Description of Rhododendron Roseum Elegans and rules for the care of this species

These powerful and elegant, beautiful and delicate shrubs are simply impossible to beat and outshine. They always become the center of attention and attraction.

Moreover, they have such a riot of colors, such a mixture of colors that they just go numb with delight.

And the fact that they are also shadowy only adds bonuses to them. Well, what other plants are capable of giving such a luxurious flowering without bright sunlight.

Species definition

Rhododendron Roseum Elegans is a beautiful evergreen shrub, is very famous for its frost resistance and decorativeness (read about evergreen rhododendrons here).

Reference! It is included in the Katevbinsky Rhododendron group, which grows in North America.

Detailed description of Roseum Elegans

This is a hemispherical, sprawling tall shrub reaching 3 meters in height with a very wide crown (about 3.5 m). It looks very elegant.

  • Leaves - medium in size, elliptical in shape, dense and shiny. Young are reddish brown, then turn dark green.
  • Flowers - large forms of a wide funnel, pink, the edges of the petals are wavy. Collected in dense inflorescences of 15 pieces.
  • Bark - dark green color.
  • Root system - superficial.
  • Fetus - a box with seeds.

History of occurrence

This hybrid Rhododendron Katevbinsky variety was bred by English breeder Anthony Watererer in 1851 in England.

What is the difference from the rest of the species

Rhododendron Roseum Elegans differs from other species in good frost resistance and the ability to change the color of leaves, is decorative at any time. Read about other types and varieties of plants in a separate material, and about frost-resistant rhododendrons you will learn here.


  • When and how - flowering begins in June and lasts approximately 3 weeks. His chic brushes of bright colors densely cover the spreading crown.
  • Care before and after flowering - before flowering, this elegant handsome man naturally needs careful care. It is very important to observe watering standards, do not forget about humidity (spray in warm weather).Advice! After flowering, if you want to admire the chic flowering for the coming year, you should remove all the peduncles.
  • What to do if it does not bloom - the transplant will help.

Use in garden design

Rhododendron Roseum Elegans looks great solo on the background of coniferous plantings or in the form of hedges. It’s also good to plant alongside several different varieties selected by color (with different shades, for example).

Landing and care

  • Choosing a landing place - Choose the right place is not in a hurry. Since Rhododendron Roseum Elegans is a fairly tall shrub and loves partial shade, it is advisable to place it in the north side of the site. You can plant it near the house or along the fence, a hedge or alley will look very chic. And the most ideal place would be for him the shore of any reservoir (pond or stream).
  • What should be the soil - like any Rhododendron, of course, need a slightly acidic soil. Well affects the root system (and, as a result, the whole plant) coniferous litter.
  • Landing - It’s better to do it in May (or the end of April). If you want to plant several plants at once, you need to maintain a distance between them of about 2 meters. It’s better to prepare the holes all at once, so that the landing line is clearly visible. A very important nuance is to provide a clear drainage and mulching layers.
  • Temperature - the temperature minimum for Rhododendron Roseum Elegans is minus 32 degrees, and the maximum is plus 30 degrees. And it will grow well and calmly in the temperature range from minus 15 to plus 20 degrees.
  • Watering - since the shrub grows tall, you need a lot of water, for an adult instance at one time three to five buckets of water will be the norm. Periodically, watering should occur with acidified water, for these purposes, use citric acid or lemon juice. The sprinkling procedure will be very useful.
  • Top dressing - Organic and mineral fertilizers are also suitable, you can make one by one.
  • Pruning - since this species is very spreading, of course, I want to form it a little more compactly. Better to do pruning after flowering is over.
  • Transfer - Of course, transplantation is necessary, spring and summer are just right for this. Do not be afraid of transplantation, because their root system is superficial and if you remove the plant with a lump of earth, then the roots will not be damaged at all.
  • How to prepare for winter - Rhododendron Roseum Elegans, is characterized by winter hardiness, but it is better to winter it under shelter. It can be lutrasil (or spanbond), it will perfectly protect the tips of the branches from unnecessary frost and from the bright early spring sun.


You can propagate by seeds, cuttings and layering.

  • The easiest way to propagate layering - In spring we bend the branch closest to the ground, slightly cut it (or scratch it), fix it with a hairpin and sprinkle it with the ground. Watering the whole season actively, next year a new plant is ready for transplanting.
  • Another option for vegetative propagation is cuttings, for this, in the second half of June we cut from the top parts of the cuttings about 8 cm long (make the bottom cut oblique), dip them in a growth stimulator and immerse them in a substrate of sand and peat. We equip the greenhouse, the temperature should be about 25 degrees and high humidity.

    After three months, they should be rooted, transplanted into separate containers and keep them in a cool room until the next season. After a year, you can plant young plants in the garden.

  • If you want to get a lot of seedlings at once, then you can propagate and seed. The seeds are very small. you need to carefully sow them in wet sand (or sand with peat), do not bury. Spray from above the spray gun and cover with a film.

    Important! You can put the container in the greenhouse, shoots will appear in a month or a little earlier, it will only be possible to plant, plant in the garden only after a year.

Diseases and Pests

Sometimes some Rhododendron diseases, such as

  • mixed chlorosis - It may appear due to waterlogged roots, which means they overdone with watering;
  • leaves are folded into a straw - lack of top dressing, it is necessary to carry out balanced top dressing;
  • necrosis - due to a sharp cooling;
  • fungal diseases: chlorosis, mosaic, spotting, treatment with Bordeaux fluid is needed.

Or pests:

  • Rhododendron bug - the largest "lover" of Rhododendron, sucks juice from its leaves, treatment with Diazonin is needed.
  • Mealybug - also sucks the juice from the leaves and covers them with a white coating. It is necessary to treat 3 times a season with Karbofos.
  • Spider mite - Another juice lover, he can actively entangle the leaves with his thin cobweb. It is necessary to spray with Agrovertin or Diazonin.

Prevention of various problems

To prevent various problems, spraying shrubs in spring and autumn with Bordeaux liquid works well. And, of course, following all the tips and tricks for caring for the Rhododendron Rose Elegance.


The conclusion is as follows - Rhododendron Roseum Elegans is simply obliged to settle in every garden. Such an unpretentious elegant handsome still need to look for. He is not afraid of frosts, and endures heat steadily, while being quite resistant to various diseases and pests. And its gorgeous flowering will set only in a positive way, it will definitely give gentle and pleasant emotions.

Watch the video: Rhododendrons. A Masterclass (October 2024).

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