Description and photos of winter-hardy varieties of climbing roses, varieties that bloom all summer. And also about landing and leaving

Climbing roses are the most popular flowers that are used for vertical gardening.

These plants have a very different height and color, which allows you to create unique floral arrangements.

Their beautiful appearance conquers the hearts of gardeners for a long time. Climbing roses are used for landscaping arches, pergolas, arbors, and the formation of living walls.

In the article, we will visually consider roses in the photo, and also find out. how to care for mimi.

What is winter hardiness?

Winter hardiness is the ability of plants to withstand exposure in their habitat from late autumn to early spring. Such effects are a sharp temperature drop, sunburn, winter draining, freezing back, aging, soaking, and others. Winter hardiness is a broad concept that includes, in addition to survival at low temperatures, other things.

Freezing is the most common cause of plant death in winter. Severe frosts transform water in the cells and intercellular space of plants into ice. Crops are affected by an ice crust during the thaw. The ice shell does not allow plant organisms to receive oxygen. Cellular air saturation worsens. Stagnant water causes the crops to become soaked and subsequently damaged by frost.

The hardening process in plants in the autumn and winter periods develops its winter hardiness.

What happens and how is it determined?

The assessment of such a thing as winter hardiness in Russia is determined by a seven-point scale, the basis of which is the freezing of a plant. The creator of this scale is the Main Botanical Garden:

  • plants with scores of 6-7 are considered winter hardy;
  • 5 - moderately resistant;
  • with a score of 4 - poorly resistant;
  • 1-2 - non-resistant.

Flowering period of frost-resistant varieties

Flowering roses occur from the month of June to the month of September. There are few plants in the world that are so long-flowering.

Views from the photo

Consider what types of winter-hardy roses are found, and see the photo with them.

Most adapted to frost


This is a culture that has medium and small inflorescences, similar to a tea hybrid. This group is highly resistant to frostbite and is grown in different climatic zones of Russia. This is a winter-hardy variety, which is considered one of the best.


The Cordes have a lot of strong lash-like shoots that grow 3 meters in size. Their foliage is saturated green and has a characteristic luster. Inflorescences of flowers are large.


It is very disease resistant and resistant to frost.

Snow goose

It is a winter-tolerant and disease-resistant variety.. Has a small foliage of dark green color. Spikes are missing.

Don Juan

Roses of Don Juan variety are the most unpretentious among winter-hardy climbing roses. Their difference is large bright burgundy flowers. Roses of this species tolerate the effects of torrential rains and frosts, they do not need insulation or shelter.

Ilse Krohn Superior

Plant data do not require much attention to themselves and are therefore very popular. They withstand the effects of rains, as well as frost and parasites.

Super excelsa

Extremely unpretentious and not exposed to the effects of both heat and cold.

Carry only a little cold.


The flowers of these roses form the shape of a brush. They are distinguished by the pink color and the velvet surface of the buds and petals. They withstand the effects of pests and diseases. They are grown, sheltering in the winter.

Blooming all summer


These ornamental plants are often planted in their garden plots flower growers. Their shoots are long and large, and the flowers are raspberry-colored and with a terry surface. As a rule, flowers reach a length of 8 cm. This variety blooms for one season.

Golden gate

A distinctive feature that this species possesses is the multiple shoots growing up to 4 meters high. They have brushes formed from flowers. They have a yellow color and a velvety structure. There are up to 10 cm long.


A feature of this species is the beautiful buds of a bright red hue. It is growing, increasing in all directions. Its usual length is 3 meters, and its width reaches 2 meters.

Ilse Krohn Superior

The appearance of these roses can give pleasure from the whole summer and ending in late autumn. The difference between this variety in its very large flowers.

Super excelsa

Roses belonging to this variety have bright fuchsia flowers. The diameter of each flower is on average up to 4 cm. When this plant blooms, brush enlargement occurs. Dark places are most suitable for them.

Snow goose

Brushes of plants of this variety contain 5-25 flowers. The flowers have a very small size, dark color and no thorns. All plants of this variety are capable of almost continuous flowering.

Super dorothy

The stem of this plant is about 3 meters long. When flowering occurs, the bush becomes lush, about 1 meter long.

Rambling rector

This variety is a chameleon. During flowering, when the first week begins, the petals appear ivory, but then, when they are exposed to sunlight, their shade becomes snow-white.

About landing

  1. The choice of place. Mostly climbing roses do not tolerate shade. Seedlings are placed on the sunny side. In addition, roses are extremely negative about excess moisture. When planting a rose against the wall, you need to retreat half a meter.
  2. Soil preparation. When a week remains before planting, a 2-square-meter pit is dug. Then the dug up earth and cow dung are mixed.
  3. Processing seedlings. For the greatest splendor of the bush, the seedlings are cut to a length of 30 cm. Then they are soaked for one day, the roots are trimmed and dusted with charcoal, as well as processing with special mixtures.
  4. Landing. The planting of climbing roses is deeper than the planting of ordinary roses. When planted, they should be abundantly moistened.

About leaving

These plants should be watered in moderation, as excess moisture causes them harm. Even for frost-resistant varieties, shelter is necessary in the winter. This is done when the first frosts pass (-4 degrees). With earlier shelter, these plants will not have time to acquire immunity.

About breeding

Climbing roses can be propagated using green cuttings, in which there is one hundred percent acceleration. Winter or summer cuttings are selected for this purpose, and reproduction begins in the second half of June. Harvest material using only healthy shoots.

Climbing roses have many advantages, the main of which is unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature fluctuations. Therefore, nothing will prevent you from enjoying the look of these flowers both during the summer season and in the winter. Empty spaces in the garden can be decorated with these plants and create a beautiful view.

Watch the video: Gardening Plant Care : Passion Vine Plant Care (October 2024).

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