Fusion style: modern and practical

If it so happened that you find yourself in a bored and monotonous space called “Stalin”, “Khrushchev”, where there is nothing to linger on your eyes, rest, do not despair, the fusion style will help transform and decorate your life. What is fusion, its features There are many styles in architecture and interior design that optimally realize the ideas of a shocking person, which emphasize his unique character, sophisticated and extraordinary taste. ...
  • What are the built-in wardrobes, and their features

    One of the popular options for furniture are considered to be built-in structures. They select a minimum of usable area, occupy the area specifically designated for furniture, and compensate for the visual perception and architectural features of the room. Convenient and functional built-in closet can be placed in a decorative niche, close to the wall, create an angular structure. ...
  • How to grow young from seeds at home? Useful tips for gardeners

    Thawed (translated from Latin “eternally alive”) is a perennial succulent of the family Tolstyankovye. A stone rose, as they call it young, is an unpretentious plant that can survive in any conditions. Succulents are usually grown outdoors. But at home on the windowsills it feels good, easily takes root and coexists with other plants. ...
  • Aqua style or how to apply water in the interior?

    Nowadays, the so-called aqua style is becoming more and more famous and attractive - a design direction in which water is actively used. This set of design techniques is most often competently woven into the canvas of one or another main interior design. As a rule, the urban environment of hi-tech and minimalism successfully combines with water elements in the decoration of the premises. ...
  • Step-by-step manufacturing of a simple pendulum chair made of wood or metal

    It is always difficult to choose gifts for the elderly, because many of them are conservatives and are wary of the new-fangled achievements of scientific and technological progress. A win-win case in this case will be a pendulum chair - the original product can be purchased at the factory or made independently at home, using inexpensive materials at hand. ...
  • It is easy and clear about milkweed breeding at home and outdoor cultivation

    The diversity of milkweed species is difficult to imagine for an inexperienced look: more than 1,500 samples growing in different parts of our planet - from Africa to central Russia. Trees, shrubs, annual and perennial grasses - for a detailed description of each, you will need more than one foot of paper and not one hour of time. ...
  • Characteristics of radish French breakfast. Variety features, pros and cons, growing rules

    Variety "French breakfast" is one of the most popular varieties of radish among gardeners. It has a short ripening period of root crops, good taste, unpretentiousness and ease of care. The plant is also versatile. It can grow in open and protected areas, and is also recommended for sowing in various regions of Russia. ...
  • Options for wardrobes double-wing, their important features

    It is hardly possible today to find at least one apartment without a closet - it is not only a roomy storage for clothes, but also a stylish accessory in any interior. The most popular product is a double-wing wardrobe, available in several variations, with its own configuration characteristics. ...
  • How to hang a photo on the wall: win-win options with a sense of style and beauty

    Even the most modest apartment by square meters may seem empty, and even the most avid supporters of minimalism periodically dream of embellishing it with something. There is no single scheme for hanging photographs, however, some rules will help you navigate in an abundance of options. Someone follows them, someone violates, and we suggest choosing your perfect composition, inspired by a selection of interiors in the photo. ...
  • Bankruptcy - what it is: the concept and types of insolvency + the main signs and stages (stages) of the bankruptcy procedure

    Hello, dear readers of the RichPro.ru business magazine! Today we’ll talk about bankruptcy, what it is, what stages and stages of a bankruptcy procedure exist, on what grounds bankruptcy is determined, and the possible consequences of this procedure for legal entities and individuals. From the article you will learn: What is bankruptcy (insolvency); What actions are performed at each stage of the bankruptcy procedure; What is the essence of fictitious bankruptcy and what is its difference from intentional bankruptcy; What are the options for the consequences of bankruptcy. ...
  • Laminated flooring

    Since the beginning of the 90s, laminated parquet, as an alternative to other floor coverings, was introduced by a Swedish company. Prior to this, starting in 1923, this type of material was used for the production of decorative countertops, tables and other household items. For many years, the technology improved and in 1977 the idea came to manufacturers to start the production of laminated flooring. ...
  • Rules for arranging furniture in rooms with different sizes

    In the process of arranging an apartment or house, the question arises: how to arrange furniture in a room? It depends on the functional capabilities of furniture structures, the configuration and size of the room, the presence of windows and many other factors. Modern designers use computer programs for these purposes. ...
  • All about the winter round black radish: how it differs from other species, when and how to plant other nuances

    Radish is not just a vegetable, but a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and minerals that can protect your body from colds. And the winter black round radish is superior in utility to the other representatives of its kind. The article tells in detail what kind of root crop it is, what its value and shortcomings are, what are the differences from other “relatives”, what are they used for, as well as planting, care and harvesting, including the fight against diseases and pests. ...
  • Alder furniture, photo options

    Modern manufacturers create original furniture from very diverse materials: plywood, particleboard, MDF, plastic, metal. However, the classic option is natural wood furniture. The furniture sets made of alder wood are incredibly popular. We offer to find out how beautiful, functional and elegant alder color of a photo furniture can be, as well as read tips from experienced designers on combining such furniture with room decoration. ...
  • Multifloral beauties - polyanthus roses. Photos, instructions for growing from seeds, care tips

    The variety of classes and varieties of roses is fascinating and impressive. Weaving, miniature, hybrid tea, floribunda ... Dozens, hundreds of excellent varieties and varieties! There is a place for beauty lover of this stunning flower. Polyanthus roses look bright and dignified among this luxurious abundance. ...
  • Mount Pilatus in Switzerland

    Mount Pilatus deserves a place of honor on the list of must-see places in Switzerland. Fans of outdoor activities will find a lot of decent entertainment here, and lovers of pristine nature will appreciate the local beauty. And if you decide to conquer this magnificent mountain, you should find out what it is and what events await you at its peaks. ...
  • How to save money fast - 30 secrets of saving

    In the article, we consider the subtleties of the accumulation of money. In it I will share tips and secrets on how to save money quickly for an apartment or car. Information is useful in life, but first we’ll get acquainted with the main idea. According to experts, in order to accumulate a certain amount, it is necessary to save, make lists of upcoming purchases and take a number of other measures. ...