Home massage of the abdomen for weight loss - types, techniques, tips

The abdomen is one of the most problematic areas where fat accumulates. When losing weight, regardless of diet, exercise and stress, a noticeable fat layer remains on the stomach and sides, which is difficult to influence and decreases very slowly.

This is partly due to the fact that reducing the waist, we are fighting with two types of fat - subcutaneous and visceral. Visceral (internal) accumulates around the internal organs - the liver, pancreas, intestines. It interferes with the normal functioning of organs and is the cause of many diseases.

Causes of fat deposition in the abdomen:

  • Improper nutrition.
  • A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Stress.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Diseases that provoke the deposition of fat cells.
  • Age.

In order to have a beautiful tightened tummy, you need to change the menu, add physical exercises, with a load on the muscles of the abdomen and sides. To speed up the result of reducing subcutaneous fat will help a stomach massage at home. This is an effective way to make the waist slim.

Features of abdominal massage

The effectiveness of the massage is confirmed by many patients and doctors. During the manipulation, there is a direct effect on subcutaneous fat, due to which blood circulation improves, lymph flow increases, fat cells are split and introduced.


  • Wounds, abrasions, rash;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Benign tumors or oncology;
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Diseases in acute form;
  • Temperature rise;
  • Diseases of the circulatory or cardiovascular system;
  • The presence of birthmarks or large moles in the venue;
  • Stones in the bladder or gall bladder;
  • Menstruation.


  • Fat deposits on the sides and waist;
  • Sagging skin on the abdomen;
  • Cellulitis;
  • Excess weight;
  • Sagging belly after pregnancy;
  • Weak intestinal motility.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you do massage, you need to prepare the skin. First, take a hot shower, it warms the skin. Next, the procedure site is cleaned with a scrub, you can add salt to the scrub, this will clean and open the pores.

The skin is well rubbed with a hard washcloth, clockwise movements. Then blot with a towel, and apply anti-cellulite cream or massage oil. They help the oil or cream to soak by tapping, tingling.

Technique and types of home massage

Abdominal massage is performed standing or lying down, depending on the type and convenience. The procedure begins with stroking with light touches, turning into intensive grinding, always in a clockwise direction. Do it with the palm of your hand, and for a better effect, put the second palm on top of the first. For intensive grinding, the palm can be clenched into a fist and rubbed with knuckles. The result of this manipulation should be redness of the skin.

Rubbing is a mandatory procedure and preliminary preparation for any type of massage.

After grinding, proceed to the process itself. There are several proven methods for performing at home. They are quite simple to perform and do not require special skills.


An effective massage, done while lying on your back. After preliminary preparation, oil (essential or massage) is generously applied to the skin. It is better to use silicone cans, they can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Release the air from the can by pressing, attach it to the stomach, it should draw in the skin 1-1.5 cm. Move the can, following clockwise starting from the navel. The duration of the massage is 7-10 minutes. The best effect when repeating the manipulation every other day. The course is 14-30 sessions, depending on the amount of adipose tissue.

Massage is a little painful in the early days and may leave bruising. Through several procedures, discomfort passes. After the session, you need to wrap your stomach with a towel and rest for 20-30 minutes.


After grinding, light tingling begins, stretching the skin of the abdomen. First light tweaks, gradually increasing intensity. Tweezers are made with two hands, moving in a circle, clockwise. After 7-10 minutes, the procedure is completed by intensive rubbing with a terry towel. To moisturize the skin using oil or anti-cellulite cream.

After the massage, the stomach is wrapped in a towel and rested for about an hour. Sessions are repeated daily for a minimum of 14 days.

Pinch massage improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, strengthens the press, tones the skin.


One of the simplest types of massage for self-fulfillment. The procedure is done while standing. A stream of cool water is directed to the stomach, driven clockwise around the navel. You can change the pressure, increasing pressure. Duration - 5-10 minutes.

The aquatic appearance affects not only the skin and subcutaneous fat, but also on the internal organs - stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, stimulating and accelerating metabolism.


To reduce subcutaneous fat, Chinese medicine is also used. There are a number of points on the stomach, stimulating which you can lose weight. The points are affected in the morning on an empty stomach.

  1. Point Guan Yuan located below the navel by 3 fingers in women and 4 fingers in men vertically. Press the point in the supine position. Having found a point, it is affected by a fingertip for 25-30 minutes, making pressure and rotation. Massage points should be of medium intensity. The course for weight loss is 25 days. As a result of manipulations, 2-5 kg ​​are consumed.
  2. Point Dai may located between the lower rib and the pelvic bone, in line with the navel, right and left. They act on the standing point, press with their index fingers and rotate the body to the right and left. Only 30 turns. Repeat three times a day. The point is responsible for controlling appetite, helps to get rid of fat deposits on the sides and waist, and from emotional overeating.
  3. Influence point Tan shu. It is located 2 fingers to the right and left of the navel. Stimulate a standing point, legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent. Slightly tilt the body forward, draw in the stomach and with your thumbs push these 2 points for 5 seconds. Relax, and return to starting position. Repeat exercise 30 times.


  1. An anti-cellulite cream or essential oil with a warming effect is used to slip hands. Circular movements clockwise and from above to the pubic zone. They begin with the technique of stroking and rubbing, about 5-6 minutes.
  2. Then comes the squeeze. It is carried out by rapid movements along the muscles, about 10-12 minutes. Massage should not be painful.
  3. Further kneading technique. You can tweak or knead the folds of the skin and fat deposits between the palms of the hands. The duration of the manipulation is 20-25 minutes.
  4. The technique of patting. Patting is performed with the edge of the palm, fingertips or phalanges, bent into the fist of the fingers, about 5-6 minutes.
  5. Complete anti-cellulite massage by rubbing, about 5 minutes. The session lasts about an hour.


For honey massage use only natural honey. Two tablespoons of honey are melted in a water bath to a liquid state, then spread on hands with a thin layer.

Hands are applied to the stomach and taken away. The skin should stick to your hands and stretch. The session lasts 15-30 minutes. Repeat every other day, only 15-20 sessions.

With this massage, the result is visible from the first procedures - liquid can be released from the pores, so slags come out.

After the session, the stomach is rinsed with warm water, moistened with apple cider vinegar, mixed with water in a proportion of 1 to 2. In a similar way, massage the hips.

Attention! You can not massage people with a lot of abdominal hair, the procedure will be very painful.

Video guide

How to do self-massage

  1. The regularity of the procedures. Different types and techniques require different frequency. There are massages that are repeated daily, and some are repeated after 1-3 days. Course - 15 procedures. After a break of 7-10 days, the course can be repeated.
  2. A minimum of 2 hours should elapse between a meal and a massage of the abdomen.
  3. Perform massage movements in a clockwise direction, this will improve the work of internal organs, speed up metabolism.
  4. The session lasts 10-15 minutes.
  5. The effect of the effect is more effective if you adhere to a diet and exercise.
  6. You can not do massage of the pubic zone, there are many lymph nodes concentrated.
  7. For pain or discomfort, the procedure is stopped.

Video instruction

How to remove skin from the abdomen after losing weight

Sagging and sagging skin occurs with rapid weight loss after giving birth. To restore firmness and elasticity, there are some tips.

  1. Eat foods rich in collagen (turkey meat, red fish, vegetables, fruits).
  2. Drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water.
  3. After the massage, do wraps that increase the level of collagen.
  4. Taking a contrast shower is one of the most effective methods. Pour hot and cold water in problem areas for half a minute. Always end with cold water.
  5. You can tighten the skin with abdominal exercises, twisting, and tilting.
  6. It tightens the skin with honey and can massage.
  7. Using cosmetic preparations based on hyaluronic acid.
Video tips

Useful Tips

Professional massage therapists, based on practice, have some rules for performing a massage of the abdomen.

  • Massage is carried out without pressure on the internal organs.
  • You can not massage the organs of the lower abdomen.
  • Take a break in the course during menstruation.

Before the procedure, you need to free the internal organs from excess fluid. To do this, perform a simple exercise:

➥ Lie on your back, put a pillow under your head, bend your stomach. On the inhale, inflate the stomach, on the exhale, press your hands strongly against the stomach, rising to the knees. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times and you can start the massage.

The benefits of massage at home:

  • No need to adapt to anyone, you can choose a convenient time for yourself.
  • There is no feeling of tension and awkwardness that happens when an outsider performs the massage.
  • Saving money, because salon procedures are not cheap.

Massage the abdomen should bring pleasure and relaxation, and not pain. Only in this way will the body not resist outside influences, but will help achieve its goals. Focusing on your own feelings, massage can achieve the desired result, and diet and exercise will speed up the process.

Watch the video: My Top 5 Poses for Weight Loss with Lindsey Detox, Belly Fat, Beginners Yoga Lesson (October 2024).

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