Electronic passports in Russia

In many countries of the world, documents on paper are replaced by electronic media. This international trend has interested the Russian government, whose representatives made a number of proposals to replace the usual passports.

According to the idea, the identity document will combine the information that various papers and certificates currently contain, including: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN, SNILS and UEC.

Information about the imminent appearance in circulation of a new document gave rise to a lot of discussion, because the electronic passport, as well as the subtleties of its design, remains a mystery to everyone. Therefore, in today's article I will open the curtain of secrecy and share information regarding this new product.

What is an electronic passport

Government-issued identification card - a document made in the form of a plastic card. Information about the owner is presented in electronic and visual format. Some data is encrypted and made available when scanning the chip.

On the front of the card is personal information about the owner.

  • Gender
  • Place and date of birth;
  • Date of issue and validity of the document;
  • ID number.

On the left side is a color shot. On the right there is a second smaller photo taken by laser engraving. Both images have a multilayer structure and effectively protect the document from forgery.

On the back there is an electronic photograph and a document number. Additionally, auxiliary information is indicated here:

  • Code of the authority issuing the document;
  • Data on guardians of children under 14 years of age.

The main difference between an electronic passport and a paper medium is a machine-readable record consisting of letters and numbers. It is she who certifies her identity.

At the request of the owner, when filling out the document, the TIN and SNILS will be indicated on the back side, and other information will be added to the chip: blood type, insurance number, bank account.

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When will they start issuing

The mass launch was postponed to March 2018.

The Russian government approved the bill on the introduction of electronic passports back in 2013, but for various reasons, the timing of the trial issuance was repeatedly postponed. The technical opportunity to implement the project came to life after 4 years.

During the preparatory phase, officials faced several obstacles to their cherished goal, and the attitude of Russians to the changes was mixed.

The government is engaged in resolving psychological and technical issues, compiling uniform registers.

Pros and Cons of an Electronic Passport

In the near future, Russians will feel the delights of progress and will take part in the informatization of society. It is about introducing electronic passports into circulation. This news is discussed and in the course of numerous discussions it was possible to determine the positive and negative sides of the document.


  • Compactness. In size, which corresponds to the international standard, an electronic passport is no different from a business card or a bank card. So a new document can easily fit even in a wallet.
  • Durability. Unlike a conventional passport, an electronic one is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage and moisture.
  • Multifunctionality. The new certificate will combine official information from several departments and, if necessary, can be used as a badge.


  • The simplicity of a fake. For the production of linden paper passports requires sophisticated printing equipment and special paper. It is easier to make a plastic card in artisanal conditions. And with the introduction of biometric information into a fake document, a skilled hacker will have no problems.
  • Replacement frequency. According to the current legislation, the replacement of paper ID is carried out in 20 and 45 years. The "shelf life" of the new product is 10 years.
  • The size. One of the advantages of an electronic passport is at the same time its disadvantage. Due to its size, losing such a document is much easier.

Progress does not stand still and a massive replacement of passports will certainly take place in the near future. Well, the Russians can only hope that by that time the government will do everything necessary to ensure that the new document is protected.

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What the church says

At this point, every citizen of the Russian Federation had an opinion regarding the launch of electronic passports, and clergy are no exception. This is good, because the opinion of religion is respected by many. What does the church think?

Some Christian believers associate the issuance of electronic passports with the seal of the Antichrist. They associate a barcode with it, which, when taking a digital image for identification, is laser-applied to the forehead of the photo.

Other priests claim that an electronic passport will make a person extremely vulnerable. The chip that the new document is equipped with will become a repository of all important information about the owner. We are talking about shopping, travel, business and other areas of activity. And all this information will be at the disposal of a person who has access to the registry. As a result, every Russian will experience the charm of total control.

How to refuse an electronic passport

Citizens of the Russian Federation are interested in the issue of the mandatory replacement of a document. The procedure is voluntary. Obtaining a new sample passport is a matter of convenience, because storing information on one medium is more convenient than operating with a bunch of papers.

Electronic passports in Russia will be put into effect in the spring of 2018. Over the next 7 years, new documents will be in circulation along with paper counterparts.

For issuing an electronic certificate you will have to pay a fee, the size of which has not yet been determined. To obtain a document, it is enough to contact the passport office and write a statement. Soon there will be an opportunity to fill out documents online on the GosUslugi portal.

Summarize. Modern humanity is increasingly immersed in the world of electronics and computer technology. With this in mind, the desire of the government to keep up to date deserves respect. It is only important to prepare the people for such changes and take care of the safety of citizens.

Watch the video: I'VE GOT BIOMETRIC RUSSIAN PASSPORT : (October 2024).

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