In simple terms on how to propagate a Decembrist flower at home

Schlumbergera is an epiphytic flower. In its homeland, in eastern Brazil, it grows on tree trunks. Prefers moist woodlands. The flower is called zygocactus, popularly called the Decembrist, Christmas.

Natural varieties have many hybrid varieties that bloom not only with traditional red flowers, but have different shades of pink, white, and orange. Zygocactus is unpretentious in leaving, easily reproduces, blossoms generously. In the article we will talk about the reproduction of this cactus: how it is done by seeds and cuttings, how to take a shoot, and also show a lot of photos.

Methods of propagation of Schlumbergera, their pros and cons


Propagation by cuttings or leaf is the easiest and most common way to breed this flower at home. Immediately after flowering, in February - March, pruning is required for the formation of new branches and the density of the bush itself. Cropped tops - segments - an excellent "material" for grafting.

Important: You can root the cuttings in spring or autumn - the best period for germination and rooting.

This method gives almost 100% result, under the power of every lover of exotic flowers.

When rooting the processes in a glass of water, do not overexpose the stalk. He can rot. As soon as new shoots appear, the stalk must be planted in a small pot with special soil. It is advisable to use ceramic containers - ceramics prevents roots from being wet and normalize heat transfer.

About how to plant a Decembrist by the appendix and in other ways, read here.


Propagation of a Christmas tree by seeds at home is almost impossible. Only natural varieties under natural conditions are able to propagate by this method. For the formation of seeds, natural pollination of flowers by insects is required. Further, the ovary appears on the pollinated flowers, which gradually hardens, lengthens, the fruit grows to 1.5 - 2 cm.

Fruits ripen within 3 to 4 weeks, hold for a long time. Seeds are orange or pink in color, are found in the pulp of fruits - berries. Birds peck edible fruits, spread seeds naturally.


Inoculation of Schlumbergera is possible only on standard forms. Inoculate it on cacti - gilocerius, selenicerius, etc. This procedure is available only to experienced breeders. It requires special conditions for crossbreeding and the maintenance of hybrids, knowledge and skill in performing the procedure are required.

Which method is better to choose?

The most reliable and affordable method of propagation is the method of rooting the upper shoots - cuttings. Cuttings usually sprout quickly, take root. Do not require additional care and a lot of preparation. The grafting procedure is simple and easy to perform even for inexperienced gardeners.

Detailed instructions on how to breed zygocactus


Before rooting, it is necessary to prepare cuttings in the form of leaves, mix the components of the substrate, select the pot that is necessary in diameter and quality.

At the beginning of spring or in the summer period, cuttings having 2 to 3 branches - segments should be unscrewed or nipped off. The handle is easily detachable: the lower process should be held with your fingers, and the upper should be scrolled clockwise.

The composition of the soil mixture for cuttings:

  • Sheet land - 1 h.
  • Sod land - 1 h.
  • Sand - 1 hour
  • Charcoal - 1 hour.
  • A high layer of drainage - pebbles, bark, expanded clay.
Reference. The Decembrist takes root only in acidified, breathable, loose soil. You can purchase a ready-made substrate for growing cacti and succulents.

The scheme of rooting cuttings:

  1. After separation, the cuttings are dried in partial shade for 1 to 2 days.
  2. A large layer of drainage spills out to the bottom of the pot — about a quarter of the height of the entire landing tank.
  3. A special substrate is poured.
  4. The rooting soil is sufficiently moistened.
  5. Cuttings are processed at the base with root or zircon for better rooting.
  6. The cuttings are deepened by 1 - 2 cm.
  7. To create a greenhouse environment, the cuttings are covered with a transparent film.
  8. The greenhouse is aired daily for 15 to 20 minutes.
  9. It is better to wipe the condensate from the film so that the substrate is not wetted - the cuttings are prone to decay.
  10. The temperature of the sprouts is 20 - 22 ° C. The place of keeping the greenhouse is partial shade, do not expose cuttings.
  11. Rooting takes place within 3 to 4 weeks.
  12. Seedlings are transplanted into small pots with fresh substrate.
  13. The earth lump must be preserved - damage to the root system is prevented.
Recommendation. Many flower growers are advised not to dig the cuttings into the soil to avoid decay. They should be placed on supports - matches vertically or installed along the landing tank, leaning against the walls of the pot.

You can root the cuttings in special peat tablets:

  1. The procedure is carried out in March.
  2. Previously, the tablet is soaked in water.
  3. The process is attached to the tablet with toothpicks, not too deep.
  4. In April, new leaflets appear.
  5. After rooting, the upper shell is removed from the peat tablet.
  6. The sprout, along with a peat lump, is transplanted into a small pot with a special substrate.
  7. The flowering of a young flower occurs in January.


In apartment conditions, Decembrist seeds are not collected on their own, they can only be bought in special stores.

The time of seed germination ranges from 1 to 3 months.

The composition of the substrate for sowing seeds:

  • Leaf compost - 1 hour
  • Coarse sand - 1 hour.
  • Horse peat - 1 h.
  • The drainage layer is bark, vermiculite, brick chips.

How to propagate a plant from seeds:

  1. In landing low containers, a drainage layer is laid out.
  2. A specially prepared substrate is poured out.
  3. The soil is well moistened, treated with disinfectants - insecticides.
  4. Seeds are evenly distributed on the surface of the substrate, slightly pressed.
  5. Sowing is covered with a film or glass.
  6. Daily ventilation of the greenhouse is required.
  7. The substrate is moistened regularly by spraying the crop, you can add water to the pan.
  8. The temperature for seed germination is at least 20 - 22 ° C.
  9. When the seedlings reach 2 - 3 cm, it is transplanted into small pots.
  10. When transplanting, the transshipment method is used - it is important to save the earthen lump for the further rooting of seedlings.

It is unacceptable to overdry and overmoisten the substrate., sowing may be affected by infectious or fungal diseases.


The real masterpieces of indoor floriculture can be considered the standard forms of Schlumberger. Such trees are obtained by grafting onto other trunks of flexible cacti. Most often, Peirescia cactus is suitable for this procedure.

Vaccination is done after flowering, in February - March.

The grafting procedure requires a sequence of actions:

  1. The top of the Peireskia cactus is cut with a sharp knife.
  2. Slices are processed by the root hormone.
  3. Cuts are made on the incised stem.
  4. Small Schlumberger cuttings are inserted into the cuts.
  5. The vaccination site is tied with a thread or a thin bandage.
  6. After the sections are fused, the thread is removed.

It is important to comply with the conditions of the vaccinated Decembrist:

  • Moderate but regular watering should not allow drying of the substrate.
  • Scattered, bright light without direct sunlight, air temperature - up to 18 - 20 ° С.
  • The substrate for succulents with the addition of crushed coal, vermiculite - the soil should be permeable, light, slightly acidic (you can find out what should be in the soil for Decembrist and how to prepare it yourself here).
Important! Tools, pots are treated with chlorine-free disinfectants.


Below in the photo you can see the Decembrist seeds:

And this is the cuttings of a plant:

Possible problems and solutions

  1. After rooting, the leaves may turn red. The reason is that the flower is frozen. Move the pot to a warmer place.
  2. If the leaves have lost freshness, become lethargic and lifeless - the flower gets moisture incorrectly. If the soil is dry - it needs to be moistened, the bush can be sprayed with warm water.
  3. If the substrate is raw, heavy, transplantation is required. Perhaps the roots are rotten. The bush requires sanitary pruning, substitution of the substrate (how to prune the Decembrist at home can be found here).
  4. The Decembrist can drop buds if the pot has been rearranged. When tying new buds, the flower should not be rotated, rearrangements during this period are unacceptable.Note! Intolerable decrease in temperature and draft, the flower may not bloom.
  5. It is necessary to observe the rest mode - rearrange the pots in a cooler place, not more than 15 ° C. Watering during rest should be reduced. It is necessary to water in small doses 1 to 2 times a week.
  6. The Decembrist can languish if you pour it with hard water from the tap. Watering is carried out only with acidified, clean, standing water.
  7. You should not install the flower in direct sunlight, especially if the pot is plastic - the roots become too hot.
  8. It is necessary to observe moderate doses of top dressing. The roots of the flower can not absorb a large amount of mineral fertilizers, an overdose of nutrients can "poison" the root system, the flower will die.
  9. Decembrist is quite resistant to diseases and garden pests. But with a violation of the temperature regime, improper watering, the flower can be affected by a fungus. Consequences - Fusarium leaf, leaves turn pale and die. Soil and bush treatment with fungicides - Skor, Vitaros, etc. will help here.
  10. If the root is affected by bacterial diseases, the root neck becomes soft, slippery, and the root rots. An urgent transplant is required. Pregrowths for rooting are treated with a weak solution of manganese. You can use antibacterial agents for processing - a solution of 2 tablets of Trichopolum in 250 ml of water.

Read about how to properly grow a wonderful Decembrist at home, read in our material.

Decembrists are considered centenarians, in the botanical garden they can live up to 100 years. At home, with proper care of the flower, careful watering, timely transplantation and updating of the bush, they bloom well and develop for about 20 years.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to propagate the Decembrist:

Watch the video: Lecture 8 Meaning Of Revolution - Fr. Seraphim Rose (October 2024).

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