Hair lamination at home

In summer, the scorching rays of the sun negatively affect the hair. The strands become dry and brittle. Under the influence of winter frosts, they lose vitality, luster and attractiveness. Daily use of hair dryers and irons contributes to the violation of the structure and the appearance of split ends.

How to resist the harmful effects of natural factors and restore healthy hair? This will help a procedure called lamination. It involves coating the surface of curls with a thin protective layer (film), and the nutritional composition enriches curls with vitamins and minerals.

This method of care is offered in beauty salons, but the procedure is expensive. Do not get upset, because lamination can be done at home, and the effect will not be worse.

Preparation and Precautions

Before the procedure, cleansing, nutrition and hydration are necessary. Hair should be thoroughly washed with deep cleansing shampoo at least 2 times and rinsed with running water. Then moisturize well: apply a nourishing balm or conditioner enriched with vitamins and wash off after 5-10 minutes.

REMEMBER! Any component of the composition may cause an allergic reaction. Before application, test the drug behind the ear and wait 10-15 minutes. In the absence of burning, redness, itching, lamination can be continued.

Why do you need to laminate your hair?

Lamination is indicated for any type of hair with different lengths. With proper observance of all proportions, it gives a positive result and has the following advantages:

  • Helps to achieve an increase in hair volume.
  • Get soft, silky and smooth strands.
  • To restore the lost shine.
  • Restore split ends due to enveloping effect.
  • The strands cease to be electrified.
  • Guaranteed safety procedures.
  • The minimum cost.

The procedure is also suitable for colored hair. When properly performed, the protective film continues to nourish each curl for a long time, prevents premature leaching of color pigments, while maintaining a saturated color.

Effective Home Lamination Recipes

There are a large number of laminating compositions that can be easily prepared at no cost.

Gelatin mask

  • Gelatin without dyes.
  • Purified water.
  • Any hair mask.
  • Wheat germ oil or any other that suits your hair type.

Preparation and use:

Soak gelatin in warm water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and allow to completely dissolve.

REMEMBER! Do not use boiling water to soak gelatin, otherwise it will lose its properties and will not bring the desired effect.

When all the grains of gelatin have dissolved, add a mask, oil and stir.

IMPORTANT! Masks should not be less than a gelatinous solution, otherwise the opposite effect will occur - the hair will become brittle.

Apply a gelatin mask to wet curls, periodically combing with a large comb and wrap in cellophane. Leave the composition for 40 - 60 minutes, and then rinse with running water.

Video recommendations

A decoction of flax seeds and hops

Hop, which is part of the broth, gives volume, it is used as a bactericidal and as a means to strengthen the structure of the hair. And flax seeds guarantee a healthy shine and protect against external factors.

To prepare the broth you will need hop cones and flax seeds in equal proportions. For 1 tablespoon they are insisted in hot water for about 30 minutes, and then filtered 2 times. There are two ways to use the product:

  1. Add 1 tablespoon of starch to thicken the structure, and then apply as a mask for 30 minutes.
  2. Rinse hair after washing.

Both methods give an excellent result, the hair looks healthy and shiny.

Mask with egg

Egg yolk contains a large amount of nutrients that help maintain a healthy balance and vitality of hair. And the protein envelops each curl, creating a shiny protective film.

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • Shampoo or hair mask;
  • 1 teaspoon of castor or burdock oil.


  1. Mix all components and apply for 30 minutes under a plastic film or hat, wrap with a towel on top.
  2. At the end of the procedure, rinse with warm water.

This mask is also good for stimulating hair follicles and hair growth.

Kefir mask

Laminating mask with the addition of kefir - nutritious and healthy.

  • Kefir - 4 tablespoons.
  • Egg.
  • Burdock or olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Mix the products and apply the resulting gruel-like mixture and spread over the strands, leave for 25-45 minutes under a hat, warming with a towel.
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo at the end.

Coconut milk based laminating composition

Coconut milk is rich in B vitamins, contains calcium and omega acids, which are useful for nourishing the hair structure, and lauric acid helps to make the strands obedient, soft and smooth.

  • Coconut milk.
  • Potato or corn starch.
  • Olive oil.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Preparation and use:

  1. To the juice of half a lemon, add 1.5-2 tablespoons of starch, stir until a homogeneous structure without lumps.
  2. Separately, in a 3 to 1 ratio, mix coconut and olive oil. Then combine the oils, lemon juice, starch. On low heat, not boiling, wait until it thickens.
  3. Remove from the stove and cool.
  4. Apply the mask to clean, damp hair, distributing well over the entire length.
  5. Put on a hat and wrap your head in a towel.
  6. After 1.5 hours, rinse with shampoo and dry the strands without a hair dryer.
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Professional Tools - Instructions and Examples

In cosmetics stores there is an assortment of professional products for laminating hair. I will list the drugs that deserve attention.

Sebastian Laminates Cellophanes

A set of laminating agents, volume shampoo and vitamin protein mask.

Apply a laminating composition to the thoroughly washed hair with shampoo using a brush and a comb, then put on a plastic hat. Hold for 15 minutes, periodically warming with a hairdryer to enhance the effect. After rinse and apply the mask for 5-7 minutes.

Means of the company "Hair Company"

Represent two types of laminating products: for straight and curly hair.

The kit includes:

  • Cleansing and revitalizing shampoo.
  • Composition for laminating a hot phase.
  • Composition for lamination of the cold phase.
  • Moisturizing oil.
  • Healing mask.

Instructions for use:

  1. On clean hair, previously washed with shampoo from the same company, a hot phase agent is applied and aged for 10 minutes with heating or 20 minutes without heat exposure.
  2. Then apply the oil included in the kit.
  3. In the second phase, apply the second agent and stand for 5-7 minutes. After washing hair and moisturizing, applying a mask for 10-15 minutes.

Means of the company "Dikson"

Presented by a kit that includes:

  • Nutrient Serum.
  • Firming shampoo.
  • Restorative.
  • Protective fluid.

Instructions for use:

  1. At the first stage, apply serum to dry hair and blow dry.
  2. After that, rinse with shampoo and apply a regenerating complex for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water and use a protective fluid without rinsing.

Estel Series Products

Means of the Estel series are products of a world famous brand, widely used both in professional cosmetology and in home use. All components included in the composition are developed using modern technologies and world standards, which allows them to be used in beauty salons.

Estel lamination products not only have a restorative effect, but also nourish and moisturize hair from roots to ends.

  1. One of the well-known sets is called "Estel iNeo-Crystal". Shampoo not only perfectly cleanses the hair, but also contributes to the effective penetration of laminating components in the subsequent stages.
  2. Gel 3D effect. It is presented in two versions: for damaged hair, for normal curls and with moderate damage. The gel penetrates and restores the structure of curls, forming a protection in the form of a thin film. As a result, the strands become smooth and obedient like silk.
  3. Two-phase fixing lotion. It contains chitosan, which nourishes and moisturizes. In addition, the composition contains keratin, which contributes to the regeneration of the hair structure. The lotion has the effect of more firmly fixing the film formed after using the gel.
  4. Polishing serum used at the end of the procedure. It grinds and polishes the film, creating a smoother structure.

Recommendations for using the Estel iNeo-Crystal Kit

The lamination process includes several main phases:

  1. Clean your hair well, especially oily at the roots. Apply shampoo with massaging movements, then rinse with warm water. Repeat if necessary.
  2. The process of lamination. Apply the gel with a 3D effect, dividing wet hair into small locks. Put on a plastic cap or wrap with a film, creating a thermal effect. You can heat with a hairdryer for 15-20 minutes. After rinse with water and towel dry.
  3. In the third step, apply lotion to wet strands, spreading over the entire length. It does not need to be washed off.
  4. The last phase is the application of fixing serum to dry hair. It can be used before styling.

Lamination by professional means is best done in beauty salons, but if this is not possible, be sure to consult with the master before starting the procedure.

IMPORTANT! The use of laminating kits is possible immediately after hair dyeing. But, not before staining! In this case, the paint pigments do not penetrate the structure of the strands.Video plot

Laminated Hair Care

After the procedure, proper hair care is also necessary! This will help maintain the effect for a long time. To keep the curls healthy longer, you must adhere to the recommendations for care.

  • Immediately after lamination, do not use a hair dryer, curling iron, ironing machine.
  • Use sulfate-free shampoos that have natural ingredients in your composition, protect your hair and scalp, nourish and moisturize.
  • After each shampoo, apply a balm to facilitate combing.
  • Get a comb made from natural materials.
  • Once every 3-4 days, do oil masks.
ATTENTION: Follow the rules when using professional tools. Lamination using natural folk components does not have a long-lasting effect, so it lasts only until the first shampoo.

Opinions of cosmetologists about home lamination

The vast majority of cosmetologists do not recommend lamination at home. In their opinion, the opposite effect may occur and the hair will become brittle and brittle. The procedure is best entrusted to the master.

Beauticians recommend applying the method if the hair:

  • Dry and brittle.
  • The structure is porous.
  • Salt at the roots.
  • Missing volume and shine.
  • Set, damaged by perm.
  • There is electrification.

Lamination is a useful procedure that resuscitates and transforms hair. There is a second type - biolamination. Both methods involve the use of natural ingredients. The difference is that the preparations for conventional lamination contain a protein complex. And biolamenation is the latest Japanese achievement that allows you to create the effect of "smooth silk". As part of its cellulose-containing extracts of avocado, bamboo or dandelion.

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What to choose - go to the salon or do the procedure yourself - everyone’s private affair. It is important to remember that the key to beautiful and healthy hair is proper and regular care.

Watch the video: DIY Hair Lamination Using Gelatin For Dry & Damaged Hair, Split ends & Breakage-Beautyklove (October 2024).

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