Why pruning garden hibiscus? Rules for the procedure in spring and autumn

Hibiscus garden or "Chinese rose" - one of the favorite plants of gardeners. With its bright, spectacular colors, it is able to decorate any shady corner of your garden.

However, even the most gorgeous bush after several seasons loses its former splendor of flowering.

We learn what is necessary to maintain the vital functions of this beautiful garden flower.

Why do you need pruning?

Although garden hibiscus does not cause much trouble to gardeners, there are still some obligatory events, the implementation of which guarantees its full growth and abundant flowering. First of all, this is the annual pruning of the plant. It is necessary for:

  • Giving a beautiful shape to the bush. By conducting forming pruning, we can give the plant the desired crown shape. It will not be collapsed or slanting.
  • The splendor of flowering. The fact is that flowers appear only on the tops of young branches. Therefore, the more fresh shoots, the more blossoming buds.
  • The growth of the whole plant. By trimming (corrective or strong) we stimulate the process of updating hibiscus. This is especially important if the flower dies for some reason.
  • Rejuvenation of the bush. Cutting off old and diseased branches, we conduct rejuvenation of the bush. Removing dry branches frees up space and preserves the strength for the development of young shoots.
If you ignore the pruning procedure, the plant will begin to wither, bloom worse, and eventually die.

Frequency and time of the procedure

Pruning garden hibiscus should be carried out annually, more than once:

  • Spring pruning stimulates the growth of new shoots in the plant, which means luxurious flowering in the summer. It is pruning a plant in the spring that determines the decorativeness of the bush. Therefore, it is mandatory.
  • At the end of flowering, the plant is pruned again. This is done already in the fall, which give an impetus to the growth of lateral shoots.
  • Categorically you can not do pruning in the winter. Otherwise, in the summer you will not get such a long-awaited flowering.

How to crop correctly?

All gardeners (even beginners) know that ornamental shrubs need pruning. But not everyone knows how to do this in the spring and after flowering. But you need to approach this event with all seriousness, like a real medical procedure:

  1. Before starting work, all equipment must be thoroughly disinfected. This will reduce the risk of plant disease.
  2. Also make sure that the tools are sharpened well. Dull blades will only damage the plant.

Necessary materials

To trim, you will need a standard set of gardener:

  • gardening scissors;
  • well sharpened knife;
  • delimbers;
  • hand saw.

All this equipment can be found in the arsenal of any amateur gardener. However, if the tools are old or just dull, do not be too lazy to bring them into working condition.

Step-by-step instruction

So, you have become the proud owner of a beautiful plant - garden hibiscus. With tenderness and dreams of a lush flowering waterfall on six acres, you planted it in a favorite corner of your garden. When to proceed with the trimmed trim of this still tiny bush:

  1. For young or still very small plants, we carry out the pinching procedure. Its essence is in cutting the very tops of the branches. This stimulates their growth. The main escape (future trunk) is not touching.
  2. The next stage of trimming is carried out only after a year. In early spring, we again remove the overgrown side shoots. But now the trunk itself is already shortened - to the fifth kidney. This pruning is performed for several years in a row until the plant reaches the size you need.
  3. But now the bush has grown and grown. The time has come to form his crown. This is called selective cropping. It involves trimming most of the plant. It is important to follow certain rules:

    • You need to cut the branch at an angle of 45 degrees slightly higher than the node, about 5-6 mm. The lower edges of the slices should look inside the bush, and the upper ones - out.
    • You should not remove too many branches in one pruning, only not more than 2/3 of the entire crown. Otherwise, the plant will weaken.
    • Trimming the branches is necessary so that the central shoot remains longer than the side branches. And those, in turn, were different in height. This forms a beautiful form of the bush.
  4. Sometimes at the beginning of the season they carry out a complete pruning of the bush. This is done to get a magnificent summer bloom. With this method, only 2-3 buds are left on the branches.
  5. A diseased or dying plant needs corrective pruning. The shoot must be cut off until young green wood appears. But if the branch is light and dry at the place of the cut, then it is already dead, and it must be removed.
  6. Strong pruning is only used if the bush is badly damaged or nearly dead. The plant is cut to the ground completely. This is not a guarantee that it will come to life in the new season, but you can still try to reanimate your favorite flower.

Leaving immediately after the procedure

After spring pruning, hibiscus should be restored and gain new strength.

Sections on branches are best treated with a special preparation - this will help the plant recover faster after the stress and resume growth. Such a drug can be found in any store for gardeners or a flower.

Then the bush needs to be fed with fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus). Top dressing should be continued every 2 weeks throughout the entire season of active plant growth.

What if the plant disappears?

If, after pruning, hibiscus does not please you with its growth or flowering, you need to try to increase watering, continue fertilizing with fertilizers, but in no case do not prune again.

Caring, patience and love - this is what your plant needs now!

With proper and regular care, hibiscus will delight you with greenery and abundant flowering for many years. The main thing is not to forget in time to carry out the necessary procedures, including annual seasonal trimmings. Try it, and this exotic at first glance flower will become familiar, and most importantly, your favorite plant in your garden.

Useful video

How to prune garden hibiscus in the spring, you will learn in this video:

Watch the video: How to Prune a Hibiscus Plant (October 2024).

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