How to plant tuber begonia and care for it at home? Top tips

Begonia is a plant that can be seen on the windowsill of almost every grower.

Its wide range is striking in its diversity and beauty. Bright flowers can decorate not only the home interior, but also balconies, flower beds, flower beds.

And the advantage of tuberous begonia is a long and plentiful flowering. Therefore, it is important to properly care for her at home and in the garden.


Tuberous begonia (Begonia Tuberhybrida) - a perennial herbaceous plant that appeared as a result of crossing several species of begonias. Has juicy branching stems. The leaves are large, heart-shaped. Plant height, depending on the variety, ranges from 17 to 77 cm. The rhizome of the plant is thickened, tuberous, up to 6 cm in diameter.

Tuberous begonia is divided into the following types:

  • small flowered (3 cm in diameter);
  • medium flowering (up to 7cm in diameter);
  • large-flowered (7 - 20 cm in diameter);
  • ampelous.

Tuber begonia has a variety of colors: red, pink, yellow, white and many other shades.

REFERENCE! An important feature of tuber begonia is the long flowering. Indoor, it blooms from May to October, and in open ground - from June to September.

Conditions for disembarkation

Tuberous begonia can be planted in January. The deadline for planting is late spring - the month of May. When landing, it is important to consider some features, namely:

  1. The tubers that will be planted should not have spots, dents or signs of fungus, but should be dense to the touch. If you plan to buy tubers, then you should do it in March. At this time, the kidneys should already appear.
  2. First, begonia is planted in light soil. Alternatively, you can use pure peat. And only then the plant is transplanted to a permanent place (in a pot or open ground).
  3. Care should be taken to plant the tuber on the “right” side. The tubers are planted with the convex side down - from there the roots will sprout. The flatter side of the tuber should be at the top, shoots will hatch from it.


Begonia loves loose soil with low acidity. For its landing, you can purchase ready-made soil, or you can cook it yourself. The optimal soil mixture for it should consist of the following components:

  • peat - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • sheet land - 3 parts.

For good growth and lush flowering begonias, it is important to choose the right pot for her. First of all, it must be equipped with a drainage system. Moreover, it should not be cramped. Its optimal size is determined by the distance from the tuber to the edges of the pot, which should be about 4-5 cm.

How to do it right?

We’ll tell you how to plant it properly.

In the pot

First, consider the main aspects of planting begonias in a pot. The technology of such a landing consists of the following steps:

  1. To clear tubers of old roots.
  2. Place in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.
  3. Make a hole in the soil and place the tuber up in it with the kidneys.
  4. Gently fill the tuber with soil.

A further task is to ensure the most comfortable conditions for the plant. The air temperature should be about 15-20 degrees.

After the tubers grow by 5-6 cm (after about 2 weeks), soil is added to the pot. As a rule, 2 or 3 shoots are left in a young plant, and the rest are removed.

In open ground

Planting tuber begonia in the open ground in the garden, as a rule, is carried out after all frosts. Some gardeners plant begonia in March, but in such cases it must be covered with special material. Consider the order of planting begonias below.

  1. Choose a bright place, protected from strong winds. Begonia tolerates partial shade, but is afraid of direct rays of the sun.
  2. Dig holes, on the bottom of which place a mixture of ash and humus. The distance between them depends on the size of the plants. Large plants are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, medium - 20 cm, and small - 15.
  3. After planting, it is necessary to mulch the soil with ash and humus.


And so the process looks in the photo.

When is transplant required?

As tuber begonia grows and develops, she needs a transplant. Root squeezing is fatal. The plant in this case will gradually wither away, and flowering will become sparse and gradually completely stop. Timely transfer to a more spacious pot will help here.

When is the best time to do this?

As a rule, the best time for begonia transplantation, as for all plants, is spring. It is recommended to do this before the development of the sprouts, so the best period is the beginning of March.


To successfully transplant begonia, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Carefully remove the begonia tuber from the old pot after watering the soil well.
  2. Clean it from dry and rotten roots. If the tuber has rotten areas, it is necessary to cut them with a knife. Sprinkle places of cuts with chopped charcoal.
  3. Place the tuber in a solution of manganese for 30 minutes. This procedure is carried out for disinfection purposes.
  4. Place the plant in a pot with pre-prepared soil. Since begonia has a superficial root arrangement, the pot should be chosen not deep, but wide enough. When using a deep pot, the third part should be filled with gravel.
IMPORTANT! For faster germination of shoots, do not completely cover the tuber with soil. It is better to add soil as the plant grows.

What to do after?

If growing at home

Firstly, begonia should be placed on the windows of the west or east side of the house. This is because begonia tolerates partial shade and is afraid of direct sunlight. Proper care at home is the key to health for any plant, including begonia. Begonia care after transplantation (or planting) includes the following:

  • Watering. The frequency of watering tuber begonia depends on the time of year. As a rule, it is usually worth watering it once every 2-3 days with warm, settled water. You can pre-clean it by passing it through the filter. In summer, when the weather is sunny and hot, it is necessary to increase the intensity and frequency of watering.
  • Spraying. Since begonia does not like moisture on leaves, it is recommended to spray the air around it. Humidification of the air contributes to better growth and more magnificent flowering. This procedure is best carried out 2-3 times a week.
  • Top dressing. Feeding begonias must be carried out with mineral and organic fertilizers, alternating them. As a rule, top dressing is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks, starting in May. In October, it stops.

In addition to the above measures for the care of tuber begonia, do not forget about the timely loosening of the soil.

In the open air garden

Caring for begonias in the open field is not much different from caring for a pot. It includes:

  • Watering. After the tubers are planted in open ground, plentiful watering should be provided. In this case, moisture stagnation must not be allowed. Watering is best in the early morning.
  • Top dressing. Begonia of open ground must be fed with complex mineral and organic fertilizers. This is best done 2 or 3 times during the entire growing season.
  • Weeding and cultivation. Timely weed control is required, thereby loosening the soil. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system.
  • Removing dried flowers and leaves. To begonia pleased with its flowering, if necessary, remove dried flowers, leaves and shoots.
TIP! Begonia does not like water falling on leaves during watering. In addition, an excess of moisture in the soil can cause mold and rot.

Tuber begonia - a fairly unpretentious plantbut requires the right approach to landing and care. If you follow the above rules and recommendations, you can successfully grow it. Cope with this business on the shoulder not only an experienced florist, but also a novice lover.

Watch the video: BEGONIA PLANT CARE, How to Grow and Propagate Begonia Cuttings - Garden Tips in English (October 2024).

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