The chemical composition and calorie content of radishes, the benefits and harms of vegetables for health

Radish is one of the earliest vegetables to be the first to ripen in the gardens. It has long been at our tables and we enjoy its fresh and delicate taste.

But do everyone know about its beneficial properties and the substances that it contains. This article describes in detail the composition of the root crop, its useful properties, gives recommendations for its proper use in the human diet.

Why is it important to know the composition of the radish?

Knowing the composition of vegetables, you can identify the mandatory categories of people who just need to eat them. Radish is primarily useful for pregnant women. It contains substances and vitamins necessary for expectant mothers to bear a healthy child:

  • folic acidresponsible for the proper development of the fetus and its nervous system;
  • calcium - necessary for bone formation;
  • potassium, sodium and chlorinethat remove excess fluid from the body of a future mother with the help of electrolytes;
  • potassium, sodium, magnesium and calciumpreventing cramps, often accompanying the second half of pregnancy.
It must be remembered that pregnant women can use radishes only after heat treatment: stewing or scalding with boiling water. This requirement arose because of the risk of catching dysentery, hepatitis and typhoid. These diseases develop with the possible presence of helminth eggs and other microorganisms.

But for children, radishes are contraindicated due to increased gas formation after its use. Moreover, for children under three years of age, it is banned, and for children under five years of age is not recommended.

Due to the low calorie content, radishes are included in the diet of obese people and those who want to unload the body and switch to lighter foods.

Radish leaf infusion improves bowel function and fights constipation. But it is not recommended for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pancreatitis.

Also, this vegetable is prohibited in diseases of the thyroid gland. The cyanogenic glycosides contained in it contribute to the growth of goiter.

Radish is useful for people with a predisposition to cancer. For them, varieties with a purple peel are a priority. It is believed that they can remove up to 20% of cancer cells from the body and reduce the risk of tumor development by 30-50%.

The chemical composition of the vegetable and its calorie content per 100 grams and 1 pc

Radish is valuable not only for its piquant taste and freshness, but also for its high nutritional value at low calorie content. He struggles with vitamin deficiency after a long winter, and his oils have antibacterial properties. This vegetable is considered a rich source of vitamins and chemical elements.

How many calories (kcal), protein, fat and carbohydrates?

Calorie content and nutritional value of radish (KBZhU) per 100 grams and one piece on are presented in the table:

Raw radishPickled radish
per 100 g1 PC. (20g)per 100 g1 PC. (20g)
proteins, g1,20,244,020,20
fats, g0,10,025,760,29
carbohydrates, g3,40,1716,910,85
energy value, kcal190,951437,15

In general, the question of whether the radish is high in calories can be answered negatively. However, it is very different how many calories are found in raw and pickled radishes (one piece or 100 g of product). This is due to the method of preparation and the recipe for marinade. The table shows approximate figures taking into account the fact that a large amount of vegetable oil is used for pickling.

Young radish tops can be used for food. In some cases, it is more useful than root crops. It is used in treatments and diets.

Comparison table of nutritional value of calorie content of greens and fresh root vegetables of radish:

Greens, 100 g Root crop, 100 g
proteins, g1,21,2
fats, g0,30,1
carbohydrates, g1,33,4
energy value, kcal1219

Is it possible to eat this product on a diet for weight loss?

Due to the low calorie content and good ratio of BJU radish is used in the preparation of dietary diets. Various salads with radishes and other vegetables seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil are suitable for them. It is important to use low-fat sour cream, monitor the amount of oil in the dressing and choose the right products.

For diet food, only fresh fruits are intended. With prolonged storage, root crops accumulate starch in themselves, which increases calorie content.

What vitamins, macro- and microelements does a vegetable contain?

The chemical composition of radishes is contained in its vitamins, micro and macro elements. The table below contains information about what vitamins are in the radish, how many of them are in 100 g of the product:

Vitamin NameAmount in mg per 100 g Daily Value, mg% of the norm in 100 g
Beta carotene0,00450,1
Vitamin B10,011,50,7
Vitamin B20,041,82,2
Vitamin B46,55001,3
Vitamin B50,1853,6
Vitamin B60,125
Vitamin B90,0060,41,5
Vitamin C259027,8
Vitamin E0,1150,7
Vitamin K0,00130,1201,1
Vitamin PP, NE0,3201,5

The radish contains macronutrients, mg:

  • potassium - 255;
  • phosphorus - 44;
  • chlorine - 44;
  • calcium - 39;
  • silicon - 39;
  • magnesium - 13;
  • sodium - 10;
  • sulfur - 6.8.

Trace elements, mcg:

  • iron - 1000;
  • aluminum - 570;
  • zinc - 200;
  • Manganese - 150;
  • vanadium - 185;
  • copper - 150;
  • boron - 100;
  • fluorine - 30;
  • lithium - 23;
  • molybdenum - 15;
  • nickel - 14;
  • chromium - 11;
  • iodine - 8;
  • cobalt - 3;
  • selenium - 0.6.

The root crop contains:

  1. easily digestible carbohydrates (starch, dextrins, mono- and disaccharides);
  2. interchangeable and essential amino acids;
  3. saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What is the use of fresh radish, is there any harm to health?

By its useful properties, radishes are ahead of any other vegetable.


  • Increased immunity - Vitamin C allows you to fight against infectious diseases and prevent them.
  • Oncology Prevention - Vitamin E and dye pigments have antioxidant properties.
  • Weight loss is a property used in dietetics.
  • Strengthening the muscle corset - thanks to amino acids that develop muscle tissue and tendons.
  • Improving digestion due to increased production of gastric juice.
  • Bowel cleansing - radish fibers are not completely digested and remove the accumulated brush principle.
  • Diabetes Prevention
  • Lowering cholesterol.
  • Recovery and normalization of sleep.
  • Raising mood and increasing overall body tone.


  1. The following diseases: ulcer, gastritis, colitis, diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver and kidneys.
  2. Also, it will have to be abandoned after a heart attack, despite the great benefits for the cardiovascular and circulatory system.

We suggest watching a video about the benefits of radish and precautions for its use:

The chemical composition of this product is unusually rich. He can be envied by all the other vegetables, ripening in the gardens later. Perhaps such unique properties of the radish are explained by the fact that people need it after the winter, when the body’s strength is running out and needs to be replenished.

Watch the video: How Does Cooking Affect Nutrients in Veggies? (October 2024).

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