We treat gastritis with a useful natural remedy - aloe. Recipes with detailed instructions

Back in ancient times, aloe entered medicine as a universal remedy in the treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases. In their treatises, healers of the eastern countries mention him and they called him Sabur. Aloe improves the production of choleretic juice, improves digestion, and also has a laxative effect, prevents and treats constipation.

We’ll tell you how to prepare homemade medicine from the juice of the agave with honey and other useful ingredients and how to take it correctly. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

The healing properties of the plant

Modern medicine has repeatedly subjected to studies of the chemical composition a viscous liquid that is filled with the leaves of this plant and has come to the conclusion that aloe juice:

  1. Accelerates the regeneration of the gastric mucosa.
  2. It has a high level of antibacteriality, destroys pathogenic flora (fungi, infections).
  3. Increases the body's immune forces and thereby inhibits the development of pathogenic microbes.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, necessary to protect the erosive walls of the stomach from the effects of stomach acid.
  5. Reduces acidity.
  6. Slows atrophic processes in tissues.
  7. Helps with bloating, by increasing secret activity.
  8. Has a pronounced choleretic ability.
  9. Prevents the occurrence of cancer of the digestive system.
  10. It cleanses the blood.
  11. Lowers cholesterol.
Attention: All these therapeutic properties of aloe have due to the presence of allantoin in its composition, which regenerates and moisturizes tissues, a large amount of vitamin (A, B, C, E), as well as the presence of minerals (iodine, fluorine, silicon, zinc, sodium, copper , manganese, iron, potassium, phosphorus and many others).

Indications for use

Aloe juice will be appropriate for use in a number of gastrointestinal diseases, namely:

  • With gastritis.
  • Enterocolitis.
  • Gastroenteritis.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • A stomach ulcer and a duodenal ulcer (about aloe with a stomach ulcer can be found in this article).


But there are also contraindications for the use of aloe:

  • Do not use it for pregnant and breast-feeding women. The juice contains anthraquinones, which can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to aloe and an allergic reaction to it.
  • Aloe juice is not recommended for chronic kidney and liver diseases.
  • Aloe is forbidden for oncology of any organ, as well as benign neoplasms. A high level of biostimulation of this plant provokes the formation of new cancer cells.
  • You can not take it to women who have uterine bleeding.
  • With caution, you need to give aloe to alcohol for children.
  • Not recommended for people with persistent hypertension.
Important: In the practice of treating many forms of gastritis, the use of aloe juice is not only justified, but also recommended. But before starting treatment, you must always consult your doctor. A high number of contraindications can cause a negative effect from treatment.

We recommend watching a video about contraindications to the use of aloe juice:

How to treat stomach disease?

  1. High acidity. Aloe juice reduces the inflammatory process in the stomach with high acidity, removes heartburn, heals the eroded layer of the mucosa and relieves pain. The effects of increased acidity are well removed with a composition of aloe, honey and potato juice. A glass of potato juice plus two tablespoons of aloe and honey. Such a cocktail relieves burning, heaviness and burping. This composition is taken on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. Low acidity. With low acidity, bloating and increased gas production are present. These symptoms relieve aloe juice in conjunction with honey. This composition stimulates the secretory function of the stomach and increases the body's immune forces. To aloe, you need to add plantain juice and a decoction of raspberry leaves. Use this mixture before eating 100 to 150 grams.

Read how aloe is used to treat the stomach, read here.

Uses and recipes with step-by-step instructions

In order for the juice from aloe leaves to be most healing, it must be properly prepared:

  1. To do this, take a plant that is at least five years old. Healing mineral substances and vitamins are accumulated only in such leaves.
  2. Before cutting the leaves to prepare the medicinal composition, the plant is not watered for a week.
  3. After the leaves are washed, they need to be dried.
  4. Then store for two weeks on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Thus, the plant will accumulate the maximum number of biogenic stimulants.
  5. Two weeks later, side spikes are cut from aloe leaves and the plant is passed through a meat grinder.
  6. Then the resulting mass is filtered through cheesecloth.
  7. Pour into dark glass dishes and tightly close the lid. The shelf life of the juice is limited. Therefore, it is impossible to cook it for the future.

Pure juice

If you take ten drops of aloe juice daily half an hour before a meal, then this will be an excellent prevention of any stomach diseases. Juice has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and anti-carcinogenic effects on the body..

The course of treatment is two months, and for prevention it is taken twice a year for a month.

With honey

The priceless qualities of aloe are enhanced by adding honey to the mixture.. This composition is especially useful for gastritis with low acidity.

The medicine is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 and consumed in two tablespoons before each meal.

We recommend watching a video on the preparation of a medicinal product from aloe with honey about gastritis:

With vodka

The composition of this mixture is prepared in a ratio of 2: 1, where two servings of aloe juice and one serving of vodka. Then the tincture is aged in a dark, cold place for ten days.

To use such a composition you need one tablespoon before a meal. It should be remembered that alcohol tinctures are contraindicated for pregnant women and children!

When should you stop taking it?

Stop taking aloe if:

  • There was an upset stomach.
  • Sugar level has dropped.
  • In parallel, Digoxin, Glibenclamide and diuretics are taken.


Before starting treatment for gastritis and other diseases with aloe juice, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It will help you choose the best dosage and choose the right composition. If you approach the treatment correctly, then you can quickly cure gastritis. Improper treatment will delay the course or may even harm the body.

Watch the video: How to Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis Naturally (October 2024).

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