Meet the Optimara violet: myLove and other varieties of this group

Senpolias in their primary form were saturated blue. An enthusiastic biologist in 1898, working with a plant, managed to get violets with red-violet tones. Then there were works on breeding various sizes of flowers, from greatly enlarged to reduced, in relation to the initial parameters.

Selection experiments with the senpolis are ongoing today, both at the amateur level and at the professional level. But most often this is not just a hobby or a job, the selection of violets becomes a matter of life. Such is the charm of these simultaneously modest and vibrant colors.

General description

Optimara is a follow-up to this idea on a massive scale. These are no longer individual breeders working in their apartments, but the production and laboratory level of not only actively creating many new species of senpolia, but also their mass cultivation. Company varieties are indicated by the prefix of the same name.

In fact, Optimara is the holder of a monopoly on the production of varietal violets in the USA. Today, the company has branches in Asia, as well as on the African continent. Optimara annually “pours” more than one hundred million senpolis into trading networks. No deliveries are made to Russia, and if the optimars-senpolis enter the houses of Russians, then only in single copies brought by enthusiastic violet breeders, therefore, such a variety, for example, back in the 80s, can be classified as new with us. But in Holland, optimara violets have taken root perfectly.

Important! In the stores of Saint Paulia they fall in small pots, as a rule, already with flower hats. Basically, they are bought as a single gift bouquet, because it is almost impossible to wait for the next flowering. Apparently, due to the use of various growth stimulants, which extort all vital forces from the senpolia for rapid development and rapid flowering.

Violet-Optimars are different in color, shape and size, but they have signs that unite the varietal group:

  • the stalk grows rapidly, up to the formation of a flowering rosette;
  • the plant is resistant to disease;
  • blooms early;
  • flowering is very plentiful and long;
  • rosettes are small, usually symmetrical;
  • buds open at one time, many on each peduncle;
  • saturated color of flowers;
  • There is an extensive gamut of mono colors and color combinations;
  • Saint-optimia perfectly tolerate the road and are unpretentious;
  • life expectancy is shorter than that of other varietal groups.

Among the merits and qualitative differences of the senpolis of the company Optima, we can distinguish that they are quite hardy and unpretentious, very generously, harmoniously and continuously blossom. If it succeeds in propagating, then the transmission of qualities will be guaranteed, since the key to success in the industrial production of flowers is precisely the high stability of varietal properties.

Among the shortcomings is the fact that their varietal senpolia is reluctant to bloom repeatedly, but if you carefully and carefully care for the plant, you can get a few more blossoms from it and even propagate it with cuttings. The second generation will be more flowering and will certainly please you with bright “anniversaries” or “stars”.

How to "persuade" the plant to bloom again?

This is not easy, but possible. The main thing is that the plant fully retains its viability, simply refuses to bloom. And if you can’t persuade this individual, then you can always do this by growing a new “optimarka” from the handle, full of strength and ready to give color. You need to start immediately after the plant got into your house.

  • Treat the plant from insect pests.
  • If necessary, if any, cut off affected buds and leaves.
  • Create a quarantine period for the plant by placing the pot in heat, eliminating any drafts and creating sufficient illumination.
  • Within 30 days, spray and feed the senpolia.
  • Then make a transplant to another vessel.
  • During the transplant, it is necessary to carefully examine the roots for rot. If a lesion of the root system is noticed, then all the affected fragments are removed, and the places of the slices are sprinkled with charcoal powder. You should also cut off all the buds and flowers, remove the yellow and blackened leaves. In this case, you can not disturb the central outlet.
  • If there are stepchildren, you can cut them off and make rooting.
  • After that, carry out the procedure for caring for the senpolia as usual.

Optimars do not always take root after a transplant, but if you take the time and effort to take care of them, then the chances of victory are great and after four months they can give a new hat of flower stars.

History of occurrence and distribution

Interesting! Violets are delicate and lovely home flowers, so familiar and cozy. Who would have thought that once their "ancestors" were discovered on the Uzambar Islands. In 1892, Baron Walter Saint-Paul, making a trip to Tanzania and Burundi, which were then colonized by Germany, was delighted with these magical flowers.

They fascinated him so much that he collected their seeds and sent them to his father, who led the dendrological society.

He sent the find to his friend Wendland, a biologist. Wendland, in turn, set about breeding. He developed a number of varieties based on the resulting seed material. Having described the type of plant, giving him scientific characteristics, the biologist named them in honor of the discoverer of Saint-Paul. So the Saintpaulia of Uzambara or the familiar violets appeared.

About half a century there is a trademark Optimara, but the day the creation of the progenitor company lies already a century ago. In 1904, M. Dorrenbach in the German city of Isselburg organized a small family business for the selection and cultivation of grain crops, and only in the thirtieth year his son-in-law Holtkamp, ​​a professional gardener, got the hang of the idea of ​​growing senpolia.

It was then that Hermann Holtkamp asked and predetermined the fate of the violets-optimar. As a co-owner of the company, Holtkamp shrewdly considered that global prospects lurk in this lovely African flower. He called the Saintpaulias - plants of the future.

Holtkamp enthusiastically embarked on the realization of his intention, but during the war years had to be interrupted and when later the work was resumed, the first successes appeared. By the way, later, his grown up son, Reinhold, with no less zeal entered the family business and made a huge contribution to its development.

The beginning of such a long and long journey of the Saint-optima was laid on one square of the square. Only a meter per meter took the first batch of these plants among other seedlings grown in the greenhouse.

Every year the number of violets in the Optara greenhouses increased and gradually these travelers from the Uzbek islands occupied the entire area, displacing all other plants from the greenhouses. The company Optima has begun successful implementation in a new direction - large-scale production of senpolis. I must say that with such an increase in the number of violets, the company itself grew, gaining weight and financial capital. The company stated its mission this way: "Make care for violets as easy as they are beautiful."

Varieties and their subgroups with photos

To date, the company has bred more than one hundred varieties. Photos of the main series of varietal violets are presented on the manufacturer's website. Under each picture is the name of the senpolia and the name of the breeder. The variety of varieties of varieties is huge, but, unfortunately, the company does not pay enough attention to their classification and detailed description.

Moreover, it does not seek to establish and cultivate particularly successful varieties, relying on the constant development of new varietal varieties. Often the name is not even invented, as such, and the plant is indicated only by a number. Very unusual after poetic and magical names given to their creations by private breeders.

Attention! In addition to single varieties, Optima also produces varietal subgroups. These are large varietal groups united under the brand name of the company.

The most famous varietal subgroups of Optimara:

  • World traveler - large-sized senpolis, each of which is given, as an additional name, the name of a city.
  • Victorian charm - These are cultivars with various leaf shapes.
  • Artist's palette - cultivars with large multi-colored flowers.

Optimara Little Ottawa

The variety has all the advantages of the series in their best and most complete sense. Perhaps that is why the company continues to cultivate it since 2000, and to this day. This variety is part of the Little Indian group. Like all varieties of the group, bright and dissimilar, Little Ottawa has a special magical appeal, and may well compete with the brighter and more large-flowered senpolia.

The foliage in the outlet is rounded, the surface is in veined stitches, along the edge of the border of cloves, the petioles are thin. This variety forms a trunk rather slowly and, therefore, does not need frequent transplants; it will be enough to do this once a year.

Ever precision

White pansies with edging along the edge of purple-red-lilac in three petals below and a blue canton on two petals above. On the edge of the whole flower is a spectacular corrugated ruffle of green color. Exhibition type socket, standard.

Watch a video about Optimara Ever Precious violet:

Michigan (Michigan)

The size is standard. The socket is symmetrical and durable. The foliage is moderately green, long and flat, with a reddish inside. Flowers - simple anniversaries, pink berry-saturated tone. When breeding cuttings produces many children. It blooms early and abundantly. The variety was bred in Holtkamp in 87.


Huge snow-white stars with a contrasting eye of violet-fuchsia color. They are framed by moderately green foliage with a red purl. Rosette neat, the sheet is smooth, ordinary. Peduncles erect and strong, flowering gives a generous, in the form of a magnificent cap.


Little white pansies with a bright thick pink spot in the core. Moderately green leaf-hearts with cloves around the edges are assembled into a standard neat outlet. Belongs to the MyViolet group.


The outlet is neat, but marshy, like a burdock. Leaflets are quite stiff and fragile, easily break with a little pressure, but flower stalks are durable. Bright white huge star flowers (4-5 cm) with a pink-fuchsian center are framed by a simple, moderately green foliage with luster, in the shape of hearts, quilted and reddish on the wrong side.

It looks very elegant due to the contrasting colors, but the peephole may float in the heat. It blooms with a plentiful bouquet; when using a mat and a wick, a large outlet is formed.

Little maya

Semi-miniature Saintpaulia. Half-double type flowers or simple 3.5 cm in diameter. Red or beetroot color is shaded by a white variable rim ryushechka. Rosette assembled, compact, up to 12 cm, leaflets smaller than flowers. Heart-shaped leaves of moderately green color, with shine and pile, coarse-toothed and quilted, the inside is reddish.

The color gives in the form of a hat, flowers bloom on long peduncles, many on each. When diluted with a leaf, it begins to bloom in a year. The laying of peduncles is possible only with sufficient lighting. Stepsoning does not work.

The largest manufacturer of senpolis deservedly gained popularity among the violet guides. The experience of creating new varieties and their mass production over several decades has firmly fixed Optimara's dominant market position.

Watch the video: Plant Haul October (October 2024).

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