Varieties of Japanese azalea and care for them

Azalea is a very whimsical flower, but it is Japanese azalea that, with proper care, can grow into a beautifully flowering shrub, decorating flower beds and flower beds of suburban areas, cottages, loggias and spacious balconies. This garden rhododendron has very fragrant flowers.

Read on how this species differs from ordinary azalea. How to care and shape the bush. And also, we will talk about plant propagation, diseases and pests.

Short definition for garden rhododendron

Japanese azalea belongs to the genus Rhododendrons of the Vereskov family. Miniature Japanese Azalea belongs to the evergreen garden groupShe does not discard her leaves in the fall.

On a note. The birthplace of Japanese azalea is considered to be Japan, China, the Caucasus and India. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, this hybrid variety feels great in garden plots and cottages - this is one of the main differences and advantages of Japanese azalea from its capricious relatives.

Detailed description

Japanese azalea is considered a perennial evergreen shrub that grows slowly, you need to be patient. In its homeland, in Japan, azalea grows to 2.5-3 m in height. The climate features of our regions make it possible to achieve only half-meter growth.

Japanese azalea blooms very luxuriantly, abundantly, but, unfortunately, not very long - up to 1.5 months. Different varieties and sub-grades of this type of azalea have different sizes, shapes, colors of the flowers themselves. Garden Japanese azalea can have a flat, tubular or funnel shape. The sizes of inflorescences are small, large, simple medium, double flowers - "giants".

Japanese azalea blooms very brightly, the color scheme is very diverse - pale white, scorching red, rich pink, elegant salmon, colorful and even cute two-tone.

  • Vibrant Red Japanese Azaleas - These are the varieties Arabesque, Marushka, Georg leases, Modernkensdah and other popular hybrids are distinguished by brightness, saturation of purple, scarlet, orange - red shades.
  • Pink Japanese Azaleas - Variety Kermesina rose, Kantsonneta, Petticoat and others. They differ in aroma, shape of flowers and delicate tones of pink - from a colorful, deep shade to pale pink.
  • Especially exotic are the salmon azaleas of the rhododendron genus, they grow up to 1.5 m in height and grow well in width, the crown is spreading. Resistant to disease, frost resistant.

The flowers are very fragrant, azalea blooms so generously that it covers with flowering leaves and twigs. With the correct spherical formation of the bush, Japanese azalea during flowering turns into a bright fragrant flower ball.

It grows very compactly. Fragile, thin shoots - branches very branch, densely spaced, apart. Leaflets are small, grow up to 2.5-3 cm. Leaves are glossy, dense, slightly elongated, oblong, lanceolate. They have a bright, deep dark green color. At the bottom, to the base, the leaf is covered with a matte coating.

History of occurrence

Japanese azalea is a relatively young flower, the history of its breeding and distribution began in the early 20th century. Then this species was called Kurum azaleas. But due to the peculiarities of care, intolerance to low temperatures, azalea did not take root in the gardens of Europe and America. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, after some time azalea hybrids appeared that perfectly adapt to our conditions (you can read about hybrid rhododendrons here). In Japan, garden azalea has become a symbol and a necessary design element.

What is the difference from the rest of the species?

Japanese azalea lends itself perfectly to pruning and crown formation. Thanks to the azalea, specialists designers turn gardens and personal plots into wonderful paradises.

Reference. It is this species of azaleas that well survives in open ground, survives winter well, and is considered a frost-resistant species.

Subcort with description and photo

In modern floriculture, Japanese azalea is actively used, specialists have developed a lot of hybrid varieties of this species, each of which has its own characteristics in colors, growth, care and flowering.

The most popular hybrids of Japanese azalea:

Nofern Highlights

It grows with a bush, the leaves are medium, grow up to 5-5.5 cm slightly elongated, ovoid, pointed at the very tops. Each inflorescence has up to 10 flowers - they grow a small ball. The flowers themselves are like funnel horns, pale yellow with bright yellow marks in the middle.

The flower itself is miniature, grows only 2-2.5 cm, a pleasant fragrant aroma comes from it. This variety is frost-resistant, grows well in climatic conditions of the middle strip and more northern areas. It grows in height to 70-80 cm. It blooms in late spring or early summer.


This variety is characterized by extraordinary flowering brightness. The flowers are elegant, bright red in color, have an average size of 4-5 cm. It blooms in mid-May, generously and openly revealing its inflorescences. The leaves are glossy, elongated, shiny, medium in size.

On a note. The variety itself is low, grows slowly and always looks neatly growing decorative bush.

In winter, the leaves change color, become an exotic maroon color. In the spring, the leaves are again filled with a saturated, bright green color.

Watch a video about Azalea Japanese Arabesque:

Kermesina Rose

Decorative azalea hybrid grows to 70-80 cm in height, has a chic dense crown. The flowers themselves are similar to bells - soft pink, bordered by a white stripe along the edges. Since mid-May, the entire bush is densely covered with delicate flowers - flowering begins. The leaves are miniature, oval in shape, have a dark, saturated green color. This variety is sheltered for the winter, then the azalea will tolerate the winter well. Usually planted among fir trees, juniper bushes.


The variety was bred in 1988. The evergreen bush is low, grows up to 50 cm in height, but spreading - up to 70-80 cm in diameter. It blooms in a hemisphere - a cloud of bright red dense inflorescences throughout May. Flowering is so plentiful that leaves are almost invisible. Only after flowering can you see a little convex, as if laminated, shiny, tight, tight leaves.

In summer, the leaves are green, and in the fall they acquire a burgundy hue.

Reference. Azalea does not drop its leaves, so the bush looks very elegant and bright all year long.

This variety is frost-resistant, but does not tolerate drought, the soil should always be moist.

Watch the video about Azalea Japanese Marushka:

Princess anna

Very compact, graceful bush. Growing slowly. It grows only 40 cm, it is called dwarf azalea. But the crown extends in a wide semicircle, up to 85 - 90 cm. delicate lemon-colored flowers, decorated with long, protruding antennae - stamens, small - up to 2 cm. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, very numerous, form a dense dense crown.

Foliage has a slightly brown tint in young leaves, then turns pale, becomes light green in color. Leaflets are also small. It tolerates winter well, but it’s better to shelter young azalea for the winter, especially it does not like this kind of wind.

Georg Arends

This variety is called openwork azalea. Growing slowly. At the age of 10, he has a height of 70 - 80 cm and 90 cm in width. It blooms in an unusual purple color, opening wide, showing a dark intricate pattern inside the flower itself. The leaves are medium, have a dense green color, shiny. Flowering begins in early summer. This variety is afraid of frost and wind, it must be covered for the winter as it should.


It features large bright, colorful red blooms. The flowers are large, grow up to 10 cm in diameter. This variety loves partial shade, it is quite tolerant of frost, can withstand temperature drops to 20 - 22 ° C. It blooms very abundantly at the beginning of summer. Designers use this variety as a live fence - hedges. Average height, reaches 55 - 60 cm.


Exotic sultry beauty begins to bloom in spring or June with a bright purple color. It blooms profusely, flowers are medium, up to 4 cm. The bush is formed very dense, leaves are not visible behind the flowers. The leaves are oval, dark green, small, up to 3 cm. It grows slowly, with a short bush 80 - 90 cm wide and only 30 - 40 cm in height. He loves the light, for the winter it is better to cover well.

Mathers day

It differs in large flowers of a bright rich dark crimson color, the flowers themselves are 9-10 cm in diameter. It blooms in late May, flowering is not long - until mid-June. Patterned, curly petals. The leaves are light green, oblong, up to 6 - 7 cm. It is recommended to cover for the winter, especially young azalea.

Vicks Scarlet

Dwarf evergreen variety of azalea (you can find out about dwarf rhododendrons here). The height is average, grows up to 60 cm. The flowers are quite large, up to 7 - 8 cm in diameter. The shape resembles lilies, bright, red - orange. The leaves are deep green, dense, shiny, finely varnished. Afraid of the wind, usually planted in a protected quiet place, sheltered for the winter.


The variety was bred in 1997. Since then it has been in great consumer demand. The crown is spherical, with densely planted terry flowers of medium size - 6 cm. The flowers are colorful pink, very delicate. The leaves are small, dark green, covered with gloss, grow only 2 - 3 cm in length. It blooms in early summer, forming a neat round bush.


The snow-white beautiful bride begins to bloom in the second half of May. Blooms profusely, forming a snow-white cloth of inflorescences of a spherical shape. The leaves are saturated green, shiny and fairly dense, slightly oblong. It tolerates pruning. In winter, it is better to cover, although the variety is considered frost-resistant, azalea is afraid of the wind.


This variety is considered a semi-evergreen shrub. The average height is up to 50 cm, although at the age of 10 it grows to 90 cm. It grows in width to 80 cm with a dense crown - a coverlet. The leaves are oval, dark, bright green in color. The leaves are not large in size - up to 3 cm. The flowers resemble miniature peonies in shape - thick, full, terry. The color is pale pink with a lilac hue. Demonstrates flowering in late May. In winter, it is better to shelter from frost and wind.


This variety does not like drought and direct sun. A undersized shrub, grows up to 40 cm in height. Leaflets are tender, light green in color, medium in size, oblong in shape. The flowers themselves are tender, pink, similar to small stars. It blooms in late spring - early summer, not for long, but plentifully and brightly.


This species differs in structure - the bush is loose, sprawling. It grows to 1-1.5 meters wide. Growing slowly. The leaves are oblong, dark green, medium length, up to 6 - 7cm. It blooms densely light - lilac delicate color with a purple hue. In shape, the flowers resemble a funnel - a bell - slightly pointed star-shaped petals. Inflorescence brushes are short, flowers are arranged one at a time. It blooms in March, the duration of flowering is small: 2 to 3 weeks.

Elsie Lee

On a note. This variety is distinguished by a motley coloring of the flowers themselves: soft purple petals with delicate dots - freckles of a saturated pink color.

Terry flowers, large, in diameter up to 8 - 9 cm. Leaflets are light green, medium length, oblong. It grows in a loose, spreading bush, in width and height up to 80 - 95 cm. It is recommended to plant in a secluded place protected from the wind. This variety tolerates winter well.

Nord Licht

Dwarf shrub, grows up to 40 cm. It blooms in spring bright red, the flowers are quite large. The flowers are funnel-shaped in shape, similar to decorative bells. Medium leaflets - 5 - 6 cm. Elongated, oval, light green in color. For winter, they are closed from the wind and frost.


When and how does this happen?

In gardens, front gardens, azalea blooms in spring, from March to April, depending on the variety. Most Japanese azaleas begin to bloom in May - early June. In apartments, with proper care, you can see magnificent bloom even in February.

This wonderful flower blooms very abundantly, flowers completely cover the surface of the crown so that leaves are not even visible. With the correct formation of the bush, Japanese azalea looks like a large dense flowering ball, hemisphere, cloud.

What needs to be done before and after this process?

Important! In the active period of flowering, do not spray - ugly pigment spots appear on the flowers.

During bud formation, the temperature should be reduced to 10 ° C. Already during flowering, the temperature can be increased by 5 degrees. During flowering, a lot of light is required, not just direct sun, but scattered.

Pots and containers during flowering can be rearranged and deployed to adjust the temperature and light - Japanese azalea normally tolerates "moving".

After flowering, young, elongated azalea shoots are pruned for further cuttings. and the formation of a beautiful bush.

If not blooming

So the azaleas are hot or lacking in moisture.

  1. It is necessary to rearrange the flower in a darker place, shade the windows of the balcony, set up watering, cover the flowerpot with ice, add spraying of leaves or shower in summer.
  2. You can feed fertilizers specifically for this type of azalea.
  3. Be sure to look for the presence of parasites and pests, they usually inhibit the growth and flowering of gentle azaleas.

In order to prolong flowering, you need to constantly clean the flower from already wilted flowers.

Use in design

It is the varieties of Japanese azalea that make it possible to transform the facades of houses, gardens and flower beds. Some high-growing varieties may be hedges. They can grow along borders in summer cottages and personal plots. Thick crowns, growing in large balls and hemispheres, form unusual bright flower beds.

Japanese azalea is the most expensive and exquisite decoration of gardens, greenhouses and flower beds in many parts of the world.


We will understand the features of planting a garden plant in the open ground and other nuances of general care.

Choosing a place for the plant

Shadow and partial shade are preferred for Japanese azalea, it is best to plant so that the light falls diffused.

Note! This species does not tolerate the burning sun. But he is afraid of drafts, gusty winds, you need to choose a secluded corner among coniferous trees.

What should be the soil?

If the soil is clayey, heavy, it requires treatment. Additional components are added to a depth of 50 cm - sand, small pebbles, needles, peat and other baking powder.

Soil composition:

  • peat - 1 part;
  • leaf humus - 1 part;
  • land from the landing site - 1 part.

Good drainage, constant moisture, but not damp soil. Mulching with pine bark or conifers is mandatory - it prevents “raids” of garden pests, weeds and retains moisture.

You can use this soil mixture:

  • sandstone - 2 parts;
  • sour peat - 2 parts;
  • compost - 1 part;
  • drainage - pebbles, expanded clay.

The soil should be acidic, loose, light, without lime. When landing, the old earthen lump is preserved - so Japanese azalea is better accepted.

Outdoor landing

Planting is best done in spring or summer. The landing procedure is simple:

  1. Prepare a pit width - 70 - 80 cm, depth - 50 cm.
  2. Evenly distribute the drainage to a depth of 10-15 cm with coarse sand, broken brick.
  3. Transplantation is desirable, together with an earthen lump, so that the flower takes up faster.
  4. Fall asleep with prepared soil.
  5. Water abundantly.
  6. Mulch the soil around the seedling.


There are varieties of Japanese azalea that grow only in southern conditions - they tolerate heat well - up to 25 - 30 ° C, the main thing is a shady place and daily spraying. Such azaleas are not frost-resistant, they must be covered for the winter.

Hybrids from the northern varieties are more hardy - you can not hide in winterThey withstand temperatures up to -25 ° C.


Important! Watering over the entire surface of the soil, watering under the root leaches the root system.

The best time for watering is in the early morning or evening after sunset. Water in the summer every day. Shower or spraying is advisable. In early spring and autumn, watering should be limited, and before wintering, watering can only be done in dry weather.

Top dressing

Young Japanese azalea is fertilized in spring; before flowering, mullein is added. After flowering, fertilizer is recommended: a mixture of potassium and phosphorus - 2: 1 parts of the solution. Already adult bushes are fertilized with complex special top dressing 1 time in 8-10 days.

The soil needs an acidic environment, so it should be watered with acidified water - 0.5 tsp citric acid per 1 liter of water. Once every 2 weeks, you can water it with a solution of liquid acid peat, before peat is filled with water.

Top dressing, as well as watering, is carried out at a small distance from the root - 15 - 20 cm from the center of the bush.


Be sure to clean the bush from faded flowers, dried branches. Very long shoots are cut by a third. The more carefully the pruning is carried out, the more new shoots will spring, the flowering will be generous and plentiful, and the flowers will be larger.

Pruning is usually done all over the periphery of the bush., cut out tangled, too thick and withered branches, thereby laying the shape of a bush, ensuring the active appearance of buds.

Pruning is done in the fall. The places of cuts need to be treated with charcoal, garden varieties or plain paint on the linseed oil.


Very young Japanese azalea can be transplanted every year. It is advisable to disturb an adult bush less often - 1 time in 2-3 years.

Recommendation. When transplanting, it is safer to use the transshipment method. The flower moves painlessly to another place, while maintaining the old earthen lump.

When transplanting, do not deepen the roots too much; the base of the trunk cannot be filled up. After transplanting, good watering is required. Loosening the soil should not be, as it is possible to damage the delicate and fragile root processes.


At home, Japanese azalea is propagated by cuttings:

  1. At an oblique angle, you need to cut the shoot 8 - 9 cm.
  2. Remove the kidney and leaflets from the planting stalk.
  3. The cut is best treated with any growth stimulator.
  4. The stalk is planted in a shallow pot with drainage holes so that the roots do not rot.
  5. Prepare the soil in advance - the composition is the same as when planting.
  6. Pots should be placed in a lit, warm place - at least 20 ° C.
  7. For the greenhouse effect, seedlings are covered with a film, regularly airing 2 times a day.
  8. Moisten the substrate well.
  9. Shoots are taken for a month.
  10. With proper development, new leaflets should appear.
  11. After 25-30 days, young shoots can be planted in open ground or containers.

Characteristic diseases and pests

  • The most frequent "guest" in the gardens is spider mite. It appears from too dry air, braids leaves and branches with cobwebs. This pest is very dangerous, eats leaf juice, azalea can die. Urgent treatment will help with spraying with any insecticides (actar or phytoverm). For prophylaxis, repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times with an interval of 8 to 10 days.
  • From thrips heals of Japanese azalea also insecticide solutions. It is necessary to dilute the spray solution correctly so as not to harm the flower.
  • Rhododendral Bedbugs - Big lovers of garden azaleas. They leave ugly brown spots on the leaves, lay eggs on the inner surface of the leaves. Repeated treatment with diazine will be required.
  • If the soil is clayey, too moist, and the water stagnates, different rot may appear. Signs: brown spots appeared on the buds and leaves.Important! It is necessary to adjust watering, an additional measure is spraying and watering with foundationazole or other fungicides.

Prevention of various problems

If the Japanese azalea withers, does not bloom, the leaves are lethargic and lifeless - the flower is sick.

  • It is necessary to check the presence of harmful insects and eliminate the problem by treatment with chemical solutions.
  • Be sure to observe the conditions of Japanese azalea. From sudden freezing, from drafts, it can get necrosis - the leaves turn brown. It is urgent to adjust the temperature and rearrange the azalea in a lighter place or to block from drafts and gusts of wind.
  • Discolored spots appeared on the leaves - you need to acidify the soil when watering.
  • When the leaves began to crumble and turn yellow - the Japanese beauty was overheated, she lacked moisture. Watering should be intensified, daily showering or spraying should be added.
  • With the same symptoms, the cause may be incorrect soil. Here you need a transplant into the "correct" substrate.

All life on Earth requires care and love. For Japanese azalea to grow and give unusual flowering flower beds, you need to make a lot of effort and work. Then a paradise blossoming corner will appear in the garden - a miracle of fabulous Japanese azalea.

Watch the video: Azalea Tour and Care (October 2024).

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