How to salt herring at home - 9 step-by-step recipes

How to salt herring at home tasty and fast? Let's look at nine step-by-step recipes for salting herring - from classic to salted slices in mustard brine.

Salted herring is a welcome guest on everyone’s table, a popularly beloved dish. Simple, tasty and nutritious. The fish is served separately in the form of cut pieces with onion rings, used as a filling for pancakes, an addition to boiled potatoes, a component of vinaigrette. The most popular dish of salted fish is a herring under a fur coat. Just a jumble!

To make the herring under a fur coat delicious, use home-made salted fish. This is the best way to protect yourself from salted or stale store products of dubious quality.

How to prepare herring for salting

The best way to defrost herring is natural, without the use of water baths and microwave ovens. Take the fish out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator for the night or for 5-6 hours. To prevent the smell from spreading over the chamber, cover the dish with herring with a tight lid.

When thawing, the blood should have a pink color or a reddish tint. This is a sign of fresh herring. A dark brown liquid and an unpleasant odor are evidence of product damage.

Before cooking, thoroughly (preferably several times) rinse the herring, be sure to remove the gills so as not to get bitter. Substitute it under running water and dry the fish with paper towels. Gutting or not is up to you. Traditionally, herring, salted whole, is considered more delicious. Salting requires a long time (up to 3 days). A gutted fish with removed entrails will be salted in a few hours.

If caviar is caught, do not rush to throw it away. The article presents a recipe for delicious salting of herring caviar.

Classic Salting Recipe

IngredientsServings: - + 10
  • herring 5 pcs
  • salt 5 tbsp. l
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l
  • water 1.5 l
  • bay leaf 4 leaves
  • black pepper, coriander to taste
Calories and BJU per 100 gCalories: 217 kcalProteins: 19.8 gFats: 15.4 gCarbohydrates: 0 gSteps45 min. Video//
  • I'm cooking pickle. I add sugar, coriander, black pepper, lavrushka and salt to the water. I send the pan to the stove. I bring to a boil and turn off the burner.
  • I remove the brine from the stove. I put it to cool down to 30-40 degrees.
  • Gently put herring in a 3-liter jar. I pour the brine that has cooled naturally. Cover with a lid.
  • Salted product will be obtained after 2 days of infusion in a cool place. I pickle for three days.

Tasty and healthy herring home ambassador is ready! Use in cooking various dishes.

Whole salted herring recipe in brine

Tuzluk is a special salt solution. It is artificial and natural. I use the first option with the addition of water.

Salting requires accuracy and composure. Herring is salted whole. Before cooking, check the surface of the herring for damaged areas. To salt in a strong salt solution, the skin of the fish must be intact. Otherwise, you will get an inedible salted product that you have to throw away. Be careful.

  • Water - 1 L
  • Herring - 500 g
  • Salt - 6-7 large spoons
  • Egg - 1 little thing.
How to cook:
  1. I'm cooking brine. I bring a liter of water to a boil. I turn it off.
  2. Add salt. I'm not in a hurry. I put in small portions until the dissolution stops. To check if the brine has reached a sufficient degree of salinity, lower the raw egg. Pops up? Fine. I let the brine cool down.
  3. I remove the gills of thawed fish. I put it in a deep plate.
  4. Immerse the herring in the cooled brine. I leave it for 60 minutes on the table. After an hour, I put it in the refrigerator for 1 day. I serve on the table, catching a fish from brine.

Salting with slices in brine (lightly salted recipe)

  • Herring - 2 pieces of medium size,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Vegetable oil - 1 large spoon,
  • Salt - 1 large spoon
  • Water - 0.5 l.
  1. I wash the fish. I remove the tail, head and fins with scissors. I cut with a knife into pieces. Cut the herring and clean the insides. I carefully inspect every piece, carefully washed.
  2. I spread it on a plate with napkins. I get rid of excess moisture. I'm drying.
  3. I'm cooking pickle. In warm boiled water, I dilute a tablespoon of salt until dissolved.
  4. I spread fish particles in a liter jar. I’m tamping. I clean the onion, cut into rings. Add to herring.
  5. I pour the brine at room temperature. Add vegetable oil on top, as in the salmon salting recipe.
  6. I close the lid. Leave in a dark cool place for 24 hours. After a day, I send for additional salting in the refrigerator. Cooking time - 1 day.

It is better to eat cooked herring right away. Salting with onions does not imply long-term storage.

The simplest and fastest recipe

  • Herring - 2 carcasses,
  • Sugar - 1 large spoon
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon,
  • Ground black pepper - 5 g,
  • Bay leaf (chopped) - 5 g.
  1. Gently gut the fish. I clean the insides, get the gills, remove the head.
  2. I collect clean water in a deep bowl. I send herring there for 60 minutes.
  3. I prepare a mixture of sugar, salt, pepper and chopped parsley.
  4. I catch a fish from the water. Get rid of excess moisture with paper towels.
  5. I evenly rub the fish with the prepared mixture.
  6. Spread on a plate. I carefully wrap it with cling film. I leave it on the kitchen table for 80-120 minutes.
  7. I cut the finished herring into pieces. Dress with vegetable oil and vinegar. I serve on the table.

Salting video

Spicy salted herring with mustard

  • Herring - 1 kg,
  • Mustard powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • Water - 1 L
  • Black pepper - 5 peas,
  • Salt - 4 large spoons
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • Carnation - 4 things,
  • Coriander (grains) - 5 g.
  1. I pre-cleaned and gutted herrings in a large plastic container.
  2. I am preparing a marinade. I add salt to the pan with water, the remaining spices (except for mustard powder). Boiling for two minutes. I clean from the stove. Add mustard powder. I am mixing. I put it to cool.
  3. I pour the cooled marinade to the fish. I clean in the refrigerator for 2 days.

How to salt herring in a jar in a special way

I offer an exquisite culinary recipe in which you can pickle herring by adding lemon juice, garlic and carrots. Cooking is a little more complicated than usual, but the taste is excellent. Be sure to try it!

  • Fresh-frozen herring - 1 big fish,
  • Onions - 1 piece,
  • Lemon - half,
  • Carrots - 1 little thing,
  • Garlic - 2 small cloves,
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces,
  • Allspice - 3 peas,
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • Salt - 3 small spoons
  • Mustard powder - 1 teaspoon.
  1. I put the herring to thaw.
  2. I peel onions and carrots and cut them into thin pieces (half rings and rings).
  3. I pour half the lemon with boiling water. I cut into thin slices, remove the seeds.
  4. I clean the garlic and cut it very thinly. Two cloves recommend taking lovers of fish sharper.
  5. I remove the fins and tail, cut off my head. I turn to the insides. I carefully take it out, cut the herring into even parts. I rinse under running water.
  6. I add black pepper and salt to the mustard powder. For piquancy, I put a small spoonful of granulated sugar.
  7. I take a glass jar. I spread the ingredients in the following order: part of onion with carrot, slices of lemon, garlic cloves, one bay leaf, a mixture of spices, 4 pieces of herring. I repeat several times.
  8. I clean the jar in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  9. Spread the finished dish out of the can. I flavored with vegetable oil. According to this recipe, you can salt mackerel.

To make the juice from the products evenly distributed, shake the jar. During cooking, enough 2-3 times.

Video recipe

Bon Appetit!

Express herring salting in 60 minutes

Guests rush for refreshments, and want to serve salted herring on the table? No panic. Use this recipe if you cook in a limited time. The fish will turn out salted, but tasty.

  • Peeled pieces of herring - 300 g,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Dill - 1 bunch,
  • Sugar - 1 small spoon,
  • Bay leaf - 1 little thing,
  • Onion - 1 medium-sized head,
  • Vinegar, vegetable oil - to taste.
  1. In boiled water (40-50 degrees) stir sugar and salt.
  2. I completely transfer the particles of fish that have been completely cleaned and ready for cooking to the glassware. Pour light brine.
  3. I throw dill and bay leaf.
  4. After 60 minutes I catch pieces of fish. Add vinegar with vegetable oil. Nearby I put a little onion, cut into half rings.

That's all. The cooking process is simple and straightforward.

How to salt herring caviar

A delicious and simple recipe for salting caviar for sandwiches. Cooking does not require much time and additional effort.

  • Herring caviar - 300 g,
  • Water - 300 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 large spoon,
  • Bay leaf - 1 little thing,
  • Salt - 1 large spoon.
  1. Defrosting caviar.
  2. I mix water with salt. Add sunflower oil. Stir again.
  3. I spread the eggs at the bottom of the pan. I pour the ready brine, add the lavrushka. I close the pan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for the night. To get a pronounced salty taste, leave for 1-2 days.
  4. In the morning I take out the dishes from the refrigerator. I take the product out of brine and use it in the preparation of sandwiches.

The recipe for salting caviar without vegetable oil

  • Caviar - 500 g
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Salt - 2 large spoons
  • Lemon - half the fruit,
  • Bay leaf - 1 little thing.
  1. I add salt to warm water. I stir.
  2. I put herring caviar at the bottom of the container. Add lavrushka and sliced ​​slices of fresh lemon. I pour salt brine on top. I close the lid.
  3. I put the container in the refrigerator. Cooking time is one day.

The benefits of herring and caviar

Herring in brine is a rich source of easily digestible protein, a storehouse of useful acids Omega-3. Eating fish in reasonable amounts is a good preventative measure for heart disease. Pieces of herring are rich in different vitamins (A, D, several representatives of the B-group). Herring caviar contains many useful substances, including selenium, iodine, sodium, magnesium.

Contraindication for the use of salted foods (caviar and fish) is the presence of diseases associated with the kidneys and liver. A high salt content is the reason for the increase in the volume of drinking water, so it is better to avoid highly salted foods for people suffering from edema.

Watch the video: How To Make Fish Paste With A Mixer Smooth, BouncySpringyQQ Fish Balls & Fish Cake (October 2024).

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