It can even be a child. How to plant a shoot of a money tree?

Crassula is a strong, resilient and fairly unpretentious plant. Undemanding applies to the conditions of its maintenance, and soil, and reproduction. For a number of reasons, some owners of this flower need to get her children from time to time, and usually there are no difficulties with growing her new specimens.

Let us consider in detail how to propagate a fat girl through the processes, how to take a stalk from a money tree at home and properly root it.

Features of reproduction of rosula at home

Even a beginner grower can succeed in this matter. Crassula is easily rooted by both the stem and leaf. This plant can be propagated at any time of the year, except for the period when it blooms, since no manipulations are performed with flowering plants, except for urgently needed medicinal ones. It is also believed that summer is not the most suitable period for the reproduction of this plant, and children received from the red herb in the summer take root worse and rarely bloom.
How to cut a plant and how to sprout a fat from a sprout, so that the flower necessarily takes?

You can start reproduction when this indoor tree becomes quite sprawling and the removal of cuttings does not affect its development. The age of the flower at this point should be at least 3 years, and large lignified shoots on it should have at least 10 pieces, moreover, each should already have shoots with 3-4 leaves.

The best choice for grafting is a sprig with air roots in each ring.

You should pay attention to the quality of the future sprout: it should not have spots and damage. A weak sprout will not take root well, grow slowly, and the section will have to be repeated, which is not very desirable for the mother plant.

The trunk of the future small seedling should be green, not lignified. This condition is important for shortening the appearance of roots on the handle. The number of leaves is at least 5. In general, a sprout ready for independent life should have a height of about 10 cm.

The fatty woman suffers taking the shoot away quite easily, but still it will not hurt to sprinkle the place of cut with turmeric or crushed activated charcoal in order to avoid the development of diseases. The donor tree should not stand in bright light to avoid burns, and it is even more undesirable for the rays to fall into the place of the cut.

How to plant and grow a fat girl from a twig or any cuttings without roots?

  1. Pinching of the process of the Crassula is made by a sharp, strong and well-disinfected secateurs so that a fossa does not form on the main stem. You can act with a knife only if the grower is convinced of his exceptional sharpness and ability to quickly and smoothly cut away a dense stalk of a money tree 3-5 mm thick without moving the trunk of the mother plant. You can’t cut the stalk.
  2. The resulting sprout is treated at the cut site. For this, a tablet of succinic acid is dissolved in 250 ml of hot water, and Kornevin or Gereauksin is added to the cooled solution at the tip of the knife and stirred. Then a section is dipped into the solution for several seconds and set aside for several hours to dry.

Further, the opinions of gardeners differ: whether to put the sprout in water to form roots or whether it can be planted in the ground. In fact, both methods are good, since the Crassula takes root well in almost any environment.

Cuttings in water

A couple of lower leaves are removed from the handle put the appendix in a small container with settled water at room temperature and placed in a well-lit and warm place, ideally these are eastern windows.

It is best to cover it with a piece of cardboard with a slotted hole in which the stalk is inserted - so its parts will be less in contact with water and the edges of the container. Roots will appear in about a week. Now the sprout is ready for planting in the ground. If the owner wants to see the plant lush, healthy, and ideally flowering, then he should buy a special ready-made soil for succulents.

Important: it is undesirable to use peat mixtures, since the fat woman does not grow well in acidic soil. Dolomite flour should be added to peat.

What should be a pot for rosula and how to plant a sprout there?
A pot for a fat woman is best taken ceramicdiameter in width of the crown, so it’s better to maintain balance, but as long as it is small, you can use any. Drainage must be poured to the bottom - the fat girl does not like when the water in the pot stagnates. Then the soil is poured, a depression of 4-5 cm is made in it, a young plant is planted, carefully crushed and watered the soil around it.

How to propagate in the ground?

A place for planting a flower is prepared in a similar way:

  1. At the bottom of the pot spread drainage (expanded clay or finely broken shards).
  2. Then they pour earth and moisten it well.
  3. A recess is made for the sprout, and the seedling of the rosula is carefully placed in it, and the earth around it is gently squeezed.

Rooting a fat woman with a leaf is done in the same way: in water or soil, and the method of planting will be the same, but with one difference. The leaflet will need fixing.


Further, you can see the photo of planted cuttings of rosula and sprouts with roots:

Care after planting sprouts

Little Crassula is no different in leaving a mature and sprawling. She also loves the soft sun and moderate watering, fresh air and rubbing leaves from dust. The young money tree is fed after 8 months from the day of planting from spring to autumn once a month with special fertilizers, the dose of which should be halved. Spraying the plant is not required.

The fat woman does not need frequent transplantation, however, during the active growth of the young seedling, it is necessary to change the flower pot to a wider once a year, as the flower actively builds up the root system. Deep containers are not suitable for this plant.

You can pinch the crown of the money tree for more active branching and creating beautiful forms when the young plant begins to throw out additional branches.

In the warm season, the money tree can live on the balcony, he likes the fresh air, but it is important to monitor the air temperature so that it does not fall below 15aboutC. It is also not recommended to leave the flower in the rain: the fat woman is afraid of overmoistening the soil.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a visual and informative video about the reproduction of the money tree:

It is not difficult to grow a fat girl by the method of cuttings, and if you follow the described procedure, then soon a strong and beautiful indoor tree will develop from a small sprout, which will decorate any interior.

Watch the video: My Money Tree Plant -Re-potting, Pruning and Transplant (October 2024).

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