How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home

The first wrinkles on the face that a girl can observe in her appear at the age of 25 years. These are facial wrinkles resulting from muscle contractions. With age, wrinkles become deeper due to the irreversible aging processes that occur in the body. One of the most problematic areas is the area around the eyes, so it is important to provide her with proper care and effective prevention.

Beauticians have developed many ways to care for the skin around the eyes, which will help to maintain youth and freshness for many years. In our article, I will consider the most effective means to combat both first and deep wrinkles at home.

Preparation and Precautions

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, since it does not have a fat layer, respectively, and care for it should be delicate.

Often, wrinkles around the eyes result from improper care. The mistake is typical for many women - improper makeup removal. Normal washing is not enough, in addition, friction can injure the top layer, stretch or dry.

The second important point - the fight against wrinkles should have a certain algorithm: cleansing, moisturizing and procedural care. Cleansing involves the removal of makeup, washing, moisturizing - the use of creams and gels, and special care is masks, peels, massages, compresses, lotions. All funds must be selected individually to solve specific problems.

Why wrinkles appear around the eyes and under the eyes

There are a number of reasons that provoke the appearance of wrinkles not only around the eyes, but also on the entire face.

  • Aging. Physiological processes are irreversible. With age, it is more difficult for the body to resist negative factors: sagging skin appears, wrinkles deepen due to loss of elastin and collagen.
  • Sun rays. Prolonged exposure to the sun leads to overdrying and destruction of elastin and collagen fibers.
  • Alcohol and smoking. Nicotine and alcohol-containing drinks not only affect the health of internal organs, because our skin is an indicator and diseases are "displayed" on it in the form of age spots, wrinkles.
  • Poor facial.
  • Refusal of glasses for visual impairment.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Oxygen deficiency.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Sleep disturbances, lack of sleep, frequent stress.
  • Toxins
  • Overwork.
  • Using low-quality cosmetics.
  • Intense expression of emotions through facial expressions.

Each of these reasons, as well as a combination of several, can lead to a deterioration of the skin around the eyes.

Effective folk remedies for wrinkles

For the prevention and elimination of wrinkles, there are many folk recipes.


The result of the masks will be if you do them 2-3 times a week. There are many recipes, I will consider the three most popular.

  • Protein mask. To prepare, you will need 2 egg whites, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, vitamin E. Apply a thin layer for 20 minutes.
  • The mask of cucumber. Rub the cucumber on a coarse grater, add vitamin A, a few drops of lemon juice, a spoonful of almond oil. The mixture is applied around the eyes (even on the whole face). After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
  • Potato mask. Raw potatoes are grated and mixed with cream in equal parts. The product is applied around the eyes for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.
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To prepare grassy ice, pour a decoction of chamomile or green tea into molds and leave it in the freezer. Start the morning by rubbing the eyelids with grass ice, clockwise. In a week you can see the results. Cryomassage should not last more than a minute. After it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream. If you have vision problems, refrain from the procedure.

Milk and Herb Compresses

Early wrinkles are most often triggered by dry skin, so you can solve the problem with milk or herbal compresses. To do this, moisten the cotton pads in a liquid, wring out excess and apply to the eyelids for 5 minutes. After the compress, additionally moisturize with face cream.

Olive and Essential Oils

Perfectly help to cope with wrinkles. To care for the delicate skin of the eyelids, base oils are used - olive, peach, almond, apricot. For women after 40, essential drops in the amount of a few drops can be added to the base ones.

Aloe juice

A wonderful folk remedy that perfectly moisturizes the eyelids. To obtain a visible result, the eyelids are lubricated with aloe juice every evening after washing.


This tool was also used by our grandmothers. They made lotions of chamomile, rosemary, peppermint, which perfectly refreshed the skin. Lotions were made using sponges dipped in decoctions. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.


Especially effective in eliminating wrinkles show funds with vitamins A, C, E and hyaluronic acid. Creams, serums and gels with these components refresh the skin, help the production of collagen, increase elasticity, and slow down the aging process.

These methods are available to everyone, and most of the ingredients can be found in the kitchen or in the nearest pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical preparations and creams

On the shelves of pharmacies there are many tools that help restore youth and beauty. Such drugs are inexpensive, and their effectiveness has been tested by women of different ages and generations.

MeansFeatures of use, brief information about the drugBenefits
Vitamins AEvitIt can be applied internally and applied externally to the skin of the eyelids. It is sold in the form of capsules, which makes their application more convenient. Can be added to milk thistle oil or sea buckthorn.Tone, heal, restore, reduce wrinkles.
Retinoic OintmentEnriched with Vitamin A.Tones the eyelids.
Radevit ointmentA real cocktail of vitamins A, E, D.It takes care of the skin, protects it.
Vitamin FEffectively affects the skin.Makes wrinkles less pronounced.
GlycerolOrganic remedy. Apply a thin layer to the skin around the eyes.It softens the skin, slows down the aging process, moisturizes, promotes regeneration, and has a healing effect.
Petroleum jellyVoskopodobny means for external use.Keeps moisture in the skin, protects from wind.
DimexideAnti-inflammatory for joints. It can be combined with Solcoseryl: Dimexide is applied first, and after a few minutes, Solcoseryl.It brings the metabolism of the eyelids back to normal.
Hydrocortisone ointmentHormonal anti-inflammatory drug. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor.Helps maintain moisture at the cellular level.
LyotonDecongestant drug, which is used for varicose veins.Smoothes wrinkles around the eyes.
Relief OintmentContains shark fat. It should be applied in the morning and evening after washing.Restores aging skin, improves blood circulation.
Heparin ointmentHas a resolving property. Used for hemorrhoids.Normalizes blood circulation, restores mature skin.
Troxevasin ointmentApplied with varicose veins to relieve swelling.Relieves swelling on the eyelids and reduces wrinkles.

All pharmacy products, with the exception of vitamins, are used only after consultation with a doctor and prior familiarization with the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the section on contraindications and constituent components.

In the table below, I reviewed the popular wrinkle cream for buyers around the eyes. They have a reasonable price and good reviews.

Cream nameResults after applicationCost
Clean line "Perfect skin"Applied from 20 years. Natural basis. It promotes hydration, neutralization of fine wrinkles, has a brightening effect, which is very important for those who are familiar with the problem of circles under the eyes.About 100 rubles
Green Mom "Schisandra and Parsley"It has natural ingredients, antioxidants. Tones up the skin, helps to reduce circles and puffiness. Provides protection from exposure to sunlight.About 200 rubles
Garnier "Anti-aging Care"Suitable for those over 30. Reduces wrinkles.About 250 rubles
D'olivaReduces wrinkles, and makes pronounced less deep. Improves skin color under the eyes. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, olive oil, antioxidants, a liposome complex, as well as caffeine.About 800 rubles
Uriage IsoFillIt has a positive effect on the contours of the eyelids. A complex of biologically active components provides inhibition of aging processes, helps collagen to be produced, and reduces crow's feet.About 800 rubles
Shiseido Eyelid "Benefiance"For women age 35 and over. Provides comprehensive care: first, softner is applied, and after that - serum and cream of the same brand. The effect of the application is noticeable: skin tightened, moisturized, wrinkles less.About 3,500 rubles
Cream-gel "Bark"It is based on shea butter, as well as olive oil, extracts of parsley and cornflower, caffeine. Reduces puffiness, reduces wrinkles, tones.About 400 rubles

Cosmetological methods

Procedures in beauty salons are not cheap, but their effectiveness is visible almost immediately. Some methods can get rid of superficial wrinkles even in one session. I will consider the most effective ways.


They help to solve the problems of age-related changes by introducing substances in the dermis that smooth wrinkles and increase elasticity.


Active chemical peels eliminate wrinkles around the eyes. The peculiarity of such a procedure is to apply funds with a surface effect on the dermis.

Organic Acid Masks

Such products improve the condition of the skin, smooth wrinkles. But the visible effect is possible only after 12 procedures.

Hardware cosmetology

Previously, wrinkles were removed with a laser and dermobraziya. Now the range of procedures is much wider:

  • Microcurrent therapy. An impulse current of insignificant frequency with a low amplitude penetrates tissues and improves the functioning of cells.
  • RF lifting. Thermal exposure promotes skin tightening.
  • Fractional laser. Soft treatment of the skin with a multitude of rays that penetrate the dermis to a depth of 1 mm.


Substances that are introduced into the skin contribute to the production of collagen and elastin. The procedure is carried out every month.


Introduction to the skin by injection of hyaluronic acid, which increases the elasticity of the skin. The procedure is effective, but can cause adverse reactions.

Botulinum therapy

Our eyelids are directly connected to the circular muscle. If wrinkles occur, botulinum toxin is injected into it. The substance promotes muscle relaxation and reduces wrinkles. The effect lasts for 6 months. In this case, side reactions may appear in the form of asymmetry of facial features, inhibition of the facial muscles and accelerate skin aging processes.


Drugs are administered to eliminate wrinkles and circles under the eyes. Effectiveness is proven, but adverse reactions occur quite often.

Surgical methods

Plastic surgery is a radical method of dealing with age-related changes: the skin becomes smooth, swelling and bruising disappear. The risks are significant and there are many contraindications, since the procedure is done under general anesthesia.

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Which method is best for women of different ages

To properly assess the condition of the skin and choose an effective tool or method to combat wrinkles, you need to visit a professional cosmetologist. He will take into account your age, features, skin condition. For example, in some girls at the age of 20, the eyelids, and indeed the entire face, may have a stale look with already expressed wrinkles. There are also reverse cases: when a woman of a mature age looks very youthful and there are enough supportive cosmetics for the beauty of her skin.

In traditional cases, in the period from 20 to 25 years, a light gel for the eyelids corresponding to age is enough (there is always a mark on the package, for example, 20+ or ​​"For young skin"). Typically, these products protect against ultraviolet radiation, wind, moisturize and saturate the skin with vitamins. To solve specific problems, for example, dark circles, you can buy a cream or gel with a brightening effect. To maintain beauty and freshness, home-made masks are also suitable.

  • After the age of 25 years, the first facial wrinkles appear, which become noticeable to others. That is why there is a need for the use of creams with more active components and a smoothing effect. The principle of choosing a product remains the same: pay attention to information from the manufacturer. After 25, you can visit a beautician to conduct gentle procedures to combat the first signs of aging.
  • Age 30-35 + includes not only funds with active ingredients, but also systematic care using serums, masks and salon procedures.
  • Women who are 40-45 years old will have to work more actively on their appearance. In this period, cosmetologists, based on individual problems, can recommend beauty injections with vitamins, hyaluronic acid or mesotherapy.
  • 50 years is considered the period when aging processes are activated, so not only potent drugs will be needed, but also cosmetic procedures. A cosmetologist can offer more radical methods, for example, plastic surgery.
  • Naturally, the older a woman becomes, the more time, effort and money will be needed to prolong youth and beauty. It is difficult to save here, as anti-aging products and methods are quite expensive. But, proper skin care from a young age will help maintain freshness and slow down aging.

Features of getting rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the nose

One of the problem areas in which deep wrinkles form is the area between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose. The arrogant muscle is spasmodic due to active facial expressions and as a result, the skin loses its beauty. The appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows is easier to prevent than to eliminate. For this, facebuilding is recommended - gymnastics for the face. Exercises are developed by specialists and help not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also get rid of existing ones. It is necessary to do gymnastics every day, but at the same time it is combined with the right comprehensive care and a healthy lifestyle.

Another tip - be sure to wear sunglasses on the beach, special glasses in the solarium and for working at the computer.

Do not forget about multivitamin complexes, which are drunk with courses several times a year, especially during the off-season.

Intensive methods to combat wrinkles between the eyebrows - injections with active ingredients to restore smoothness and elasticity.

Opinions and reviews of doctors about home remedies for wrinkles

Dermatologists are advised to ensure that the struggle for beauty does not become more important than their own health. Many women, in pursuit of eternal youth, are ready to use dubious means, the advertising of which promises to get rid of wrinkles. As a result, beautiful ladies get skin problems in the form of allergic reactions.

You should not risk your life when choosing plastic surgery if there are contraindications.It is better to give preference to systematic traditional care with the use of anti-aging creams or narrowly targeted products.

Another important recommendation from dermatologists: trust the beauty of your skin only to professional cosmetologists in order to avoid negative consequences after the procedures.

Wrinkle Prevention

There are several key recommendations for improving the condition of the skin around the eyelids:

  • Wash with cool water, you can apply contrasting wash.
  • Wipe the skin around the eyes with grass ice cubes.
  • Remove makeup before bedtime with special products.
  • Apply creams and gels according to your age and skin needs.
  • Change cosmetics every four months.
  • Go in for sports.
  • Breathe in the fresh air.
  • Eat right. Reduce the amount of caffeine sodas.
  • Stop smoking. Nicotine adversely affects beauty.
  • Wear glasses from the sun, for the computer, when visiting the solarium, with visual impairment.
  • Observe sleep mode. Choose the right pillow (preferably orthopedic).
  • Take care of your health: pay attention to chronic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Drink more fluids.
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These rules will force many to reconsider their lifestyle and make adjustments. If you are serious about their implementation, you can see the positive changes.

Self-love is not about doing what one wants. The meaning of this expression is to take care of yourself, health, appearance, self-development. Love your skin: follow the regimes, use high-quality cosmetics, avoid stress, rest and relax, visit a beautician.

Watch the video: STOP WRINKLES and LOOK YOUNGER DO'S and DON'Ts about UNDER EYE CARE routine Blushwithme-Parmita (October 2024).

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