Features of caring for a Chinese rose at home. Photos and recommendations

Of course, many are familiar with this amazingly fabulous plant. Some believe that the flowers of a Chinese rose or hibiscus very much resemble the "Scarlet Flower" from a fairy tale, they seem somehow magical. This flower is not only an inhabitant of our apartments, but also perfectly decorates various offices and children's institutions. It looks great, and care is subject to even beginners in floriculture.

From the article we learn how to care for a home rose (hibiscus). We can get acquainted with a photo of a room Chinese rose and important recommendations for caring for it at home.

Distinctive properties of indoor hibiscus

In principle, nothing of the kind of supernatural care for this plant at home does not include, but there are still some features. Hibiscus needs a mandatory rest period in winter (unlike many other flowers), if it is not organized, there will be problems with flowering, the plant will not be able to lay flower buds.

Reference! Hibiscus has an interesting ability to regrow directly from the root if the trunk is cut.


Check out the plant photo below:

Growing rules

They include:

  • choosing the right place for the flower;
  • landing in the required soil;
  • organization of the desired watering and dressing regimen;
  • creation by any available means of humidity;
  • providing comfortable temperature and lighting;
  • pruning and bush formation.

According to:

  1. From the time of year.

    • In spring and summer intensive watering, feeding, frequent spraying, temperature within 28 degrees, good illumination is required.
    • In winter hibiscus should have a rest period and, accordingly, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the content to 16 degrees, less water and spray, not fertilize.
  2. From flowering plants.

    • Before and during flowering it is carefully necessary to monitor watering and humidity, do not forget about feeding, otherwise flowering will be weak. If the temperature is low, then buds may fall off, the same applies to lighting - during this period, bright light is needed.
    • After flowering The Chinese rose needs rest, so top dressing completely stops, watering decreases and the temperature gradually decreases.
  3. From the sight of a Chinese rose - Regardless of the type, the conditions of detention and care are the same.

Initial action

  1. First steps after purchase - when buying in a store, carefully review the bush from all sides (and the back of the leaves, too) so as not to buy a plant with pests. After the plant has been brought home, you need to spray it with warm water with Epin (to relieve stress) and try to transplant it into another pot and new soil for 2 weeks.
  2. Pot selection - when choosing a pot, we focus on the size of the previous one, the new one should be 4 - 5 cm larger. As for the material, we choose a ceramic pot, it is best suited for a Chinese rose. Wooden tubs are also good for her (for older specimens).
  3. Substrate preparation - you can buy ready-made soil in the store - “For flowering plants” or prepare it yourself. To do this, mix 2 parts of sod land and one part humus, peat and sand, you can add a little more charcoal, as a result, you should get a good loose substrate.
  4. Seat selection - the place for the flower must be selected taking into account the need for lighting, for the Chinese rose, the western and eastern windows will work fine. You can also place it on the south window, of course, if there are no other options, but then it will be necessary to arrange the shading so that there is protection from direct bright rays. The northern window will not fit at all, the bush will grow, but it will not want to bloom due to lack of light, if only you provide illumination with the help of a phytolamp.

How to take care of a house flower in a pot?

If you are interested in how to care for a flower in a pot at home, be sure to consider that it is very responsive to the attention of a person. In order for a home-grown Chinese rose to grow successfully and delight with its wonderful flowering for a long time, without creating any prerequisites for the appearance of various harmful insects and the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary:

  • Watering - during the period of intensified development, that is, in spring and summer, good watering is required, the earth should not dry out, only dry the top layer (3 cm). Much depends on temperature here, in the summer heat, watering may be needed every other day, because the soil will dry out very quickly. In the autumn, of course, the frequency of watering will gradually decrease, and in winter (when the temperature will be about 16 degrees), watering should be less frequent, about once a week.Attention! Take soft water for irrigation, which has settled for at least a day.
  • Top dressing - Necessarily needed, in the spring, as soon as active growth begins, it should be fed about once every two weeks. Fertilizers are best purchased complex - "Rainbow" or "Ideal", it will also be useful to use biological - "Baikal EM1". During flowering, you can fertilize more often - about once every 10 days. But in winter you do not need to make any fertilizers at all. It is also worth noting that before feeding fertilizer, the plant needs to be watered so that the roots of the flower do not suffer from accidental burns.
  • Lighting - you need good, but not bright sunlight. Under the bright sun, a Chinese rose can easily burn its leaves, a light partial shade is best. If your apartment has only the sunny side, then in order to reduce the light intensity either put a flower at some distance from the window or shade it.
  • Temperature - The Chinese rose loves heat, but not heat, in summer the temperature will be good for it within 25 - 28 degrees, but a higher one can be detrimental to flowers. In winter, the desired temperature is approximately 18 degrees, you can not allow it to drop below 16. In winter, you will need to try to ensure the desired temperature, because in apartments it is usually very warm when the heating systems are turned on. You can try using air conditioning.
  • Humidity - humidity of 50% is desirable for this plant, for this you can put a decorative fountain or a beautiful vessel with water next to the flower. A very good option would be to put the pot in some suitable container with pebbles or expanded clay, where the water is poured, only the pot should stand on pebbles, not in water, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

    Also periodically (in the summer once a week, in the spring and in the fall - once a month) you need to put the Chinese rose under a warm shower. Firstly, dust is well removed from the leaves, and secondly, it is an excellent preventive measure against the appearance of a spider mite. In winter, at low temperatures, such humidity is not required.

  • Spraying - the flower loves this procedure, it is only necessary to spray with soft warm water, in no case should you use water directly from the tap. In the summer, depending on the weather, it is possible to spray the plant not once, but 2 or 3 times a day, it will only benefit him. You should do this carefully, trying not to get on the flowers, water should be supplied only to the leaves. In winter, you can probably do without spraying, especially with the cool content of the flower.
  • Transfer - Chinese rose - the plant is strong, grows very quickly, so you need to transplant young bushes every year, it is better to do this in spring or summer. Adult plants can be transplanted once every 4 years, but at the same time they need to replace the topsoil with a fresh one every year. When transplanting, do not forget to put drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles) on the bottom of the pot, and then the substrate (a little). After this, we place the flower in the center of the pot and carefully pour the soil, water it.
  • The consequences of improper cultivation

    For any plant, proper care is important, including a Chinese rose.

    Improper care means either almost no attention is paid to the flower, sometimes they forget to water it, or when leaving, completely unsuitable conditions are created for the flower to develop normally and delight with its flowering.

    If the care is done incorrectly, then the consequences will appear soon, the plant will begin to hurt. The Chinese rose can suffer both from extreme heat and from too low a temperature. due to dry air, all buds may crumble. Due to improper care, our rosan may cease to bloom completely, and may also be attacked by harmful insects and the occurrence of diseases.

    Diseases and Pests

    Improper care may cause illness.:

    • leaves turn yellow or turn brown - from a lack or excess of moisture;
    • leaves wither and fall off - low humidity, not enough spraying;
    • buds fall off - low temperature or dry air;
    • the tips of the leaves can turn brown - there is not enough dressing;

    Or pests will appear, the most common:

    • spider mite;
    • aphid;
    • whitefly;
    • scale shield.

    Read more about hibiscus diseases here.

    Useful video

    Further, an informative visual video about the Chinese Rose flower:


    So, we can conclude that Chinese rose can be a welcome inhabitant in any home. Caring for her is quite affordable, and you can get a lot of pleasure from her. Some varieties of hibiscus can be used to brew tea, in addition, this tea has medicinal properties. And in some southern countries this flower is the most popular decoration of wedding ceremonies.

    Watch the video: DIY Rose Oil for Skin, Hair, Nails (October 2024).

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