intermediaries", because neither the buyer nor the seller contact the realtors, but independently discuss all the nuances of the transaction and conclude contract of sale.

Download the apartment purchase and sale agreement (sample) (.doc, 36 Kb)

In this case, you can seriously save by bargaining with a person, but it is quite realistic to miscalculate the characteristics of the apartment. That is why it is necessary to check everything several times, and then independently conclude an agreement and transfer all the papers to the registering government agencies.

Buying an apartment - step-by-step instructions for acquiring in 2019

4. How to buy an apartment - 7 basic steps to a bargain

As mentioned earlier, in order to acquire housing, you need to approach this issue responsibly. The best result can be achieved only if you move according to a certain plan, calmly pushing away distracting factors.

Experienced scammers will try to prevent the buyer from completing a series of actions he has planned eg, when examining the apartment, confusing and not giving the opportunity to check the operation of the TV or bathroom. That is why in order to minimize risks, it is enough to follow such a plan.

Step number 1. Determination of dimensions and other characteristics of the apartment

At this stage, it is necessary to decide how large the living space should be, as well as where it is located, what infrastructure elements should be nearby. In this case, you must initially decide which market is most acceptable - secondary, where you can immediately purchase an apartment with furniture and repair, or primary, where it is possible to become the first owner and arrange everything at your discretion.

Note! A clear understanding of the desired parameters not only simplifies the process of choosing real estate, but also protects against unscrupulous sellers.

If a person clearly knows what he needs, eg, apartment with an area of ​​not less than 50 square meters. m. near the traffic intersection, no seller can sell him a small, albeit "very comfortable and with a good view from the window" apartment in the suburbs.

It should be understood that the main disadvantage secondary the market is that apartments are often located in old worn houses. No matter how well they are repaired, you will eventually have to do capital repairs.In addition, very often owners are in a hurry to sell real estate with debts or a bad legal history.

Primary same housingFirstly, it can only have bare walls. In this case, you will have to do the repair yourself and buy everything you need. In addition, new buildings are often far from infrastructure, which may not appeal to everyone.

Step number 2. Fixing the amount that can be spent on an apartment in the near future

It is no secret that the actual desire of people who want to buy housing depends directly on the budget that they have. For instance, for the same money you can buy a one-room apartment in the center, or something larger on the outskirts of the city.

This step is the easiest to implement, since everyone himself understands how much he has.

In the modern real estate market you can find a large number of offers with a specified price, so nothing can not be chosen. The nuance is that there is very many factorsaffecting choice.

At this stage, you always want to save, because you will have to spend rather big money. That is why most people first of all look at the cheapest offers, which sometimes seem very attractive.

Suspicions in this case are justified, because, according to experts, now there are a huge number of proposals that are actually duck ads. What it is? And this is such an announcement in which the seller specifically puts a very small fake price to attract people. When someone calls him, he says that the apartment has already risen in price and will have to pay more. Or they can generally say that it is not for sale or has already found a new owner.

Most often, realtors or some intermediaries are involved in such things, who, after the sad news that the property has already been sold, voiced a new proposal.

Among other things, at this step it is not necessary to dwell on what is "in your pocket" at the moment. Do not forget that in times of crisis, banks continue to develop new credit programs, although they began to issue money more accurately.

Consider a small example. Suppose that there is a certain Sergeywho is 30 years old. He works in a good and stable position, and his salary is 40 thousand rubles. In such a situation, the bank may issue him a loan in the amount of from 1 to 1.5 million rubles. Thereby Sergey can count on a good apartment.

It is worth noting that the amount expected to be issued may vary depending on a large number of factors: age, length of service, size of official salary, history of previous appeals to the bank and so on.

The final tip at this step is this: you can never plan to spend such an amount that is enough "back to back".

It is better to always have some money in reserve, because they may be needed for repairs or other unforeseen expenses.

Step number 3. Selection of the best source of financing: cash or mortgage

At this stage, you will have to remember everything that was discussed earlier. It is enough to understand that with the help of a mortgage the selection of affordable apartments is significantly expanding. However, it will take a long time (in some situations, even up to 30 years) to pay interest, and this will significantly affect the usual way of life, because it will take a significant part of the income.

Wherein part of society believes that it is better to pay in one payment in cash (so you can pay off the previous owner of the apartment and forget), which means that you have to save the required amount for a long time. Others they simply cannot wait (the housing issue is very acute) and are forced to go to the bank for help.

Step number 4.Selection of the best way to find suitable housing: on your own without a realtor or using the services of an intermediary

It is important to consider whether there is any experience in choosing real estate. The fact is that this process is quite complicated (this has already been mentioned more than once), therefore, in some situations it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Let's try to determine the main features of each option:

  1. Independent seller search. In this case, you have to use all available sources of information: newspaper advertisements, television, message boards, acquaintances' stories and, of course, the Internet. You have to spend a lot of time phoning dozens of phones (someone is not at home, someone is overpricing, some apartment has already been sold, etc.) to find a suitable option. As a result, not only time will be spent, but also an emotional state, as well as mental health. You need to understand that there are a large number of inadequate sellers who constantly postpone meetings, hide something or cancel the deal the day before it was supposed to take place.
  2. Appeal to a realtor. In this case, it is about entrusting the whole process professional. The realtor will not only listen and write down all the wishes, but will also independently begin searching in his database, visit all suitable apartments and leave only a few of the most interesting and suitable according to all criteria. Despite this, you have to fork out well. Experienced realtors take up 3% of the transaction amount, so not everyone can afford this option.
  3. Search for intermediaries. Such persons are a cross between owners and realtors. Very often they are identified with the second, but if you try to separate them into a separate category of persons, you will get following picture: they take less percent, collect the contacts of several property owners and negotiate on their behalf. Very often, these are beginner realtors who, not having a sufficiently large length of service, ask for a small percentage for their help. In the people under intermediaries very often mean people who unofficially engage in real estate activities. Their services are always cheaper, however, they are responsible for the work. don't carry. If problems arise with the seller, then they do not interfere in this matter. In turn, realtors accompany the buyer from the very beginning to the end.

Step number 5. View your favorite options

At this stage, you will have to carry out the most responsible business. At the same time, experts advise not to dwell on the first option that you like, but to review at least a few suitable ones, so that there is something to compare.

The most important thing in each case is to look for some underwater rocks. Perhaps the plumbing is flowing or the area is noisy, and sometimes the neighbors are too unfriendly.

Note! The presence of some tricks can speak low price. In situations where it looks too small, you must definitely find out the reason, not trusting the word of the stories about the need for a speedy move.

It is best to evaluate the area in which the house is located, an independent trip to it will help. You can catch public transport and drive it to the nearest stop. Thus, it will turn out to get acquainted with the local infrastructure, to see the people around. In a criminal or purely working area (eg, not far from the industrial zone) not everyone will like living.

Do not forget about other family members who will also live in the apartment. for example, if there are children, you need to look for a kindergarten or school nearby, as well as assess the level of their employees and teachers.

Particular attention should be paid to other points that are unimportant at first glance: elevator, staircase, courtyard, neighboring houses, the presence of large shops and sports grounds etc.It is with these things that you have to face every day, so you can’t buy an apartment in an area that is devoid of all the benefits of civilization, no matter how inexpensive it is.

Among other things, you need to pay attention to such things in the apartment itself (they are usually not indicated in the ad, although they affect everyday life): the height of the ceilings, the size of the kitchen, the condition of the walls, floor, plumbing, the cleanliness of the entrance, the operability of elevators, the type of ceilings etc.

After that, it is necessary for each particular apartment to try to quantify the cost of the necessary repairs. This figure must be added to the price voiced by the seller. Among other things, a number of questions need to be prepared, which it is mandatory to ask the owner of the property to be in the know and find out the most important points:

  1. How did the apartment appear in his ownership? Is he the only owner of it?
  2. How many people are registered in the apartment? Is there someone among them who serves in the army or is dependent on others (for example, children, the mentally ill, or someone else)?
  3. Did the seller pay the utility bills before the sale?

Of course, a realtor can do all this, but even when contacting a professional, it is better to check the apartment you like best once again yourself.

Further, you can discuss with the seller several important points: who will be involved in the process of paying registration costs (you will need to contact a notary public), as well as how much time it will take for the owners to move out of the apartment and collect all their property.

At first, these questions are always put off. However, in practice they are important, so experts advise even to display them in the contract.

Step number 6. Negotiations with the owners of the apartment - when can I bargain?

Very often, sellers deliberately inflate the price, counting on the following: if a person is happy with everything, then he will pay more, and if he is dissatisfied with something, then it will be possible to keep him "discount", that is, a return to the originally planned price.

In spite of this, bargain should be in moderation. Constant requests to lower the price can lead to failure: the seller will simply refuse to cooperate and quickly find another buyer.

Useful advice! It’s especially not worth it to put up with bargaining if you get in touch intermediary or trustee of the owner apartments (son, brother, sister, etc.). Such people are unlikely to call up the owner many times to discuss a possible price reduction, although they are deliberately allowed to lower the value of the property to a certain threshold.

How then to find out the minimum price at which the seller is ready? It is enough to study in detail all the parameters of the living space, and then call the real estate agency with a proposal supposedly on behalf of the seller. Professional intermediaries will analyze the information provided and provide their estimated value. Further, it is enough to compare the figures from several agencies with what the owner offers. In the event that a person asks clearly more than experts say, you can continue to bargain.

Step number 7. Registration of the transaction in accordance with all the rules

This stage can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Analysis of all necessary papers. Buyer must independently verify availability of all documentsnecessary for the successful completion of a sale transaction. The main thing to pay attention to is certificate of ownership (it must be kept by the owner in proper form, and the details indicated in it must coincide with the passport details of the owner), as well as various burdens of third parties, which have already been discussed more than once.
  2. Signing an agreement and transferring securities to registration authorities. If you have all the necessary documents, you can go directly to conclusion of an agreement. If it was an advance payment, a special paper is drawn up confirming the fact of its transfer. After that, the documents are transferred to the registering state structure.
  3. Carrying out the procedure for the reception and transfer of real estate. It involves checking and inspecting the apartment, as well as signing a special act, according to which the apartment finally becomes the property of the buyer.

Download the act of transfer and acceptance of the apartment (sample) (.doc, 27 Kb)

The guarantee that the transaction will be successful and that neither party will commit any illegal actions is deposit. It means a kind of prepayment for the subject of the contract of sale, which is transferred from the buyer to the seller as confirmation of his serious intentions. For this, compiled deposit agreement, which stipulates directly the size of the payment (as much as possible in practice it amounts to around 5%).

Download the deposit agreement when buying an apartment (sample) (.doc, 91 Kb)

On a note! If the buyer suddenly changes his mind, then the deposit remains with the seller. If the owner of the apartment decides to cancel the transaction, he will have to give back an amount equal to two deposits.

To resolve all the issue all the nuances recommended indicate the deposit in the contract (incl. methods of settlements between the parties).

Thus, following this simple sequence, you can easily complete a successful transaction and become the owner of an apartment with all the necessary parameters.

Moreover, the process of finding the right option and collecting documents can be assigned to a realtor, or you can do it all yourself, given that it is quite difficult and time-consuming in terms of emotional resources.

How to start the process of buying an apartment in a mortgage - a detailed guide

5. How to buy an apartment in a mortgage - where to start: features and nuances of the purchase + step-by-step instructions

So, as has already been said more than once, buying an apartment for cash may not be affordable for many. In this case, there are 3 outputs: nothing to do (leave the housing issue untouched) save for many years and wait for the cherished datewhen finally the opportunity arises to become the owner of your own real estate, or get a mortgage.

In this case, you can immediately settle in the selected apartment, gradually giving the bank money.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage although it obliges the family to reconsider their lifestyle, it will make it possible, despite the constantly high real estate prices, to quickly solve the housing problem, gradually paying the feasible amount.

Let's try to figure out: What do you need to know in order for the mortgage to be the salvation of the family, and not its death? How to buy an apartment on credit, which will have to pay long enough?

5.1. Mortgage Apartment - Purchase Features

If there is no money for a momentary acquisition of real estate, you will have to think it or not about mortgage, especially if the housing issue is acute. First you need to weigh everything "behind" and "against", as well as assess possible problems, risks and difficulties, so that after completing all the papers it does not appear that the family will not be able to repay the amount agreed upon with the bank every month.

What is a mortgage for housing - conditions and essence

It is worth noting that the number of apartments purchased on credit is growing every year. That is why, probably, there are practically no people left who would not know, what is a mortgage. She, in turn, is long term real estate loanpay which, depending on the situation and financial situation, can up to 30 years.

At the same time, all this time, the living space will be available to buyers-borrowers for living, however, at the same time, it will be in the pledge at the bank.That is why the bank at any time, if any problems arise with a person, has the right to take through the court an apartment that has become the subject of a dispute.

You should immediately clarify one point that reveals the essence of mortgage lending in more detail: they always take part in any such transaction 3 full parties. First - developer or in the broader case - property owner. Second side of the mortgage transaction - bank, which actually gives a person money to purchase an apartment. AND third participant in the process - the buyer himselfwho takes a loan and becomes a debtor, because he is obliged to repay all the money with a certain predetermined percentage.

The relations between the parties are regulated both by the agreement signed between them, and by special legislative norms. Particular attention to the future owner of the apartment should pay attention to the law, which was adopted in 1998 and has the corresponding name "About the mortgage".

It should be borne in mind that any banking structure must check a potential borrower before applying for a mortgage. Any organization engaged in the issue of money for the purchase of residential real estate is not interested in financing absolutely everyone.

A person who wishes to apply for a mortgage will have to confirm his solvency, as well as the availability of sufficient monthly income to cover the regular payment. At the same time, the workplace also has a role. It should be stable and not seasonal (sometimes the last indicator indulges in reference to a good credit history).

Important nuances of acquiring a home mortgage

The main point that should be taken into account when registering a mortgage is its duration. Often, home loans can be paid from 5 to 50 years. This is due to the fact that the amount that the bank gives out to a person to purchase real estate is very large (especially considering the unstable exchange rate).

In addition, the longer a person pays the bank, the more interest will accumulate. That is why financial institutions themselves are not interested in having people return the money they have taken very quickly.

The total amount of overpaid precedents, of course, is gaining a very, very large, but it is impossible to get away from this. Why should you be prepared? The second mortgage nuance is connected precisely with overpayment. She very often reaches from 70 to 100% or even more. As a result, you will have to pay at least 1.5 times more, or even 2 or even 3.

For example. For an apartment that initially costs 1.5 million rubles. you can ultimately pay about 2.5 to 3 million.

The last nuance pleases even less. It consists in the fact that According to statistics, one of the most high mortgage interest. In many other countries, people use loans so often, in fact because they are much more accessible to ordinary people.

Based on all this, one conclusion can be drawn. Before applying for a mortgage, it is imperative to simulate the situation and imagine whether it will be possible to repay a certain amount of income each month for 10-30-50 years (often more than half) to pay off the loan.

At the same time, do not forget that if it suddenly becomes impossible to make payments further, everyone has the opportunity terminate the contract, albeit on completely unfavorable conditions.

Buying an apartment in a mortgage - step by step instructions

5.2. How to buy an apartment through a mortgage - 5 simple steps

As already mentioned more than once, buying an apartment in a mortgage is fraught with a number of nuances and risks that must be taken into account. That is why, so that life is not complicated by regular payments, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a bank and a loan program and performing other important tasks, following the instructions below.

Step number 1. We are looking for the most interesting object

It should be noted that at this stage it is worth considering not only your interests, but also the parameters that are important to the bank. Financial institutions do not issue loans for acquisition highly old and dilapidated apartmentsas well as real estate dubious purpose. Most often, you can get a loan from partners and investors who are interested in the liquidity (marketability) of housing. About where to get a loan without failure, we wrote in a previous article.

That is why it is worth considering not only your own requirements (footage, number of rooms, layout, etc.), but also how much the selected apartment will be really interesting to the bank. Ultimately, he will have to sell it if the borrower is in bad faith. Because of this, some properties may not be subject to lending.

Step number 2. We are looking for a bank and a suitable program

At this stage, it is quite difficult to understand which financial institution offers more favorable conditions for cooperation. Often, even loan calculators can not fully predict all the expenses of the buyer of the apartment.

Despite this, there are a number of factors that you should definitely pay attention to:

  • possible loan amount, as well as minimum and maximum terms for its repayment;
  • compulsory down payment;
  • the reputation of the bank and its list of requirements that are put forward to the buyer of the apartment;
  • the presence or absence of insurance;
  • the time after which the process of seizing immovable property from the borrower may begin for non-payment.

All these things are especially important when choosing the most suitable bank.

Step number 3. Preparation of papers and writing an official statement

Some banks may issue money in a few days, while some may delay a decision for more than a week. Based on this, it is better to take all documents to several financial institutions at once. What to relate?

The following papers are required:

  • copy of a citizen’s passport;
  • expert opinion confirming the real value of the property;
  • cadastral passport;
  • certificates of family composition, as well as registration of the object that you need to buy;
  • certificate that there is no debt for light, water, electricity, etc., as well as that the person has full legal capacity;

Further, when the bank receives documents in its hands, it considers all the papers on the apartment and makes its decision.

Step number 4. Insurance

There is a statutory requirement that compulsory insurance of all objects for the purchase of which a mortgage was issued.

Among other things, many banks, in addition to this, recommend along the way to purchase insurance for the borrower himself.

In more detail about the insurance of an apartment or a house, we wrote in the last issue.

A financial institution can increase the percentage if the client refuses insurance, because in most cases he is interested not only in protecting the collateral, but also in returning the debt. For this, for example, non-return insurance.

Step number 5. We conclude an agreement

In this case, we are talking about loan agreement, as well as a document that confirms the completion of a purchase and sale transaction.

Be sure to read all sections in both contracts and attentively read the notes.

Immediately after completion of the transaction, the apartment will be transferred to the bank as a guarantee, which means that in case of insolvency the person may be taken from him.

5.3. Pros (+) and cons (-) of buying an apartment in a mortgage

For many people, mortgages seem very unbearable due to the total amount of overpayment and duration. However, in order to understand whether it is worth making a mortgage in a particular case, it is enough to analyze its main advantages and disadvantages.

So, the main advantages of a mortgage:

  • allows you to quickly solve an acute housing problem for many families;
  • there are many programs that target different social groups;
  • buying an apartment on credit is a profitable investment, because over time, real estate often rises in price;
  • At the moment, real estate offers exceed demand, which means that you can choose the most suitable living space at the best price;
  • for the military there is special state support (part of the loan is paid).

Among other things, than to pay rent every month, it is better to make mortgage payments. After all, the owners can, if they wish, ask their tenants to move out, but in the case of a mortgage, borrowers have every right to live in the apartment and equip it of their own free will.

As for the minuses of the mortgage, it is customary to note the following points:

  • Explicit overpayment due to a tangible interest rate (even in large banks it does not happen below 11%);
  • careful selection of borrowers (not everyone can count on the approval of the bank for a loan);
  • impressive terms (from 5 to 50 years);
  • the need to make payments clearly on the agreed dates (in case of delay - a fine or penalty);
  • a systematic violation of the rules for repaying a mortgage entails negative consequences up to the seizure of housing.

Among other things, the very procedure of applying to the bank and signing all documents is quite painstaking. It implies the need to collect certificates and various papers.

At the same time, waiting for a bank decision can also be tedious, because a financial institution needs to check not only the credit history of the person who applied for it (to punch him through all available bases), but also analyze his income and check that all the information provided by the potential client is real and valid at the time of submission.

5.4. Which bank to choose for a mortgage - a TOP-5 review of the best financial institutions with favorable credit conditions

Nowadays, mortgage loans can be issued in almost all more or less stable banks. Despite this, find a decent financial institution that will offer most favorable conditions and in case of problems, he will meet and be able to offer an interesting restructuring program, it’s quite difficult. Therefore, we will try to analyze the existing credit services market and consider 5 most suitable for mortgage banks.

As the main criterion, we choose interest rate, as well as the presence of various programs that will interest the average residents of our country.

So, the top five according to the selected criterion include the following banks:

  1. Sberbank There are programs for the acquisition of real estate both in the secondary and in the primary market. Interest rate - 11,4%.
  2. VTB 24. The most popular program of this financial institution is "New building with state support". In this bank, the percentage is higher - 11,75%.
  3. Gazprombank. This financial institution offers its client an interesting service. Mortgage Refinancing. In this case, the interest rate 13%.
  4. Bank of Moscowoffering a mortgage with reliable government support. Interest rate - 11,7%.
  5. Moscow credit bank. Program "Apartment on the secondary market"for which a percentage equal to 14,25%.

Below is a visual table with mortgage products and the interest rate of these banks:

BankCredit ProductsInterest rate
1.Sberbank"Acquisition of housing under construction", "Acquisition of finished housing"11,4%
2.VTB 24"New buildings with state support"11,75%
3.GazprombankMortgage "Refinancing"13%
4.Bank of MoscowMortgage with state support11,7%
5.Credit Bank of Moscow"Apartment on the secondary market"14,25%

Thus, when choosing a bank, it is best to pay special attention to the largest financial institutions, as well as select a suitable institution,Based on the variety of programs offered and the current interest rate.

How to buy an apartment at the expense of maternity capital - detailed information on the purchase of housing on matkapital

6. How to buy an apartment for maternity capital in 2019 - ways + instructions 👩‍👧‍👦

Confirmed statistics indicate an interesting trend: more and more families spend maternal capital precisely to improve their housing provisionsnamely, they build houses or buy apartments.

Of course, it is impossible to pay for new housing completely for money received from the state, but, eg, pay the first loan installment or at the expense of the previously missing amount to decide on the transaction is quite possible.

Over recent years more 70% of families whose child has reached 3years of age spent the funds of MSCs (maternal family capital) namely for the purchase of real estate.

Of course, in most cases the amount issued is not enough, but it very often acts as a kind of financial leverage, which makes you move from the starting line towards your own apartment.

6.1. How to buy an apartment for maternity capital - permitted areas of use of funds + example

So, the assistance received from the state to solve the housing problem can be aimed at the following goals:

  • as a payment on a valid mortgage,
  • for making an initial loan installment,
  • to fill in the missing budget for the purchase of residential real estate.

The most important thing is that the following must be understood: nobody hands money to anyone. If you need to add funds to buy real estate, you will have to purchase it using bank transfer. Before the transaction, the money will be credited to the person’s special account and debited during the transaction with him in favor of the seller along with the main amount.

An interesting fact is that you can buy as primaryand secondary (for individuals) housing. Anyway Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will check the selected property. Without his documented agreement to purchase a specific living space, a deal will not be possible.

The thing is that the selected object must correspond to a number of characteristics:

  • he must not violate sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • housing must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the apartment must be fully residential (confirmation of this status is necessary).

Based on these requirements, the property that suits the FIU and can be bought in the future for maternity capital is selected.

Can I use maternity capital up to 3 years to buy an apartment (without a mortgage)?

There is a limitation that was casually mentioned earlier. If the child has not yet had time to be fulfilled 3 years, then his parents still can not spend the funds of the Maternal capital to improve their housing situation, even if finances go in a good direction (even if the child remains in a winning position).

Despite this, there is one small remark that for many people becomes a real panacea. It is quite realistic to get funds from the FIU to a bank account for further transfer to 3 parties, if available open mortgageon which you regularly need to pay interest. In this case, the funds can be directed specifically to repay the loan of the parents, who, for example, began to improve their living conditions before the appearance of the child.

Based on this, every young family is available 2 ways to use your maternity capital to purchase residential real estate:

  • repayment of part of the loan, which is already in effect at the time of issuing MSCs;
  • making a down payment on a mortgage.

Give an example

To demonstrate this more clearly, let's try to delve into a simple example. Per family Petrovs The bank has a housing loan.Replenishment comes (already the second child) and the state issues a certificate for maternal capital.

The fact is that their child is not yet 3 years old, however, due to the fact that the Petrovs have a mortgage, they can send all state aid to repay part of the loan.

In this case, you don’t have to wait for a child of 3 years of age, but simply shorten the mortgage due to the early repayment of part of the debt.

6.2. Ways to buy an apartment with maternity capital

In our country it is maternal (family) capital It is the largest one-time subsidy that is due to families from the state. Due to this, the range of tasks that can be solved with the help of the capital is quite wide. The best of all, as has already been said, is purchasing your own home.

Consider the main ways to acquire your own residential real estate using family capital. There are 3 options in total.

Method number 1. Direct purchase

In this case, a situation is meant in which either the mother capital itself or its own investments with it are enough for the purchase of an apartment.

Of course, in such a situation, the usual sales contract will be concluded. However, there is one nuance that can push the seller away from the transaction.

The fact is that funds do not immediately arrive at his account. After contacting the FIU, it may pass up to 2x monthsbefore the money becomes available to the seller of real estate. But not everyone agrees to such conditions.

The thing is that a number of mandatory procedures are established by law that an employee must organize FIU. Due to this, it is almost impossible to manage faster.

What to do to a person who wants to buy an apartment for 1 payment using funds of the capital? There are two ways out:

  1. Or find a seller who agrees to wait (can, eg, make a receipt on the amount that was transferred immediately, and also indicate in the contract that the rest of the money will come later from the FIU), or you can go more tricky.
  2. The second approach is to loan processing. You need to take the missing amount from the bank, and then repay the loan with the funds that came across 2 of the month to the account. In this case, there is one serious nuance: you can not take money from a microfinance organization. Such institutions are not able to work with state-provided materiel. Details on where to get money if all banks and microloans fail are described in our separate article.

Method number 2. Making a deal on credit

If a sufficient amount is not even typed with matkapital, then you can think about mortgage. If a bank agreement is concluded, employees of the FIU will be able to transfer the entire amount to the account faster, although they will still need to verify the legality of the transaction.

In this case, the algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. A suitable apartment is selected.
  2. A mortgage agreement is drawn up at the bank.
  3. There is an official appeal to the FIU with a special statement.
  4. All transactions occur, and the buyer becomes the owner of residential real estate.

Of course, until the full settlement with the bank, the apartment will be under his bail. And this means that no operations with it will be possible. It will be possible to sell, give or exchange it only after the bank receives all the money.

Nowadays, less and less financial institutions decide to work with matkapital, since it involves certain risks, and, more importantly, delays.

Among the most stable banks working with family certificates, the following five are distinguished:

  1. VTB 24;
  2. Sberbank
  3. Bank of Moscow;
  4. Alfa Bank;
  5. Delta Credit.

Probably, each of these financial institutions is known to almost all residents of our country.Moreover, despite the differences in the proposed programs, each of these banks has similar requirements for the borrower. They include legal purity of documents, stable earnings of a certain level, as well as the absence of black spots in the credit history.

Method number 3. Acquisition of a specific share of real estate

In this case, we are talking about buying only a certain part of the apartment (room). The thing is that with this approach, you can do without personal investment.

Despite this, there is a difficulty associated with the difficult legal execution of such transactions. Government officials carefully check the room the family wants to buy. Very often they refuse people financing such purchases if, in their opinion, the child will be in a new place uncomfortable.

The only exceptions are large rooms, which have their own separate entrance, as well as a certain kind of isolation (it must be impassable, and also have a door with a lock). At the same time, it is enough for parents to take into account one simple truth: the state gives out maternity capital, including so that the family has the opportunity to improve the living conditions of the child. If the acquired room does not solve the problem, then the FIU will refuse to issue funds.

In this way:

  • the most profitable way - purchase of a part of the apartment (you will not need to add your money), however, it is very difficult to conduct such a deal;
  • optimal way take advantage of maternity capital - add it as the missing amount when one-time purchase real estate. In this case, you will have to look for a seller who agrees that part of the funds, equal in sum to the capital, will come to him later. Or it will be necessary to issue a short-term loan for 2-3 months;
  • most simple in implementation, the method of acquiring an apartment for family capital is to issue a mortgage. In this case, of course, you will have to pay interest for some time, but then state aid for the child will cover part of the debt.

Step-by-step instructions for buying an apartment with maternity capital

6.3. Buying an apartment with maternity capital - step by step instructions

A large number of refusals by the FIU in financing purchases of owners of maternity capital indicate that the state carefully checks every deal. To save time and nerves, just follow a simple sequence of actions.

Step number 1. Choose an apartment

At this stage, you need to select a residential property that meets all the desired parameters, as well as "like" FIU staff.

Important! The state will give out funds for the purchase of only that apartment, which will improve the living conditions of the family and, in particular, the child himself.

Step number 2. Appeal to the FIU

You need to go to the Pension Fund right away with all available documents. Permission to issue funds can be obtained only after a thorough check of all the nuances of the transaction (including its legal purity).

It is necessary to provide:

  • personal documents of parents and all children,
  • The original family certificate
  • SNILS of one who applies to the FIU
  • a copy of the contract with the seller or the bank,
  • a certificate of the existing debt, if a mortgage was issued, or the seller’s current account, if the transaction was conducted directly.

In addition, notarized paper may be required proving that during 6 months, each family member will receive a certain share in the acquired property.

Step number 3. The transaction itself

The contract should indicate all the points associated with the transfer of money. It is especially important not to forget to enter information that part of the funds will be transferred a little later at the expense of maternity capital.

You can fix certain guarantees, eg, a penalty for late transfer of the remaining amount.

Immediately upon completion of the transaction, the buyer receives all documents for real estate, however, if a mortgage is issued, then until the loan is fully paid, the living space will be secured by the bank.

Thus, when buying an apartment using maternity capital, it is enough to remember that the main point that employees of the FIU pay attention to is that the acquired property solved the housing issue of the child. If for all this, the transaction will be concluded absolutely correctly from a legal point of view, then the employee of the Pension Fund will not have a reason for refusal.

Details of the purchase of apartments in new buildings: schemes and instructions for acquiring housing in a house under construction or already commissioned

7. Buying an apartment in a new house - acquisition schemes, documents and transaction procedure

Buying your home - the dream of every average family. For many, this issue can be resolved through the acquisition of real estate. on secondary the market (there will already be a repair and a minimum set of necessary communications), but this option is not suitable for everyone.

Some people want to be the first owners in their apartment, so they dream about living space. in a new building. It is most often cheaper than secondary real estate, although it requires additional investment. The family will be able to arrange everything on their own, although the cost of repairing and buying everything you need can be impressive.

Very important! Main problem primary real estate they are not even bare walls and the absence of any things necessary for living (equipped bathroom, furniture, refrigerator, stove, etc.), but a large number of risks associated with the fact that the house may remain unfinished.

In this case, future residents have the opportunity to sign equity agreementbut an unscrupulous builder can freeze construction and disappear with money.

How to protect yourself? Can risks be minimized? Let's try to summarize the previously stated information and consider this issue in more detail.

7.1. How to buy an apartment in a house under construction / rent - schemes

You can buy an apartment in a new house how during its construction (physically, it may not yet exist, since this floor, eg, not even built yet) and after commissioning.

It is logical that the sooner the contract is signed, the more the buyer will have a choice, and also the cheaper the concrete housing will cost him. Based on this, it can be argued that it is most advantageous to make a transaction when there is only foundation pit.

If the developer is honest and experienced, then all work will be completed on time, and new tenants will receive their apartments at prices significantly lower than market prices.

Note! It is at the stage of the pit that the risks are greatest, so you need to be especially careful and careful when studying the documents of a construction company.

To purchase real estate in the primary market, you must either try to directly contact the developer or its investors, or pay attention to 3 persons (contractors or real estate agencies).

In addition, there are people who engage in mass buying up apartments in new buildings. They buy them at a low cost, and then either immediately sell them or first make an inexpensive minimum repair and sell them at a higher cost.

Each seller is good for the buyer in his own way. Specialized agencies will undertake the collection of documents and the selection of an apartment, which means they will save a lot of time and save nerves.

The developer company will offer the most minimum prices, as well as a wide selection of apartments of various classes in various areas of the city.

Municipal authorities can also sell real estate in residential ladies. This option is suitable for those who want to minimize risks.

The most optimal option in most cases is acquisition of an apartment from a resellerwho independently carries out repair work and acquires the most necessary materials. In this case, the price will still be lower than the market, although it will have to be overpaid.

From a theoretical point of view, it is possible to purchase housing in new buildings using one of the existing schemes:

  • share fee;
  • Signing an equity agreement (DU);
  • joining a specialized cooperative (HBC);
  • construction investment;
  • interaction with a contractor who cedes his property rights after the completion of the construction of the house.

Of course, in this case only those options that can be beneficial to both parties are considered.

There are also schemes that are more acceptable only to the seller of housing: application of bills, as well as pre-sale agreement.

  • In the first case, purchased security paper, and the buyer becomes a construction investor. Best case scenario he will receive his apartment by returning the bill to the developer. At worst - the construction company will refund the entire amount, and housing will already rise in price. This is due to the fact that legally bill of exchange almost impossible to associate with the apartment. He plays a role receipts, confirming the fact of the transfer of money.
  • Pre-sale agreement in turn involves making 100% prepayment. In this case, after the construction is completed, the developer first draws up new apartments for himself, and then transfers one of them to the property of the person who signed the corresponding agreement. One side, everything is clear and transparent enough, with another, as in the case of a bill of exchange, the buyer may not receive housing.

Step-by-step instructions for buying an apartment in a new building this year

7.2. Buying an apartment in a new building - step by step instructions in 2019

The main pitfall of acquiring housing in a new house is the fact that the sale process itself begins long before all work is completed. It follows that, Firstly, there is an opportunity to save money, at the same time risking being left with nothing in the event that a fraudulent developer is caught, and, Secondly, by the time the house is commissioned, some of the apartments, interesting in some respects, will already be sold.

At the same time, if nevertheless someone decides to pay the construction company before putting the house into operation (very often offers are too tempting), then there’s no question of any sale. The apartment may not even exist yet, therefore it will be possible to obtain the right of ownership only after completion of all work.

Thus, in order not to lose money and become the owner of a cozy real estate in a new building (an apartment is more likely to cost less than market value), it is enough to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists, adhering to this sequence of actions:

Step number 1. We select a construction company

At the very beginning, you need to select several objects of interest, and then check the information about their developers on the Internet. If the company is famous for always fulfilling its obligations and renting out all the houses on time, then for sure there will be some kind of positive information about completed construction. If the reputation of the developer is lame, then surely at some forum people have already managed to discuss it.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between negative reviews of different directions. Some may say that stucco (This fact, although not very pleasant, but a good master will quickly fix it)but some say that the construction, which was started back in 2006, has not yet been completed. In the second case, you definitely do not need to contact such a developer.

The most important guarantee for a person who wants to buy an apartment in a new building is correctly drawn up equity agreement. At the same time, it is necessary not only to check the agreement for legal inaccuracies, but also to check with the construction company whether it registers all the papers signed by the buyers with the Federal Registration Service.

It is worth noting that all this is written in the Law No. 214-ФЗ. If the contracts are registered, then re-sale of the same apartment is excluded.

Additionally, you can ask about the availability of mortgage programs that apply to the object of the selected developer. Banks give out loans only after checking all the documents of the construction company, so if there are proposals, then everything is in order with the papers.

Step number 2. Independent verification of all documents

You should not rely only on banks or someone else. All papers are best checked. independently. It should be noted that the current legislation provides for free access to documents for the construction of any planned facility.

Based on this, everyone has the full right to review permits and all kinds of papers related to the construction of a particular residential building.

What do you need to pay attention to in the documents of 2019?

Here is the main list of documents required for construction:

  • papers confirming the rights of the developer to the plot of land used by him for the construction of the house;
  • permits for the construction of an object according to the project (number of storeys is also agreed in advance)
  • investment contracts;
  • an act confirming the completion of work and the commissioning of apartments in the house (it is necessary only when the construction is completed).

Step number 3. Search for information about the service company

The management company, which will continue to maintain the “vitality” of the house after its delivery, may eg, for their services to take a very high fee. That is why it is better to inquire about it on the Internet or call the office hotline.

Service company employees are required to provide relevant information. If we are talking about a whole residential complex or quarter, which one developer is engaged in, then it is best to talk with residents of already built houses. They will share the most real information.

Step number 4. Contract signing

In the event that there were no problems at the previous stages, you can proceed to the design of the agreement.

The following information must be indicated in the equity agreement:

  • all information about the developer;
  • data of the buyer (the one who takes part in shared investment of construction);
  • key features of the apartment;
  • the selected method of transferring money;
  • deadlines for completion of construction work.

Do not forget that such an agreement must be registered. At the same time, all the information described clearly makes it clear that buying an apartment with minimal risk in a new building is quite troublesome, although quite realistic.

An impressive discount (the price in houses under construction is always lower than the market price) will have to be fought, giving time and nerves.

In addition, it is worth immediately preparing for the fact that the apartment will become the property only after the completion of work. In spite of everything, this moment, with the right selection of the builder, will ever come.

7.3. 5 main risks when buying an apartment in a new building

The benefits of apartments in new homes have already been said more than once: they are cheaper.

Communications in them are new, and the layout is modern and more practical than in old houses. Despite this, there are a number of nuances, because of which many are afraid to even think about buying housing in a new building.

Consider the main risks in order to protect all potential buyers and prevent possible errors.

Risk number 1.The presence of open disputes related to land rights

In this case, it is understood that some construction sites are located by unscrupulous developers on land that is either not officially assigned to them or has a disputed status.

Such nuances can lead to the fact that even in the case of the successful completion of all work, when the money of the equity participants was actually spent, it may turn out that the developer does not have rights to the house. Then either it is demolished or transferred into the ownership of 3 persons, and potential residents are left with nothing.

Risk number 2. Construction in limbo

For various reasons, the process of building a house can be suspended or frozen for a certain period: problems may arise with the contractor or local authorities, money may simply run out or the developer will be unreliable.

It is best to take an interest in the history of the construction company, as well as get acquainted with the list of already completed projects.

In addition, do not forget about the search for mortgage programs, as mentioned earlier. A bank that offers a loan for a specific property must check its builder or owner.

Risk number 3. Insufficient quality of materials used

Unscrupulous developers do not have to disappear with money or come up with complicated schemes for fraud. It’s enough to purchase inexpensive materials using egfor these purposes frontman.

So, a construction company can buy cheap wiring, poor-quality pipes or bad batteries, which will make it cold in winter. Such things cannot be checked right away, so the contract must indicate warranty period, and the act of adoption should indicate in the necessary form that not everything was verified.

Risk number 4. Repeated sale of the same housing

There are also such schemes according to which the developer manages to get money from several people for the same apartment.

Only an equity agreement allows you to secure a specific living space for a person, as well as protect him from fraud.

Registration of the agreement with the Federal Service means that all documents have been checked. Moreover, in case of a dispute, if the matter reaches the court, the decision will be made in favor of the person who has official registered contract.

Thus, one should not be afraid of acquiring apartments in a new building. As explained earlier, the risks do exist. Despite this, they can be bypassed without problems, if you carefully treat everything and choose a reliable developer. It is not so difficult to do this, since the Internet is available in which you can find dozens or even hundreds of reviews about a particular construction company.

That is why, in order to become the owner of housing in new home with a good layout and all the necessary communications, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the above information and take advantage of the recommendations of experts, as well as the proposed step-by-step instructions.

How to buy an apartment in a megalopolis: Moscow, St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) and other large cities - features and nuances

8. Buying an apartment in Moscow and St. Petersburg 🌆 - features of the acquisition of residential real estate in the capital and St. Petersburg

It will not be a secret for anyone that in every region, city, and even in each individual district, there is a specificity of conducting sales transactions. This is due to the fact that there are various factors that will somehow affect the lives of people, which means that you need to first familiarize yourself with them, and also understand what they can affect.

So, we will consider the features of the capital and St. Petersburg in terms of purchase residential real estate. Just want to note that prices here are always higher than in other regions of the country. This is, of course, connected with a higher level of salaries. That's why, eg, a resident of a small town will have to save a lot longer in order to eventually become the owner of at least a one-room apartment in Moscow.

Among other things, even metropolitan it is very difficult at times to save up the amount for the cherished new housing, although the big city suggests more opportunities for a radical change in lifestyle, because no one has canceled social elevators in the modern world.

Consider the current situation in more detail. Both in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be asked for a minimum for the “cheapest” apartment 4 million, and in some ads you can find a request even for a one-room up to 10 million

Mediocre 2-k. flat (with the optimal set of rooms for a small family and the desired footage) will cost from 10 000 000 rub., although, of course, you can save by looking for real estate in an old house with a poor layout. However, this option is not suitable for everyone.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw a simple conclusion: to buy a small living space, you need to work tirelessly, get high wages or have big savings - a million or more (eg, having received an inheritance or a gift from relatives). It is difficult for an average Muscovite or a Petersburger to accumulate the required amount on his own.

We advise you to read our article on how to earn a million on an apartment and for any other purpose from zero.

For those coming from other cities, the most suitable option is buying an apartment with a mortgage. Salaries in Moscow and St. Petersburg will make quite high payments, while remaining "afloat"that is, maintaining a decent standard of living. Most often, this question is acute for those who either want to move to the capital for permanent residence, or take care of their children who plan to study in the capital's universities.

In any case, it is possible to solve the problem even in the absence of the necessary amount, but in cash it is much easier to do. Having the full amount on hand, both in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, you can independently or with a realtor find suitable housing in a short time.

9. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Spend a large amount of money overnight or take a loan, for which then you will have to pay for more than a dozen years - the business is quite responsible and complicated. That is why almost every buyer of residential real estate raises a number of questions. It is safe to say that they are all related to the process. of choice and payment of real estate, as well as those points that you should definitely pay attention to before signing the contract of sale.

Let's try to analyze the most common questions, and also give them comprehensive answers so that each reader can check the work of a realtor and independently start searching for an apartment. This, as mentioned earlier, is much more complicated, but it allows you to save money and get interesting experience.

Question number 1. What is the best way to buy an apartment - on your own (without a realtor) or through an intermediary?

Usually, this question excites everyone more than others. The thing is that looking for a seller on your own is very difficult. Have to travel to different areas of the city and meet with completely unpredictable people. Professional he will do everything in the highest rank, he will find the best option much faster.

Note! Experts advise you to select housing on your own only if there is a certain experience.

In the event that there is a need to buy an apartment, but neither the time, nor the desire, and most importantly, the relevant knowledge is not available, it is better to immediately go to real estate agency.

If there are close people who themselves recently sold / bought real estate, then you can ask for help.Most likely, they approximately understand the current state of the market, know the current prices and features of the transaction.

To understand whether it is necessary to contact professionals in a specific situation, it is enough to analyze the following criteria: speed of the transaction, risks, as well as financial costs.

Of course, an experienced reseller will quickly find a suitable seller. Firstly, he knows what to pay attention to first of all. Secondly, he most likely has access to a specially-designed database, which has already sorted a large number of offers according to various criteria (footage, availability of infrastructure, quality of repair, number of storeys, etc.).

At self search apartments will have to spend much more time looking through newspaper ads, information boards and specialized websites on the Internet.

As for reliability, here, no less logical, working with a professional intermediary will be less risky. However, if you follow all the previously noted recommendations, you can secure yourself at the proper level even when you search for a seller yourself.

With the latter criterion, things are most interesting. Of course, with an independent search you do not have to pay anyone's services. Now even most advertising newspapers are distributed is free. As for the appeal to a realtor, then you have to pay a special commission to the intermediary. It can be big enough. It is this factor that repels many people from going to a specialized agency.

A kind of compromise is a trip to a lawyer to help with documents after an independent search for a seller. In this case, you will have to spend a lot less, because the payment will be made, most likely, not as a percentage of the transaction, but at a fixed rate.

Comparative table of buying an apartment without a realtor and with it:

Comparison methodBuying without a realtor (on your own)Through an intermediary
1.ReliabilityNOT very reliable (±)Reliable enough (+)
2.Transaction speedSlower(-)Faster (+)
3.Financial expensesInsignificant(+)Tangible(-)

Question number 2. What documents are needed to buy an apartment in 2019?

In order to properly arrange everything and become the full owner of the selected apartment, you need to carefully approach the process of collecting the necessary papers. Their list is quite trivial, but once again it’s worth double-checking everything so that you don’t forget anything.

So, here is the list of documents for registering an apartment purchase:

  • identification papers of the buyer and seller;
  • documents confirming the ownership of real estate (in this case, any type of agreement is suitable: sale, gift of privatization, etc.);
  • Muscovites need EZD (single housing document);
  • house book and a special certificate confirming the absence of all kinds of debts (from the seller);
  • directly concluded agreement on the sale of real estate (contract of sale).

What is EZD? Single Housing Document - this is a special paper, which in its essence replaces immediately 13 references.

EZHD was invented in order to simplify the appeal of citizens to government bodies and overcome bureaucracy, because there is no need to constantly receive and provide more 10 various references.

In some situations, which have already been discussed more than once, additional papers may be required:

  • marriage certificate;
  • permission of the second spouse to transfer the property to another's property (if it is a joint property);
  • a certificate from the guardianship authorities (required when the owner is a minor).

Among other things, the contents of the contract should be read several times.It is best to ask the help of a familiar lawyer for him to check the agreement between the seller and the buyer of real estate for legal inconsistencies.

Question number 3. How to evaluate the purchased apartment? What determines its price?

Everyone who wants to become the owner of real estate in the buying process necessarily wants to save money and not overpay. In fact, for this it is enough to know a number of criteria by which apartments are evaluated and learn how to use them with a few examples.

The following parameters affect the total cost of living space:

  1. number of storeys of the building, as well as the floor on which the apartment is located;
  2. large or small kitchen;
  3. general layout (old, improved, modern, free);
  4. when the house was built, and also what type it is (for example, whether there are administrative premises in it, whether the courtyard is hidden);
  5. how the territory is equipped;
  6. how many rooms;
  7. total and residential metering (excluding unheated parts, including balconies);
  8. internal state (is there a cosmetic repair, in what condition and style);
  9. is there a loggia, a balcony (if so, are they glazed);
  10. heating method (individual or centralized);
  11. whether the bathroom is combined with the toilet;
  12. approximate monthly payments for utilities;
  13. the area where the house is located (central, industrial, on the outskirts);
  14. its infrastructure;
  15. features of the developer, which can be a fairly experienced and well-known company, or a recently formed company (relevant for those people who purchase an apartment in a new building);
  16. how much percent the house under construction is ready to move in residents.

After analyzing all these factors for a particular case, we can conclude how much the price of a particular apartment corresponds to reality. On the market like secondaryand primary real estate can be met too high prices, and too low.

In the event that the cost is clearly overstated, we can safely say that the seller is looking for simpletonswho will pay exactly as much as he says for his even good apartment. If the price is already very low, then either there is something wrong with the living space (neighbors constantly pour or scandal, there is no hot water, constant problems with the electrics) or some kind of deception is being conceived. And you can get both on cunning intermediaries who attract customers with low prices, and then say a new price, as well as on explicit swindlers.

Among other things, there are 2 Moments that are usually necessarily included by the seller in the price: payment for intermediary services (if the seller turned to a realtor, it is most likely that he has already put at least part of the money to cover his services in the price of the apartment) and possible bargaining. Thus, it is possible to slightly lower the final price if you try to talk with the seller. Some people are initially looking for ads that indicate that a person sells real estate without intermediaries. This suggests that it will be possible to save.

How to buy an apartment if there is no money? Where to get them? Is it possible to buy an apartment without money - these are frequently asked questions

Question number 4. How to buy an apartment if there is no money?

This question arises from almost everyone. Do not despair, because there is a way: for this, you can resort to loan processing, mortgages or take advantage of unspent maternal capital.

In order not to spend too much money, you can look for real estate in buildings that are only located on construction stages. In this case, you can safely arrange a loan, because the total cost will be significantly lower than the market.

Despite all the difficulties, a young family will have to endure for what: even 5-10 years of savings, but in your own apartment, where you can independently equip a family hearth.

Having your own real estate, where you can always arrange everything in your own way, is an excellent motivation for life with some restrictions (you will have to lead a more restrained lifestyle at the time of loan repayment).

Question number 5. How can I buy an apartment without a loan and a mortgage?

But what if there is no desire to borrow from the bank or simply there is no way to pay monthly payments because of low income? In this situation, there is only one way out - save by any available means. Have some time not to leave affordable housing (most likely parental) and put off every extra penny.

It is enough to carry out simple calculations to find out that without making a long-term mortgage (sometimes it can drag out for 30 years)can be almost 2 times faster to become the full owner of a new apartment. Of course, it will not be possible to live in it right away until the entire amount has been accumulated (in the case of a loan, things are somewhat different), but then you do not have to overpay the interest.

The most important thing with this approach is the realization that suddenly something can happen to work. And this means that if at this moment it was necessary to pay a loan, then the situation would sharply aggravate due to a lack of funds even for the most necessary. The same will never happen if you try to accumulate the necessary amount over time.

As a result, you can make simple calculations: the man, who 15 he pays a mortgage loan for years, has no savings at the end of this period behind his back, because everything was spent on paying off the loan.

The family, which decided to continue their stay in their father’s house and postponed a certain amount each month, will be able to afford a one-room apartment already after 7.5 years. At the same time, after acquiring real estate, you can continue to save for something, for example, on a car.

Question number 6. Is there any way to buy an apartment in a mortgage without a down payment?

The essence of any mortgage suggests that a person must pay at the very beginning some percentage of the total cost of the apartment. It can vary from 10% to 50%. Therefore, a person should have on hand an amount equal to about half the price of real estate. Such amounts of money are simply unbearable for some.

Young families can rely on maternal capital will go towards the down payment. This is completely legal, and its size just covers approximately 1/6 from the cost of a one-room apartment in a new building. What should everyone else do? There are no secret loopholes, so you have to look for money somewhere.

There is, of course, another option. Some banks attract new customers with a mortgage without a down payment. Indeed, such proposals consist in the fact that you don’t have to pay anything at the very beginning, but the interest will be much higher.

Besides,mortgage contracts without down payment are more stringent: egif a person stops paying monthly interest for some reason, they can take the apartment away from him, without returning all the money already paid. On this basis, they are growing markedly the risks.

That is why experts recommend avoiding such "advantageous" offers. Most often they wear advertising character, which means they hide certain pitfalls. The offer will seem interesting to someone, but it’s better to accumulate at least the minimum possible down payment in order to count on more favorable conditions for a mortgage loan in the future.

Bank task in such situations - find new customers, buyer's task real estate - choose the most real and suitable conditions for it.

Question number 7. How to save up a young family for an apartment with a salary of 25-30 thousand rubles?

Of course, to realize the desire associated with the acquisition of your own property with a small monthly income is quite difficult.But, despite all the restrictions, this is in principle reallyif you try to drastically cut your fixed costs, and also try to find risky, but highly profitable investment programs. In more detail about how to save money for an apartment with a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles, we described in one of our articles.

You can also use special government programswhich are aimed at supporting young families and provide them with the opportunity to quickly resolve the unfortunate housing problem.

Do not forget about existing as national (federal)both local (municipal) lending programs. In this case, we are talking about the fact that young families and military personnel have the right to use a special certificate for material assistance if they succeed in observing a number of transparent conditions.

To do this, just ask in the Internet both national projects, and those that were invented by regional or city authorities. Of course, most often there are a lot of people who want to, but very few who really meet all the requirements, so everyone has a chance.

Question number 8. Is it possible to buy an apartment for maternity capital from relatives (parents, etc.)?

I would like to note that there are no prohibitions on transactions between relatives. They are individuals, which means they can conduct various transactions.

Despite this, there are significant restrictions that are imposed on funds that were issued by the state. This is where it will be important that the other side of the transaction is a relative, because a number of barriers will immediately appear.

Firstly, parents, as well as relatives and grandparents do not have the right to transfer property to children or grandchildren for state (family) money. The blood sisters and brothers do not have the same right. Such restrictions on the use of family capital, although it seems a little strict, are the result of frequent attempts at fraud in the past.

There were frequent cases when people, according to various schemes, got and transferred federal funds, which can only be spent on a fixed number of purposes.

The initial idea of ​​issuing maternity capital is connected with the desire of the state to increase the standard of living of the family. That is why money cannot be so easily obtained or spent on some personal mercenary needs.

But it’s possible on them, eg, improve your living situation. It was here that the scammers supposedly came up with the idea of ​​buying apartments from relatives, so that they could get their hands on the entire amount, which can already be disposed of without restriction and for any needs that are completely unrelated to the young family. The state, in turn, does not want to finance swindlers, and she only wants to help the little citizen grow in acceptable conditions.

On the other hand, you can conclude a purchase and sale transaction, the subject of which is residential real estate, eg, between cousins ​​or brothers. In this case, although there is some kind of loophole, however, it will be necessary to prove that the money is sent specifically to improve the living conditions of the child.

Question number 9. How to buy an apartment on a military mortgage?

The state has provided an interesting program to encourage the military. She is called "military mortgage" (abbreviated as VI) and consists in the following: the state monthly saves a special amount to the special account of a military man, which is indexed annually (more than 20 thousand per month).

In addition, additional profit comes from investing these funds. Eventually 3 years later Each soldier can, after writing the report, receive money for the first mortgage payment.

Consider this program step by step:

  1. First, a soldier must apply to be registered in the project. The sooner this can be done, the sooner it will be possible to arrange a mortgage.
  2. Then, after a certain period of time, a person can begin to choose suitable residential real estate for himself, both in the primary and secondary markets.
  3. After that, a suitable bank is selected that works with the described state program, and these are almost all large state organizations.
  4. As a result, a serviceman applies to Rosvoenipoteku with all necessary documents in order to obtain a targeted loan for the purchase of housing (ZHZ).
  5. Upon completion of all procedures, the apartment must be insured, it becomes the property of a soldier.

It is worth considering that the minimum period for which you can apply for a mortgage is 36 months. The maximum is limited 45-year-old soldier. Read more about the military mortgage and the conditions for its provision to military personnel, read in one of our articles.

Question number 10. How to get a tax deduction when buying an apartment in 2019?

The last question, which will be given time in this article, is how to count on getting without any problems this year. tax deduction, which is provided for when buying an apartment. With its help, it will be possible to cover part of the costs, however, you need to familiarize yourself with the information provided below in order for the tax appeal to be successful.

There is a sure way to return part of the funds spent on the purchase of housing.

So what is a tax deduction? How to get it and what is needed for this?

Under tax deduction imply deductions from the state in favor of the buyer of housing, if he works officially and honestly deducts the required part of the funds from his income. In this case, he can count on accrual. 13% of the amount that was spent on the apartment.

It is worth noting that there is an upper threshold for tax deduction. Composes he 260 000 rub. Over this amount, you will not be able to receive funds, but it is also quite attractive.

It should also be noted that you can get a kind of state compensation only 1 time in a life (and not everyone can afford to buy apartments more often). In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the case of informal employment, when taxes are not actually deductible, there is no reason to expect to receive deductions, because they are formed precisely from taxes that the responsible citizen previously paid.

10. Conclusion + video on the topic of publication

After analyzing the information presented, we can make one serious conclusion - buying an apartment is a painstaking process, which in some situations involves certain risks.

The whole point is that you need to think ahead about the requirements for the apartment, as well as determine the available budget. At the same time, one should not hope for a case, but it is better to familiarize yourself with theoretical and practical information in advance.

So, egWhen buying an apartment in the secondary market, you can end up with not what was expected. In order not to encounter this, you need to carefully inspect the living space and analyze it legal history.

If it was decided to purchase housing from the developer or his contractor (in the new building), then you will have to carefully read all of their documents and "history"to minimize risks. This option allows you to save money if you approach the matter with all responsibility.

In conclusion, we advise you to watch the video "How to buy an apartment and what makes the price for it":

It turns out that housing problemcan be solved quickly and with good savings, if you try to take into account all the recommendations.It’s not necessary to have the full amount on hand, because you can use mortgage or by installments. Before this, you must necessarily evaluate your strength sensibly in order to make the right decision.

Remember: You can buy a suitable apartment secondaryso on primary market, with the whole amount on hand, and with a part. However, for this you will have to carefully study all the documents provided by the seller. An important factor is the ability to remain calm until the transaction is completed.

That’s all with us.

Dear readers of the Rich Pro business magazine, we will be very grateful if you leave your comments on the article below, share your personal opinion and experience on the topic of publication. We wish you all good luck and successful real estate transactions!

Watch the video: Auburn Coach Wife Kristi Malzahn Agrees with Match & eHarmony: Men are Jerks (October 2024).

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